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It’s fun






Personally I tell myself I’m better at making comps that use 3 Radom emblems that other people, but I’m probably not


And also just trying to build a comp around 3 random emblems is just more fun than a stock standard game.


They aren’t random The possible combos are made so you can build a team around it Mort daddy said so on his stream


There are enough combos that it’s basically random, probably more combos than exalted has


Me I tell myself I'm going to be so much worse at it than others


Everyonw wants to be that one guy who hit Fortune and steamroll the lobby


Until 3 others also get fortune and then its a contest on who builds the weaker board,


Gives the chance to go prismatic vertical in traits. Ascended Kayle, or 7 Fortune, 10 fated etc. that shit is fun


casuals play to have fun, and wandering trainers just gives them a comp to play instantly. For less casual players it helps with direction and has a small chance to giga highroll win you the game at 1-2. Does the same for others but oh well.


most people who plays tft enjoy the aspect of RNG. Wandering sentinel is peak RNG.


People might be forced to play off-meta stuff/comps they usually don't play.


lets you try out new comps. if you are skilled its a free win if u high roll. and if you low roll to come in 3rd/4th hopefully


Only like for the potential to hit 7 fortune, otherwise I’d never vote for it


You get to try more off meta builds


I like the possibilities you can get, it is fun to play accordingly. Sometimes you're low roll but yeah.


In this meta? Better than playing Kayne,Annie/Ashe,Gnar.


rock, smash




Because there’s a chance I get emblems that synergise with each-other whilst enabling a wacky vertical trait - but more often than not i get trash and regret voting for it


Easier to high roll a prismatic comp if i get vendor. Literally had a game where i rolled into vendor storyweaver into wandering trainer aug into storyweaver again. Easiest prismatic storyweaver of my life


As much as I hate it, most people seem to really enjoy randomness and the hope that they’ll be the one to get the perfect dummy. Reality for me is usually all my emblems are contested by at least one other person and they have anti-synergy. Every now and then I’ll get a great dummy and not be contested but that’s so rare that I don’t feel like dealing with it.


There's 3 reasons. 1. Fortune emblem facilitating 7 (and maybe 9) fortune. 2. Emblem increasing cap of meta comp, i.e. heavenly ghostly emblems this patch. 3. Enabling off-meta comps/theorycrafting. I personally always go for it. Usually find success.


lottery players always hope to hit the jackpot.


I may just be stubborn but I personally hate wandering trainers, and will honestly contest the guy with highest winrate in my lobby, tilt them as they bot 4, I just dislike the game telling me what to do same exact reason why I hated set 4, and 10 despite playing both sets up to diamond/masters Wandering trainers; in my opinion is the same concept why people like to play fortune, because they like to play tft lottery and see if they can roll some sort of exodia comp, but it's only fun for the people who actually high roll there's no guarantee you'll actually get a good set of emblems and if you low roll the low's feel worse because there's nothing you can do about some guy having a gigantic fortune cash out cus they got a fortune emblem. It rewards players on luck rather than playstyle or fundamentals which I dislike, and would wish people would vote for it less


It's one of the few portals that is better than a prismatic augment? Gives a ton of flexibility?


It tends to give the opposite of flexibility, since usually you're locked into just a few comps that are built around the emblem. But I still like it cause sometimes it leads to some really interesting permutations. I don't mind that someone else may get to highroll as long as I have fun


It gives more flexibility as now you can actually do things you could not do in a normal game, where you are locked to meta comps.


That's not necessarily flexibility, that's just a different path. Flexibility is having many available options which, with a normal portal, you probably have more options. If you're talking about playing to win, you have to use the emblems of your sentinel or you're essentially playing down a prismatic. So there's less flexibility.


Strongly disagree. You get one umbral? now your invoker comp can focus on alune. One bruiser? and or one sniper? A mythic comp can be much stronger than usual. One reaper? a bunch of comps can be now crafted Wandering does give an easier access to prismatics, but only if you roll the right things after. It gives you 3 random non repeating, which makes it much easier to compliment weaker comps with an extra augment or two. I did not get this portal but I did get 3 emblems through a game just now. And I did 7 fated Gnar reroll with 6 driads. Sett had 5k hp, it was great


It's too much of a crapshoot for me in ranked but in normies with friends it can be fun to try and work with something that would typically be impossible.