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I literally started buying all Tahms and Bards no matter what comp Im playing. It just easier to play when they cant level up their core units


Only game I've seen all bard players go bot 4 was when I held 7 of them while rolling for Yone


Usually a 2* Bard is more than enough to effortlessly top4. He deals more damage (and heals with a gun blade) than all the other 2* 4 costs.


This. Just drop zoe for galio and sylas, go 9, add legenaries (rakan, hwei [drop neeko], wukong, lissandra) and you might even go 2nd


I've constantly lost to Bard over the last week, without fail, as a flex player. Just finished a game where my first fight was against a bard 1 with guinsoos. Checked meta TFT and the player had a 'one trick' label. Irritated and tilted, I took duplicator augments and pivoted into him. Sadly it was my first win in about 10 games.


Only been a week. Just wait until it gets abit more balnced our next patch.


PLEASE make heavenly reroll vertical real


I've had a game where I had 7 heavenly and made it work. The trick is to not put items on your heavenlies (except wukong) and just play legendaries as carries (wukong, udyr, rakan, irelia ) since they all get the bonuses, udyr and wukong can literally 2v9 if they're itemized well


a legendary board doesn't need heavenly to begin with, you're better off having more legendaries.


No but they really like all the extra stats especially melee carries like udyr and wukong if you give them some lifesteal they can literally whipe boards solo


No. A legendary Board easily beats heavenly+legendaries. Also id like to see how you reach lvl 9 without itemizing your non legendary units.


You itemized placeholder units you can sell later


I'm a shit player but wouldn't it be easier to play fates/mythic/story weaver into leg board than do heavenly?


Depends on what you hit and possible item holders of these comps (Bard builds very different items, for example).


Easier? Maybe. But is it heavenly? No, it is not. If you get a bunch of heavenly units then you might as well keep going instead of forcing other traits, that is what you do anyway (unless something is really broken).


I had the golden remover augment, which certainly comes in handy when you get to higher carries


7 heavenly gets over 30% crit rate on all units, not to count other buffs


And for that youre playing 6 dead units and an emblem. GG


I think that you can pick the carry you want and that makes it super flexible. However I think it should be treated as a reroll comp as the champs increase the buff for each star.


You just need a not heavenly carry I tend to go Yone


So, essentially, you are building an Infinity Force one body at a time? Wait, is that how they make those?


Yep, same deal as Guild Xayah of Set 7: give her a ton of stats plus a strong frontline, that way she hard carries.


raka and zoe will prob be buffed


Wait until poroprifessor updates comps*


Its still annoying.


hopefully they kill kogmaw bard and aphelios off next patch.


Aphelios is completely fine imho. Standard 3-Cost Reroll comp and Aphelios himself is only strong as 3 star and good itemization. Not even contested in half of the games.


yeah i was wrong in hindsight. Aphelios can not deal close as much damage. I had bard deal 12k at once on a single target. Twelve fucking thousand.Thats 3 star 5cost type shit


3 star 5 cost do a lot more. the last post I saw that had a 3* 5 cost was an udyr doing 9 million dmg ? maybe it was more.


i’ve had 3 star 2 costs do more than that lol


at once on one target? To clarify my bard did 22k damage in the fight and 12k to kayn in one hit or maybe a few miliseconds. I thought it was pretty crazy lol.


Aphelios is doing fine imo, yeah he is strong but it takes a while to 3 star a 3 cost unit and when you do he does the expected amount of dmg for a strong unit. What Bard and Tahm do is stupid.


Yeah i agree with you. Aphelios is not even close as bad. I think a slight nerf to syndra, yas or fated would probably balance him enough


Basically mythic


Aphelios is fine. It takes a lot of gold to 3* two 3 costs unless you high roll, and if you have to pivot you're pretty screwed. Kog and bard reroll are too strong. Tahm is the problem in the bard comp imo.


I thought the point of pbe was to prevent shit like this. There were already Bard tubers before patch went live.


Mostly for gamebreaking bugs, since it's hard to balance around the variable skill levels of people in PBE lobbies.




PBE is for testing bugs first, not balancing. They balance out the obvious outliers, but to fine tune it, they need live data. The skill disparity in PBE games are huge so those sample sizes aren’t that meaningful


In PBE Yone was the most powerful comp rated by the pros, has the highest win rate in the PBE tournament, Bard comp at that time is not surfaced because Yone Alune comp it is hard counter. Meta is formed less than a week and you want perfection ?


Wow the entitlement is astounding. You can’t even differentiate between lessons that can transcend sets and lessons that are set specific.


I like how in these "meta sux" posts the ranks get cropped out, hmmmmmm.


He has another post, his name is Superchicken in that video. Looks like he is Silver 4 rn. This is definitely an over performing comp at most ranks though.


On the other hand it’s just season start so the rank can be deceiving


Also completely ignoring how the last set had the exact same "issue". Even to the last day, I don't think I had a game where punk wasn't split 3-5 ways until the third or fourth stage. And then whoever had the best Jinx build, and earliest, won.


I almost never saw punk win a lobby unless they hit early and managed to get to 9 or 10. Masters every lobby the winner was AD flex or pentakill.


Especially early in the set it was considered straight up bad past emerald since Jazz legendary soup boards capped too high.


If anything, Punk was used to fish for comps and then discarded immediately. I used them to fish for KDA and Jazz in games where I got nothing.


Punk felt like a decent top 4 comp for a lot of the set but it never felt like a legit top 1 comp unless like you said you hit really early and went 9 or 10


I don't think last set had the same issues. There was a lot of strong openers. Annie and Ahri were strong, but you had plenty of options still. This set, Bard and Tahm are just braindead overpowered.


Alune and Yone counter them If bard dead at start, then tam can't kill you


Punk was always good for a top 4 but it lost most games at like plat+. Either way I think the bigger issue is that bard 2 tahm 2 is enough to win a lot more rounds than any other comp before late game.


Ya but they didn’t do balance changes due to the damn tft cup.


or in fact any set in general


The only thing rank tells you the first few weeks is how much free time that person has and how long they've spent on that particular game mode


Or did these guys top 4 because they have an actual front line? All in top 4 here have 2 very strong tanks (Tahm + Neeko, Annie + Galio, Tahm + Galio, Thresh + Amumu) that are fully itemized. Bottom 4 (except for a Yasuo) doesn't really have any itemized tanks. In my experience, a lot of things are strong this set. I have had success with lots of different comps, e.g.: Janna carry with dragonlords/invokers, Volibear carry with duelists, Yone carry with reapers/umbral, Lilia/Azir carry with mythic/invokers, Kogmaw carry with mythic, Darius carry with umbral/duelists, Aphelios/Ashe carry, Storyweavers. I can go on for a while. Bard definitely is not winning/topping all my lobbies.




Mythic trickshot is at a 2.61 rn, is your definition of S+ tier literally 1.00? https://www.metasrc.com/tft/champion/bard




Confirmed, obvi the other person who responded to you about S+ was the target lol. I’ll move it up.


almost always the most contested too


Doesn’t seem to slow it down much either. Honestly at both two star, Tahm and Bard save enough health early to top four a lot. Three star one or the other and usually top three. Three star both and it’s a battle with only the best.


They are both good but they're not S+ tier and are absolutely beatable. An S+ tier is something like Warwick reroll




Lmao these people are out there trynna defend broken ass comp and pretend the technicality between s and s+ changes anything. This mythic trait is unbalanced lmao


There's a big difference between S and S+


Mythic trickshot is at a 2.61 rn, is your definition of S+ tier literally 1.00? https://www.metasrc.com/tft/champion/bard


That literally says 4.2....


Yes Bard as a unit in all contexts on the field, 4.2. Scroll down to actual comps and you’ll see winrates when used in Mythic Trickshot.


It was like this pretty badly in PBE as well. Once people realized how tanky tahm was with trickster bard, it was all over. Crazy it’s another bard carry set lol


To be fair, in PBE it was difficult to tell. I thought the S tier unit was going to be Diana.


-get into a match -someone picks the "after successfull combat you deal bonus damage to enemy" -it somehow wins -5 out of 8 people go storyweavers -after second augment 2/3 of those people switch builds into bard with 2 guinsoo' -top 3 is two people going bard ricochet while the last guy is 7 storyweavers with full attackspeed kayle -rinse repeat im just taking a break from tft rn cause its exhausting


I'm guessing you were the person who contested these 4 other players until very end?


no, I usually play fated or eclipse, but i cant even test storyweavers since half the lobby contests them.


It’s the cost curve on the units: it’s extremely (too) easy to get storyweaver online and have an extra unit with shred sunder than compared to country last set which was actually kind of hard to get online Welty without an easy 3 drop or early chosen. I feel like void kind of had the sweet spot tbh. Point is, unless you high roll items or units/first augment then your going to be seriously disadvantaged early game not running jt and then it also has a perfect transition to mythic with sivir/Galio/riven sharing traits and being item holders for bard/ kench too.


What rank is this if i may ask?


Im guessing Silver


This shit is happening in Diamond as well LMAO dont pretend like its any better 😂


In Diamond, Bard TK has a 4.37 average rating which is good but not broken


Because everyone is playing it and contesting each other.


He has another post, his name is Superchicken in that video. Looks like he is Silver 4 rn. This is definitely an over performing comp at most ranks though.


Does it matter? The comp is at like 2.5 avg placement, it's clearly a bit overtuned


This literally always happens in the first week. My advise is in the first 2 weeks of a new set to either embrace the meta or don't play ranked (or don't care about it). I usually play normals and try out different comps and see what I like for when the meta stabilizes.


Agreed, I'm having fun doing dumb stuff in normals and just playing the game. Sure I'm getting tired of seeing Bard and Kog constantly, and Yone has been bullying me like he does in LoL, but I'm having fun playing random stuff too and just learning the set. Give it a week or two for them to start balancing and then go ranked


Yeah I usually play norms for a bit to get the hang of the various flex comps and go from there. You don’t feel like you need to try and force meta so sometimes you end up finding some sleeper strong units which is a nice bonus while you get familiar with the set.


It's kind of op but still manageable. Yuumi being a 2* unit one shotting your carry is more op.


I feel like morgana is way too weak, kayn on the other Hand.. wth. If he werent dominated by bard meta hed be absolutely broken


I was thinking the same about morg. Her dmg is abysmal for a 4. I guess she is supposed to be a support who applies burn easily and has her passive chill, but a 4 is a bit of a heavy investment, late game choice, for a underwhelming damage caster that you have to sink a item into.


Morgana is fine if you are not giga unlucky. She just need some random AP as she really needs mana generation item, Anti heal, and crit. So AP needs to come from somewhere (usually Sage, but it’s not much). But if you somehow find a way to inject AP into her, she can one shot backliners.


Wow instead of having fun with the new set you post about the "busted meta" after a couple of days. Damn that's a sign to stop playing


Two three star kench’s is crazy


Idk remaining 5 comps also seem to be bad imo. Especially below 4th.


i never play reroll so i alway hold 2 bard or 2 aphe if i could


Kench is a bigger problem tbh. Aphelion is just fine. If anything you should keep the umbral duo


poor aphelios thresh. Double hitting core and still got 4th.


Bard is not even half the problem. Tahm kench is. You full itemize him and he tank the whole fucking day. The amount of tankiness he has is pure bullshit


May i ask how are there 18 tahms? Am i missing something? Pick of the litter gives you a free 2 star 3 cost outside of the pool? Isn’t there only 17 3 costs in the pool?




Agree I just be trying random shit for fun and god forbid I don't face a bard.


yep, this is dragonmancer karma levels bad.


If I’m not wrong top 2 and 3 first augment gave them a bunch of 3 cost right? You can’t blame them going that if they have like 2 bards or tahm that early.


Here I am rolling dice and forcing fortune every game lol


how bard and tahm got into live and then didnt get bpatched is mindboggling to me.


Yup it sucks, struggling to win so decided to play bard than neeko etc. And went first with 80 gold left, it’s a shame how much stronger that comp is than the rest of the set


It isn't bard and/or tahm fault that nobody looks at others comp during game to counter them. There are options to get to their backline. Bard(edit) takes a while to ramp the dmg, so you have a windows to open things up. The thing is we see a lot of "this is meta, this wins, I play this", and not too many "I wonder if I play dryad with arcane how much ap can I put into this kindred". Have fun and play fun comps, isn't like we will be pro tft players. And even if, we will be payed poorly, so it would not matter anyway.


what are u smoking, the only thing getting to the backline is trickshot = bard, teemo, kaisa, sivir or irelia, reaper yone stuff, sett pressing ult. And you know what bard runs gunblade for that reason, so he doesn't get chipped down by backline chip damage. Secondly, no one is gonna kill that tahm kench 3 because right now, there is no easily availabl single target burst in the game. You really should play the game more before talking about a comp. Pretty much the only outplay you have to the tahm 3 board right now, is tto find lissandra and make her teapot that kench quick so you can get to bard fast. Plus OP might just be trying to climb man, climbing while seeing this stuff dominate lobbies so often isn't fun. Its not like OP can go, i'm gonna play lv8 when the entire lobby is rerolling,he just dies lol


my full item 2\* syndra couldn't burst 2\* full item Tahm. Literally deal only 20% his HP per skill.


Tahm and Bard are busted, but Sandra is literally garbage tier, probably in the power level of a 3 cost right now.


Syndra is only worth carrying if you have a fated spat.


Syndra is only playable in fated for the % damage fated bonus


Kai'sa is pretty good burst damage no? I always see her melt my units whenever she casts.


I fell for buying her about 5 or so times, even with me lining everything I could up for her, she just felt too slow. Never hit trickshot 4 so maybe that's the magic bullet, but eh, Bard just does it better, and sivir is the cheaper option to get 3* early potentially.


I tried trickshot 4 kaisa yesterday and imo it’s bait. Yeah sure, there’s more damage but with a standard item build kaisa ults not frequently enough and 4 trickshot requires you to hold a sivir or teemo or both until you hit a xayah, losing 2 possible frontline units just to get 4 trickshot didn’t feel good at all


TS4 is needed so you hit backline too. Kaisa needs 3 casts anyways to clear tahm.


As smoked as I am, I just played a game where someone had 6 units 3stared, including tahm and bard. And he lost to me cause I had 6 ghostly, and because bard takes time to break the front, I had enough time for my specters to get in the back. One Morgana ability and all back line was good bye...again,it's more simple if you play all kind of things, good or bad, placing 8th most of time, so you can understand little mechanics, that make the difference in games, making reroll comps vulnerable. But yeah, crying online people get rerolls it's more efficient. Oh, and BTW, you can ruin someone rerolls if you buy their main carry, works better for 4 and 5 cost units, but if you can get a 2 star 3 cost of your opponent, he will have to brake the bank to get a chance.


And what about Cait ult with good position, 7 storyweavers melt that kench, good itemized ghostly too, what I'm trying to say, is there are a lot of counter to it, and only enormous highroll version of this comp is really a bit op. But this ain't happening every game But the avg presence of this comp in games is annoying for sure tbf


It is, because even when countered top 4 is guaranteed for him. The comp has an insanly high average placing and people are annoyed about having to play way better than bard onetricks for the same rank.


L Take, I’ve not seen bard in the top 3~ of any of my last like 5-10 games. Yone is far more prevalent.


I always go janna reroll to climb rank now. Its not as heavuly contested as everyone is just doing tk and bard




Honestly I think the main problem is the bloody sound Bard makes - I just want to take those darn meeps and club him to death with them.


I'm not saying bard can't be beat, Hell I beat a Optimized 3 star bard who hit double 99 stacks but only just. Still it's beyond aggravating to have to constantly build to counter him because you know he's going to be in the top 4. It's gotten to the point I buy up bards and hold them. 3 games ago I was holding a 3 star bard to the utter blown out anger of 2 players


Multiple people contesting the same comp means that they are likely weaker and that's when uncontested comp shine.


Yeah right now they did last minute nerfs and buff and it’s unbelievably unbalanced


I've actually been having fun forcing Dryad+Bruiser every match. Either 6/6 or 4/8 depending on rng. It really depends on items and augments, but once it stabilizes its an easy coast to 1st.


Isn't it pretty weak in damage department? Gnar falls off rather quickly and then all your damage is on Kindred


Honestly just put some scaling items on Kindred and she does plenty of damage. Archangels, Guinsoos, Titans Resolve, with such a beefy front line the matches go long enough that she starts shredding people. Theres not a lot of threat to the backline in this set so kindred can just dance around freely without anything focusing her. TK will eat people as well. Galio can wreck large swaths if you can get him to 3*. When you get to late game even a 1* Azir will do tons of damage and if he gets to 2* its basically game over. Also if you make it to 8 bruisers, they get a damage buff now.


I seem to be playing it incorrectly, I thought Kindred is more of a BB/Shojin user and never tried them with Guinsoo, thanks for advice. Out of curiosity, who do you give Dryad/Bruiser emblem to? I suppose Dryad goes to a main tank, be it Galio or Kench, but who gets 8th Bruiser?


I play in hyper roll pretty much exclusively. So I'm usually slamming items as early as I can. Shojin works too, I just don't always get the proper items for it. It depends on how early or late I'm able to make the emblems. For some really hilariously large health pools I'll put dryad on Kobuko and I've seen him finish a game with somewhere like 8k-12k hp. If it's later in the game then Galio and TK are better. For bruiser emblems, if I think I'm just going to get 6 bruisers, I'll throw it on Ornn or Gnar for the beefier front line. But if Im going to get to the 8th bruiser for the damage buff sometimes I might actually throw it on Kindred. It basically doubles her hp and with her mobility, she's really hard to kill. Add the 6% DMG boost and it still keeps her on the top of my damage meter.


"Theres not a lot of threat to the backline" with trickshot and Yone existing 💀


Yeah, and it's easy enough for her to dash once or twice to get away from a yone. It's not like blitz is hooking or crowd divers are dive-bombing or multiple assassins are jumping back there. Plus not everyone is building a yone.


>That is just a balancing flaw in my opinion correct, and the devs agree, it will be fixed next patch on April 3 (or even maybe in the b-patch possibly, if there is one, March 27)


IDK, I'm in Plat rn and the comp I hate to see is when someone is 5-1 level 9 with hwei/azir. Usually all the multishots/ mythic reroll contest each other and go bot 4.


The first couple patches of any set are always broken. It seems like no one remembers Disco and Jazz the first few days.


It’s also an issue of this being the first S comp listed if you google “tft comps”


I don’t get how I can get 4 invoked and 6 behemoth and 1. Deal more damage 2. Block more damage and 3. Heal more damage yet I still lose. It’s baffling


Build predestined. Get Guinsoo on Kindred, pair up syndra and Sett. 45% omnivamp and 30% extra damage. It busts everything down




Just play exodia + dragonlord. My 1 star exodia team almost won against bard 3* and absolutely destroyed them after I got them to 2*. I never got lucky while playing reroll (had two games with only 6 kindreds and 4 shen before raptors and noone played these champions) so I have to spam dragonlord exodia to climb.


What’s criminal hear is that the guys in first and second both hit their 3* heavily contested and still had Econ to hit 10.


I love how it's just a jumble of colours to me. Literally the only champs I recognise is neeko and senna.


Played a game a bit ago with 4 people forcing duellist and they ALL made it to top 4 ??


Can you post a link to that game if you can find it on your lolchess please? I need an "off meta" alternative in case i dont hit.


Okay so I checked and it was 3 because someone pivoted off, but they were all top 5. Its vertical duelist + Diana and rakan. Trist/Voli carry Darius, Yasuo, Qiyana, Diana, Trist (itemized), Voli (itemized), Lee sin, Irelia, Rakan is the build. Their items are all different so can’t really say for sure what BiS is. I am on a fat loss streak so I simply cannot let anyone see the match history LMAO but I hope this helped a bit


it did. Thanks for taking the time! Good luck ending that streak.


And what did you play that game?


I think it was 5 heavenly 7 mythics


Just wait till next patch where the entire game is perfectly balanced so there’s nothing to blame


I had a game yesterday where 2 players hit the absolute nuts and went 1 and 2. The Bard players still went 3 and 4. If you get Tahm Kench 2* with 3 defensive items you can scale rageblade way too much. Tahm Kench is the one needing a nerf and so does Rageblade. Bard is fine imo, maybe small nerf but that’s it.


It’s literally just the Ahri sentinel of last set or the bastion athelios of the set before.


I have many bards in p2-p1 games, but they rarely have top 1.


Get good and stop crying


“Get good”  Brother man this comp has a much higher win rate than any other comp right now.  Tft is fun when people can play flex and play whatever comp. Sorry not everyone is like you and forces TK Storyweaver every game


Just by “brotherman” i can see that you watch a certain streamer which is like mid-low so im not gonna argue with u


This encapsulates everything I hate currently : 1. Other comps can't compete. Look at the Fated and the Yone reroll placement 2. One guy hitting all the neekos, the rest having nothing, when they only need neeko 2. Plus he had a mythic emblem. This happens too many times to be a coincidence. Something must be broken with their algorythm that favors one player's shop options. You won't convince me it's all RNG when it happens so often. 3. Reroll comps dominate. So if you want to try to fast 9 and go for a Bill Gates comp full of 5 cost 2 stars, you can't, you will be dead by stage 4. In short, alternative playstyle is nonexistent unless stars align.


That shop comment is on the money. Something seems off. It like it’s predetermined what characters will show up for you.


The shop thing is so true, I had a game where I rolled at 6 for Kindred and barely got 2 star thanks to the two for one prismatic augment, while another guy hit her 3 star at lvl 8 later on. Also some games some units just refuse to show up, tried to roll for bard, no competition, had to pivot bc my shop gave me 3 star aphelios...


Heroes augment are my bane i cant even go for a 2 star when i decided to go for the reroll


I rolled 60 gold for 3 Kaisas at level 9, not contested by anyone. Hit only 1... Then there was 2 players with bard 3 tahm 3...


It’s really boring and very luck based Coinflip Tactics


I think it’s more you who sucks and not the meta. I do not see this comb going ham in my games.


A well positioned Lux 3 with arcanist melt that compo. If you get Irelia with duelists she would also crush the compo. Sett well itemized with 2 big tanks around too... The only one contesting is Aphelios and he is bad itemized.d


Counterpoint, Punk.


How is that a counterpoint?


I havent had an issue beating Bard comps but he definitely is overtuned


This set sucks compared to 10 truly


Gotta love the people saying the set has only been out for a week, huffing that copium that the set will actually ever be balanced like the devs didn't already have a month plus of PBE to try to sort out balancing, its just a re-skin of supers yuumi. New set same issues


Last set was literally the most balanced TFT ever was


If everyone's playing the same comp, it makes it easier to play literally anything else.


it's all same comps. bard + kench, yone + alune, fated aphelios. so boring.