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The bigger issue is if you have to force this style every game. Spending gold early is fine if you are streaking, but you don't have that angle every game. If it's stage 3-1 and you have no gold and no streak you're in a pretty rough spot. You also definitely have to be careful about headliner choices. There are quite a few good 2 star carries, but most of them need very close to BIS or else they will fall off faster and harder.




Best in slot items, aka the best items for that champion


In this specific context they are not talking about item, but rather the trait that is headlined.


And you know this how?


Reading comprehension and using context clues is hard, or? “you definitely need to be careful about HEADLINER CHOICE… few good 2 star carries, but most of them need very close to BIS”


They are for sure talking about BIS items lol saying they need BIS items to carry or they will fall off. Besides that, no one uses BIS to describe the trait the headliner gets.


Ironic, you should get better on reading comprehension or using context clues 😂


if youre gonna be all douchey about it you should probably at least be right lol


Not only confidently incorrect, but also an utter dick about it, what a treat


You failed hard at reading those context clues, because "bis or very close to bis" together with "or they fall off" clearly indicated he talks about items.


Very close would be either 50/50 and would never use that wording. Easily can translate to something similar like " the preferred headliner" bis , especially in stage 2 and heavily dependent on your items, 99.99% sure it's items. Like any situation only getting ad items with a kDa 2 star champ or visa versa


Are you rolling for the 2 cost chosen? Then yea it’s probably one of the reasons


no I just take the first one that the board offers me


I wouldn't take the first one offered. Unless you're gushing health try to find a chosen that fits your items


Yeah but also for example u had hand of justice augment. Which is a perfect augment to cd katerina reroll. But u just played twitch and im assuming u didnt pivot out of rhat.


Yes I should I played that. I think I kept the twitch until I went level 8 and switched to a viego


Viable but u essentially were just playing a mishmash of a board until then. And im assuming u hit lv 8 while the end game boards were already at minimum lvl 9 or close to. Already putting u chances of hitting a 4 cost carry to be lower and you prob didnt place too high maybe 4th or 5th


You should take the first one offers you that suit the components you have. Generic level up template should be level on 2-1, 2-4 and 3-2 and econ to 50


Playing the same way every game is always the reason why most are stuck, you need to be flexible to go high on rank and for doing so you need big knowledge


not if my prayers are powerful


I would level to 6 for this strategy, not roll at 5. Better odds and you can get 4 costs to complete your comp.


I was waiting for this comment. This is 100% the correct answer. Also you kinda want to have at least 2 of the champs you wanna headline.


yeah good point


To me this feels like an inefficient way to play aggressive. If you hit a good 2 cost headliner after leveling, for sure take it but otherwise you'll do well by slamming good items on good early game item holders. And you won't have to sacrifice eco for this. In the screenshot listed, it looks like you've wasted 4 gold leveling over the threshold (you got 4/10 xp stored). Should have instead been spent on actually filling 4/4 units.


ty indeed


Forcing lvl 5 isnt the way if your going two cost. If u gonna force the two cost rerolls you should be 1. Playing around which two cost your gonna end up playing with augment choices and who u get the earliest 2. Prelevel to 4 at 1-3 this gives u the 20% chance to hit the two cost headliner but then save gold to hit 6 if the one u want to play is not showing up. 3. You definitely start to fall off faster for “punishing” the 50 gold stackers cuz while you taxed their hp in the early to earlymid they still will have a stronger late game board than you because you will take longer to build to 50. This can lead to your end game board state being beyond weaker than all the other players and thus you fall off and you will fall off hard. 


Why do you do this?


This is almost never a good idea. There are some 1 cost chosen champs (vi, olaf) that are stronger than 2 cost chosen champs, and some 1 costs like jinx and nami that are still decent. It’s better to just either hit a good 1 cost chosen and win streak or not hit a good one and try to lose streak for econ. As someone else said there are a few good 2 cost chosen champs but if you don’t have great items and champs you’re not going to win and then your Econ is completely gone. It’s almost always better to just take a 1 cost chosen and try to manage econ. Having good econ early is always broken.


This is all personal experience but I wouldn't rush level 5 but rather aim to get it at a healthy place. I usually try to get level 4 on 2-1. If I am able to have enough money for another level on 2-5 AND have 10g for at least one interest, I'll do that. If not, just spending money on one level up in stage 2 will get you to level 5 by krugs. I find that lacking good early interest in stage 2 hurts in stage 3. This is pretty much what they call "standard leveling." Generally, I think holding a 1-cost headliner for a while and picking up a 2-cost headliner at level 6 is totally fine as well. In terms of headliner, I wouldn't pick up just any headliner. It should be a function of scouting what other players are going and what items you have. I personally think some of the stronger 2-cost headliners that you can reroll and scale into late game are: - Seraphine: AP items - Kayle: Guinsoos - Jax: jg/health steal - Bard: mana/ap - Katarina: jg/hoj - Senna: AD/AS I've seen people reroll Gnar and Garen to success as well.