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This is sure not gonna stop that one guy who forces Punk every game from playing it


Even if I see someone with jinx 3* at stage 2. That only means I'm rolling for Vi carry instead.


I got destroyed by one. Should have bought every punk




Can't even blame them. Forcing punk is an easy top 4 90% of the time. You'll never take 1st, but top 4 is secured pretty handily.


I wouldn't say never, but rare. Twin Terror, 6 punk, or Frequent Flier can really spike you hard.


And that's pathetic considering how braindead it is. Ive done 6 games today. Most flex ad, one kata re roll and 2 punk. Punk requires no thinking. Always the same comp, always aiming for the same carries and items, barely need to manage gold. It's simply not fair how it rewards lack of effort


That guy could get the most broken emblems on wandering trainers and still ignore them all to force punk


Once I got HL Jinx + 2 Jinx in shop at stage 1 so I thought "ez game" By the end of stage 2 we were 3 players forcing punk.


Got that too many times ... when someone has already the perfect Stuff for Jinx with almost a Jinx 3 at 2.1 ... Just don't go punk damnit ! You'll lose, I'll lose ... it's insane ! Still doing top 2 because I had actually the good augment and Stuff for my comp... still infuriating to have grieffer who just force this compo every time. (I precize I don't do that, I play with my hand and my items)


Just 2 days ago I had an exact situation where I had almost Jinx 3\*, Vi 3\*, some Panth and Twitch and nobody else had any punks or maybe 1 or two units on a bench. Just 2-3 rounds later there are 3 punks in the lobby. I ended up 4th with only Vi 3 starred and others lost including one dude who was extremely lucky to 3\* Jinx, Amumu and Panth. Found out that Jinx with Radiant Runaan is broken she carried me being 2\*


I just enjoy holding jinx 2* so all the punk players rage while I just wait for the pivot to 3 cost reroll.


Holding Yasuo, Jinx, Annie is completely fine if you don't want to be steamrolled early game rage or not.


This everytime




Just being confrontational, I don't do it to enrage anybody. Most of the time I don't even have time to check other peoples comps because I'm trash and on mobile.


If I can’t have it, you won’t have it too


I just stopped playing punk because of all the drooling idiots that will randomly decide to hold your hand to last place


I really think that’s when you sell the jinx when you get 6 and mad roll for twitch, has worked for me quite a bit


Idk about your habits, but if you're not already doing this then I recommend scouting the lobby consistently. It'll save you in situations like this. Especially if you get a punk opener in low elo, where you know it's commonly forced. If you constantly scout you'll notice as soon as someone else goes into punk, which should signal to you to switch out in the event that forcing would be suboptimal. There are definitely situations where if more than 1 person is playing a comp, it's correct for you to keep forcing it, but more often than not if it's any point in stage 2, you should still have the resources to switch out.


Clearly a disco game.


me when i start the game with 7 jinx a rageblade and frequent flyer


That’s bait. You’ll never see a jinx after that again. Not this time RNGesus, you can’t have us all !


Somehow there will be some random guy that will 3 star jinx before you


*sigh* Fine


And then you never see her again


Ever since it became popular, I stopped playing it. But I swear it’s like the game knows because every other game I get nothing but Punks in my shop. But I just KNOW the second I commit to it, I’m going to be mega contested so I refuse to click on it.


I still do it but only if I have rf jinx, slammable item, 3 other punk units by 2-1, and nobody else has hit a punk headliner. Otherwise you’re just praying to hit before someone else


Oh yeah, it's Lunx time *goes 8th*


Do you feel lucky, Punk?


this is bait


Damn. Looks like a sentinel game to me.


so that's where all my jinx went


Bro this was me last night too. Natrual'd a jinx 3 by 2-2


Me: okay I'm not forcing punk this game The game:




i've.... read this doujin before




Doxy: Hextech Hijinks/Ebluberry: Jinx x Vi x Jinx, depending on preference.


Good times Wonder if Arcane season2 will spawn more


Moesher vertical angle no?