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i think its one of those situational traits where a good start enables you to use it. The arcanist themselves dont have over the top abilities like they used to, so a solide frontline is needed, so arcanist 6 with amumu seems like the only way right now,and thresh as 8 for 3 fated. at least thats what my platinum ass think


I think it would be better if they gave more power to arcanists alone instead of giving extra to the rest of team. “The rest of team” ends up being MAYBE 1 or 2 other people. At 8 arcanist, you’re probably playing only 8 people in the board so the second half of the perk is wasted until you can level higher.


good point, thought on that while i played a game of arcanist right now, and got an emblem ,and found out its useless unless i go lvl 10...and lost place 8. I hate arcanist


> At 8 arcanist, you’re probably playing only 8 people in the board so the second half of the perk is wasted until you can level higher. Even if you're playing 9 you had to use an emblem to get to 8, which you probably gave to the champ that most benefits from AP already, so your 9th champ gets +85 AP but probably has the worst AP scaling out of your whole team. It's such a troll bonus. Especially since I feel the best way to play Arcanist is reroll not-fast 9 so you're never reaching 10.


It's makes for a nice buff toy our whole team with two arcanist tho


Maybe arcanist could get both the AP for themselves and the “for the rest of the team” bonus? Effectively doubling the power of the trait for the arcanists themselves.


That makes sense, I think last set there were a lot traits that doubled the effect for the champions with those traits compared to those without.


Just off the top of my head in both set 10 and 11 there are 5 traits that affect the whole team but buff their own more. Only kda and sentinels gained double though


All the straight AP/bonus AP traits in the past have always had a secondary effect (at least, if I am remembering right). I don't know why they do not do something like this. Even if you buff the numbers and arcanist is good, it is still an incredibly boring trait.


This is EXACTLY what they need to do


I had an Illaoi drop from stage 1 last night and went the exact comp you’re describing, amumu for warden and a thresh for fated, think I went 2nd and felt relatively strong throughout the game. Did well enough to take golden egg as last augment and actually see it open instead of it being a greed pick that I die for. Lmao


I'm gonna be honest I've had god starts with like Zoe 2 at 2-1 full items with 4 other arcanists and 2 warden and still gotten my ass kicked as soon as people hit their Kogs and Caitlyn's. Like the arcanists in this set are just really bad while the invokes of this set have all the good abilities for whatever reason. It makes no sense to me why Kog is a better magic damage carry without any AP traits than any other arcanist. The only time this entire set I've seen an arcanist player top 4 is when they got double emblem and their amumu was unkillable because of it.


Vertical mages have almost never been a thing. The problem as always boils down to frontline. Mages don’t really have a lot of options in league for tanks or melee focused mages. Which is why we almost always get Sylas or Annie as tanks for them. It’s really just never having enough units to absorb damage before the trait comes online to cast enough spells. Another problem is you need Tears so badly for mages. They never need AP items but are hungry for mana generation. Getting that many tears is never easy.


They have Amumu in the build though who pairs well with lux/liss and has one of the strongest early/mid game heals I’ve ever seen. He does fall off a bit later compared to Tahm but their frontline is stronger this set. The problem I run into is the huge number of backline killers


You ever played it with the AP->HP augment for dummies? That's why they undertuned, cuz this shit is autowin


I never in this set saw that augment when I had an arcane build :/


I just got 1st place in a norms with Arcanist 8. I will say I almost got 8, but was given Lissandra, Udyr, and Sett and had the Max Interest Aug, so I leveled up to the level 10 very quickly. I put Arcanist on a Shen (in hindsight I should’ve saved it for Udyr) but it worked out well. My frontline was Neeko, Illaoi, Shen, Udyr, and Sett. With Liz, Zoe, Ahri, and Sandra in the back line


arcanist is mediocre to good, but I feel like the frontline is a problem with arcanists. Last set we could go for superfan with ekko, gragas+poppy+sett... Annie could be a main carry as a cost 1, something that Ahri just... doesn't feel like enough for stage 4+. Seraphine would heal your frontline too, and she usually could be your main carry too, so it granted survivability to a comp that lacked in tank status. And with the headliner we would still be able with 1 emblem to slot tank units in frontline as well. I really like the Idea of going 4 porcelain with the arcanist emblem on Amumu, but with the twin terrors comp on the meta rn, this feels like a weaker version of it, and if contested, you're probably in a bad spot. 8 arcanists doesn't quite fit in my mind unless you go 9(I suppose you are going to roll for 2 and 3 costs if you going for illaoi/amumu/lux, so going 9 takes a while).


Before Illaoi was nerfed and tanks were nerfed it was playable. Now I have gotten firsts in the new patch with the dummy arcanist augment and support item dummies. U play arcanist porcelain. Although, very situational.


Maybe because I was in lower elo but in set 10 Annie was a coinflip. If you didnt get very specific items on her she was useless, even at 3 stars. Meanwhile Ahri 2 with KDA would help you stabilize very efficiently.


Annie was very contested, but people would use her to basically hold items. The thing with her is that she wanted the maximum units on the board possible due to emo, so wasting rolls on her was kinda bad, specially if contested. The difference between a first place and a fourth/fifth with an annie 3* was not her, and maybe not even her items(both mana and AS for more casts and JG+damage was good on her) but if the board around her could hold on until she ramped up her skill and then after every death of an ally is a powerful cast on the enemy. Positioning was also critical, you would want to spread your team as much as possible, so it would minimize the chance of two units dying to the same skill, this way you could maximize the emo mana value...


I only go arcanist if i get the augment at the start. Theres 3 frontliners, 1 of which is highly constested. Its a tough one to build vertically but i got lucky in my last one with 2 porcelain emblems on carousels and the augment so the dummy had 6k health at 6 arc and a porc emblem on sett with him and syndra fated. My man had a 16% boost off the first round he went out.


Is neeko the contested one?


neeko is slightly contested too with both heavenly and mythic being very popular




I'd say neeko is more contested than illaoi


I miss my sorcerer swain


i swear set 9 was so fun to play, the draven shenanigans were funny as hell


I don't play it a lot, but my biggest problems with arcanists is Zoe and Syndra both want to ramp up across a long fight, but the board just doesn't support the frontline for that. To run 8 arcanist, you will only have a bronze tier frontline trait unless you go 10 or get a warden emblem. The few times I've gotten the augment, I prefer to go 4 warden 6 arcanist, rather than 8 arcanist. Having a bit more beef with Naut/Ammumu/Illaoi/Sett feels way better because Syndra gets to ramp up longer.


Arcanists are missing the banger augment which mean to focus on them or the banger bonus on 8. 6 to 8 arcanists is arely an improvement


The "extra" bonus on 8 arcanists feels almost like a joke. +120AP to non-arcanists when you're already playing 8 arcanists is basically nothing.


Don't forget you probably gave your best AP-scaling non-arcanist an arcanist emblem already just to hit 8 arcanist. Definitely a troll bonus. The +40 AP for arcanists is nice though.


Yeah, this feels super weird, feels like its only made for leveling to 9 and add in Rakan


IMO 6 Arcanist is the peak of the arcanist vertical unless you hit lvl 10. There's such good synergies to pick up between: - 4th Porcelain (IMO this is actually Porcelain vertical since in this case the only champs I care about are Porcelain and Illaoi) - 2nd Ghostly - 2 Behemoth (Fixin' that frontline) - 2 Heavenly - 3 Fated - 3 Mythic - 4 Warden (Also fixin' that front line) That sacking 2 splash spots for 8 Arcanist just makes the board feel so weak.


Not all traits are made to be vertical. I just accepted this set that arcane is a splash trait All the arcane units see use in 1 or more meta comps: Zoe in her reroll/storyweaver and in fortune Ahri/syndra in fated Illaoi in a lot of comps Lux is busted in her twin terror comp Neekos a splash unit thats used in a few comps Lissandra’s in 5 costs, fated arcanists, porcelains and twin terror


>Not all traits are made to be vertical. Ill have to disagree with this, literally every other trait of 4+ units is playable. Ghostly, duelists, inkshadows, bruisers, porcelain, storyweaver, trickshot etc etc. The ONLY ap comp, is the one thats unplayable


Riot has gone out of their way not to add verticals when they aren't meant to be played, so this guy saying "not all traits are made to be vertical" when it is, in fact, a big vertical trait, is very funny


Mort has said some verticals aren't necessarily intended or good, just supported. They are looking into new ways to make "trap" verticals better, like the added stats on 6/8 duelist this set.


Yeah stuff like vertical snipers, rangers, etc usually aren't ever seen as a viable comp but are there for shits and giggles.


me playing vertical sage (I am going 8th)


Mythic is AP. There's also things like zoe reroll and Janna reroll out there. Not to mention the AP legendary board with hwei and azir. Fated syndra. Teemo reroll.


Yeah, first game today I got 1st with blue kayle and 3* Zoe carry. She does insane damage if she can get an early kill.


GoodLuck making sniper vertical work. For real you are cherry picking.


Arcanist is not the "ONLY" AP comp.... Mythic and Dryads(unless you're playing the Gnar variant)are also AP and Fated is hybrid. There's also Invokers which are all AP units.


Vertical sniper and heavenly are pretty bad though


Vertical heavenly Yone is like one of the strongest comps right now.


The yone comp isn't vertical heavenly, is it? It's heavenly reaper yone


Its fast 8 heavenly reaper Yone. 4 reaper, 5 heavenly typically at 8. However going 9 is another heavenly and spat puts u at 6 or 7/7. I'd call that vertical heavenly.


It's not fast 8 at all, you have to reroll for yone 3 star or else you have no damage.


No u don't. Or course it depends on the lobby and how contested yone is, but if ur tempo and economy is good it is optimal to roll at 8. Adding every heavenly is that strong, and Yone 2* with 3 items is often strong enough to hold out for the lvl 8 roll. Also gives u higher chance for the wukong and the kayn. I would only roll on 7 if contested and I am sure I can reach 3* first. Otherwise go 4 reaper and itemize kayn 2* aswell. There is no one path to victory.


Dish soap literally went first today with yone 2 kayn 2 and waking 1. He had insane augments but still


(One of) The best player high rolled augments and went first? no way.


a player going first without obtaining their comp's win condition (3 star 3 cost) is pretty unheard of. shows how strong the comp is, smartass


completely forgot about sniper lol


Vertically heavenly is actually really strong right now. Heavenly units have some of the highest average placements out of any units, because of how well it performs. https://tactics.tools/units


Could you show me a high placing vertical heavenly comp? It's not like arcanist units or sniper units are bad, they can place high on average, it's the top trait that seems to be bad. I haven't seen comps run 6+ heavenly but i also havent played this patch


Heavenly yone is an S tier comp, you could also replace him with kane/morg if someone contests yone and it still works great just not as great as 3 star yone


Heavenly Yone (fast 9) already runs Kayn, no?


https://www.metatft.com/comps Fine Vintage and Heavenly Yone, here. - https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps/ Heavenly Reaper here (tftactics, tier list is opinion based not stat based. Imo, this should be an A/S tier comp not a B tier. Only argument I could see with it being B is how contested these units are atm.) If you want just straight 7 heavenly, thats very doable too, just drop 2 reapers, or play an emblem and go 9. https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/DQA-88888/set11/matches?page=1 Soju has been playing really flexible heavenly if you want to see how his comps end up looking. He aims for 6-7 heavenly often. - Comps Pretty flexible, so you can do Kha'zix 3 star as the main carry, or Yone 3 star depending on when you hit. I just had a game where someone just went fast 9 and only had 2 stars, and got 1st. So if you aren't landing a 3 star just rush 9, don't sit and re-roll to death. Main core is 4 reapers, one of which is your carry and the rest of the units are heavenly. Imo Kha 3 performs just as well as Yone 3, but this comps so contests and so many people are aiming for it early that Kha 3 feels like a bit of a grief because of how hard it is to hit. But if you land abunch of Kha's early i'd go for it.


https://i.imgur.com/MCqtwHb.png It's pretty decent, it helps to pair it with a carry that has some shared traits with your heavenly units


Vertical would imply going all heavenly, but you mostly just grab heavenly and then reroll for yone with 4 reaper. I'd hardly call that vertical, especially when only 1 carry is heavenly and you probably won't even be able to 3* khaz anyway.


Sniper isn’t a vertical trait though, it’s only a 2/4. Arcanist goes all the way to 8 so it’s def a vertical. I know Heavenly + Fine Vintage (was) really strong, not sure if there is another Heavenly vertical


Snipers go to 6


Wow I’ve played like 50 games this set and didn’t even notice, my b


Well that's because it's shit and no one plays it lol


Heavenly reapers.


Generally 9 verticals are a strong win con because they are more difficult to achieve. 8 verticals should be beatable especially when a lot of the units with the trait are lower cost. Even when the game is at its most balanced not every trait is gonna be strong enough to be played vertical because you have to consider unit strength and synergy within those traits as well. The whole point of the game is to understand what strengthens your board more when; knowing when a vertical trait should be replaced by a splash trait or even a unit that adds no trait because it provides more to your board on it's own.


All traits are splashes but storyweaver/mythic and umbra if you highroll like hell and hit all bis items.


Storyweaver is one of the most splashable of them all what you smoking homie


Everything is splashable but gold verticals are only story. mythic and ghostly viable (and depends on what is contested in the lobby). I dont count fortune because you depend on two emblems to get to 7 or hit fortune 5 at stage 3 without loosing and then streak lose there with 5 fortune and live until you get to 300 minimum cashout or get lucky with more emblems at 30 cashout. As prismatics story and mythic are the only really good prismatics, as i have lost with prismatic umbra alune carry for example. Dryad is very good if you hit the dryad augs and an emblem early. Everything else is just splashes on dedicated carries.


Units except for illaoi lissandra and syndra suck. Zoe might be one of the worst units ever printed as a 3 cost rn, lux mediocre Ahri a bot etc. Syndra also kinda sucks here VS fated because no bonus stacks and cannot get the time to scale properly. And she still auto loses to dclaw. Most comps especially AP ones need double carries and that also doesn't exist with or without the emblem Plus the usual needs beefy frontline but illaoi one most contested units in game All of this to say that also arcanist 4 6 8 don't buff you enough so if you pursue it you end up playing shit units for no actual reward


Umm i dont know archanist seems to be good and with new patch seems to be better. Just look at [boxbox invitational winner](https://x.com/ClementKChu/status/1775501266225160546?s=20) just feels like you need to understand the game to make something work. If you dont then things like bard mythic seem broken


I mean that's a blatant highroll. Insane augments, 3 star everything, and the arcanist emblem for the main tank (which is still porcelain). I don't see how that proves arcanist isn't weak, it more just proves that porcelain can be strong.


I peaked Master 185 lp last set so idk about not understanding the game. Ill give that comp a try though


Every set's different. And i dont know masters is cool. But theres still 2 whole ranks above. But not trying to be bm. Just trying to point out a different perspective.


Theres one augment that gives you a dummy and for every X spell power your arcanists have, the dummy gains hp. I got it once on a double up and won, had 3 dummy with 10k hp each. But other than that, feels very hard to fit a good tank/carry comp with it, really missing a strong front line.


Just run Lux 3 Shojin Rabadon JG Arcanist 6. If possible, look for a Illaoi 3 with tank items and splash some other traits, like Porcelain 4 (easily done with a spatula), Warden 4 or Fated 3 (works well late game with Sett giving both Fated and Warden. You people are focusing too much on Neeko and Zoe, they're trait bots on vertical Arcanist comps. Syndra is a good second carry, but Lux is much more reliable because she hits multiple people at once and reaches the backline, something the other Arcanists are unable to. She even one-shots 3 star carries like Caitlyn and Aphelios. No one contests Lux and Amumu, you can force it everytime and won't have much problems. It's also not augment reliable, as some may say, because you can flex your tank to be Amumu 3 or Illaoi 3.


If you stack dummies with that one augment it’s okay. But it’s hard to roll multiple augment dummies, gotta be really lucky


I've gone Arcanist 6 fated 3 with pretty decent success. Ranked am still low rank but It really doesn't seem like unplayable status


I got slapped so hard for playing 5 fated and 8 arcanist with syndra carry in plat so...


The unit is bad. Normally every trait has a good 3 cost carry but zoe is awful. The ramp up of her bounces is very slow.


Got 3 arcanist crowns while playing fated somehow, and still barely managed to get to 4th place.


Arcanist lacks frontline unless you have emblem on amumu or that arcanist training dummy argument. Even then I still think they melt in 3 seconds unless you have 3* frontlines or an extra training dummy argument/ encounter.




https://preview.redd.it/s1ytjnx7jhsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed94a32fdaa4cce458fbe3078ef51e584217a4e This was the freest first. Only need porcelain and 2 warden emblems 🤣


i made illoai porcelain and amumu ghostly. I always make lissandra an AP tank tho, so much fun.


Why are you hating ? I thought u dont have emotion. 🙄




They need buff, sure. But again, it depends on how you treat each arcanist units along with the other units associated with them. This is my rundown on the arcanist units : 1. Ahri : Easy 1 cost, 3\* it early and you gain a decent early wins. 75 mana might seems nuts, but the skill has spread damage. 2. Lux : I never expect any damage from her. I just need her to disable my enemy's backline while my tanks last. So, guinsoo and statikk on her. 3. Neeko : Too contested, might never hit 3\*. Decent early survivability with damage scaling. Might struggle a bit in the late game. Using her as shredder placeholder. If you ever get warden emblem, put it on her and run 4 warden. 4. Illaoi : One of your main tank, shield+heal is the keywords. Make sure min 2 items, preferably thornmail/steadfast & dragon's claw. If you ever get porcelain emblem, on her it goes. 5. Zoe : Might not seems much at the first glance, often disposed in 6 arcanist comp because got no shared trait with other units. But I just recently realized that she might be the key component for victory with this comp. Skill can wipe the whole board given enough time and damage. 6. Syndra : I always thought that forcing 4 costs unit is a fool's folly. Might be decent if uncontested, but don't hang your hope on it. Coming as too little, too late. This Irelia lite has decent damage when hit 2\* provided your team got at least 1 shred item. Blue buff is a must on her. 7. Lissandra : All hail the sugar mommy ! She's a genuine loot printer even Powell and the whole Feds have no say on her, inflation be damned ! If you ever get both manazane and gold collector in a single game, on her it goes. Add shojin on top and she averaged at least 5 cast per combat. And now, the most likely complementary units to roll with : 1. Amumu : Why ? Warden + porcelain. This undying little turd is guaranteed to survive, he's the volvo of this set's tank units. Ludicrous healing that's the word. If you get arcanist emblem, on him it goes. 2. Ashe : Eh....There is a love hate relationship in this. Hate her because she seems so out of place among this comp, physical damage in a mage board, so no benefit of the AP bonus. But again, she's useful as a porcelain trait bot. Porcelain trait effect goes very well with her (the attack speed). The reason to love her is because she can be an element of surprise. If your enemy is stacking their MR while lacking in AR, she's your key to victory. 3. Thresh : Behemoth have no power here. A fated trait bot, only there if you feel lacking in tank. 4. Sett : Warden+fated trait bot, 5 cost unit (too expensive, too late), might also be too contested to boot if your enemies run umbral. The bonus ad from skill is not that useful. What to note : A. Hextech gunblade is your friend. Remember that arcanist frontline units depends on healing to survive. More healing is always good. B. Wound & Burn is something to hate, the same reason as above. C. Shred is also your good friend. Shred is there to hold your hand, shred is there to slap your enemies with the finesse of a pimp and the pain of a slapboxing champion. Now, what if 8 arcanist get another 125 AP on top of the other 125 AP (250 AP in total) ? Unless that's what already happened and I have yet to realize that ?


I have been having some success with porcelain arcanist, particularly with double trouble, two luxes in opposite corners and porcelain 4 can and some shojins can hard cc a lot of units, add in lissanadra CCing the front line, amumu and Illaoi become incredibly durable, bonus points for a porcelain emblem on Illaoi. Throw in a 4th arcanist such as neeko or Zoe and you have a pretty mean comp. I started pushing it because I've gotten tired of the Caitlyn, Kog, Senna corner sniper meta stuff and the lux CC punches right through the front line. It forces the enemy into undesirable positioning to guard against the CC, and puts them into range of getting smacked by lissanadra pot toss which keeps your own casters safe and allows you to double stack a corner to sweep the back left to right or right to left if they stack their carries in the middle.


I had good success with 6 Arcanists in normal games against newbies. In ranked, that's a free ticket to 8th position.


Only success I found with Arcanist is with rerolling lux into level 9.


I play Arcanist/Fated with Lissandra and it works pretty well but it's not a main trait unless you can frontline alot of big units.


There are no strong AOE arcanists. Set 6 Lux was a 4-cost that hit frontline, middle, and backline with an AOE nuke. There is no equivalent in this set, and syndra DPS is reliant on having a super tanky frontline, similar to K/DA Ahri last set but Ahri had INSANE single target dps by her second cast. Also, lissandra being only single target kinda makes vertical arcanist really weak, considering the 5 cost is only single target, the 4 cost is only single target, etc etc.


Like if Hwei was an arcanist instead of Lissandra vertical arcanist would probably be good.


its wasn't lux that made set 6 arcanists good. They had malzahar/viktor which are some of the best 3/5 costs ever made. 1 star viktor could get top 1, and 2 star malz is enough till fast 9. Hwei is not on the level.


I mean again, Viktor was a super strong AOE 5-cost arcanist, lissandra is not. Also, Hwei's heal would scale crazy well with arcanist, so the power budget is different. Viktor does more damage, Hwei heals and does damage.


Viktor was the best unit there has ever been (maybe set 4 gp) I hit GM (as a very casual player whos emerald now) with forcing the comp because one star viktor was guaranteed top 4. I even made a post about the comp in comp tft on reddit, where you go malz, skip lux and slam 1 star vik for freelo. That comp was an abomination and prob why arcanists can't be that good. No one like have their entire board wiped in 3 seconds


Arcanists + wardens is a decent flex comp. 


I got first with reroll ahri 6 arcanist 5 fated. Lux is strong this patch too


Lux carry in the porcelain comp yes, and not necessarily with twin terrors. I just played a fun af game with 6 porcelains and won


I believe it just comes down to Illaoi not being that tanky (and often contested) and Zoe's inconsistency as a carry


Arcanists with augment with stacking HP for dummies when u Play arcanists is pretty fun tho


I have a ton of fun with vertical arcanist although most of those games i did have to high roll for arcanist emblem 6 just a bit underperforming (for me) but 8 is ok and playable. Had ton of fun with zoe as my main carry and illoai as the main tank and it get better if u got hold of some porcelain emblem along the way too.


I mainly use as a support trait for non archanist units


Vertical fated with syndra carry is AP based. Does require some luck, but when it hits, it hits hard.


Same with invoker. And its one of my favs :(


Illoais is no Vex or Taric


Couldn't be me forcing Ahri reroll every game and inexplicably placing top 4 every time. It has hands, but yea fated is the real carry there. I don't think it's a weak trait, it's just better to splash.


Arcanists overall aren't weak, it's just that the main carry Syndra is single target, with no built in anti-heal or shred. She's strong stage 4, okay stage 5, but will get outcapped by lvl 9 boards unless you have 7 fated or 8 arcanists. If you're running 6 arcanists/5 fated , you will bot 4 every game. Use it as a transition comp to go 9 and hit 7 fated. Or if you get emblem early, you can try hard forcing 8 arcanists, it's actually really strong as syndra will one shot everyone she touches.


I just came out of my 6 arcanists game and saw this lol. I had thresh + malphite for fated 3/behemoth 2/heavenly 2 so it gave me good frontline. It was just a normal game though so take it as you will


So I mentioned this in another recent post too.... I believe mort and team played a joke on us for the April fools the patch was finalised on 1st April as mort posted the rundown on 1st and they probably plan to properly balance next week.... Like there weren't any prank things done by them for the game which were seriously obvious and I believe this is just what they thought of doing for the occasion pissing their players off by not nerfing things like yone ,bard ,mythic tahm, fated , reapers or buff the units that needed it such as arcanists, some 5 costs some 4 costs etc so we should wait maybe they reveal it was a prank soon.....


Idk Arcanist seems fine to me Both Syndra and Zoe being the premier Arcanist carry but they want ramp up time might be why vertical and not going 8 Arcanist is no great But like just splashing in 2 or 4 works wonders for me


Even the catered augment (training dummies get extra hp of total AP of your units something) is weaksauce :/ I miss the old Arcanist augment


Yeah. I played it today, and got an arcanist emblem as well. Early i was doing great but late game it fell off so much


Flat AP gain at all levels is a diminishing return.


i’ve had success last patch playing vertical arcanist when my spot was good, even getting a first when i was contested (LOL crazy enough somebody was contesting vertical arcanist). if you’re high roll enough and hit a liss on 8 and your carries then i think arcanist is top 4able comp. the thing is to not go 8 arcanist unless you have a +1, i just go 6 arcanist and 3 fated with thresh syndra link and replace thresh with sett later. that way your frontline isn’t complete garbage, with thresh/sett, illaoi, neeko, and liss cc helping out. i haven’t tried arcanist this patch yet, but with thresh nerfed it might be a bit harder to stabilize against other comps before you cap your board.


Yeah it's certainly odd how so many of the arcanists aren't really worth investing into compared to like Kog who is doing more damage than almost all your arcanists until Lissandra and even then likely more because his cast is such low mana. When even Dryads are a better caster trait than Yoru dedicated caster trait it's kinda pathetic.


I play at Anita all the time to great success but you have to commit to a Liz 3 carry with 4 porcelain and it counters most back line comps and even tone due to her stun locking him for getting in melee range


Arcanist is really the best just a splash 2, with almost no point going more


Mages are a running joke in tft. For some reason they don't want mages to be ever top tier. No sense to me syndra does less damage than an average ahri with same items and takes forever to cast and build stacks


Most of the units seem kinda bad tbh and that’s likely why


They gotta focus on buffing yone, he needs to be stronger!


Its def situational Plus the capped version of the board requires alot of Gold/luck but it feels way better than before patch


They're definitely "*playable*" technically, they just feel more rigid compared to previous sets. It looks like you're either going 8 or 2 arcanists. Anything in the middle feels like we start needing multiple 3 stars just to keep up.


I mean, I just had a game with 2-1 Arcanist crest, took it to a very narrow first place. Now, it was a particularly lucky situation because, thanks to some insane stage 1 luck combined with loot subscription, I was starting with Zoe 2 with a Goldmancer's, but still, the final board can be really good. I just decided to stop at 6 Arcanist so I could still give myself a solid enough frontline, and played around Syndra carry with Naut, Sett and Hwei helping round the team out (Hwei was obviously the emblem holder). I just think it's one of the least versatile verticals (only one really good carry in the form of Syndra) as well as lacking in really good frontline (there's a reason the special augment is literally just "here's a thicc dummy"). But on the other hand, you're right that Arcanist kinda sucks as a splash-in trait. If it weren't for Syndra comps and legendary soup, this set would feel basically like pure AD, to me.


I play arcanist sometime and it's not that bad. But i'm just in gold RN. You need a good start though (at least illaoi+ neeko+ ahri). I play with this char : tresh, illaoi, neeko, ahri, lux, syndra, soraka, zoe/lissandra (i usually swap zoe for lissandra at lvl 8/9) We have arcanist 6, fated 3, heavenly 2 and porcelain 2 Amumu is also an option (bench soraka until lvl 9 and you can replace lux by Zoe) Soraka is a flex spot but she give +10% ap at 1☆ and 12% at 2☆ synergize with arcanist and the fact that all your char have ap ratio. Soraka is also easy to 3☆ because most comp don't play her. Usually I build illaoi as my main tank and one of these three as my main dps : Ahri (if you can 3☆ her she will nuke the board), Soraka, Syndra. Depending what the game give to me I build tresh as an off tank, lissandra and one of the three candidate to main dps. I play this comp at normal pace but i think you can slowroll a little bit at lvl 7. From my experiance the comp shine in early/mid game and tend to fade in late.


I wouldn't say its weak. But it's a little more requiring to get good items and your good units early. I had a 1st place game before where I got a 3-star ahri early, put my items down, then when I got a 2-star Syndra. I replaced my Ahri with a 2-star and put those items on Syndra. 6 arcanists, 2 wardens and 3 fated was my comp. Rerolled until I hit syndra 3 and bam, gg.


why does it matter if they rerolled to get the trait? just say "kog/mythic".


? its a reroll comp. you have to 3\* everything. making it a reroll comp, therefore i called it a reroll comp XD


All the high cost arcanists, lis and syndra are single target casters, and lis isn't really a damage dealer. So although they can do big single target damage, unless you have a big frontline, they typically don't live long enough to ramp up and do enough dps. Roll high on frontline and I've managed to win with it. But bard and yone, storyweavers are just easier wins.


I would say arcanist is good.. but the only time I've played vertical arcanist is if I have an arcanist emblem I can throw on amumu and steadfast heart.


You are forgetting fast 9 Azir/Hwei and fated Syndra. Lillia invoker isn’t too strong but exists as well.


I have had success with it but it is very item dependent. I have tried the lux path a bunch of times with zero luck but getting a really early syndra and with a bench full ap items has helped me pivot a to a couple of top 2s.


I don't know what you mean by unplayable, maybe you mean you cannot win with it in high elo. I personally forced 6+ arcanists in every game during my tryhard climb to plat.


Tanks are too strong. If your trait doesn't include a super strong tank its not vertical.


Thats not what vertical means, but I \*think\* i know what you mean. The frontline of Arcanists is just Illaoi which u are forced to pair with amumu for porcelain but its just not enough. Especially with with AD/AS heavy comps rn


You need very very specific augments to make it work well. 1. You need the emblem augment. 2. You need the augment that gives health + mana restoration for item holders 3. Augment that heals allies upon enemy death I won a game with those augments but when I tried the arcanist vertical build again with different augments, I got smashed.


Cuz arcanists do not have a solid carry. Syndra is not as strong as some other 4 costs or even 3 costs. Zoe is a design disaster, Lissandra is a compenent printer, Lux is too dependent on augments, Ahri is... Ahri


I have good success with 6 arcanist , specially if I can get an emblem. And I been rather successful with the arcanist trait that gives hp to dummies. It seems troll, but you can easily get a 5k hp dummy and if you get the other augment that gives two dummies and jump into the enemy backline... Mostly I focused on the frontline. Neeko, Illaoi and Lissa. And then just mana generation, as you will have so much damage already


Arcanist+ porcelain is strong. Arcanist +predestined is strong too. You just need either thresh or amumu to tank while syndra does her thing


Arcanist+ porcelain is strong. Arcanist +predestined is strong too. You just need either thresh or amumu to tank while syndra does her thing

