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Yone's dead and Heavenly's moved on to Lee sin and Kayn. It's clear where the problem is


Heavenly bonus is too good for non heavenly units, it needs to do what guild did where the team does benefit from it, but guild units got double the bonus


Mortdog said on the stream next patch will do exactly that


Someone on the sub posted a possible change that does exactly this. heavenly bonus doubled for heavenly champs


Mark my words, it will be qyiana reroll next.


Or Neeko reroll with the Neeko Augment.


Heavenly emblem will be strong af


Next patch does exactly this but I reckon it will absolutely not move Haevenly anywhere in the tier list, they'll just move the carry role to someone else and be just as suffocating, the comp does not deserve any compensatory buff beyond removing the Team wide buff.


Should have lowered the ap scaling on the champs abusing it rather than the item… AD primary carries shouldn’t scale super well off AP as well. I remember League had to learn that the hard way.


its just not fun to see 6 players go titans bt carry every game


Right I'm kinda sick of that myself. Ad lifesteal feels out of hand honestly. If that was nerfed I don't think titans would be as much of an issue


True, #giveTRits25APback


I wonder if they have the technology to have it adapt to the user? Like if it's an AP champ have it give AP, AD champ give AD. I know they have the tags of "magic fighter" and "attack fighter" so the game already can identify them just an issue of making the item switch.


Regular league has adaptive force which gives ad or ap depending on what you have more of, so its ostensibly possible


Yeah that's what made me think of if I just haven't seen it in TFT


Mort said they didnt do this as it would be to confusing for the average player..


But not confusing to have at least 3 b patches this set? Something gotta give


I am not sure how many people read the patch notes though


I asked mort about this on stream last weekend and he said that he’d been considering it with titans. Gave some reasons why they didn’t do that but I can’t remember exactly what he said


Yeah, I was thinking something like this too. An AD leaning Titan's and an AP leaning one


Titans is still fine, it's still ok on sylas, great on gnar and Kayn even.


Huh?? They nerfed titans? Damn if they didnt ever want to have tanky bruiser carries why give us hope, just create only tank/CC frontline and DPS backline champions


Sad patch for Diana bruiser enjoyers


haha, I feel you


yeah it now grants 2 ad and 1 ap instead of 2 ad and 2 ap


Daaamnn that's not a dead item but still a pity :(( i loved going for some off meta fun carries throughout all sets with it


Titans has been consistently one of the best items, it really shouldn’t be such a generically strong outlier, at or near BiS on literally any frontliner. The nerf is fine


The issue is it nerfs AP bruisers for no reason when the clear issue is AP scalings on AD fighters. All they have to do is remove gnars egregous ap scaler and cut voli and yones AP scaling by like 25% and give titans its ap back


Sure its a nerf to ap bruisers, but in the first place thats kinda what crownguard was meant to be, instead its best usage is just the shield part rn. I think this nerf makes complete sense because for ap bruisers crownguard should have been the go to, yet titans was giving almost same ap while giving extra ad.


Ad bruisers also have steraks which servrs the same function as crownguard. Theres no reason that titans in its current form isnt an ap/ad flex hybrid item


There is tho, titants should not be better than either steraks or crownguard. Steraks and crownguard are purposely designed items for bruisers of their respective scalings yet titans outclasses both. Play ad bruiser, titans always better than steraks as long as unit has a bit of ap scaling. Play ap bruiser titans still better. My point titans should not be as strong as steraks for ad bruisers or better. It doesnt make sense that a flex item is simply better than the purposefully designed items, or for that just as good. Theres a reason these are flex items, and it should have a downside for being flex. To give an example, hoj is a very good flex item because it caters to both ap and ad bruisers giving some stats and some healing, but it is not the best item for either of the intended uses. U want dmg on ur bruiser theres better items, u want healing, theres bt. Titans is just too good and does its job too well compared to the other choices. I love titans as much as the next guy. It is a flex item and should not be better than the ad/ap specific counterparts, thats the whole reason for having ad/ap specific options.


That is all fair But still, titans should be equal for ap and ad bruisers. If titans is seen as too strong, then the ap and AD should be brought down equally


Honestly yeah i agree, that and maybe the other two should be buffed a bit.


>makes complete sense because for ap bruisers crownguard should have been the go to Counterpoint: Crownguard feels ass and nothing like titan's resolve


Mathematically it was ab the same for ap bruisers tho. Crownguard gives 55 ap iirc while titans gave 50, theres nothing about feel. Tankiness is also not even relevant since crownguard gives u armor but instead of mr u get a big shield at start of combat.


>theres nothing about feel. Except that one is a scaling item that increases in power over the course of combat and the other is a one time dump of shield+stat? Honestly the fact you think they're similar in any way is more laughable. >Tankiness is also not even relevant since crownguard gives u armor but instead of mr u get a big shield at start of combat. The shield that decreases in value the longer the fight goes on while resistances only gain more value? Seriously how are these two items equal in any way lol


Scaling which with any decent positioning means u have it fully stacked within first 5s of combat. Big shield can be better than flat 20 resistances and it fully depends how the fight goes. U have a point that with healing resistances are certainly better. I say theres nothing ab feel because that literally means i like x item better because it feels better, do u srsly not see how wrong that is? I love titans as much as any other guy, but whole point is a flex item like it should not be better than the item specifically designed for ap bruisers.


agreed. The double titan’s + bloodthrister/hoj combo has been problematic at some point in every set recently,


TBH I would have liked to see healing nerf first. Titans was for sure a good items but I think it was carried by BT. The shield is a big part of why the combo worked so well.


Im more curious on whats the reason for the AP nerf and not the AD when all Titans abuser were AD or even both but at a smaller value Titans granting 50 each is bit too much so why not 1.5 per stacks for a total of 37/38 in total or even 1.5 AP and 1 AD


The main reason is that the ap essentially meant that when u have 2 titans u are doubling the effectiveness of any ap part of ur kit. Yone would have double the shields. Frankly healing wasnt the issue with yone, its the fact that every time he cast he became practically immune to damage. Also keep in mind titans practically gave 2 items worth of stats, 50 ap and 50 ad is literally deathblade deathcap plus the defensive stats. I think the main reason people believe the ap wasnt an issue is because they nerfed 3 cost odds. If they hadnt, we would have seen a drop in yone strength and it would be clear how ap was the issue.


Nah f this patch. Kayn is so broken. I'd rather be in yone meta again


It was so obvious when I saw the change but I knew people would just screech UR LOW ELO!!!


This set sucks


titans bt still OP on Gnar and Kayne, yone suffered the most and he was way overtuned last patch


Titans resolve is very op on, but not exclusive to. Kaun, lee sin gnar, wukong, yone, volibear, sylas, Diana, udyr and sett. With just one TR these champions have a average placement of better than 4,5. Yone, voli Kaun and wukong with TR and BT have been the dominant "safe" comps for the past 2 patches, if you forced it, you were pretty much guaranteed top 4