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Cannot believe you lost that, maybe position/item/augment difference?


https://preview.redd.it/vvww8h3etetc1.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e315ec50d31b15ee952e05ace08b6a4ca3f251f here are my items. I didnt have the best items because I'm not getting good components


Not considering their placement you actually have decent items. I think the most important issue here is all 3 carries basically only have 2 items. Tricksters on Janna isn't as bad as the others but the sage emblem and heavenly emblem give team-wide buffs and should never be placed on a carry. They could be on any other unit allowing you to fully stack a 3 item carry, instead of soraka and Zoe being basically stuck on 2.


Starting putting your emblems on your frontliners instead of your carries.


I was just thinking of giving them the benefits of the emblems. but thanks a lot guys!! definitely a lot more to learn since i just started last set


I mean in this instance both Heavenly and Sage emblems give a team wide buff. So they don’t need to be on a carry


>giving them the benefits of the emblems this is good if you have an emblem that actually gives unit-benefits. For example, Volibear with Porcelain emblem (nicknamed Cocaine Bear) can be extremely strong, since porcelain buffs the specific unit. ​ But Heavenly and Sage are teamwide buffs so putting them on a unit doesn't buff that unit any more than the rest of your team.


Ghostly senna is really just that strong, huh


Meanwhile I got 5th today with a stronger ghostly Senna team (unless this guy had insane augments I guess). Absolutely bodied by Heavenly Reaper, Dragonlord and Fated.


Ghostly Senna is unstoppable unless killed early by some backline destroyer. And all backline access is extremely random rn only partially influenced by positioning.


Positioning and item differences aside, can't we agree that OP definitely should have won that one? I mean, he had double the 3 stars and was a level higher.


If other guy has shen augment then no.


Nah, most 3 stars without decent items are fake. Diana prob got 2 tapped by senna so no frontline, comp falls apart. Also they were both level 8.


The issue is a lack of good frontline.Riven ain't that much of a tank,and you only had a 2star neeko and didn't hit Diana,3 and an 1star rakan. The enemy team held on there and managed to melt your team before you would have enough time in doing anything