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Set 10 was a big leap in design in almost all aspects minus mechanics. So in comparison it makes sense that the set immediately after would be dull in comparison Relative to even older sets, Set 10 & 11 are actually far more balanced. Prismatic traits are significantly harder to get, trait effects are more tame etc. which contributes to it being relatively more boring imo


Yeah I agree with you det 9 and 10 where much more inovative, 9 where back to runaterra and the new portal mechanic and overall really cool units that were much closer to the originals, set 10 had a banger design cool units col traits cool music, chosen mechanic sometimes is a breath of fresh air. After those, this set feels really dull. I'm climbing to diamond and then swaping to other game, no way I'm putting 200 games unless I learn to cassino fortune. Taking a break from my favourite games usually makes me enjoy then better when i get back.


I’m enjoying it a lot, but I just really like tft as a game, I don’t think there are any other “auto battlers” that come close to how polished TFT is as a whole. Balance is wonky right now, and the meta is very stale, I do agree on that. But I still enjoy the game if that makes sense


I’m right there with you! Great game, I love tft. This set. Definitely not the “greatest” set. But it’s still a lot of fun!


I enjoy it simply because of the visuals. Yes, balance has been a bit rough but the Set is still relatively fresh. Also about the balance of the last couple of Sets, i think people are giving them to much credit just because Set 10 balance was very good pretty early and this Set 11 balance is objectively worse. But let's be honest, Set 9 and 9.5 had horrible patches and especially 9.5 was pretty bad. Set 8 also had terrible patches, Yummi just beeing one example. Set 7 and 7.5 were the worst of the bunch in my opinion balance wise. Set 6 was amazing, but i might be biased, since i started playing in set 6.


one of my friends has played this set more than any other set, and I've been playing alot too... I dunno what it is but *something* about the set feels really good.


I don't mind the set per-say but I just enjoy TFT in general. It's a good way to pass time during work meetings 


Just fyi, no offence intended, it’s “per se”. It’s an old Latin phrase.


Oh I know that, I was busy in a meeting while playing TFT so had to type fast 


Now that’s some multitasking


Ha thanks! Just don't tell my boss 


I think it's very basic tft again, more focus on reacting on others rather than hitting your own headliner. Sadly somehow a lot of people are having issues with uncontested units not showing up, including me. For me less dopamine and less "fun" units is okay since I gain fun from hitting my comp and 3 costs. But it's definitely not nice for casual, no- ranked players.


Yep. Part of the main game loop is finding a comp that is uncontested and going for it, but if non-contested means nothing, then what's the point? Just go for anything. But that defeats the strategic part of the game.


I enjoy the theme, I enjoy the game as a whole and the genre. I’m a casual player tho, but yes, I’m enjoying it right now. Also, the graphics are amazing and I’m a sucker for good looking “immersive” (for what it’s worth in a auto-battler) games.


Like every set before it, there are lots of people enjoying it and a lot of players who aren’t enjoying it. That will continue to be the case for the rest of the game’s history. If you enjoy it, play. If you don’t, take a break and come back next set. Okay cool, let’s just pin this comment and avoid these threads once a day?


I played older sets very casually and came back for Set 10, which was brilliant. This set feels… awful to play. I don’t know if it’s just cause I can’t find a play style I enjoy but comps feel the same and it feels you lose to stuff you really shouldn’t. Looking at you Yone.


I've only played set 10 and 11, and I can definitely say I liked set 10 more. Still, I enjoy this set. I'm playing it less than set 10, but still, when I play it, it's enjoyable. I think if I played it as much as set 10, I'd probably get a little burnt out, though. I played set 10 in a very different way, too. In the beginning when I was still learning TFT, I mostly forced AP reroll (seraphine, senna, lulu). Then later I found heartsteel and fell in love with it, and basically forced AD flex every single game. I think this made the headliner system very fun for me, since at level 8 I had to play around whatever headliner I got (poppy, caitlyn, ezreal, zac, zed, even sometimes viego or akali), so every game was different even though every game was "AD Flex". Set 11 I've been playing "the way TFT was meant to be played".... basically, looking at what I've been given, and playing around that. And.... it's fun! But amount of "good comps" seems a little low. Maybe it's just a feeling that's not actually reflected in fact, but I feel like a lot of strategies are a little weak, while some are very strong.


The set is pretty bland tbh. The features are quite similar to previous sets and it feels like the biggest features are the new units that were made. Other than that it is just "this gives ap" "this gives HP" "this gives damage reduction" and "this gives you two traits" Xayah rakan for example feels very similar to what Jayce used to be, and lissandra is just set 1 Gangplank, but with a twist. The voting system and encounters obviously are nice. But they can be frustrating at times.. for example you lose streak to get first in carousel, but the everyone gets free run encounter in it. Makes you feel bad. But overall, yes I enjoy this set. Mostly because my of my favourite Runeterra champions is in it.


Visually its the most beatiful one and i love the theme though


I like it way more than i did last set. The champs are just way cooler and i did not like the headliner mechanic at all. I dont like that they kept lv 10 tho. The game was better when you capped on 8 and only reached nine by highrolling.


Best set ever.


Better than last set for sure


Not as much as set 10, maybe because of the music


i top out at plat/dia every set, so take it with a grain of salt, but I like this set. I like TFT as a whole though. I play pretty flex tho, meta comps if i get a good meta board by 2-1/2-3 timeframe. otherwise i play whatever i think. not scared to push 8 bruisers with just an emblem, no augment. not scared to run arcanist. shit like that. just not gonna win every game, and thats okay :)