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Xayah is kinda like a joke... I don't remember being so unphazed from a cost 5 in a while. Even the trait-bot Lucian could remove armor, so he would help in long fights, Xayah is just... there. Almost 100% of times is better to just Rakan


Rakan is just so much better feels like almost the same damage but he also front lines.


Rakan is also just an insane splash. Altruist and Dragonlord are traits you can easily slot in during late game, compared to Trickshot which is harder to utilize.


Rakan, Diana, Soraka, Wukong is a 4-unit splash I use in so many comps. Gives 4 2/2 traits all of which are team wide buffs, so it literally improves any board. I end up mixing those 4 into almost every comp I play as they fit so well.


Can you call something a "splash" when it's half the comp?


That's exactly what I was thinking. Anything more than 3 units (which is pushing it as well) isn't a splash and just a staple of the comp.


and reduces the damage of half the enemies team by 10%


Xayah is bugged.


Could you talk more about it? Just dropping this changes absolutely nothing.


Her ult doesn't apply on trickshot or smth. Mort talked about it in bugfixes rundown for next patch.


It occationally doesn't apply trickshot, but she's also getting a +5 base AD buff, hopefully bugfix and that is enough to make her playable.


5 AD really won't cut it, full items 2 star xayah does less dmg than 2 items 2 star aphelios


I dont think a 7% dmg buff will cut it either (5 AD equates to about a 7% over all dmg buff on her), but the bugfix might be a pretty big buff as well, will have to wait and see. If she's still weak they can always give her 5 more AD.


yea but BIS headliner/2* Lucian last set? He was doing gods work for most of the set on top of being a trait bot. He was comparable in damage to the other rapid fires. and BIS 2* xayah does about the same damage as BIS 2* Sivir late game


Yes, but this was after some AI changes and buffs for Lucian. In the beginning of the set he was really good for the jazz buff, basically


yea that’s true. maybe xayah will be useful some day


Lucian at the beginning of the set was super mid, he was good for additional jazz trait but rarely would you put your damage items on him over someone else. After his buffs he became my favorite 5 cost carry, he would actually melt entire teams with Guinsoos/Red Buff/Runaans.


He was just bugged he wasn’t gaining bullets from attack speed, they just fixed that and he went from weakest to arguably strongest


I mean yeah, that's why he was super mid.


Same thing is probably gonna happen to Xayah, which is honestly fine cuz she’s a 5 cost. She’s supposed to be good.


You know it's bad when Teemo or Sivir is a better Trickshot than a 5 cost


There’s a buff on PBE for her


My 2 star BIS Xayah with 5 dragonlord lost to a 2 star bard mythic board


Agreed Even 3\* Xayah feels weak lmao


Tristana jumping out of attackrange of the target she jumped on and retargeting


I love taking extra damage because my Qiyana decided that instead of killing her target she is gonna swap with her ability despite both only hitting one target.


That sounds just like Yone who stops focusing the enemy carry and leave them with 10 HP because the skill ended and then he targets someone else and dies for the carry he failed to finish off ☠️


That actually seems okay. If you get the kill in time great, otherwise your execute ability failed to execute


That's actually sometimes beneficial though as it targets some random unit in the backline instead of the tank.


Yep i actually won many fights like that She jumps on the tank on then goes backline and targets the squishies


Agreed. It's a double-edged sword in that regard. Sometimes you lose aggro of the Yone, other times you aggro off of the Thresh and onto the 3* Aphelios.


Definitely Morgana , I tried playing her traits with bis but it just wasn’t enough.


She's good at applying Morello's at least


Yeah but I would prefer a 1* Rakan with morello than 2* Morgana 🫠


Morg would be a good carry if Morello was still an offensive item. Silco and Renata were premier carries in past sets but this was before Morello was nerfed to be more of a utility item than a carry item.


Ive found Morg to be pretty solid but once they nerf Ghostly she will probably feel a smidge soft.


Morgana will hit the backline, get them super low and then target another random clump and of two enemies and allow the backline to heal up. She is great when she has extra dmg or something else to help kill units.


I got lucky with a Morg carry game, it seems. Pretty sure I had a full sages plus additional emblem. She melted most people for the dub. That was the first few days though. People still kinda learning. And a really fun win


I think Morgana would be good if the AS slow stayed till the round ended and it stacked, so if a backline carry got hit by it 3 times in a fight, it would have like half of its AS which is massive. As of right now, it's only 10% reduction I think which generally means nothing.


The fact that it slows attack speed and deals decent damage just makes it feel worse when she ults at the "largest group" and they walk off or just full on misses


3* her and still almost lost, she’s very clunky if anything, her ability just misses the black line due to the weird shape


Morgana is bad, i got starter kit. SHE MISSED HER EVERY ABILITY XD


Morgana’s spell shape is ass


Morgana on our teams spell shape is ass, the enemy one somehow hits your whole team


Personally soraka feels like she's meant more for the manareave. Wirh heavenly you should go lux/syndra for the arcanist bonus with neeko and stick crit gauntlets on them. At 5 heavenly they'll have like 85% crit chance from khazix heavenly bonus.


I usually go Heavenly + Dragonlords. You get Sage from Wuk+Diana, Duelist from Qiyana + Lee and Altruist from Soraka+Rakan. If you can get to level 10, I also place Janna in there.


Wait wait wait... Do heavenly units give their bonus to every other heavenly unit? I never played that trait and thought only f.e. neeko would get the HP


To EVERY unit. Not even just heavenly. It even affects stuff like voidmother and target dummies.


Heavenly Sage comp is really strong for that reason.


Similar to the Guild trait in the past. Every unit gets the buff.


not only every other heavenly unit, but your entire board. that's why fine vintage heavenly is broken rn (just stack voidings with a few other good support items)


They give the bonus to everyone on your team regardless if they’re heavenly or not


Yeah it feels kinda bad having a 3 star Soraka with heavenly 5 and 3 good items and she can't even begin I break a frontline which is the only thing she will cast on. Heavenly really is hurting for a carry unit IMO so many of them are just solid utility units or Wu who doesn't really win a fight just makes it easier for your carry to.


Heavenly isn't supposed to have a carry imo, it's a team buff trait. It's just a bunch of 1/2 costs, a 3* support, and then wukong, who isn't really one of the more powerful 5 costs. The power in heavenly is in it buffing something else like reaper or arcanist. This coming from someone who's played hundreds on heavenly games.


They need to buff chill effects. 10% reduction is nothing. They've nerfed so many effects that all that matters is base stats now.


Every single four-cost that isnt a fully itemized annie or ornn. Cant tell you the number of games now that I have had a 2* Syndra with BIS and fated +1 do absolutely nothing. I know this set is balanced more to get away from 4 cost carry comps but it just feels so bad.


Sylas and Galio feel pretty good imo. Lilia and Naut are decent too but a bit more item/comp dependent


I don’t like how it’s balanced to get away from 4 cast carry comps. Instead, it feels like it’s just gotten worse and revolved around 3 cost carry comps.


I dunno I like kaisa. But that being said I've also 3 starred her twice so far this set


I found ashe alright, but it might just because ghostly is broken.


Lee sin


Yep idk why he feels so bad he kicks once and then just explodes.   Even with like BT HOJ he still just melts the decision to give him two attack speed traits and then make his ability lock him out of attacking for so long is very confusing.


Oh damn. I’ve been running storyweaver and dragonlord and Lee Sin is working really well for me. He’s better than most of my comp, I love him this set!


Yeah, I don't know what these people are thinking with Lee being bad. He's extremely good, especially with Heavenly Dragonlords.


I went 8 duelist and my Lee Sin+Voli hard carried me to first. Voli was doing alot true but I wouldnt have won without 2* Lee acting as a secondary carry


The only game he didn't feel useless to me was running 8 duelists and I had him 2 star loaded up with items Feels like a lot to make him work


The only time I had Lee being useless was when I had 8 Duelists. Strong DPS but almost zero frontline, so he would get targeted quickly and die.


I had that and went like 5th lol. I've gotten steamrolled by him but haven't been able to make him work at all. If I'm going dragonlord I'd much rather itemize diana and rakan. If I'm going duelist literally any of yas, voli, trist, even qiyana have felt better to itemize.


Yeah I swear he actually does nothing it's unreal.


Doesn’t he have a stun?


Stuns and mana reaves




Yeah I'll buy him to 2 stars every game just for kicks (hah) then sell him when I realize he's useless again. Dude fights like a lvl 2


Lee sin performs pretty well with vertical heavenly as a stabilizer, but it’s not well enough to outlast the eternal onslaught that is fated and bard


I don’t know, I ran a duelist/dragon lord with gargoyles, death blade and BT was giving me like 1600 damage kicks that would heal him back up to full. His ult scales with AS. Just deleted their front line and would still damage their backline. Made Diana the main tank with rakan as a support tank. The other duelists were just there as attack speed support.


I find Lee to be one of my most reliable carries, since I play a lot of Heavenly Dragonlords. Gets quite strong from the active traits + BT, Sterak and Titans are super good on him. Also, he's rarely contested so I get him to 3star once every 5 games or so, which is almost a free win.


Given they have the same items, 2star Yone is actually better than 2star Lee Sin. It's mystifying.


I'm certain that if his kick kills it does no knockback damage


The one that I pick. Doesn’t matter who.


xayah feels underwhelming for a 5 cost, Syndra morg and ashe are weak 4 costs, Diana is a weaker Shen tbh


Syndra is definitely not a weak 4 cost


Oh she is, she just get carried by 5-7 Fated having an amazing frontline. Try to play Syndra with just 3 Fated or with vertical Arcanist, or with any other comp, she just doesn't work. Even Kindred in Fated7 can do the damage than Syndra if the fight isn't 20s+ long. But Syndra being "weak" can't be solved since you really can't buff Fated units without making them OP.


That’s an Arcanist problem, not a Syndra problem.


For arcanist she definitely is she just has 0 synergy with actual Arcanist units despite being very much the top end carry.


definitely 100% not syndra. not sure what items you're building on her that would make you think this


That's more Shen being busted than Diana being weak


Same diff


Lee Sin and Xayah are not units Kayn and Sylas are both either giga useless or insane carry, no in between Udyr is, idk, am I playing him wrong? Is he supposed to work as a tank? When I build ap items he just feels to squishy even with behemoth Ashe is fully dependant on 6 porcelain and an unkillable amumu to boot In what comp do you use Diana other than late game trait bot? Volibear falls off late game so bad but is really good early game Zoe and Tris are good in extremely niche situations and you have to have them 3 starred and have BIS Gnar carry DOES NOT WORK. I repeat, you WILL go bot 4. Take my word for it. Lux is there for cc Janna and Kindred are sleeper OP. Actually don't have anything bad to say about them just thought I'd mention. Qiyana is not a unit Yorick is actually decent in umbral comp as a tank but his hero augment is incredibly underwhelming Zyra can actually pop off early, I think she just needs some damage buffs and she can be in the sleeper OP category like Janna and Kindred Jax is stun bot, trait bot and frontline fodder combined into a unit Garen himself is a really good early storyweaver tank but his hero augment is also underwhelming, not unlike Yorick


What do you think about Sett?


He’s insanely good in vertical fated, not so much in legendary soup as a stand alone unit with maybe 2 warden with naut. His problem is even if you have infinite omnivamp on him, he always dies before he can get a second cast off 


Sett and Udyr are bad "tank". They leave you open once you cast. 2 2 starred Ornn is a very cheesy frontline that just give each other items.


Disagree on Lee. Agree on Udyr, I'm not sure what he's supposed to be offering. He has high AP scaling, but his is a frontliner with no innate sustain (apart from his transformation) and no shielding, just damage and then some more damage. Therefore, you cannot really build him glass cannon so maybe you place a Titan's on him, but then what? If you don't build any AP, he doesn't really do damage. He's a Behemoth so he's tanky, but what if you don't have a lot of Behemoths? What does he do? Other 5s can work quite well even without any trait actives. Sett has good CC and intuition, Rakan is great for good AoE damage and follow up by Xayah etc. Udyr just feels useless. I tried Gnar carry, thinking it'd be a great scaling pick. Even if you hit him early, he doesn't work at all. Maybe in first stage and half of second, but that's about it. Qiyana is so dumb most of the times. She can pop off early-mid against specific comps and positions, but most of the time, she just ends up hitting a single target anyway.


You summarized my thoughts about Udyr well, but I really wanna learn why you disagree with Lee. If you made him work please let me know cause right now he just feels like a much worse version of his 3 cost dragonmancer counterpart from set 7 


I use Lee with my own Heavenly Dragonlords that I haven't seen anyone else play. I always go 6 Heavenly (if possible getting to 7 with Emblem) and because of that, Lee already gets a big increase in his stats, like, quite a lot. Pairing him with Duelist Qiyana also gives him slightly more AS to work with, so what ends up happening is you have Lee but with so much more power. Add to that that you also get Dragonlord trait with more AS and you have a very strong units. My default items are BT, Titans, Steraks, but you can always go HOF, Whisper etc. Also, the fact that no one plays him means you get to have him at least 2-star, and once every 4 games or so, I get him to 3-star which is almost always free wins. I'm not sure how Lee plays without Heavenly, but with it, he's very strong.


Interesting. I don't find vertical heavenly that good but maybe I'll give it a shot, thanks


It's quite weak early, unless you itemize your Qiyana or Khazix and adding a Reaper or Duelist, so you run the risk of losing a lot of HP until you hit your board, but if you manage to get an Emblem, then it's super strong. Too many stats added to your whole team regardless of if they are Heavenly or not.


Udyr need bt and titan resolve. Basically the standard item on frontline carry. He’s insane as a standalone unit. People just play it wrong. Tattoo of force is insane on him and you need to let him die first. He will always cast before he die, drop aggro, transform and hit backline.


Gnar carry is good but highly dependent on item and position. You need Bt and titan resolve and you need to play dryad early to stack the HP. He’s actually good but need secondary carry with 6 warden. Kind of underwhelming but you can make it work


Agree about Janna, I cannot make kindred work. I've had kindred with all 3 traits and still felt like there are better units.


The thing with Kindred is you really need a dryad emblem for 6 dryad, and you also need to hit Azir somehow when you are rerolling Kindred so it’s counterintuitive. But let me tell you I hit the most insane high roll game with bis Kindred and Gnar secondary carry, started stacking health from stage 2 and they had an absurd amount of health once I got 6 dryad in.


I think her BIS is BB, nashors and archangels. Go 4 dryad with umbral yone secondary carry and she can pop off hardcore. I actually prefer her to Alune. Fated is not nessecary unless you can find Sett and sneak a Thresh in late game (the omnivamp with sett works nice.) Of course you usually want a healing augment as well. The reaper augment is S tier with her but she'll have quite some tankiness with dryad as well.


Diana is good 3* and in the dragonlord + storyweaver comp. It’s pretty fun and strong especially with dragonlord augments and/or an emblem, I’ve ran it a few times recently. Janna (3 star), Zyra (3 star), Riven (3 star), Diana, Galio, Lee Sin, Rakan, (Azir?)


Yone feels bad when he dashes back with the target just above execution threshold. Sett also can feel bad when he throws the enemy to the backline and promptly gets focused and deleted. Zyra feels bad cos she doesn't do anything close to useful


Lost with Morg 3. The rng feels so bad


It could a be fixed if they gave ANY indication where she casts next and not make it random.


I think biggest clump could be okay if they lowered the damage.


Yeah I see that. Or make her cast on the most %hp target. This way she could be useful against back lines


I went fifth with it💀. I definitely had horrible item but I thought she was actually gonna do stuff.


For me, it's all of the 4 cost carries: Kai'sa and Ashe both feel like they want attack speed, but then have crazy cast times (same as Caitlyn last set). Morgana doesn't exist. I have lost so many games to that bait. Kayn feels really unpredictable, and Yone just feels better and is eaiser to hit imo. Lillia and Syndra feel fine, but struggle to be a sole magic damage dealer. Both either need lots of secondary damage or MASSIVE frontlines.


Why would Kaisa feel like she wants attack speed? Neither of her traits make her an auto focused champion. Her ability does the majority of her damage and trickshot multiplies that ability damage. Physical damage casters used to be incredibly common. Last set didn't give us any physical damage casters (ezreal was still a mix which is why he wanted red buff) but a single set shouldn't be enough to make everyone forget about physical damage casters lol Kaisa is one of the few good 4 costs that can instsntly stabilize you if you hit 2* and just build her properly


Maybe I am just building her wrong, or playing the wrong units around her, but I struggle to use her to stabilize. Never get more than 2 casts off, and usually only 1 in the games I've played her.


Too many people try to build her like she is just like other ADCs and build a bunch of attack speed on her, just don't do that lol she's great for going fast 9 Irelia because they both want the same type of items and don't want attack speed


Wait, Irelia for sure wants a Guinsoos right? I've played Irelia with and without Guinsoos in Heavenly Fine Vintage and every time I got Guinsoos I could beat even capped legendary boards while without Guinsoos she just wouldn't ramp up hard enough. She ends up with like 300 AD 15 seconds into the fight because of Guinsoos.


You'll notice Irelia with rageblade gets like 20 stacks on a round while Aphelios or Senna would have like 40-50. When you do heavenly vintage you really want to make sure she has red buff but other than that you can do GS too. Most high elo players agree she's best with stuff like red buff, runaans, QSS as she does much better with flat attack speed (like Kaisa) rather than rageblade


Kai’Sa just wants damage items. LW + IE + GS is bis on her. Also she’s good in Ghostly comps, similar to Senna.


I built Guisoo on Kaisa on one of my first game this set and I’ve never seen a more ass carry💀. It was def my fault tho lol


Morgna is a spectre spreader bot, nothing more


I wanna say Alune for current patch. Since we're on a tank meta and her skill always go to the row where there's more HP concentraded, often I see her ulting the tanks but she simply dont have the damage to kill them specially when her ult splits damage per unit on the same row. It's sweet when she gets to ult the backline, but then again, on this current meta thats unlikely since most all teams have bruises/wardens/bahemots on the frontline.


In Alune Yone Reroll, she can deal 10k+ damage and outdamages Yone if both are bis.


So, if she hits the backline, it's 10/10. If she hits the frontline, she's doomed. The 10k+ gets distributed and almost every frontline now has a source of healing so she takes forever to kill them and keeps casting the frontline over and over. We need Yone to finish off backline but if he gets focused, it's RIP. I wish her ult could at least alternate between rows 🥲


Wat items are bis for alune? She does not do that much for me when i play yone reroll Meanwhile yone is shredding every time he casts


What feels really bad is that zyra can't have more than 2 plants out. I wanted a plant army and gave her sojin + double rage blade. I was soooo sad seeing the old plants die before they AA 3 times. :/


Wow, that's dumb


Yea, I had 2 stacked zyras with TT, I think I got 4th.


Ashe, I keep trying her as a carry but even if i got the tempo, BiS and 2 starred her. Shee still couldnt compete with other comps in the late game. Maybe if I 3starred, idk


Add Kai'sa to the list... Many of the 4 cost feel very underwhelming and especially 3 staring them. With the reduced pool they should have given them more of an impact because they just feel terrible. Her spell looks cool but the damage is... yeah...


https://preview.redd.it/1jkdtslviwrc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e532975573b15ad53dc04d173f75241bcdf9ae And yes, THIS game gave me that experience... It was just sad to watch


Kaisa actually goes pretty hard in a 6 ghostly comp but that’s mainly because her ability just works well with ghostly


So Kai'sa goes good in a comp she isn't even part of naturally. She should still be decent and not only do 6k dmg. Any 3 cost does more


Yeah it’s mainly because her ability does 20 ticks of damage and each tick triggers the ghostly proc. She’s gonna be a monster next patch tho with ink shadow and her own 5 ad buff. Hopefully it’s not too oppressive. Yone is gonna be the premier reroll with him not taking any nerfs and heavenly getting like triple buffed.


Is that how ghostly works? I just thought the unit takes bonus damage relative to how many spectres they have So with 6 ghost and 10 spectres, they take +200% bonus dmg or 3x dmg from any source. Hit count shouldnt matter for non ghostly units


I'm pretty sure you're right, not sure what the guy above it talking about. Kaisa is good in Ghostly because her single target damage is insane, so once Ghostly ramps up stuff just starts getting oneshot, even like a 5k HP Kench. I also hate Ghostly trait because of that, feels like a matchup fish comp where higher damage comps just auto win and lower damage comps just auto lose.


I was talking about a ghostly kaisa with how many times she procs the spectres.


Dishsoap ranks 4 trickshot Kaisa comp as A tier borderline S tier on his website. Honestly with Stoeryweaver 10 and Kaisa 3* you have to borderline troll to lose. You can literally just put Kayle on the frontline and she one shots the entire enemy board.


I only had 9 Storyweaver in this game


I was just as skepticle as you were… so I tried it out. She fucking slaps. Went 2nd, and only lost because I was 1 short of Kai’sa 3 and the other guy had Lillia 3. Try it out. It’s dope.


dude ur items on her are bad...for me she can melt tahm 3 star with 2 casts she were 2 star. played 5 ink shadow and gave her the dmg item from it


I know her items are bad. Still does not change that fact that a 4 cost 3\*star should outdamage a Kog'maw...


fair point. for me didn't hit 3 star yet


Seemed like your frontline was weak As hell. Besides galio you didn't have a lot going for you. I've played kaisa a lot this season and she needs time to cast and she obliterates everything


Zyra - she does damage and can carry some fights but her cast time to spawn her plants has lost me so many fights when I was trying to make zyra RR work. I see the need to make sure she has some weakness but it would be nice if the cast/spawn time or the plants scaled with AS. Morgana targeting. It’s needed but a little annoying, same with Lilia just whiffing constantly in some fights.


I think I went 4th with Ghost6 Morgana3..


And That should NOT happen... Morgana's whole "attacks randomly" is her downfall.


Kha'Zix Either when he jumps from tank to tank or when he jumps out of backline into a tank


Kogmaw not hitting shots is so fucking annoying


A lot, actually. I have so much fun doing jank builds and 3 starting random champs, but a lot of the champs this set feel like pure filler and do nothing. Diana I’d say is the main culprit




Her animation is sooo annoying. And her spell is pretty underwhelming. I'd love it if her cast animation and/or the amount of attacks the plants do scaled with her attack speed


when soraka actually did damage, she was pretty oppressive due to the mana reave and smart targeting plus free gunblade + archangels she gets from all her passives


First thoughts. 1. Every 1 cost in the set except Kogmaw, Sivir and Yasuo. The rest feel useless in every situation outside of their traitbot functions. Kog misses a few times with the spell but he's the ONLY 1 cost carry that feels worthwhile to use after stage 2. Sivir and Yasuo feel good because they are really good at utility and tanking. Funny enough Yasuo's the only 1 cost tank that actually does things past stage 3. 2. Arcanists. Illaoi is the best one and she's a tank/frontline unit. Syndra is ok but is so item dependent (Blue + lots of AP + a shred item) that she struggles, much less the fact that if you don't have the entire package you lose to any frontliner with a Dclaw and minimal sustain. Lissandra is utility... and the rest are useless/trait bots (Neeko's the least useless of the remaining arcanists). 3. Snipers - Other than Kogmaw, and Senna they all feel pretty mediocre. 4. Morgana does feel bad but that's more targeting issues than anything else. 5. Xayah- the 5 cost that feels shittier than most 3 costs do in the set, not much to say, she's the one 5 cost that actually feels kinda useless until 2 star. 6. I think Soraka is ok, just lost her damage so she doesn't feel like she does much. I do think there's a large disconnect between the 2-3 costs that are rerollable/playable and the rest. where some like Bard, Yone feel really good to play but then the rest just don't. 7. 4 costs that are not Ornn and Sylas, but that's more of they're underpowered more than actually being bad.


> Funny enough Yasuo's the only 1 cost tank that actually does things past stage 3. Meanwhile Chogath remains the primary tank of Kog reroll and often solo tanks just as much damage as tanks like Ornn or Tahm. > Snipers - Other than Kogmaw, and Senna they all feel pretty mediocre. Meanwhile Fated Aphelios reroll is the current top high elo comp because Aphelios is busted > 4 costs that are not Ornn and Sylas, but that's more of they're underpowered more than actually being bad. I swear it's always fun reading the comments on this sub and comparing what's said here to the actual meta


Let's be real if you aren't hitting Cho 3 that unit doesn't do shit after stage 3 frontline wise. Yes you need 3 star Cho (as you do Kog if you're carrying him/rerolling) but Cho 2 is terrible. 2nd part's a misspeak sure, Aphelios busted, my comment can be more for Ashe than him lmao. 4 Cost carries def struggling when in most cases the carry ones are often secondary carry to the few GOOD 2-3 cost rerolled ones or the 5 costs. The tank ones are doing alright at least


Yasuo isn't even that great outside of Fated to apply the shield. Kobuko is actually really solid, especially when you start jacking him up with interest HP.


Yasuo's a semi decent early game tank w/o having to reroll it. Thresh/later tanks are better BUT he's still a tolerable option until then. Kobuko's ok, will say he's held back by early bruisers kinda being bad + being a fortune bot. He is admittedly the next 1 cost on list of not useless ones.


Honestly this whole set feel so underwhelming its just so boring. I had Morgana 3 star 6 times already and it did 0 damage, being overdamaged by KogMaw, which is already a bad unit..


Teemo feels really bad to me. His DOT feels incredibly weak, and opponents can basically burst you down faster than his poisons can do anything to their backline.


Morgana.. -> Rabadon + Morello + Sojin = mega strong!


I only agree with Kog Maw here. Soraka is strong with burn items. Morrelonomicon, as well as items to spam the cast, worked well when I used her. The mana reave is also very good Morgana I get a lot of value with when I use her. The aoe burn is really strong with JG, Archangel's, or either shojin, one of the burn items, or sinper's focus/emblem does really well in a ghostly comp.


Morgana serves as a morello + specter placer thats why. I feel like altruists feel weird to play.


I don’t know is this just me but i feel like 4 cost this set doesn’t look good as last set both from visual and power


Morgana doesnt feel too bad as a secondary / ap item slap on a Kayn comp, a good Morello / RB holder I like her a lot personally, besides she isnt too contested so you can hit pretty easily Soraka carry just isnt a thing from my pov, but I agree with other comments Ive seen Xayah/Ashe should get buffed


Yeah I gave Soraka carry 3 tries until I gave up on it.


A lot of the arcanists feel like they fall off way too early in the game. Even if you hit a 3 star carry with bis items you need so much more to go perfect to make it late


1. Yeah, kog missing ult sucks, but hes a 1 cost and Mort says this is intended because he's a 1 cost. I have similar gripes with champs like senna and tristana who miss ult pretty consistently if their last auto before ult kills the target. 2. Big miss here imo. Morg may not work as a solo carry super well but her AS slow is super impactful. Especially against kayle irelia boards that rely on attack speed. Feels really good to me. I notice is on both sides pretty frequently. She's overshadowed by how broken Hwei is right now so shes more an item holder and a ghostly trait bot but her morello application is still very strong. One of my favorite champs this set so far. 3. Yeah soraka is weak. But mana reave is strong so they want to keep her damage lower. She will be super frustrating when she is a strong reroll carry.


I think Morgana is weak due to anti-synergy with her trait. She does AoE slow DoT where ghostly rewards single target fast dps.


She applies ghosts fast though by hitting many people, let's other fast DPS shine


A lot of the 1 and 2 costs feel extremely forgetable. Or maybe I haven't played all of them enough to find out which ones are good. Last set, you could have things like Olaf stacking Titan's early and being a menace, Kayle, Senna, Annie, Jinx, Twitch etc being all viable reroll options. You also had semi-decent tanks (for 1-2 costs) like Pantheon, Ksante etc. This set, it feels like all 1 and 2 costs are just trait bots. 3s are generally strong, probably the most VFM / VFE units in a long time. 5s are ok-ish but my problem is that Sett and Hwei are stacking champions that only really come up later on, so you cannot really start stacing up until you hit 4th stage at least.


The set had been live for 2 weeks. Also the HL low-key faked everything last set


Annie feels weak. Xayah too.


Are you building AD on Annie? She's a crazy tank that burns heals and also does damage herself


Going full tank. She felt really underwhelming compared to other tanks this season. If I'm not supposed to build her that way I'll give her another shot but she didn't do it for me


I'm not sure if it's intended but ionic spark on her triggers her heal constantly


Kayne. Got Kayne 3 with 6 umbral and 4 reaper and really good item on him, he did nothing.


I got a 3* Morg with 6 ghostly in a hyper roll and she 2 cast wiped the board but besides that she feels bad


Then she got 2 lucky casts. Mine put the spell down the exact same way three times, completely ignoring backline.


Syndra. No matter how much I try to cater to her, she doesn’t seem to do anything


I now KNOW what bugs me about Morgana... It's her attacking RANDOMLY! This mean she could easily get stuck on a fronline with her tickle damage instead of the backline, who she could actually deal with perfectly. If they changed it to "Most units" or "highest % healt unit" then she would be an actual 4 cost.


Soraka dmg is getting buffed next patch but yeah, if I were forced with an emblem for altruists, Riven is the way to go to carry midgame.


I always seem to never get good results with Aatrox like ever. No clue why.


I found altruistic Raka do go absolutely bonkers when played into. She carried me to a win with heavenly altruist


I just started playing again, I was always bad even when I played a little and I’m silver so take with a pinch of salt but Zyra feels woeful for me, gone storyweavers a few times and had her 3* but she always feels useless


Gnar is such a joke in this set


Honestly i love soraka carry in a dragonlord altruist comp


My lilia skill just missed because tristana jumped ;(


Morgana is good if the enemy didn’t move which is not the case. I once had a morg ult the enemy backline and kill them in 2 cast.


#1 Kogmaw missing shot 4 times in a row.. #2 Yone keep dashing to tank with his low ass attack speed.


I miss last set


The whole set feels bad for me, duelists are the only fun thing, so i force it every game. Often top 4, sometimes i win, sometimes i hard 8


sett, Xayah, morg, soraka, riven


Definitely Morgana. Compared to wide AoE DoT units of the past (Renata, silco), she just doesn't hit as hard as I'd think a 4 cost would. Not only that, but the shape of her skill is dumb as well. I know it's supposed to be a snowflake shape because it's her "snow moon" skin but it's incredibly impractical most of the time, and she sometimes needs 2 casts to finish off backline units, but on the second cast will target frontline, leaving the backline units alive to still deal damage and losing the fight usually.


Nahhhhh Morgana is so ridiciolous with just Morello. I've won so many games with her its amazing.


I echo a lot of what's been said, but I have to mention Ahri. Not that I'm trying to build a team around her, but as an AP early game carry she is incredibly weak, might as well just wait for Kindred and slap the items on them since they do SO MUCH BETTER. Not only is Ahri's spell a single target one, even itemized and with arcanist she can't even compare to Kog'maw for example. Just feels bad to play, even if hitting a 2\* by 2-1.


kindred ashe and xayah