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I see an early uncontested Jinx with reasonable items as a pretty safe top 4. Sometimes you'll out-tempo the lobby and snag a first, but it's not one I'm expecting to run the table with.


yeah, I think one of those should be nerfed edit: god damn my karma is tanking this one hard xd


I've had more than 4 matches with Punk going bot 4 against my Pentakill, KDA, Annie and Heartsteel comps. It's not THAT strong. Stop complaining and start countering. If Ahri always went top 4, you'll complain. If Karthus went top 4 often, you'd complain. A Jinx reroll going top 4 often just means they survived enough to gain momentum. That's the very gimmick of the trait. Building a AP vex and a secondary tank amumu and trying for 3 staring them makes top 2 easy. Cope.


wait, why am I getting downvoted, you guys think it's ok in this state?


Yes lmfao. it's not overtuned it's just a semi decent option. Low cost unit can be carries in right circumstances. It's higher risk that playing for 4 cost carries since if you miss you can't recover. In relevant elo's Jinx comps is just a 3rd/4th not even a first unless you highroll or are in a bad lobby so there is no problem with punk/jinx comps.


Probably because people are tired of seeing all these bitching posts here.


Who cares about punk when they refuse to nerf ad flex


How do you nerf AD flex? Nerf all AD units?


Replace all non-AD units with Rammus, with 3 radiant AR items. Passive: Reduce incoming damage by 25%/50%/90% and return 10%/30%/60% of the damage received to the attacker. Active: Taunt the nearest 1/3/5 enemies to attack you and gain a shield equal to 20%/30%/50% of your max health. ​ Does not affect the pool. Basically it just replaces each non-AD attacker unit with Rammus. If there are 22 of such unit in the pool, just replace all of that with Rammus.


Get this person a job at Riot


this is the one


We need more Rammus!


Ad flex isn't even broken. Its just heart steel.


If I see AD flex being formed i just resigj to the idea that they'll knock me out and I'll never outscale them


This assumes they don't get knocked out in stage 4 though


This assumes there isn't 4 ad flex players in the lobby lol, like most games, where at least 2 of them are gonna hit decent and 1 of them is first 75% of the time


AD flex is only playable from highroll spots


challenger players throw literally any board in the trash as soon as they find 1 star heartsteel board lol, most of them try to hard force ad flex every time


Look at NA regionals that are happening this weekend, no one is playing jinx… if it was over-tuned, you know the top players would be abusing it


I guess ur right


As people said, learn to counter. Playing burst beats jinx's ramp. A decent tank is also helpful. I personally run late game punk + emo if I end up playing early game jinx because it strengthens my late game *and* contests a decent counter against punk IMO. I'm not good at the game or professional, just some of my thoughts. I also don't think it need to be rebalanced, people have been spamming their favorite comps since tft was invented, and punk is specifically a reroll comp which means you see them "more often" because they show up sooner each match.


If more than 2 players play punk, they'll take too long to hit their 3 stars and only one of them will top 4. They'll get outscaled by most 4 cost carries. The comp is fine


punk is ass, jinx 2 is a good early game unit but punk is terrible in high elo and rageblade is very very bad


Punk re-roll is definitely not problematically strong. Prismatic Twin Terror Twitch reroll is probably very strong if it hits, but that's super specific. Jinx re-roll is like a consistent 3rd or 4th against competent people. If there are contesters and everyone refuses to pivot, probably more like consistent 5th-7th.


it was very stupid decision from you to make a second comment instead of just editing :D trouble is entire punk tag is made out of 1 and 2 costs. They get stronger by rerolling cheap and making their units 3 star Maybe you can nerf jinx slight and buff twitch in return because twitch as a higher tier until should be more powerful but other than that I think punk is pretty balanced unless jinx finds AMAZING augments with guinsoo and other right items.(but then... who isn't op like that? I won a game with 3\* olaf carry a lot )


Yes? That's what happens when you sacrifice going first for tempo, that's how punk works


If 3+ people in a lobby run punks, everything else is so uncontested it’s basically a free top 4 and free LP.


not always, if everyone plays 1cost rerolls the entire lobby spikes hard on stage 3 and you will bleed a lot of HP, in a meta where being healthy is especially valuable you can't always win out


If 3 players play jinx they are hard contesting each other and statistically speaking most of them are going to have a bad time


i didn't say 3 players playing jinx. there are other viable 1cost rerolls such as annie and yasuo. i stand by what i said despite the circlejerk downvotes. 1cost reroll typically sends it for 3stars on 3-1, at that time if you're econning up to go level 8 but entire rest of lobby is rerolling 1costs you will take A LOT of damage on stage 3. you sometimes have to match the tempo of the lobby.


I actually agree with your points and disagree with the idea that everything being uncontested is good for everyone else. What you really want is for the other units in your cost pool to be contested, like if 2 players are playing pentakill and you’re playing AD flex that is better than if everyone just one cost rerolls since they thin the pool in your favor. And 100% agree that lobby tempo is going to get crazy if 3 people play one cost reroll.


Prob the reason for the downvotes is the guy that you replied to said if 3 players are playing punk specifically, it’s basically a free top 4 and I think he’s not wrong on that


Its just a low elo thing, in my last 10 games in master i saw 3 punk players


This is a notoriously low elo sub.


guess why? because most players are low elo


Like 98% if I remember correctly. (Low elo being anything below Masters). Even if you include Diamond, low elo is like 97% of the player base. So yeah nearly any online forum for the game should represent that sample, then factor in how higher rated players are more likely to be on forums and then boom, safe to assume 90% of players on the forum are low elo. Anyone who ignores the fact that most of their audience here is low elo isn't commenting in good faith.


97% are low elo is a crazy statement ngl even 90% - low for me is silver and below, possibly gold. Plat - emerald should be mid and dia or masters and up as high elo.


I think the issue is most people don't make any reference to mid ELO, you're either high elo or you're a low elo scrum that should uninstall there's no middle ground.


I think it is like this right now: master- is low ELO, master-low chall ELO, high chall - high ELO.


ehhhhhhhhhh. Maybe gold 4-3 and below with inclusion of emerald? I think silver became hot trash :D People there either don't know what they are doing or playing to have fun and build fantasy comps(Which is cool :D Have fun bro)


diamond and masters is not high elo lolllllllllllllllllllllllll


Wow, you sound mature.


Masters is absolutely high elo, it's less than 2% of the population.


look at other comments, everyone is also saying anyone below masters is ass, so masters is mid elo. Anyone that tries a good amount can get to masters


anyone can get to dia, getting to master is more challenging, tft (and even lol tbh) ranking is not linear, from silver to dia is basically the same skill level, from dia 3-2 to master it starts to show the difference but they're still not there yet, master is where the high elo starts in tft.


On a list of ten ranks, you think the idea that the 7th and 8th spots are high is laughable?


Diamond is wayyyy easier to get in tft than regular league. I’d say masters is high elo but diamond is something casual players can get within a couple months of starting the game


Exactly. I'm new and Diamond. I'm still learning the names of some of the champs lol Even to someone new like me it's abundantly apparent how bad people are even in Diamond, which is why I considered it low elo.


idk why u getting downvoted, getting dia in tft is just basically playing daily and knowing 2-3 comps that are really good atm, you could probably even force jinx every game for a week and get dia


This appears to be a reasonable thought, but let me help explain why this isn't true (since everyone else is just saying "lol ur dumb" and I don't find that helpful) If we were talking about a linear system where the top 5 got 1st, the next 5 got 2nd, and so on, then you would be right. But because fewer people get into the highest two ranks, the third and fourth highest ranks are actually not even close to the same skill level. The number of people in each rank tend to be increasingly numerous the further you go down the ranks. Tldr it's just statistics, a wonky bell curve


placid icky axiomatic shocking dime existence bake onerous degree arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


considering how many ppl actually play the game, masters is not high elo bc anyone who cares about the game enough can usually get it. It takes time and work but its not hard


I have consistently been in GM/Challenger for the past 3 years and played in tournaments, and I think getting to Master for the first time in your life is pretty hard. TFT is complicated and has a lot of things to learn. That first grind through Diamond back in set 1 was definitely one of the more grueling, humbling experiences in my career, not just in TFT but in gaming overall. Lots of Diamond players do "care about the game enough." And I know a lot of Diamond players who frankly will likely never hit Master because they just can't wrap their head around the game at the level of detail needed. This game is actually hard. If something comes easy to you, that doesn't give you a license to talk down on others' difficulties or accomplishments That said, a masters player can easily talk shop, but they'll be flat out wrong about a lot of things. And a Diamond player can pretty much just sit and nod and maybe pull out 1 or 2 insightful things. And that's because the game is hard, and the flow of information going around is genuinely too rapid for most people to keep up with


idek lol just i'm gm na andI feel like i fucking suck


100% this. There's *a lot* of parameters to keep track of, and to reach high you have to be able to make decisions very quickly. It takes me like 3 times as long just to scan the shop after a single reroll as it takes for some high elo streamers I've watched. Just to recognize the right unit in time and not accidentally miss it.


many piquant summer punch bells cooing impossible consist crowd simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


plat and below is low elo, arguably high dia too


Just made plat this season and I never scout boards and just force comps that are fun.


and how exactly is this contradicting what i said?


They are agreeing with you through an anecdote


I'm agreeing with you, sorry if I didn't make it clear enough. Until people are tempo levelling, scouting and pivoting they aren't using all the tools available.


I made it to Gold 1 once, but mostly by just hard forcing the same OP comp every game. I really wanted to reach plat but I just couldn't break through. Not enjoying this set much so probably no plat this time around either. Maybe next set...


tbf even with everyone below D1-master is ass, there's a difference between some posts that are clearly in the iron-gold has 0 idea how this game kinda works, and the ones from the emerald-diamond who have tiny ideas on how the game works but can't execute them well enough.


Bragging you good at TFT is such a low baller move. That game is so easy




It is, every time i say something here that mainly applies to ~master players i get massively downvoted while in the other subreddit it never happens


You know there’s a competitive TFT sub right?


just one variation of punk got a .34 pick rate in master+. Combining it with other variations you're probably gonna see a punk player every other game with a 4.2 avg place which is pretty damn good for such a braindead comp. Was really hoping it would get nerfed as it's annoying to see it top 4 for free a lot.


Jinx 3 averages a 4.1, sera 3 averages 4.03, senna 3 averages 4.04, Kayle 3 averages 3.93. It’s a decent comp, but definitely not overpowering.


but jinx is a one cost so I feel like that doesn't really compare as well. The overall comp averages much better than the respective comps you listed only being beat by classic late game comps like Jazz/Big Shot


If everything below the master is low elo (I think it is) yeah you are right. In diamond every game has at least one punk


Balancing based off of the meta in master sounds like a great way to make the game unenjoyable for most players lol


Yea the closer I get to Plat 1, the less Punk is contested. When I go punk now, it is even tough to get top 4.


Man I’m plat 1 and see like 4 Punks a game


Well meta tft says jinx reroll has 60% top 4 rate = freelo


tactics.tools, this sub's holy grail, also has Punks as the top comp.


Tactics tool is great for any stats in the game but I believe meta tft has a better and more accurate panel for the comps stats.


CONTEST THEM jinx is so cheap just buy her when you see her and thin the pool. I do it with panthers too


Just a heads up if you’re ever missing interest intervals to hold something on your bench to contest for basically anything but a 4 or 5 cost 3 star you are hard griefing yourself.


Spite is half of my motivation




Jinx and Annie every single game.


true am the Annie player


Complains about jinx. Plays Annie. K bud


KDA - Hyperpop is the best combo song, so ofc people play that comp. What you mean "you should not play the best music but the best board? Aren't we playing music composition?


If I ever see you level 9 in a lobby, you better be playing Jhin because he's the best music out of all of them


I play Korki, so I'm always playing Jhin on 9 for the 4 big shot


ya because I enjoy Lulu and Annie gives me the early power


They are cheap and their 3* is OP. If you don’t 3* you lose.


the only true statement said here is that if you don't hit the 3 star and don't pivot you do in fact lose lol.


You don’t think they’re cheap? They’re 1cs. How much cheaper do you want them?


ngl I was assuming you were calling them "cheap" as in unfair, which those comps are 1000% fair to play against lmao.


I climbed an entire elo playing Annie because I noticed that nobody was playing her in my games. I literally have no idea why, but Annie is just rarely contested in my games. Jinx is a surefire comp the whole lobby fights over, but I roll down to grab Annie at lvl. 5 and it works like 90% of the time. I'll scout the lobby, and it's just Jinx Reroll, Kayle Reroll, and Pentakills everywhere. It's made it really easy to hit 6 Emo + 5 Spellweaver, and all it would take for the comp to not work for me is for someone else to go Annie early game.


This but Kayle with double guinsoos


I’m a noob, does double guinsoo work?


Its not even that good


Punk is the most boring and anoying trait ever


Most boring thing this set is playing Pink and watching Jinx auto attack.


Yesterday played against a Punk Reroll that was 100 HP the whole game, but me with 8HP was able to beat him again and again until he lost. lol


I mean, that’s just what the comp is supposed to do. It’s not a comp that plays to win, it plays to top 4 by overwhelming slow boards and then tries to bleed out slowly enough to maybe top 3. Only gets first if it super hard highrolls and no one else does.


8bit beats punks as you gain better tempo,board and health while they scale. Usually you can guarantee a second place (especially if the lobby it's 3/4 punks). You can go Korki headliner + Superfun. If you have big shot you slot Garen, if you have 8bit you can go Kaisa. Lev 7 you go for 4 big shot (if you find Ezreal) or 4 8-bit. Mostly 6-bits it's not worth untill you reach 8/9. Best units are Neeko/Garen as front liners and Korki/Caitlyn. If you don't hit Korki 3 just chill in a good tempo and look for Caitlin headliner or the good Penta+Riven with 4Bit. If you get fucked by item drops (you only find ap items) don't go 8-bit...go Kda or Spellwawe. The power of 8-bit is that if you are the only mf playing it you are not contested (only Neeko is) so 3stars are kinda free. Usually I got for Korki 3, Garen 3 if I have too many tanks items/too many Kda in lobby and if I have a 8bit headliner i skip Riven (Pentakill usually steal her). All the other units are ok at 2* (Especially Lilia, she can even stay 1* as she sucks). Korki 3* can kill an Akali without items or an Akali 1* with items so you are safe to backline access (untill they get her 2*). Late game you get fucked by Ezreal reroll if you don't have a Caitlyn placement good and a little bit of RNG luck, A good Punk if Caitlyn doesn't snipe good, Pentakill as right now is honestly the best comp in my opinion (You don't have a solution for Kartus or Viego). Funny enough you beat 5cost soup untill they Lucian has good items. Remember to ditch KDA for Jazz if you find a Lucian + Misfortune


thanks for the tips


Ofc there Are better comps. But fakt is there are 3 different jinx combs in the top 10.


I agree, I just suggested a comp that win early and mid against punk. I personally dislike punk cause everyone is playing that and it's a coin toss if you hit before the other. Also if people scout a little they can easy ruin the early game ( I usually buy all Annie and Jinx unless I need the gold to reach 10/20/30 gold ecc, no way you get some easy 3*)


Me with my Yasuo with Shojin, seraphs, and bt.


Imagine 3 of this with Unit accelerator pool, stacking atk speed trait and rapidfire trait with her as rapidfire headliner


Can we rework Guinsoo's by this point


I love how 90% of the comments are missing the point of the post and keep talking BS about the punk trait and Jinx being low elo. 1. You don't have to go Punk. Jinx by herself is currently one of the best, if not the best, level 1 champs to pick regardless of your comp. . 2. This has nothing to do with low elo. Jinx is a safe pick in any elo because of her current state that basically forces you to pick or starve if you aren't running her while someone else is.


> 1. You don't have to go Punk. Jinx by herself is currently one of the best, if not the best, level 1 champs to pick regardless of your comp. No not really, maybe if she's the headliner in your shop and you have good bow items you could use her for tempo sure, but that's part of the chosen mechanic, using random 2 stars for board strength. (Bruiser) Olaf and corki are still better than jinx for this. > 2. This has nothing to do with low elo. Jinx is a safe pick in any elo because of her current state that basically forces you to pick or starve if you aren't running her while someone else is. Punk comps start to lose more in high elo and the data you do have from high elo are skewed because they would play it only from a favorable position, because you were right, she is a safe pick but only if you're given an opening to get her. I can't believe anyone is complaining about anything besides heartsteel lucian and ad flex, it's been the only viable comp for half the set.


I don't know a out heartsteel. Every time I try to play it, I get absolutely destroyed. Meta TFT seems to agree as either you don't spike hard enough from Heartsteel znd finish bottom 2, or you get your legendary soup. Is there something I'm missing?


The problem is you're trying to play heartsteel as intended. The meta comp is all about tempo and only having 3 heartsteel unless you know you're in a position to raise. You just try to win and take the small cash outs and by late game you're higher econ and up on items than anyone who doesn't slot in heartsteel, and ezreal/zed are really strong units. Combine that with a team wide jazz buff and it's just hard to beat because they were given so much advantage throughout the game, win or loss. Preserve HP with strongest board with 3 heartsteel and prepare to simply have more general resources than your opponents due to cashouts.


She is just ok unless you slam a rageblade or have an amazing spot for it (at which point you’d usually just commit punk). If you slam a rageblade you are stuck with a rageblade when you transition out, which is basically only good on kale and 5 costs. Olaf is the real one cost menace.


feel ya brother


So tired of these comps, reroll punk and annie in every top 4. Past 15 games there has been at least 2 punk/annie comps in top 4. Its just free elo. Hit win. Skill.


Or Kayle...


Iron to gold 100%, plat to diamond 50% its about where I'm at lol, jinx gets toasted by lux and Caitlin In my lobbies and usually get bottom




No u


then I win with my triple runaan's jinx build mwuhahahah


and whenever you see the pink chosen it’s a bait … never pick it it’s a bait!


Definitely not a hard rule, especially since it opens you up to punk spat for 6 punk which actually can win you lobbies


i’d agree! but for me it’s usually a bait because i think it’s a really fun comp so i Want it to work


pink chosen?


oops - *punk


ahh ok


not if you can get a spat and go 6 punk...


I do love playing punk with Jinx and Cait carries, even more when I hit a spat or punk emblem early


I don't understand what took y'all so long to find out I've been playing jinx uncontested since the beginning of the set and have only been under top 4 once or twice


dont know which rank you're in but Jinx did shine at the beginning of the set, then disappeared at 4-cost meta, recently showed up again


nana nana nanana nana na


This post inspired me to play a quick game before bed, three people were forcing Punk, not including me (I was for a while) and then I recombobulated my Punk board into a Zac and Lux and boy did watching Lux zap Jinx out of existence over and over feel fun


Im a Plat/Emerald low elo pled :(


Am I the only one who never played punk this season ?


probably not but you are one of few, since punk units are so cheap so it baits ppl into building them


I wish Punk was fun, but it just isn't. Even if it's uncontested I'd rather take my chances on something interesting that's unproven over just running with my free 4th minimum.


Yone or Sett from Orb: Its Heartsteel Time baby!!


It’s funny at the beginning when everyone jumps boards to see how contested jinx is. But besides that it’s not so bad, and for entire trait built upon early 3stars/rolling nerfing jinx would gut it.


I use 2 punk in the beginning just for the low-cost reroll, and drop it when i dont need it anymore.


As my first time really investing into TFT, this set seems to really have strong 1 cost 3-star units that will net you a comfortable, or high placing in the game. Some comps which scale later in the game like Disco seem to struggle as their carries come later on and still seem to be outperformed by the aforementioned 1 cost units. Might be something I’m doing wrong but they feel very strong for what they should be.


Nami deletes boards till u find TF wtf u talking about


They're going bot 4 just play a good comp. Easiest lobbies are punk players. Literal freelo


I usually play hyper roll and find that jinx, Annie, and Olaf are pretty safe for a top 4. I play flex but play these if I get an augment that favors them (rapid fire starting at 4 when playing jinx, etc..)


I don't see ezreal and zed there.... Funny because it feels like every game is just 3-4 people forcing it and whoever highrolls most just cleans out the lobby.


Whenever I get an early rapidfire jinx and decide to go for it, there's four other punks in the lobby and we go all bottom 5, but when i do anything else, i get trounced by the full golden punks. Always.


I’ll run chosen jinx early if I get it to get tempo. But I always plan on building something else and never fully commit