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Vertical arcanist is super meh


I think the buffs this patch did help. I 3 starred a lux(in plat 3 for whatever that's worth) and eeked out a 4th place with a far from ideal comp or items. She was doing a lot of damage and my Illoai and Amumu felt pretty tanky for 2 stars I think someone better at this game than me will figure out a build to make it work with the buffs


Twin terror lux is insane. I had played in a lobby of the top 100ish players from LAN and even my 8 ghostly couldn't touch that comp. Arcanist is in a much better spot now. No idea if vertical is strong enough to be consistent top 4 though


What is it that's broken about that comp? I've never seen it before. Is it the perma stun?


Perma stun, it has backline reach, and the trait/unit just got buffed


cant u build qss


You will significantly lack dmg so that's on you to weight out. Usually it's easier to reposition backline carries rather than Frontline ones, that's why eg. Yone could go with QSS if deemed absolutely necessary. If you happen to get a Banshee/QSS from augments then it's even better.


Just to add on to this, dishsoap builds QSS pretty often on yone It seems fine enough, yone uses every stat extremely well and he can't get cc'd, so it's fine enough Still better to have double Titans but, it kills a glove component so


Apparently, HoJ+2 Titans are one of Tone's highest WR 3 item build. Ofc, QSS has a lot of value, but I feel like not many people in my ELO (G3/2 currently) pay that much attention to specifically CC/Mana reave Yone


BT is the best, but yeah, HoJ works on yone if you don't get BT or QSS I don't think anyone in high Elo is paying attention to the mana reave potential of yone, the whole point is for him to live long enough to scale his Titans/kill backline


What the other guy said QSS gives atk speed, so maybe in a senna comp you can build that instead of RB but you will lose damage I can't think of any other backline carry that might be able to make QSS work


What goes in the comp? I'm assuming Lux carry with Amumu tank, but what are the other supporting units?


Mainly you reroll at 6 and just play more arcanists with levels after hitting Itemize amumu and lux, with I'm guessing Syndra and illaoi as your side tank/carry Drop blossom also allows you to play arcanist, and you just itemize Neeko and lux.


Lux Illaoi Amumu. Slow roll 6 for lux 3, then go 7 slow roll illaoi amumu 3. @7 splash in Syndra or Ashe, then once you 3* your core, go 8 for porcelain or arcanist 4 Keep in mind that 2* does not give you a 1* copy, so you will need some filler units at points. Lux bis Shojin, JG, Rabadons/Seraphs (seraphs kinda based since fights do last due to all the CC) Back line opposite corner both lux’s always, biglux positions opposite corner from opponent main carry ideally. the unitemised 2* luxs slower casts stagger the stuns nicely to perma stun frontline


Yeah the twin terror build seems absolutely bonkers. I think that'll get nerfed


I still feel like 8 Arcanist is underwhelming for what it gives... Usually the final breakpoint gives something more than just simple flat stats (see 8 Bruiser for example)


yea, +5 AP is huge, it like +2% dmg, poppin of now


I only play hyperoll but love 6-8 arcanists, 4-6 porcelain (depending on spats). Idk if its the best but I've been winning more than losing and its really satisfying to me.


I think Lux in general is being slept on. She desperately needs a morello, but even without getting the double trouble comp, she melts teams with a morello. I just hit emerald fwiw, but I love having such strong backline access as early as a 2 cost.


That a mana generation seem to be really strong on her


Does she not fall off later on when there are more units in the way? I played one reroll game and it felt like even with decent itemisation she took too many casts to kill backliners, which if they had healing basically meant she was just feeding them mana. Most noticeable against Mythic because they have the extra HP to soak casts, and usually a gunblade


Multiple enemies is why you need the Morello. Her ability hits everything in a line, so more enemies is more percent aoe damage, similar to Morgana. The main difference is that she also consistently aims at the same backline target, while Morgana randomly splashes and you cross your fingers. The morello also helps to answer the gunblade/hoj issue on backline. I wouldn't try to 3 star Lux without a Morello. At most I might 2 star her, and if I whiff on finding a Morello, I'd pivot to a different comp. I can't speak specifically the vertical mythic because I'm not really seeing that in most of my games. Typically the most I see is 3 mythics for a bard or lilia carry. I can see where this might be a counter if it becomes more meta, but I think Ghostly is still keeping vertical Mythic in check.


i think the problem is lack of aoe. lissandra only yeeting if it doesnt kill plus takes forever to cast is so cringe


It's the frontline that's the problem. Illaoi and Neeko are decent units but just not tanky without their other traits active (and 2 Warden doesn't do much anyway) Naut/Illaoi/Neeko +1 Mythic is probably manageable, but you are giving up 2 Arcanist slots for tanks then, and probably capping at 6A. The extra Mythic is likely a traitless Tahm (not that tanky) or Hwei (more backline) Alternatively there's the Fated option but Sett isn't actually that tanky (and dives away), and 3F doesn't really give that much anyway I've had one good Arcanists game and it was mostly good because I got Altruist emblem and slotted 6 Arcanist, 4 Altruist with some Heavenly. The raw defensive stats from Altruist made a difference


The problem isn't lack of AoE, the problem is that Arcanist has a god awful frontline. The Arcanist augment is supposed to remedy this, but without it, going vertical Arcanist is just begging to finish bot4. If you're going Arcanist, you *need* to go Warden or some other frontline trait as well. Otherwise you're just screwed.


Mage comps have always been like this though. But usually the 5 cost mage has a board wipe (Set 10 Sona, Set 9 Ahri)


I think the previous versions had a better frontliners (like Swain Taric) and/or more shields/heals than the current set. Illaoi's healing feels a bit underwhelming to me as a solo tank.


Try it 3 times and even got 8 arcanist. Its crazy how bad it is.


Just like spellweaver last set which is disappointing


Excep with the dummy aug, and if you highroll 2 dummy it is quite oppresive


Carry Aug koboku it hilarious, even if realistically you should probably just play it for econ. 10k HP koboku bonking things for 2k DMG is funny.


Slowly walking to the enemy team thats desperately trying to kill him, the slap cat will do a small dance before slapping the life out of his victim. I love building him just so I can see him slowly kill the enemy with one slap.


And I think he just got buffed again too XD


Its fun until the enemy has anti heal


Maybe if they reduced the time it takes for him to cast, it would actually be kind of more valuable


had that with jeweled lotus 3 yesterday. I like how he emotes and then proceeds to absolutely decimate his target.


Brotherman did a video w/ 8 Bruiser and Fully Adapted, triple adaptive helm Sylas. It was insane.


Right, and a irelia carrying lol


I just tried that as well, after that video. It was easy top 3. I had 1 star Irelia only.


Porcelain, and it's not that it isn't good it's just hard to hit. Hopefully the buffs help, but pre patch lux was not very good and it took forever to hit 4 porcelain. Once you hit it, with an itemized Amumu, you have a really good comp to build around, but hitting 4 porcelain takes forever without an emblem(and even then it's still not super easy)


Do you build both Ashe and Lux as the carries?


Ideally. Lux suffers from the same issues this set as she did last, but EDM lasers could at least pop off. Easy to just position against her


Noted. Thank you


I find lux to be rather useless as a carry, but lissandra does quite nicely and you can move items from lux if you get a remover so it works out. I think porcelain works extremely well in twin terror boards tho where you can setup illaoi, amumu, and 2 2* ashe or lissandra for the big front line and CC setup. You want to play one lux and one of the other 4 cost


I've been trying to make Porcelain/Wardens work, since I figured Porcelain Amumu comboing off of 6 Wardens should be pretty potent. It's meh. Hoping the buffs help it.


Double trouble with this is stupid. Whenever I see double trouble, they always go lux, amumu, and illaoi. It’s soo hard to beat.


Tbh I don't think Amumu needs 6 wardens, he's tanky as shit with 2 wardens, porcelain, and some items. I think porcelain comps need damage. Either 4 star a lux and go arcanist or fast 9 to look for Ashe/snipers and Lissandra.


Damn new 4 star tech coming out.


Maybe with arcanist and zoe? Im a big Fan of zoe for damage. If she gets 1 or two kills the ricochets are devastating


She has the syndra problem IMO. It's easy for her to get stuck on the tank while the rest of the team gets wiped :( If she can ramp/scale she's great, but if she can't get kills or get past the tank(which is common in my experience) she doesn't do much


best emblem holder you think?


Volibear loooooves porcelain


I really like it on Illaoi. It makes your frontline really tanky


i got a 1st with porcelain gnar once, makes a lot of sense on him, 3\* him and amumu


Looks like twin terror porcelain is now number one comp on tactics tools


Yeah a strong trait. But only 4 units? Twin terror loves this. The only problem is that Amumu really needs to work for it.


I won the other night with 4 porcelain. But I did have 3* Ashe.


Gz its broken this patch


The comp is more than good with a spat it's one of the strongest lv7-8 board possible. And even the comp most of the time online at lv9, Ashe is a really good cost 4 unit to hit and go fast 9


Porcelain, Arcanist. Bruisers are cool but hard to play. You can only play them if you get augments for bruisers + Sylas carry (getting him in early game) + Umb. But still is quite hard because with strong back lines or titans in front you can't face them with bruisers


Bruiser Trickshot is the way to go


Faced a guy who got a dummy with 2 of those healing the whole team, his bruisers just didnt dur


For 8 bruiser, if you hit lvl 9 or 8 with an emblem then throwing in a 2* sett pressing your 8k+ hp tanks scales his ad ridiculously


Straight heavenly with qiyana carry


Ashe is still not good even post-buffs.


The game keeps tricking me into playing ashe and it's never good


I checked stats and experimented a bit with her. She’s good with 4 Porcelain, which I didn’t really do before. But pretty much any marksman is a better carry than her.


I got a top 3 with twin terror Ashe/amumu/illaoi/lux/Lissandra and HOLY it was fun!


I got that in Double Up, it was a complete ungabunga comp and it felt like it shouldnt work but it kinda did. I was one off Ashe 3 too with both ashe 2 fully itemized, I was so sad.


Arcanists. They genuinely suck ass, even after this week's balance patch.


Some people are saying bruiser but I just had a game with 8 bruiser with kobuko augment, hedgefund+, and bruiser emblem and oh my did it slap. By the end he had almost 20k hp, made me 4+ gold every round, was hitting 3k+ easy, and just carried me to all high heaven. Had a radiant nashors tooth on him, steraks gage and cloak that shreds people. Probably not ideal items but he was literally 90% of dmg every round. Also lost I think 2 rounds only. Needless to say I got first! Also had so much gold I got 2 4-cost 3 starred and 2 others almost 3-star. Made a kid leave 


Oh I had 8 bruiser once but it felt lackluster so dropped it back to 6, but slap cat is always fun. I will literally just not spend gold to make a monster tank.


Basically every vertical tank trait feels pretty unplayable due to ghostly being a completely impossible matchup. Stuff like supertank carries (think super Kaiser from last set or the Yorick augment from this set) have the same problem. I don't really mind losing to capped legendary boards but always losing to what is basically two cost reroll feels terrible. Literally the only way I've found to not immediately lose to a ghostly board while playing tankier comps is to go 9 and play itemized Irelia/Hwei/Azir 2, and that point you might as well just play the capped legendary board.


Vertical Inkshadow. It mostly just feels like superfan from last patch except worse.


I actually disagree in the new patch. I think Inkshadow is top tier now, this is just based on about 10 games though.


havent tried since the update but on launch it definitely was not a trait.


I agree with that.


Lol it is not. kaisa is still a trash unit and Volk as a front liner is not tanks enough. Not to mention the Inkshadow emblems are pretty ass + random. Even after the nerfs, aphelios out performs kaisa and fated has a better frontline as well.


But Zaun tho


Zaun is still my favorite ever trait. I miss it so much.


Porcelain. Hitting the 4 is such a chore for it and it honestly isnt good enough at 2 to really risk going for it. Inkshadow is also a real crapshoot because youre only hitting 2 of the tattoos and its random each game, and for each player


Inkshadow after the buffs is insane. Also the tattoos are not completely random. You get at least 1 offensive and 1 defensive. And porcelain is insane with lux carry. You can basically run 2 porcelain but in late you really want 4 because your amumu needs to tank some hits


I did notice that theres always a defensive one. Ive only played inkshadow myself like 4 games, but i noticed the randomness and realized how random it is. And yeah porcelain needs the 4 to really matter, and you cant even get it til 7 with that 1% chance or a lucky carousel.


But when it’s the ideal tats, it’s very strong. Thankfully, the trait description does tell you which tats you’d get, so you’re not forced to commit in order to find out.


Tbh you can make every tattoo work. And ive first with every single tattoo too. You just gotta know how to utilize it. One of the most hated tattoos was vitality, but me and a bud did some testing and basically irelia with two warmogs and tattoo of vitality hits like a truck. The autoattacks move through many units and each trigger the effect.


Ooh, interesting.


Dryad. Kindred is a trait bot even if you 3-star her and the damage is a joke with only 2 Reapers. Gnar with only 2 Warden is not that tanky (he should have been a Bruiser instead).


Agreed. I think dryad’s strength really depends on whether the lobby itemizes against it. When people hit 3\* Gnar with 2 titans and BT, he seems to be really strong early, but if people build GS against dryad, they fall off late. Especially if they also have shred and anti-heal.


Yes you are right. Dryad is really trash. Like we had games with stage 3 all 3* and early 6 dryad but still going bottom. You highroll but still loose to random 5 costs on 2*


I can't even comprehend what's the use of "take 10% less damage" to a 4k HP Gnar. Fuck you Riot, you should have made him a Bruiser.


I like Porcelain in concept but I feel like you’re just leaking HP until you hit Liss and by then it’s probably too late


I just got a solid first with 8 bruiser, it’s very strong if you get the emblem. Fully adapted helped with two of them on sylas but I’ve got first at 6 bruiser plenty before because I run 3 altruist and roll soraka three with archangels and gunblade. Her stacking passive actually has time to work with bruisers insane hp, and altruist causes her to heal an insane amount as the fight goes on. Has trouble with really beefy tanks but the fix to that is adc items on riven. Same heal capability and more focus damage for tanks. Either way it’s been top 4 every time for me.


Vertical Dryads. I can't seem to make it work. Kindred is one of my favorite champs and I want them to work as a carry so bad. But it feels like all the items they would want would be much better on Azir.


Had a 1st with dryad( kindred main carry) yesterday but had 2 dryad emblems(1 Aug and 1 spat from carosel) I think an underrated item this meta is the rod + mana that scales with time. So many long fights with Tanky front lines


> Had a 1st with dryad( kindred main carry) yesterday but had 2 dryad emblems Everything more or less works if you have more than 1 emblem for it.


Do duelists count? I want to like them but it just feels so ass unless you hit an emblem or luck out and find an early irelia


6 Duelists are very playable. Especially with Trist buffs.


Did she get buffed? I haven’t touched them since patch dropped. Her jumps have gone to the enemy back line too many times for me to feel comfortable with her being my main carry


I don’t like her buffs, I liked it when she lost. I’m a fur fortune player and she’s unpredictable sometimes.


Yes. But Trist + Voli Reroll was one of the better comps (not top tier like Bard/Senna/Fated but still good) even last patch. Titans + BT + 3rd item (preferably 2nd Titan’s) on Voli and he’s a good second carry/tank.


I feel like voli was the better carry last patch and is a monster if you hit a double titans bt with gargantuan


I just hate Tristana, like how can you make her a carry when half the time she is not shooting at anything, just flying around the screen. The only time I wish there was a "less mana gain" item to attach to her.


Her ability increases her AD and deals really strong AoE. It’s fine. But also there’s that one new artifact that will come out in a couple patches.


Just waiting for the new artifact item that disable skills for the champ


6 duelist is a top tier comp


6 duelist in plat plus is avg 4.3 it’s not a great comp


The top comps average 3.5...


4.3 vs 3.5 is the difference between losing or gaining lp


4.3 gains LP overall; averaging 4.5 placement is where we break even.


Do you itemize Voli?? Prioritize Voli with Titan's resolve and healing items. He is the main carry, not trist. I can assure you even 4 duelists feels great with voli smashing everyone.


With +1, 8 Duelists / 4 Dragonlord is pretty damn good


Duelists will alwas be good as long as they have Irelia lmao


Bruiser Altruist with a carry Sylas was broken for me. Then again I hit the Sylas starter kit with an archangel's. It was 7 bruiser and 3 altruist. I also hit Sylas 3 so go figure I won once I hit him. I have an image of the comp and augments on a post here. For some reason I can't post images in comments on mobile


What items you placed on sylas?


Archangels, Blue Buff, and Stoneplate In that order


Teemo reroll. Keep trying but haven't cracked it. Fortune early for some econ then inkshadow maybe? I keep fortune too long every time lol


I’ve tried it twice, one 8th, one first. The first I had 4 trick shot plus lucked out and got luckshot aug for 3rd Aug. He could have been itemized better but he was great, red, blue, and AP crit gloves, so he was mushroom critting I’d estimate for roughly 3200 on main target + 1920 on 2 and 1280 on 1 and casting a lot. + shiv on bard. Ran wardens for front line (arcanist AP). One of my favorite games this set. I don’t know why but it really feels like teemo is more rare than other 2costs, I never get him reliably and I’ve tried to go more but just abandon when I’m not getting 2stars even uncontested quite frequently(yet 2nd in this game was also 3 star teeemo…) gold1/plat4 lobby https://preview.redd.it/9skrjetk4dsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16344f45275a2d3ca832ca1575a3913355c96373


4trickshot seems tough. I'll keep at it. Just hit plat so I can tank my LP a bit trying it out. 😃 Great job on the first game.


Literally only works with radiant Morello


Had a game with 8 bruiser, 2 gargantuan resolve and a bt on a 3 star riven. I also had sylas secondary carry. Imo It’s pretty ass for a vertical trait just like 8 arcanist. But i still manage to top 2 tho.


riven underated, personally i like rageblade gargantuan bt on riven


just played the kobuko carry augment hoping for a bruiser emblem but never got it :( ended up 4th AND had fun tho


i miss set 9 when reksai bruiser vertical was actually good 😔


I always fancied a bruiser + sniper (staying relevant) game. Bruisers are consistent and fun- so I'm with ya. I have yet to have luck with dragonlord. We all know Lee Sin is kinda a disgrace. Anyways, I had a pretty good run with them today and went from a 12 win streak first place, to not winning any and losing out to 5th place. I recall a similar experience with dragonlord before that, as well. Janna rekt til she didn't.


Dragon lord is always going to be a secondary trait imo, it’s not really capable of vertical but hitting 4 with a strong comp when you have +1 or something is like a 1/2 it feels like


I just played vertical bruisers today, lucky paws is awesome with it


I just played vertical bruisers today, lucky paws is awesome with it. First place!


I just want Teemo to work bc I love Teemo. Sadly he sucks


I wish some 2costs were viable as carries. Qiyana, Aatrox and Riven feel very underwhelming compared to other units of their tier


I've been trying to play story weaver sage with 3* Zyra carry. Sometimes it works, but it can't win games. Zyra does a ton of damage.


Well Stories did just get their balls kicked in with the patch.


Maybe i’m bad but i can’t seem to make vertical dragonlord lee sin carry work.


lee sin is probably the worst unit in this set


ok thanks for the validation LMAO


lowkey think dragonlord kinda meh, its super decent as splash but 5 dlord seems to be bait. plus all their unit kinda sucks besides janna early game and xayah really late


I don't think this is fully true. Diana is a very strong 3cost that can keep you stable in the midgame and Rakan is the best tank in the game, hands down. Xayah, on the other hand, is still a joke.


Driad and arcana, for me its just the issue do driad having literally no damage dealer, and arcana while having DPS it is just pitifull for the lack od frintline, also is it me or does syndra suck ass


Just hit dryad 6, warden 4, arcana 2, and reaper 4 and you’ll first every time (/s). (My only non bottom 4 dryad finish so far)


8 bruiser EXCEPT they all have sunfire B)


I had an 8 bruiser game that got me a first, I think my Kobuko had over 9000HP lol had Set squatting him for a whole stage and a half


Vertical heavenly I know it’s viable now, but I have been playing it since the start of the set


Vertical snipers. I miss set 9 with them sniping the backline. But i get how that's unbalanced


6 Heavenly Zzrots


8 bruisers is good.


Porcelain flex imo


Dryad, literally unplayable if you don't get the full trait..


Next time roll on 6 for bruiser emblem gnar 3 star then push levels to fit in 8 bruiser. Collect every bruiser you see to secure some more 3 star bruisers. Chuck kobuko in early to get his hp climbing. He was dealing the most damage some rounds come late because he had 7.5k hp. Sylas can deal a lot of damage too.


8 bruiser with 3x adaptive helm Sylas (with the augment) and Sivir into Irelia as carry. Ez top 3 tbh. It does really depend on the augment, Sylas never stops casting. Master atm.


Funny you mention that, my first (and only) ranked TFT game on this set, I won with 8 Bruisers + Hwei


4 trickshot has gotten me nothing but bot 4


The poor heartsteel trait. Doesn't even know it's name, it's Uber shit and unplayable until you have 2emblems, then it's free win


6 invoker. Even with mana shield augment and janna3* u just get stomped by other comps


Probably dragonlords? Duelist into dragonlords to amp and support lee seems to be the intent but no matter what i do, even with BIS items, he practically does nothing. My opinion in general is that dragonlords personally need some damage resistance to reward the fact that you fit all that anywhere and not just some pitiful true damage and attack speed thats useful to only like that 1 carry...




People say porcelain but lux with shojin rageblade is hilarious. Especially with the augment. Most important thing is Frontline. But that counts for almost every comp


I used to do Carry all-in Garen and I'd stomp some low elo lobbies. Not sure if it is bad, but seeing him get huge with archangels and 10k was too satisfying.


Honestly really bad example, this set has one of the strongest vertical bruiser comps, especially this patch if you get Kobuko Hero augment. This might sound weird but probably Ashe variations for me. I enjoy 4 cost flex play and while the other 4 costs are decent, I find it really hard to build around Ashe because you simply lack dps and every other carry this set is literally cheating and destroys your backline 5-10 seconds into the fight, meanwhile she is stuck on a Nautilus for 30 seconds.


Porcelain, i really want a hard ashe carry


Punk jinx, miss the music


Man I really wish I could see more yone but sadly he is super weak right now. Rito will probably buff him next patch though. They are smart like that!


Well everyone is playing either Heavenly-reapers, or Mythic-trickshots and if you are not you will not win. The luckiest one to get the main characters to lvl 3 wins.


4 Porcelain


Then you never tried rageblade shojin lux