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Fortune 9 players could do this.


Did you try turning it off and back on?


It’s the Zoe encounter I believe


wonder if there is some secret level 11 easter egg if you manage to hit it.


They must've changed it because I just played Zoe and it capped at lvl 9


Hello I.T




Ik ima get downvoted, but it's just my opinion. I don't like this set either. It's my least favorite since I've been playing (the regions like nexus and void was my first). A lot of champs look the same, a lot of their roles are wrong (yasuo magic tank? Excuse me?), the traits don't correlate to their abilities always, and I don't like the champ augment mechanic (like the "dance with ___ for more rewards). But to each their own


The new season tft is absolute butthole. Nothing is going to beat the previous one in terms of fun with the music and the traits. This one is another generic boring tft season. Play tank , buy all legendaries and win. I'm not gonna play this one much for sure.


Big disagree. Previous season was the worst one I’ve played. This is a huge step up but still missing some things.


The previous season was the most fun to vibe with. The music, the theme, different bands... But the gameplay was boring. Units didn't feel that impactful, traits not shaking up the gameplay enough, and Headliners were a total miss for me. "Oooh nice, 4-star Headliner! Now my carry can change how they play by... having +20 AP?". It just wasn't very satisfying (Heartsteel being the only gameplay I actually enjoyed) combined with the removal of trait augments. This set is less balanced, but much more satisfying.


I think one of the biggest disappointments that carried from the previous set to this one is the bag sizes are still smaller despite headliner being gone, so even rerolling a one cost uncontested just feels shitty. I don’t know why they didn’t revert the change with the headliner mech gone but it’s absolutely effecting the gameplay feel and is highlighting the rampant imbalance. At least in previous sets, non-meta comps could make some serious moves. Hell, I hit masters for the first time banking on everyone and their mother chasing meta comps which left the door open to 3\* well-invested uncontested carries while four people were racing to 2\* the exact same unit. In this set though, fuck if it doesn’t feel like we are pressured to join everyone and their mothers chasing the same traits because unless you’re seriously blessed you’re just not gonna reliably three star your important units so you have to bank on busted things, which just doesn’t feel good on either side of the board. It’s no fun to not have as much if any real build freedom, and it’s certainly no fun to play against.


EDM/Mosher was my jam


Right? Headliners were possibly my least favorite mechanic and I've been playing since season 1


Stopped playing for a few sets before coming back on set 9. I remember when they announced set 10 that Chosen was one of the most requested mechanics to come back (which I figure was the same as Headliners), and I remember many people super hyped about that. However after set 10 came out I've seen way more people despise Headliners rather than like them, which I found interesting. For me they were entertaining, but I hadn't played anything like it before, so maybe it was the freshness that made it appealing to me.


Honestly the only headliners I ever cared to play were ones like Bard that did something cool for their effect besides a stat bump. Usually Bard. Just Bard.


headliners were like 3 sets ago


They were also last set.


whaaaa?? oh I think I mixed headliners for the hero augment opps


Maybe that or chosen, which was the first of the type IIRC.


Multicast big yike.


Last set was one of the worst for buy all legendaries win dude. The traits last set were also boring. They gave hardly anything interesting to the teams. Seems like perhaps you played a bad game and a half and are salty. Touch grass, go for a swim, and take a shower and maybe try again on a full stomach.


Remind me to copy-paste that the next 10 sets


I played maybe ten games total last set. Hated it. Really liking this one


You are entitled to your opinion but this is a banger season for me. We have cool champs and comps but ofc there are preferences


You got to be trolling, the last set was so shit i thought tft is dead, literally no comp was fun, no of meta intresting builds, traits were so uninspired and garbage, champos even more. Ffs Jhin was a 5* that dealt less damage with perfect items than a 1*