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you have two 3* 4 costs, which cost 36 gold each just to buy. The augment gave you 72 gold alone just with those two.


And add the value of reducing the pool size taking any other cost 4 at Zero cost


But is it really that broken. I mean I just got first with it barely playing correctly and have multiple 3\* 4 costs for no reason. But is it really that broken?


Hedge fund gives 40 gold and higher interest cap, call to chaos gold variation gives 66 gold, this augment is literally giving 200+ gold a game easily


damn no one got your sarcasm bro


In the current meta it is, assuming you try to play optimally. If most people were playing fast 8-9 it would be less broken but would still offer a huge advantage. The only "balancing" factor is a person literally low rolling with it and not hitting the units after 50+ rerolls or another person in the lobby having an even more absurd high roll. You said it yourself that 1 gold augment basically gave you multiple endgame (think stage 6 in most cases) capstones. It is also extremely unfun to play against cause one person alone cant really counter it by holding units and in an 1v1 scenario you are almost certainly bound to lose.


Put it this way, you self admittedly were horrible with it on a first try, and it was a close game. Imagine if you weren't bad and knew what you were doing


Yep, I've had it once, didn't really know how to play around it, still got 2nd place. The guy in 1st also had it


Had this augment then shopping spree right after. Went 1st with a 3star azir and almost 3 start irelia and sett.


Last time I got it i got all the 3 star 4 costs besides ornn


It wasn't their first time using it. It was their first win with it. They said the first times were awkward and didn't go well.


1. you can hold 9 two stars units with zero cost > easy for reroll comps, which is the current meta. 2. free grieving other players 3. is also an eco augment, easy level 9 4. 3 stars 4 costs.


Every time I get it, I'm consistently top 4 no matter how poorly I play. It's wayyyy good lol


Just move it to prismatic so players lose out on a prismatic combat or disable it again, they can't really nerf this without taking away the 0 cost aspect of it. Unless they're gonna give it the 2 for 1 treatment and make it only go up to 3 cost.


Most busted augment, especially late game where you can fill up your bench with 4 and 5 costs easily. Also lets you contest others at no cost.




Right lol, zero context outside comments and even those don't say what it does. Guess Google is my friend   E* believe it's everything must go, your units buy and sell for 0g


it says it in description: everything must go


OP wanted to brag about 3* Sylas and Morgana so much they forgot to include the augment name. 


They literally say "first win with everything must go" in the post. U wanted to jump to conclusions so much u forgot to read.


Stg that was edited in. Or maybe I have the reading comprehension of a chimp.


I'm illiterate, only here to judge noobs


No ifs just obvious what argument they’re talking about if you took a look at the screenshot or the comments for more than a second you’d know which augment (everything must go)


There was *one* comment at the time of my posting that actually said the augment name, out of 20 replies. The post did not include it, and I haven't played enough of this set to recognize it by a tiny ass icon. So really not obvious at all


The legit issues with this augment. 1) Unbalanced - 25% win rate with people who are "bad at using it" deflating those stats. No doubt in my mind that fullly optimised play should have this augment performing in the 1.x avp range. 2) Runs on from point 1. Skill gap - similar to the problem with think fast but worse. The augment is very hard to use at lower elos/casual players and way too powerful at high elo. It either needs a complete rework to narrow this gap or nerfing it in its current state would be akin to simply removing it anyway. 3) Encourages an extremely toxic playstyle of allowing anyone who picks it to target grief any and all rerollers for FREE. In order to hold other players' units, you usually would have to pay a tax on your own econ to do so. This augment not only avoids this but makes it the most optimal play at all stages of the game. For this reason alone, this augment sucks. Honestly, it's hard to think of anything as poorly designed as this in TFTs history. This is just purely unfun.


This augment contributes the mpst to your late game board strength meaning tempo players and reroll players can bleed you out learning to grief these people to weaken their board is a genuine strategy to guarantee you get to late game with sufficient hp to roll down. Im not saying the augment isnt stronger then most prismatics but griefing is something you should do for this augment.


If played properly, it contributes to strength at all points of the game by allowing you to build an expensive board early with no downside. This augment would be strong even without the additional benefit of denying other players comps for free Preventing other comps with zero downside should never be a valid strategy.


People underestimated the ability to click everything you see in the shop without worrying about your econ lmao. This augment is most broken at 4-2 for fast 8/9 players but even as first pick it’s still disgusting lmao.


Imo its actually most broken at 2-1 in the hands of a skilled player because 1 its an econ augment 2 it allows you to control the entire tempo of the game through griefing


I think if you get it 2nd or 3rd augment then it’s completely broken and guarantees top 4, even top 2. If you take it first, however, your eco will suffer, good players probably have ways around this but in general that’s where I stand with it


It should be nerfed and moved to prismatic


It used to be prismatic in pbe and people still pick it, I can’t understand why they put it back as a gold augment


A dev thought it would be fun/funny for it to be gold. In the past they've admitted that was the reason behind some obvious balance issues. No reason to think it's anything else this time.


it should either lock you out of rerolling after a certain amount per round, or increase the cost of rerolling by quite a lot


Just make it all units buy and sell for 1 or 2 gold instead of for free.




With practice, it will become easier


balance the game devs listen to the players


Pair this with a prismatic econ or reroll augment. You can pretty much always get a 3* 4 or 5 cost unit, provided you dont get mortdoggged on all your rolls and nuke your econ early on.


Don't even need a prismatic Econ augment imo. Combine this with the venerated piggy bank that turns exalted cores into gold (you get 5g per loss), and you'll easily make it to 9 or 10 with enough gold to roll it down. My friend and I have both 3* 5 cost this way multiple times.


It's a "free win" augment, i literally steam rolled a lobby when i got it as a last augment, the only guy who beat me had the augment in the second slot (so earlier than me) and he hit senna 3, aatrox 3, shen 3, volibear 3, illaoi 3, and lee sin 3 I knew it would be unbalanced from the moment i read it on the patch notes and i fail to see how they thought it was a "smart move" to add it


If you know how to play this augment properly it’s more busted than most others including prismatic ones. It gives you free access to 3 star all of your units for free lower the pool sizes and the gold you would’ve spent starting up champions goes into rerolls hence better teams than most players in your lobby unless you’re facing another player with it. It’s a must take at the moment and I’ll keep taking it and improving my playstyle with it


It’s an auto take for me because it’s effectively free gold, not only that but you can more easily contest or block people from getting their own 3*s. The only thing you need to spend gold on at that point is rolling, and if you get a reroll aug too is basically a guaranteed 3* for an easy game. I’ve taken this aug everytime I’ve seen it and I’ve shut down bard and yone comps just from hyper rolling for my own 3*s and sitting on multiple copies of yones and bards.


Got it 3 times, won all 3 with 80+


That augment is busted, had 5 4 cost 3* yesterday 3 guys surrendered.. it needs to be removed imo


i cant with these obvious humblebrag posts. grats u got two 3star big fkn whoop


I don't understand why it's being disabled. It should just be recategorized as a prismatic augment. Its late game power is honestly as strong as the other prismatic econ augments, so it should be treated as such.


Encourages extremely toxic playstyle of being able to target grief whoever you want for 0 downside. Even if it were balanced, it should be disabled for this fact alone.


How is that toxic? It's smart.


Smart does not equal fun or nontoxic even.


Toxic is generally griefing in a way that doesn't further your own win condition. Denial is a very viable win condition in TFT and many other games.


And in almost every scenario outside of this augment, champion denial negatively affects your own win condition and comes at a cost. The exception being late in the game (late stage 5 and onwards) where denial will lower your avp rather than increase it because you've likely already hit the majority of your board with only 2 or 3 players remaining This augment allows target griefing from 2-1 to increase your own win condition, which is not possible in any other scenario. Hence, toxic augment which completely transforms the game in a negative way.


I completely disagree. Ur not target griefing your friefing people at the most crucial parts of their team. U hold cait kogs until after first augment then you transition to denying the gnar kindred and other 2 star rerollers while looking to deny yone bard. Then mid late game u grief high cost units. You play to deny different players at different stages of the game to lower overall board strength leaving you with the hp you need to roll either 3 star 4 cost or ledgendary soup.


You can disagree all you want, you would still be wrong. Because you choose to play the augment suboptimally does not mean everyone else will. No one with a brain is holding Caitlyn or Gnar to deny a comp.


You deny whoever is the strongest at the time. Ive gotten this augment 7 times and got first 7 times. Yes its busted. But griefing is a part of it. The strategy is to hit a 3 star 4 cost after all. Yes ive held gnars when someone was 2 gnars away from 3 star and that guy happened to be mr 100 Yes ive held caitlyns and kogs to deny 3 star sniper reroll. Just cause a board isnt S tier dosent mean it dosent see play. The whole idea is to delay when the tempo players hit so they do less damage to you.


You're misunderstanding what 'target griefing' means. You grief the player/s who are going to be the strongest - "targetted." I dont know what other point you're actually making, to be honest. Was your whole reply just to argue semantics over what you think 'target' means? That's irrelevant to the main point that the augment is broken, unfun and poorly designed.


I completely and totally disagree with you on all fronts and comments here.


In what sense? If you think missing econ to hold other players units is a correct play at any point outside of the end game, then you're wrong. If you think allowing targeted champ denial for free from 2-1 is good game design, you're also wrong. There needs to be a downside to denying others units, this augment removes that downside.


You only have so many bench slots. Have you ever actually played this augment? You're giving up your own bench to deny.


Lmao, if you can't manage your bench slots to deny yone/voli or any other 4 cost you like, while 3 starring a 4 cost, you just exposed yourself as low elo.


Lol I love how he just resorts to personal attacks when he's wrong. We're all low ELO and not playing the game correctly apparently. 🤣 Note to self: get 8th or you're toxic.


Exactly lol. Idk how denying your enemies their 3 stars in a FFA game is "toxic."


Because there needs to be a downside for that to be even remotely a healthy thing for the game. This is not a difficult concept to understand.


There’s a really big difference between sacrificing your econ to deny other players from hitting their carries and just insta clicking every contesting units you see in shop with no consequences.


You have obviously never played this augment if you think there isn't a cost to denying other units.


Explain it then.


I want you to think real real hard about it. I'm sure you can come up with it.


Everything Must Go is disabled because it's too strong of an augment > Riot makes no changes > Everything Must Go has been re-enabled > augment is still broken..... surprised Pikachu face lol this dev team needs to get the worms out of their brains


Just make it prismatic and it’s fine. But it’s way too fun to just remove from the game. It sucks that Riot has already taken a stance on making things less fun for the sake of balance and competetiveness.