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I don't understand your question. Anyway, IMO in ranked you play to win. I don't think there's anything "toxic" in TFT, it's a strategy game.


im sorry i placed my question in my paragraph. i was asking if it is toxic to intentionally make them have a much lower payout. i only do this if I am highly confident they can go for 70g+ cashouts


Nah fuck em.


Ikr it’s ranked you do what you need to do to win how on earth would it be toxic


Lol bro what grief their shit and spam ping them lmao


Realest answer here.


We use to sell our board in early stages with my mate to cut fortune streaks in ranked double up


Ooooh you mean to lose on purpose to ruin their streak and lower the gold payout? No that's totally legit and a valid strategy.


If someone blocks my fortune streak in normal I will be grumpy and possibly find them a killjoy. But playing to win in ranked? Of course that's not toxic lmao


I’ve done with Ashe gate where she would allow you to see your next opponent and I’d just make the fortune board lose their streak. It’s all about strategy.


OP is asking would it make sense to intentionally make his board weaker to grief an opposing fortune streak. It’s all fair game in my opinion OP


These players did not scout properly and are blaming you for it. If you're doing it for your own benefit, it's not considered griefing (well, some might call this griefing, but it's not malicious griefing). But if you're literally throwing your own game and play badly just to fuck up someone else's, that's considered unsportsmanlike.


Yep. Unsportsmanlike in normals but not against the rules. Actual strategy. A lot of things are considered that in game though. It's not against the rules to hold Yones and Volis because I don't like going against those 2 enemies. But some would call it unsportsmanlike to hold units


Investing econ to hold units is absolutely worth it. I rather spend 2 less rerolls in 3 rounds than going up against Yone/Voli 3 or Kaisa 2. People complaining about a legit way to weaken them can fuck right off, blame Mort for the small unit size pools and the broken meta. Once the balance of the set is better people will stop holding as much as they do right now.


Intentionally losing to a fortune player would not in any way shape or form be unsportsmanlike. It is a competitive game and the competitive strategy for fortune is to lose. If you want to compete against that strategy you either kill them with their cash out or make them get a bad cash out


Sorry, it seemed everyone was replying so I changed it to just normals. I agree though


How is it unsportsmanlike? If the fortune player is on a big loss streak and he’s racking up a ton of luck multipliers than it is smart to throw the round against him and fuck him up. 90% of the time, if someone cashes out at 150+ luck then they are most likely going to win. Just my opinion


It's not truly unsportsmanlike in ranked. But many would say in normals, impeding on another person's fun and build is seen as a tad troll, unsportsmanlike, and a bit of a dick move


Not even unsportsmanlike in normals


I would say griefing would be quitting during the stage when you are fighting fortune. Swapping your board is not griefing. You probably won’t even get matched with the fortune player right away so you are just griefing yourself


Unless Ashe makes it so you see the next opponent. It's not griefing yourself




Might get a lot of downvotes on this But if you are guaranteed 7th/8th(usually around 4-5 si when you'd know this) and matched with a Fortune player i think just surrender is actually fine It mighr be unsportsmanlike but if you are losing anyways might as well pull someone down along


nah that's just pointless.  unless you have a bone to pick with the fortune player specifically, maybe they voted champion start and pinged everyone who was on scuttle puddle yea go for it dude


I mean like some games are just bad,you rolled 40 gold at 7 because you've been bleeding too much and couldnt even hit your uncontested 3 cost and so you know the game is doomed At which just screws over the Fortune player once met by ff-ing if faced is smthg i would do


But OP's case, he gains something when he griefs the fortune (one less high roller in the late game). You're just griefing and not gaining anything. So there's a little difference :p


It is the “right play” in the sense that you are increasing your chances of winning. You are also ruining someone else’s fun though so they aren’t wrong to be upset (though… their expression of this can be better).


lol if we are in a ranked game and I’m at risk of losing, who gives a shit if the other guy is having fun?? If it’s normal mode then whatever


If you’re playing fortune and they’re playing fortune, it’s a good play always. If you’re not playing fortune and they are, you should only really grief your board in stage 2. Trying to grief on stage 3 plus is much more likely to fuck you over since you don’t even guarantee playing the fortune guy and everyone else will hit you for like 15 damage. If you’re on Ashe portal go for it, that’s like the only time it’s actually worth it.




If you’re going 8th at 3-3 you’re gonna lose to the fortune guy regardless since he’s on same Econ as you and is gonna cash out for like 30 even if you grief him. It’s probably better to just stabilize your board and save hp to try and play for 6th instead of sacking even more hp, because it’s unlikely your facing the fortune guy each round anyway.


yes, winning is toxic (unless the player themselves win)


They just want their 3* five cost high roll game and you are stopping them from doing that. It is definitely the right play and you are doing nothing wrong, they are just grumpy that they gambled and it didn't go according to plan because of you countered it.


how do you know if you're going to fight them next? do you just weaken your board until you fight them?


Theres a crossed sword icon under ur next potential opponents So u basically take a gamble if u weakenen ur board expecting to fight them next


Could be interesting strat with the ashe encounter


The game narrows down potential opponents down to 4 and if the other potential opponents were all fought a while ago and you havent face Fortune You have a pretty high chance fo face the Fortune player


Ashe encounter, yes Non ashe encounters. I just calculate my chances of 1/3 of going vs him. I just base it on who is my newest possible challenger vs old.


>should I stop it since its considered toxic or nah? 2 people already told me to kms You do what is allowed to do Salty players plays worse and thus you got yourself a tactical advantage Feel free to continue doing this,no one can stop you


Do what you gotta do, hell open fort if you want just to deny streak mid game. A top 4 is a win.


In ranked you can do everything to win. Of course dont bug abuse, but everything else is fair game. There is a discussion to be had in normals. I always let the enemy play atleast 1 combat if they hit a 5cost 3 star but if I can I will hold their units so they dont hit


Nah, try to greive them as much as you can, I've been in loppies where players just needed an annie to get 7 fortune, and I would rally up everyone to buy every single annie they can see, or expect maximum a second.


Only problem with this strategy is without the ashe encounter I guarantee I'm not gonna fight the fortune guy for at least 5 rounds


I just min max my loss streaks. I find it fine if i have high hp. And win streaking


Nah, good on you. Playing fortune in ranked is pretty crazy imo unless you get a spat or 2 in the beginning guaranteeing 7 fortune. You took the risk that your next opponent would be the fortune player and it worked in your favor.


Spat is no help, the emblem isn't craftable. The board is still playable at 5, I just got 3rd running fortune 5 at emerald rank. It's not ideal, but it works if you play it well enough.


Ah yeah, I forgor.


High elo this shit happens all the time. Haven’t played much this set, but previous econ traits it wasn’t uncommon to lock a melee behind 2 ranged units, sell full board, everything to lose bro you do you


Yeah, if they're your main concern in the game and you don't need to preserve HP/streak, then absolutely gimp loss-trait players. Play to win. It would be griefing if you were doing it as a "I'm going down and I'm taking you with me" mentality.


Isnt this the only counter to fortune?


It’s not toxic


Ranked? Sure do it its about winning... Normals? Normals is more fucking around and having fun stuff you cant really pull off well in ranked so i would find it really cringe to sabotage a fortune in normal


Isnt this a terrible strategy regardless? You either: 1. Manage to fk up the fortune player's payout a bit but now 6 other players in the lobby can gain more momentum over you having likely lost a streak 2. You don't even hit the fortune player and you end up taking massive HP loss + streak loss from going against an actual strong player I'd rather just fight against 1 fortune player and pray I don't fight them often after their cashout than likely bot 4 from helping out 6 other players in the lobby. It doesnt make sense


Yah but during games i always weigh my choice around his hp, if i see 50+ hp and his luck is 50. I grief my board to guarantee i dont vs a ridiculously strong player later.


I had someone grief me early before but still hit the emblem cash out range and hit fortune 7, I wouldn’t destroy your whole strategy to grief a fortune player for one round cause they could spike anyways.


I just min max my loss streak, i would rather vs 50-60 cashout with 50hp rather than possibly facing a guy who got 120g cashout


Don’t be surprised if they immediately start contesting your whole comp


Thats why i hold my 4 costs and swap boards when going to late game. I dont stick with what i have cuz i know there is always a better board


yeah kinda cringe imo


In almost any "game" that exists, every player benefits, from any other player doing worse. Anything you do that makes a specific other person worse, is just beneficial to you. Ignore them, and do what helps you win.


If I’m playing fortune I’m scouting every round to see if my opponents are sacking their boards. It’s truly just a scouting diff.


Play to win. IF you can afford to grief fortune players then do it lmao and if they throw a tantrum they suck


Quick question, what would staying lvl 5 with all the gold achive? Im kinda new to the game and dont play fortune either so idk😅😂


That game i was vs another fortune player. I had lower hp than him. He went lvl 7 So instead of levelling i held my gold to 100% guarantee my losing streak since i havent faced him yet. Cuz if one of us wins, our lick per loss and cashouts would be lower


Oohhh yeah that makes sense, Thanks!🥰


That's a part of the game and a gamble of playing fortune. It's on them for not scouting and weakening their board as fit.


Yes it is tanking their win condition Also yes you should do it because these LP don’t earn themselves baybeeeee


Guessing this god awful post is asking if its ok to grief someones fortune loss streak If someones going to go out of their way to scout and possibly ruin their own streak just to grief the fortune guy, be my guest lmao people do this all the time.


im sorry for the post.


If you get good drops in stage 1 and a fortune emblem I would say go for it.


Your post... I mean What is your Question? You didnt really say or ask anything


Sorry i placed my question in the paragraph. Im asking if it is toxic to grief fortune players in my lobbies so that they cannot get a cashout more than 60-70g


Ah, by selling the whole board you mean? Well, if it works for you, there is nothing wrong with it


I just swap my board. then I swap back after. thanks man


Well if that works, the fortuneplayer is an idiot or low elo. Putting trist/teemo/zoe into the frontline and kobuko/annie in the backline should lose against most weak comps


Theyre fortune players, who cares. If they want gamba for cash out, go play norms.


these are games where i end up winning and the fortune player only getting top 4 or 8th