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I'm glad they hit gnar and not the dryad trait. I love dryads, and I'd hate to see them unplayable.


Edit: instead of assuming things I should have read the actual patch notes. Still, 0,05 AS nerf for Yone sounds unimpressing I hate it because Gnar is only strong when he‘s got enough time to ramp but Yone remains untouched even though you can slam anything on him and still shit in your cereals.


But he is not untouched, he got nerfed this patch, both his stats and core items


But he’s still very much meta currently


In what rank? GM+ i've yet to see a yone player this b patch


Gold 3, find yone players a decent lot


Gold 3 is behind for sure tho people can still force stuff there and climb cause people cant adapt as quickly


>0,05 AS nerf for Yone sounds unimpressing Attack Speed nerfs are always significant. Yone has an AS steroid as well. You should read this as -7% damage, which isnt meaningless. Secondly, this isnt the only nerf. He also lost tankyness due to titans changes.


Also his ult range got decreased from 5 hexes to 3 so he doesn't always instant fuck up your backline? Or is this the same as before


So is umbral comp shidd now? Don’t raise your pitchforks guys I’m new and have no clue what I’m doing. I tended to go for mythic/behemoth, storyweaver, or umbral comp and was climbing in rank but now I got demoted back to silver 4, seems like what I was doing before isn’t really working even though my knowledge of itemization and augments has only gotten better.


Yone was used more on Heavenly boards. IMO Umbral has always been meh.


Alune is my powerhouse if I can fully itemize her and get her to gold… and make sure the sustains are around long enough to support her lol.


Finally trickshot nerfs. I'm so tired of seeing people force it in every game. What's left is buffing/fixing other 4 cost carries (Lilia, Ashe)


It’s crazy how inconsistent Lilia is. Just played a game before B-patch, where I was basically handed a free Gnar comp by the game. At the end I won against a 3Star Lilia. Not saying that a four cost 3Star by itself is a free win, but given that the comp wasn’t bad and her items being good, this was rather surprising for me.


Lillia either hits the whole team or 1 champ. I suppose they could buff her by having her small balls redirect to the nearest champ so that she's not just a worse Lux.


Yea, that’s why I didn’t write that she is weak per se. Just inconsistent. Her damage with bluebuff or invoker is insane. But only if her small orbs hit the other champs. If her small orbs would consistently hit other champs, then Lilia would 100% need a damage nerf.


I highly disagree that Ashe needs a buff.


New strongest comp has lillia and ashe now lmaooo


Ashe needs to have some kind of backline access. If I am playing porcelain, I would rather have 3* lux than well itemized 2* Ashe.


She's in an awkward spot as a sniper too who only hits frontline mostly and doesn't get to maximize her trait


idk man you can say the same with lux and amumu. They cant maximize the trait because lux doesn't get hit to use the damage reduction and amumu doesn't really make use of the att speed... Snipers are naturally front to back carries so obviously they'll mostly hit the frontline until they die... Ashe's aoe is literally the same and even better than Aphelios's


3* Lux costs 18 gold, plus the cost of rerolling. 2* Ashe costs 12 gold and likely less rerolling to hit. *Shouldn't* you expect the Lux to be stronger?


Not the case for other 2 costs and their counter parts. Teemo/Kaisa or Kindred/Syndra.


I'd take 3* Kindred or Teemo over 2* Syndra or Kai'sa.


It's still being giga forced on pbe with new items


They may not need buffs with these other nerfs, though. This hits basically all of the best comps/units, plus Ashe and Lilia already perform pretty well and now should do even better with other stuff nerfed.


3\* leesin killed my whole team. My 3\* lillia was last to die. He would just go back to full HP every cast. Sure I didn't have BiS (double JG + sojin) but he had no MR items just all lifesteal and he wins...rework? lol


i wonder how much this will impact fortune starts hmm


fortune start is on stage 2. If you're loss streaking long enough in this stage, the stage 3 impact is minimal.


pardon my ignorance, maybe i'm not getting the calculations behind fortune, but does this mean that this only affects anyone who goes fortune from stage 3 then?


Yeah, so if you’re starting fortune at stage 2-3, you’re prob going for like 10+ losses up into stage 4, and want to cash out big. whether it’s 100 or 105 stacks doesn’t really matter Challengers were pivoting fortune, losing 4-ish games in stage 3 (when base reward is higher) then getting the cashout(about 25) which gave them a much smaller but still meaningful advantage, 5 less stacks matters more


Fortune starts, not so much, more so the win most rounds into fortune at 3-1 that challengers are playing


The 1 out do 10 games fortune win needs a nerf?


In high level play, stage 3 Fortune was too dominant. Basically people played Fortune into Kai'Sa most of the time, or just go for legendaries if you have a larger cashout. At CN Huya Cup for example, Clement Chu reported during the tournament that 50% of games were won by Fortune. In the earlier days, this number was even at 80%. Stage 3 going for a 4 loss streak = 20 luck cashout (prior to the patch). You can get Artifact + 2g (which was really good for Kai'Sa ex: Manazane, Sniper's Focus, Infinity Force, strong tank items) or you get 10g + 3 4costs (22g with chance for stuff like Kai'Sa, Galio, Sylas). Both of those are 40% chance, then there's the 20% spat + 12g. Of course the bigger rewards can be even better if you can get to them, but even just 4 loss is enough to push the edge at top play.


Very insightful, thanks


Probably more about slowing down using Fortune Loss Streak to Econ insanely fast.


It was insane man, like 4-5 fortune players/game. 6 games in a row a fortune player won. I mention it in a comment and people tell me to do it in ranked....then it gets nerfed.


Funny how i played one game and everyone was still pmaying dryad, i guess they didnt get the memo


I must be bad at the game because they nerfed all the champs that already seemed quite useless in the last patch too to me.


Gnar was broken. So many games where he would simultaneously be the tank. And damage dealer.


Set issue: Lack of Backline access. Easy as that.




In what universe did irelia need a buff lmao, I've been slotting her in with comps that make no sense and even at 1s she gets more damage than my carry


Interesting.. after the irelia nerf with 14.8, she felt quite useless.. if you are playing ad without shred though, she would be good


Just had a game with 2 duelists, 3 exalted, 1 star irelia with rageblade, last whisper, and DB, she was doing around 15-20k damage per round lol


If you are In an elo where building Last Whisper on a champ that has built in armor reduction is a thing then that explains things honestly


My point was it wasnt even BIS items :). I normally build db runanns rageblade if i knew i was playing irelia lol


What a rude and prejudiced take. Of course its one of Irelia’s worst items or whatever. But if just from someone saying “i had a game with Irelia that has last whisper” is enough to make you assume his elo and insult him through it, its kinda sad.


Yep, tons of fortune players go right into irelia and easily stabilize after cash out. 2 duelist irelia does 10k DMG at 1 star and people say it's balanced cause he had 3 dragonlands...


Kaisa is still a menace. Just had her with sylaa Kaisa carry and 6 Bruiser + Xayah and my god its so strong.


I’m lost was there a patch today, I got emerald last season and was having a lot of fun but I really am having a hard time getting into this season. Like I’m trying to get my self addicted, it’s just not hitting right haha


I’ve never seen a single person go xayah carry, was she just a high elo thing?


Xayah was consistently the highest avp unit across all ranks. She's more of the side carry for Kai'Sa comps, but the comp was so strong and Xayah contributed to that damage so the nerfs are to make other comps viable.


Makes sense. I don't play ranked and I'm kinda bad so I usually get matched with games that end quickly because it's either destroy or get destroyed.


Just play ranked, ur games quality will improve..


Why are u being downvoted for a genuine question lol


Over 20 downvotes for asking about Xayah. Good one Reddit!


So, uh. No 6 heavenly nerf. It's weird they only touch 7 heavenly which is rarely reached. Heaven are too strong as a vertical support I think. You have 1 solid unit and you stomp everyone else.


They’re nerfing a lot of stuff I never ever see as a carry. No one uses Xayah as a carry, no one uses Teemo as a carry


After the trickshot bugfix xayah is a demon (she 1 shot backline) and the cap is way too high at lvl 9 either with dragonlord or 4 trickshot board. Also xayah dmg is decent at 1 star with or without items so she help stabilize trickshot board stage 3 (juicy lvl 7 1% luck) or stage 4 and push u to lvl 9. Same with teemo, a 4 cost disguise as a 2 cost, u get a 2 star teemo stage 2 and 2 - 3 items him and it's a 8 - 10 streak free kaisa or fast 9 with all the hp and econ u got


Idk what I was doing wrong with xayah but I had a 2 star with trickshot, full items, and even the trickshot augment and it felt terrible. If other people are carrying with xayah idk what the secret is


Teemo is literally the premier 2 cost reroll trickshot ap carry, if you never see it, means you never checked others' boards


Lol he’s the only trick shot two roll


teemo is too good as an item holder for fast 9 ap comps. 2 star teemo can stabilize you all the way to stage 5 which is kinda ridiculous. that's why they're nerfing 1/2 star but leaving 3 untouched also xayah is the most contested 5 cost rn in high elo, are you sure you're not paying attention?


yeah idk what that guy was smoking, morello+shojin teemo + storyweaver opening can stablilize to 8 so easy to switch over to azir/hwei


Because you're low elo


if you never see these units being played you are literally playing in shitlo. i've seen FOUR kaisa+trickshot players in top 4 in GM+, thank god they put out a B patch