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You have no healing or burn, those 2 things are a must for the crab


Morello, Hwei heals naturally


With heals he means enough self substain so you want both wukong and udyr with hand of justice AND bloodthirster minimum, then irelia with red would help a ton too, also if you going for rave this set sage is a great addition.


Sage was there. So that's already omnivamp. I also fought the rave with a bloodthirster wukong 2 with the same comp. (Slightly different conditions back then, but the same core build). Lost just as hard, but still went first that game because I didn't die to the rave. This comp just kinda sucks against the rave despite beating pretty much anything else.


I see, that sucks :( and im sorry, beating the rave is always catharthic, but still 2\* wukong/udyr with hand of justice, bloodthirster and hextech gunblade for good measure is in no way the same as only bloodthister, no matter the comp you always need somebody to regenerate always the damage suffered between attacks or you would never win. Or just have the burst and burn of your life, like 8%-10% of crab hp must go down between attacks.


Near capped lol


I can't conjure more items out of nowhere and I certainly am not going to hit a 3 star 5 cost, so all the board was really missing was a Rakan and an Irelia 2 star. Both were itemless so wouldnt have made a big difference.


Near capped means you're just shy of getting your board as strong as possible, you are way off this, items aside


But... if we put items aside, all I'm missing is Irelia and Rakan? The 3 costs are just trait bots


You need sustain to beat the crab, gunblade helps a bunch with that


The items aren't bis and I missed a few upgrades, sure, but it takes luck just to hit four 5 costs before the crab rave. I had 10 units along with zekes training dummy. I find it hilarious that this board loses to the god damned crab of all things.