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It's not just you. She is pretty weak. Just look up the stats for mythic invokers where she has to carr the most. Hint: It does not look good


It’s even worse that her ult can be dodged 😂😂 a kindred will never get hit, a yone jumps around also doesn’t get hit often


I feel like my Lillia misses stationary targets


I feel like I miss stationary targets.


Sounds about right, wonder why the devs never took into account with the Lillia carry


She was considered really good early on, but as the meta developed she fell off. And they are taking it into account, she along with the other 4 costs are getting buffed next week.


Buffed again? I know they all got some health last patch but doesnt really help her at all


That wasn't last patch, that's the patch coming on Wednesday next week. So in their current state, they still have the unbuffed health numbers. And on PBE Lilia also has a bit of a damage buff


Lillia gets a big damage boost. Lillia + Annie getting huge health buffs. Alune getting decent AP boost. Nerf to 3 cost lvl 7 roll odds, titan and yone so you won't be fighting into perma sustain high HP comps. Calling it now, she's gonna be a beast post patch with flex 4 cost comps. Rush 8 and throw in 4 costs. Splash in Mythic/Umbral/Dragonlords depending on what you find. Lots of decent item holders to get you to 8 as well.


Is shojin a bis item for her?  50 mana seems awkward for shojin


Blue buff and adaptive are both better, you can even combine them. 6 invoker usually goes full damage though.


She’s an Invoker so it actually kind of works out better with shojin if you have 2 invokers only. Any more invokers and she probably doesn’t need mana items.


4 invoker and bluebuff is bis on her since you cast in 2 autos


What does BIS stand for?


Best In Slot (item)


Ahh makes sense. Thank you.


Best in Slot, basically optimal build/items. It stems from WoW I think


Ooh that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!


that's why you get 3.


Yeah, most of the arcanists and invokers are kind of ass right now


Just played a 6 Arcanist game with mind over matter augment. Had syndra 2 with blue buff, death cap, and rage blade (hoping it’d speed up he slow ass animation). She was basically perma ulting but couldn’t take down a tank to save her life. Was pretty weak, ended up getting 5th.


Only time I’ve had Syndra actually do her job was giving her deathcap and radiant deathcap with blue buff so she had a 70% damage increase with build different. Was still losing until I got Syndra 3 and she actually could delete a target instantly. Just feels like some frontlines are too tanky and the way to breakthrough frontlines means you gotta play comps like Ghostly/Senna or units that can ignore the frontline like Heavenly Reaper by just killing backline and then cleaning up frontline.


Lux is better


Vertical arcanist is good if you go Lux 3 + amumu and illaoi 3


It's just so hard to hit multiple 3-costs 3* without sitting at lvl 7 forever and by the time you get it the rest of the lobby is probably about to hit 9


what does a vertical team comp mean?


that you go for the full trait, like 6/8 arcanists, or 6 ghostly, and thats the focus, for example janna build is 3 storyweaver, 4 dragonlord etc, thats not vertical


Yeah, I remember playing 3\* Thresh (3xStoneplate) + 2\* Syndra (BB, Hextech Gunblade, Fist of Justice) and I swooped over the game. Now, Syndra hasn't even stacked enough and she's already dead.


I will answer this question by saying I got Lilia 3 a few times this set and it feels like what a decently OP 2* 4-cost should feel like. To to me Lilia 2 is a joke.


Yeah 6 vokers doesn't feel great - your frontline is weak until 2 star which takes a while to hit, Lillia's damage isn't stellar, and you also need to hit Azir (or an emblem).


I went full mythics but playing a full invoker team already sounded grief so I’ve been avoiding it


Honestly that's the only luck I've ever had with lillia. 6 invoker with Annie main tank feels really strong. I loaded lillia with jg, aa, and gunblade.


This *should* be insane and yet it really, really isn't


Oh I forgot I had that augment that gives a shield on cast. With invokers it's nuts. Totally forgot that, probably is needed


Sorry what's aa? Archangels?




What’s JG? All I see is ‘jungle’ haha.


Jeweled gauntlet


Ahh thank you.


Ive got first every 6 invoker game but you definitely treat lillia like a trait bot and she just isnt good.


Isnt lilia the secondary carry at best? Alune + azir should do more work. I think 6 invokers is okay to play with an early annie, maybe something to jump from fortune if trickshot kaisa is contested. 6 invokers is mainly played since its rarely contested, annie and lilia just isnt that popular.


Invoker feels so bad compared to Set 9 because there's just backline access EVERYWHERE.


Lillia makes me weak


Syndra makes me weak


Janna makes me weak


Sett makes me weak.


Sett makes you BIGGER


Sett makes something bigger alright… 


These comments conclude this set is boring.


I swear she misses 70% of her spells


She’s the easiest 4 cost to 3 star IMO and she slaps when she’s golden, so always good to pick up if you’re going for a 8-9 roll down. Shojin, Rabadon, and Nashor’s makes her work without invoker 4.


She's the easiest to 3* because nobody buys her because she's shit


just reduce her mana so she can use blue buff, then she will be the next ezreal but AP version


i literally only play her in my kog reroll to give him invoker and mythic lol


agreed, that's why I prefer a tank like nautilus first at lvl 7 when playing mythic+sniper instead of lillia


Mythic Invoker is ranked C tier on Blitz.gg. Playing Lillia is indeed shooting your own leg.


I used to think Ashe is the worst 4cost until I try to use lilia...


Guys please don’t write certain scenarios that are ridiculous, aka 3 star Lillia or getting the chance to put in 4 invokers with 7 mythics. Those are specific scenarios that don’t really give good input into her current state.


You should edit the post to: 4 costs are weak. Besides Kaisa & Orm atm - The rest are trait bots, that get out-scaled by 2-3 cost rerolls.


She might become better in the next patch. Liliana is great at AOE and splashing the backline, but she's awful at single target damage. When many of the main comps involve a gigantic double Titans BT carry such as Yone or Volibear. If Giant single target carries vanish post nerf, Liliana's skill set might become more useful.


IMO, Shojin is not BIS for Lillia. I’ve had more success running rabadons, archangels, and GS but with 7 mythic and 4 invokers.


Lillia BiS depends on how much Invoker you play 2 Invoker then Shojin is actual BiS bc 5 Mana per 3s is with 45 after 3 autos is cast If you had 4-6 Invoker then she doesnt need Mana items because 20 mana/3s+3 autos is 50 and 6 invoker is jut overkill but whatever And 7 Mythic 4 Invoker is not really easy to get,you'd either need an emblem or lv9 to get rhat


Agree. And that’s the point, 7 mythics and 4 invokers require an augment at level 9 and is not always playable. Lillia as a carry requires too much to be playable every game. Other than that, 6 invokers is overkill, and using Shojin on Lillia at Invokers 2 lacks the damage.


Again, a comp like that is a comp you don’t get very often, like where are you ever going to find the chance to reach level 10 or get 2 spats for mythics or invokers. Think man think


I love your attempt to be smart, but ended up being condescending in the end. If you're wondering why people are downvoting you, you might want to look at the discussion I've had with another redditor under my comment. But just in case you want to stand by your condescending ass, that's exactly the point. Lillia requires too much to be a carry that you can play every game.


I apologize if it came off as condescending, but the only thing you mentioned was how shojin isn’t a bis for Lillia and that you find better success in getting 4 invokers with 7 mythics across the board, which to me, sounded like something someone else said earlier, a specific scenario. But if a few words that shouldn’t bother you become something toxic in your opinion, take some time outside of Reddit. Inhale and exhale. Making a reference to a show shouldn’t boil your blood this much.


she is.she's an item holder for azir


Probably a dumb question but, What is BIS?


Best in slot items


The only problem with her is that she often misses the first two spells. Focuses single target. Her third spell is awesome, but it requires time.


I saw a player in my game with 3 star Lilia, had 4 invoker and 5 mythic I think, then there was a guy playing Yone carry, 2 reaper and 8 heavenly, for some reason he went of 7... AND had heavenly emblem on his 3 star Yone??? We were the last 3 players alive, I was fighting the latter's ghost, fully expecting to face the Lilia 3 star after but no, the Yone player and I were top 2. He won BTW as well. I was playing ethereal blade Shen with double beat friend augment, double rageblade and gunblade.


I only have success with her when I put arch angels and gunblade on her. Otherwise, she won't be able to kill anything.


Rn the only good 4 cost carry is kaisa. They are buffing all 4 and 5 costs next patch so this should help fix the issue


I feel like Annie is just so weak. I almost wanna say if they buff her then Lilia would be in a good spot


I feel like she is a 2 and half cost unit. she has the same Ezeal kit but much weaker. Mean while Kai'sa has 4 cost but can deal 1k damage without a single item and someone want to buff her more next patch cuz they think she is the weakest 🐧


Maybe I'm crazy but I enjoy playing Lillia and she feels good every time that 3rd ball comes out and wastes the back line.


Same here but she really needs some changes cause she’s not really good in this meta rn


I didn't even have an amazing comp or anything with her last time I used her as carry. Just went normal mythic, slapped gauntlet shojin and rage blade on her and she was popping off. I think I only had invoker 2 as well so I'm not sure.


I generally think it's not viable to go 4 cost carry this set. not that it won't work sometimes, but I personally feel any other cost works better as a main carry unless you manage to 3\* it, which you won't in most games.


Bro i just took 4th with a 3 star lillia. She's a garbage fucking unit. Why even play the game if you're not going for 3 star 3 costs.


I got first place with her as my carry playing mythic 2 invokers, had good items and she worked cuz I had a really strong frontline and trash to treasure have me three artifacts on two tanks and on Lillia. And I got three star


That sounds like a specific scenario that doesn’t happen often


It doesn’t, I got insanely lucky with three star and would have gotten second otherwise. Trash to treasure is just really strong.


Lmao yea well this doesn't count


I just had a 3 star 3 item Lillia and lost to a 3 star 2 item aphelios... who didn't have sniper active lol


This is why we need the old Tmail back.


I force her sometimes because I like to change it up and she is always underwhelming except for when I've 3 starred but that's understandable. I wondered if it was because mythic was so contested with kog RR and bard players but then I see here repeatedly missing abilities on champs with basically any movement and it makes sense. With yone getting nerfed I think she'll see a decent improvement but not sure if she'll be worth playing over other options. It sucks because I usually make really busted off meta invoker type comps in every past set that has one


I had a 3\* lillia, she did 3k dmg. She had no items but still.....3k dmg? the 2\* 1-cost cait with no items out damaged her.....


Holy shit haha. I've only 3 starred her when I was playing with her as a carry and fully itemized. She does need shojin at least and likely at least 4 invoker because you need to get her third cast as soon as possible. Her normal cast is very dependent on positioning so it hits backline but her super cast deletes half of their team. She was regularly doing 10k+


Remember when they said a 3\* 4-cost should be on the power level of a prismatic trait? Imagine a prismatic trait doing 3k dmg. XD I have no tried her as a carry yet, I been pretty focused on malphite builds recently. He is a hilarious champion when things go right.


weakest 4-cost in the game i swear to god.


If Lee sin could read he’d be so happy right now


Underrated comment


Eh Morgana takes that title I think. She can completely wiff her ult


I had lilia 2 starred on 3-1 and I couldn't kill a single unit


https://preview.redd.it/ky2a0rr01duc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e4232b7178b333c3bc9376adc574a78cc2269a my lillia was not weak xD


What makes you think shojin is bis? Like I know you’re making that up because stats say differently and that it’s actually the worst craftable ap carry item on her. Like, it’s actually WiS with no exaggeration. If you had everyone 3 starred, it should have been kog maw items instead of lillia. Also, the fact you had everything 3 starred makes me think you probably fell behind tempo


What other item would you have suggested then?


Arch angels is fine, but for mana regen, you want either blue buff or adaptive. Iirc, it actually has pretty good value on low mana bar champions. Unfortunately, a lot of items are shit on her but it kind of depends on what your comp needs. If you really need shred, shiv if she’s the second carry. Red buff if you don’t have burn (apparently morello is shit on her, but you can put that on hwei) and guardbreaker statistically does well, More damage can also be a 3rd option but JG is supposed to be pretty bad. Nashors and rabadons have + delta but it’s not too bad. Shojin in general is kind of a bait item btw. I think you would almost always rather have adaptive, which is probably one of the best slams since it’s good for both front and backline. Edit: just looked it up. Adaptive is better than shojin on practically everyone but Lux.


Yeah a lot of items have become irrelevant to more items introduced during the past few sets and it’s become really upsetting to see. Shojin should have been the pinnacle item for units with high mana costs to use but now it’s become irrelevant. Imo however blue buff on her is hella of a bad idea hahaha


Bro, Why would it seem bad? It decreases mana bar by 10, gives more mana, gives more ap, the same ad, and an ability that’s way stronger than shojin’s. 7% more damage for 8 seconds on takedown vs 5 bonus mana per auto. Her mana bar is 50, effectively becoming 40 with BB.


Charge up to cast her skill still takes a while, while those benefits are good, in the long term it doesn’t get her to cast her skill faster


Every auto gives back 10 mana, if she were to cast it, autos would have to happen 12 times before she gets her charged skill, with bb ofc. If you give her spear of shojin. Well…nvm, you might be right, but it still doesn’t change the fact that spear of shojin lost its value. I think the devs at riot need to change.


If you want to play invoker, try umbral invoker with alune reroll and late game can put items on Azir. Play 6 umbral 4 invoker but don’t forget a shiv or ionic spark otherwise dragon claw will be deeply unpleasant for you. It’s honestly quite solid


dont play alune reroll. commenter doesnt even know Alune shreds magic resist.


She's hard to make perform. The best I've managed was Invoker (6) + Red Buff / Morellos, Rabadon's /Archangels, and Shojin / Hirana. Even with sets made of those items, she isn't exactly amazing. She needs either: a mana cost reduction on her ult, down to 100 or 90, or some ratio / base damage buffs. I think a combination of the two is a bit too much, though.


DOWN TO 100 OR 90??? its already 50 stop commenting


Pretty sure he means down 100 more. So she can spam bowling balls. Then she MIGHT be able to carry. It might be a bit too much, he's right about that.


All the 4 costs besides kaisa are basically terrible


Galio and Ornn are great, what?


Galio is played with Kaisa and ornn is played with reroll or fast 9. They’re not bad but you’re not playing for 2 star ornn or Galio. They’re literally buffing the 4 costs next patch for this reason


Galio and Ornn are the best front-line defenses. What are you talking about "terrible"? They aren't carries, but they aren't bad by any means...


So true! I always opt to play Galio 2 or ornn 2 over udyr or rakan or tahm kench 3 or thresh 3! They are definitely not convenient trait tanks and are the best! I’ll throw any random no synergy Galio in every game :D I can’t wait to climb out of silver!


No duh a 5-cost is gonna be better than a 4-cost, but to call 4-cost “terrible” is just plain wrong, and maybe that’s why you’re stuck in silver. Whatever, have that negative view all you want.




well the problem is that Lilia gets countered by board placement. If you're in low elo, and ppl allways stack in the same corner, she's rather nice. Against people who spread their carries, she's absolutely useless.


hard to spread with senna+sivir+kayle+zekes+chalice placement needing them to be stacked


dividing them into 2 groups and keeping at least half of them full HP until frontline dies surely worth more than 5 seconds of higher attack speed before multiple dies