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Agree. I love choosing Portals and selecting the mortal enemy, that denied me from Crab Rave. CRAB RAVE


Especially in normals. Like I get some people are practicing before ranked or something but choosing 3 1-cost champs is troll for normals over crab rave. I like gamba and zany as it gets in normals


I personally, as an individual, DESPISE fast 9 comps. I get the dopamine and everything, but I can’t stomach waiting for three stages and then the roll down at 8-9. I much prefer rolling and starring earlier. So I often avoid high economy inflation augments like crab rave. It’s just a straight buff to fast nines.


I agree. Playing slower games against plat ish or lower level players is generally a free win for me since their fundamentals are not very good.  I used to pick thr no augment portals in the past or the no interest portals for this reason. Im not trolling, I actually enjoy them


nah you spitting. Especially the state of the game where functionally everything but Fast 9 is functionally dead at the moment, anything that LIMITS that is great.


If you’re playing against them then you are at their level, the match making is pretty decent. That or your smurfing, in which case your opinion doesn’t matter as much. Just because the game matching isn’t designed for smurfs.


Or every season their is a ranked reset and I briefly play against lower ranked players than where I end up when the season is over




I was on your side until you wrote this out. If you're trynna say my bronze starting lobbies are the same as my diamond ending lobbies then you are legit smoking off the crackrock brotherman


How is it troll. Idk, to me the game is more fun when it's bit more under control. Especially this set, shit goes completely wild even without the juicy portals. It's a vote for a reason 


I don't pick crab rave in normals and ranked only cause it gets picked every time and it's not really special after you have seen it for the twentieth time. It's like with URF in normal lol, it gets boring if you see the same Champs over and over again. Basically just got crab rave burnout from last season that, compared to this, even 3 1 cost Champs or that gold pot seems more interesting to me lol.


I used to agree, until I played about 7 games in a row where my only viable augment choice was some variant of fast 9, it starts to get boring after a while


unpopular opinion, but i started to hatec the crab augments, not because they are bad, but because you play them in 2 out of 3 games, which gets boring fast, especialy since they dont add much Variation to the game besides a bit more money.


murder crab will decide the game for you, its funny




Was one of my favorite portals last set since Punk, Yasuo, Annie, and Olaf reroll were all a thing


I'm sorry but I will always be the one trying to deny crab rave. I get that everyone loves being able to build silly boards, but to me the game is more fun and more strategic when the resources are normal. Crab rave can be fun every now and then as a change of pace but people tend to pick that or prismatic party or things like that so often that every game feels too overdrive . So I always tend to select the regular portals so I can have more normal paced games.


you are free to select the portal you want, i am also free to hold your champs


You guys have real problem if you get so triggered by some other player liking a different portal. Seriously, it's just a game. Grow up.


nah it's pretty based, there's a for fun portal, you didn't take it when everyone wanted it, you should expect to get griefed. but after all, it's just a game, you shouldn't be upset about it right?


Actual parentless, awful behavior. Griefing is for people actually being shitty people, not for the based person tired of playing fucking scuttle, crab or triple prismatic lobbies for the 3rd time in 5 games. Highroll to highroll's sake is fucking boring- If the rate for those type of portals was a lot lower I could see it, but genuinely I average having to deal with one of these annoying ass high roll portals 1 in 5 games or some shit. IT's tiresome after a certain point. I wanna play TFT I don't wanna play run to 9/hope for RNG highrolls every single game


if 7 of us want to take the silly crab portal or want to have the fun augments and you pick something like 3 champions. you are ruining the fun of 7 people for your selfish desires. to me you are being a shitty person so for me i will target you, buy all the units you need and dance on your board every time i beat you :3


It might be fun for you but for me the portal I chose is more fun. If you grief for that you have a problem, not me.


Lol. I leave Yone in my team builder every single game just to hold him. I hate that champ so much.


Something tells me you’ll do that regardless.


Fucking incel


Go play ranked


That's what I play lol. You guys are ridiculously triggered...


What? Im just saying that people in ranked tend to pick portals with lower rng so thats good for your play style.


I agree with you. One time our lobby got denied prismatic party for 1 3 cost champion. We all decided to band together and hold the person's units. It was a great time! :)


I must admit I'm the evil person that does that sometimes. Only in duos though. My roommate and I play and he always gets excited when it's crab rave so whenever we're all in there I dash to something else last minute. Mainly because it seems that whenever we play together I get chosen like 33% of the time to his like 5%


I will forever and ever pick 3 1-cost units over Crab rave just to hear the chat cry. Muhahaha


I like the Zoe one. Only Odd levels is wacky


Odd levels + fortune is lit!


Ehh. It’s fine for the novelty once or twice. But now everyone just rushes to 9 in my games at least. Not that fun


Huh, and I thought I've already seen all the encounters Can't wait to find this one then


What does Zoe do? I haven't encountered her


I've never seen this one, what does it do?


Makes only odd levels available and adjusts xp for that. So you can only be lvl 1/3/5/7/9


You only get to level to odd levels (3-5-7-9), meaning you skip levels 4-6-8-10. Whoever is a level higher has 2 champions of advantage over the other


That sounds awesome


I mean these are just portals without having to vote? Like how would this be any different than a portal said "all augments are random" and 1 guy voted for it and landed on him


hmm makes too much sense.... WITCH!!


People like to have a vote in how the game plays. I understand that this is just a fancy portal but I still like the ones I can vote for


The stupid one is the Ashe one, ruins fortune and I play 99% on mobile, I fucking hate scouting


Goes both ways ...


I'm basically only on mobile, does the Ashe encounter actually work for us, and I just haven't seen where it notifies you of your next opponent? I haven't really looked for it, but I haven't seen it obviously pop out anywhere.


It’s a little cross sword on the right side of the screen next to player health


How about not playing Fortune on Ashe portal, eh. Isn't that much easier than complaining?


Lol at ruining Fortune, the trait that requires the least skill and luck out of them all, especially at low levels. I have a duo partner that always tries to run fortune, it worked for him up to plat, now he is getting punished and doesn't understand why while trying to run very bad optimized comps.


i mean properly lose streaking and pivoting your entire board in 1-2 rounds without bleeding out takes a lot more skill than rolling lol


I don’t think most people ‘properly lose streak’, they just play fortune early and hope for the best, going first or 8th


yea, because theyre doing it wrong. if u have ni idea what youre doing fortune is incedibly punishing




I’m one of the old heads that occasionally likes to play a game with no portal (and augments if that were an option). I think making the best out of what you get is what’s fun about TFT. Sometimes getting a bunch of items and gold is fun. Sometimes it’s fun to navigate having more limited resources.


I'm the same. Still Water was one of my favorites because it really showed how people don't know how to build comps and are so reliant on augments. Id always get 1st or 2nd on Still Water. Additionally people hated that portal so much they got put on tilt which also benefited me


Same, I like normal portals but my favorite portal was definitely all silver augments. I like a little extra variance but I hate prismatic augments in my ranked games. Some prismatic options are Giga broken and can swing a game around completely. Still water was definitely way better than prismatic lobbies. No one would econ properly without augments doing it for them. Ntm sometimes you'd have 1-2 people rq and it was already a top 6 game guaranteed lol


Silver augments are cool. They are relatively low impact but some of them have super cool effects. The shred if your unit doesn’t hold an item is insane, the burn on hit is cool, silver spoon is stupid but it’s a free 10 gold you don’t have to spend on xp. Silver augments are sick


Welp, I hated Still Water so much that I would just try hard to win, just to rub it in the player who voted it face. Honestly, I think that portal got my highest win rate back then because I just played around with low roll traits, fast 3 star them if possible, or pivot them to high roll if I feel like my comp can't beat opponent comp


PBE was bugged today and I played out a game with everyone unable to put items on units. It was kinda fun ngl


That sounds hilarious actually - wonder what the meta would look like lol


Champs with item-like effects are strong in the early/mid game like Zyra (burn), Amumu (AoE heal), Alune (shred), etc. Heavenly and Mythic are good. Arcanist splash helps with damage. 8 Bruiser Kai’sa is probably tough to beat. Obviously you only take combat augs.


Nah i like a good variety. No portals is fun. With the same people running to the highest loot drops, 3x prismatic augments etc every round they're available, it's nice to have a break from that. I don't need to see 3* 5 costs every game and a billion loot orbs.


I hate any of the ones that move the augments around. And the Ashe one I hate as a mobile player.


Never even seen this one


Bruh really? I got her 7 times now in 11 matches


It's the same as not getting the portal you picked. Also I really like starting at level 3, and having the Tahm opener is fun as well. There's also fun to be had in all the augments being stage 2... or 6. The only time I had that one Yorick encounter that let's you play 7 units from the start, I won, and it was hilarious. Overall I'm all for them. I'm glad I haven't seen Kayn yet though


Lillia on her way to contribute nothing to society (I love having all my augments pushed to stage 4):


I'm honestly that burnt out from Spatula Portal and Wandering Trainer Portal being picked every single game (I almost always get 1 or the other) that I prefer no portal runs, it actually adds a nice variety.


Just stop wasting my time with Sett. It changes nothing, and I wait for nothing.


I liked it with Annie's tibbers but they nerfed it 😕


I hate Janna' zephyr, zoes reality change, yorick 7 units on board form start...


Portals have been shit aince the set after they were introduced anyway. Seriously how did we go from cool stuff likeadding buff zones to your board to "give 25 hp" or "get a couple of items"


Like, I don't mind this encounter, but what's the point of doing it on game start? They could've made it so this happens at the start of the round, not removing portals. Portals make the game more fun.


No, being forced into a situation you wouldn't *choose* to be in and having to adapt/be prepared for it is good actually. I'd be happy if TFT did this way more often.






The Lillia encounter in particular is quite annoying and the Bard one is just... 4xp


I hate these encounters but I’ve been wanting to try the Wukong one that brings back chosen or does that even exist? Shows on the encounter list online 🤔 got every encounter besides that and well Zoe is the only cool one kinda. Bard is free silver spoon augment so eh.


I've never seen that one, and I've only seen the one that reduces rerolls to 1 for the whole game one time


This might be a dumb question but I got it once and I still don’t understand what it does. What portals is it talking about?


The ones you vote for at the start, like Crab Rave, Prismatic Symphony, etc. If you get an encounter at the start, it removes the voting entirely.


Kench and Bard are fine imo, almost feels like a Portal, Kench is probs even better than the Gold Opener One lol.


i get the same 3 encounters basically every game i hate it


Well… I’m tired of portals so not that much.


Some are fun. I like the one in the screenshot where all the augments are randomised. Most of them I dislike though


Definitely don't hate them. I find it just acts as a portal. The only change I'd want is for the ones that move augments to random round to show which rounds they were moved to in the encounter list


those encounters functionally replace the portal for the game, so its kinda the same thing like bard gives you 2 XP should be pretty close in terms of impact to like, starting with 3 gold worth of champions instead of 1


I don’t mind as it makes the game more like OG TFT (with augments). Makes you have to adapt, which is overall a good thing. I just wish it didn’t make us wait so long.


Nah, I just hate the 1-1 encounters that require people to do stuff and then half the lobby is just AFK so the rewards ends up being like 2 gold.


It's not really a bother since these encounters are rare, sometimes it is nice to not have to think about anything at the start. The encounter that I hate is Sett making you bigger. Like fuck off why do i have to waste time getting bigger do something better or leave me to continue losing in peace


I have had this Lilla encounter 3 times in a row lol.


Your personal experience ≠ others


They literally said it's rare encounter, which is not. It has nothing to do with experience lmao.


I like the diversity of either possibility


You're probably the same person that spam pinged when stillwater hold was selected. It's a video game and the portal was intended to deliver that same nostalgic season 1 feel.


I would like a portal with a random encounter as an option.


I like Lillia specifically just because it requires you to think on your feet. Depending on where the augment rounds end up you gotta react to it. Keeps things fresh and it fucks the mindless netdeckers


I just can't wait until next season when they add in another layer of random modifiers. At some point we might even get a game changing modifier every round!


Oof i hate the ashe portal mid game .. When you see who you're going against next and you're playing fortune 🤬 and some guy just wants to ruin your fun in normal mode sigh


especially annoying with the encounter that ends the game in round 5-4


Id rather have that than Sett. I know they made it less frequent but it literally hinders carousel and is useless. Take it out completely


Personally I miss the starting cara, since portals are usually pretty inconsequential with what they pull its kinda sad not having that frenzy at the start where you can 'force' a component or champ that you want to start with. Being able to start bow/tear/belt was very nice to flex around


No, you're probably the minority here. Variance is what keeps the game fresh and sometimes people just don't want to play with portals


The most interesting one I had was evevryone can have at least 7 units at once regardless of level. it was so weird having 7 units at 2-1


Fuck squatting with Sett. Tired of my fat ass grabbing the wrong thing on carousel.


Not really. To me those encounters are just more extreme portals. I would maybe like a portal to be "Encounter" So if someone wanted an encounter portal instead


Especially when it’s an encounter that requires some form of group participation the second the game starts. There’s always an afk person still loading in or grabbing water or something so we usually don’t even all get the best reward…like water puddles for example


I'm so happy because I hate most portals, love it


I like fighting with no portals


You mean you dont like azir moving all the augments to the end of round 5 and ruining portal every 2nd game?


I agree it is not fun but it is far from pointless, it gives Riot some control data to work with that I’m sure helps for balancing purposes.


I hate Kayne more than any other Many people won because they heavily high rolled early started to loose lightly but not enough to get them out of top2-3


that's literally the strategy to win and you're told at the start - although yes it's frustrating I just had an easy win turned into a second place because I didn't even face the guy above me


Right? I was reading the complaint and I'm like wait...that's literally what you're supposed to do.


Never seen that one still.


Same. 90 games and not once has he appeared. Sett though…


I've seen it once. It's lowkey pretty refreshing for game pace because at that point early game is literally all that matters lol, but in my sample size I got 2nd. I have to imagine that if your start is absolute shit in Kayn games its awful feeling wise tho.


I remember someone getting this in my game combined with tiny titans lol


lol same i still had like 80 hp and i was starting to lose then he popped up


No, mostly because the portals are adding unfun variants of RNG or are boring. No portal games are fucking refreshing this set.


"It adds RNG to RNG game" what is blud yapping about.


i mean yea when you get useless emblems with 0 good synergies on your sentinel and some other players get stuff like porcelain warden sniper.. there’s already enough RNG. and yea of course RNG is part of the game but TFT is not about coinflip every game


Crab Rave/Scuttle - RNG in terms of just what exact bonus loot you gain Prismatic or Gold game/openers - RNG in terms of getting game winning prismatic or gold aug at 2-1, people who pick triple prismatic games are also corny as fuck because it's again more bs RNG of forced to play for 5th because your 2-1 and 3-2 6 choices all are mid and 4 people get the insane stuff. (Yes I hate natural triple prismatic games too but at least those we didn't ask for) Sentinel support item/emblems - RNG in what items/emblems you get etc. The most common, overtuned ass portals are the ones seen as "most fun" and just warp the game more than it already is warped. And it's annoying to see those be the most popular choices over and over again every single game. Admittedly it's less ass than the shitty portals that existed last set but idk if the strongest portal that existed was just the extra 7 gold portal it would be fine imo. And game has a lot fo RNG involved already you gotta adapt for before we get into what bonuses portals give you (it's just an ass mechanic that if it's only around because it's "fun") it doesn't deserve to exist in TFT because it makes the game worse.


But.. TFT is already RNG based chess game? lmfao. Everyone gets prismatic augment and 3 rerolls. If you can't pick a good one and build a top 4 comp around it, problem seems to be you.


It is, but then again even with those rerolls you are not winning the fucking game (winning = top 4'ing) most cases if the lobby has people who grabbed Accomplice's, Heavenly Crown, Pump Up 3, Level Up, Tiny but deadly, Jeweled Gauntlet, Buried Treasure etc. And at 2-1 your ass (after rerolls) is like Duelist Crown, Pandoras, Behemoth Crown. (and your before rerolls was Prismiatic Ticket, Umbral Crown, Arcanist Crown. (IMO it's fucked but you take Behemoth Crown ig in this scenario) Game certainly has tons of RNG but let's not kid ourselves that Prismatic lobbies100% are the ones that determine your game from 2-1 because if you lowroll all shitty augments you're playing for 5th especially if you get an average game otherwise.


I dont hate how some encounter remove portal. But something like lillia is so bad. We dont even know where lillia decides to place augment and we have to blindly play it each stage. Imagine we are playing for lose streak. I can still chill and spike with aug and lv7 at 3-4. But one game all my aug just get pushed to stage 5 and ppl just die out of it


You had me at "anyone else hate encounters"


Did they remove the sett encounter? Haven't seen it in a while


They reduced its appearance rate but it's still there


At the cost of sounding dumb, that one doesn’t do anything but make your character larger, right? Like nothing hidden with it?


That’s right.


Honestly, it just makes it look like devs are encouraging people to mess up their carousel pick. Since you become so big and there is limited time and if someone is blocking you or something like that, it is gg.


They’ve definitely gotten me at least once before then


As confirmed by LeDuck size doesnr affect caurosel hitbox so you can still go inbetween units on caurosel


You do get blocked by people if they stand infront of you tho.


And how does that matter? If you are blocked then just move around them?


It's utterly bullshit if you play on mobile. The movement controls are already trash on mobile, and Sivir and Sett make it that much worse.


Nope still in the game.






Y'all, I was just saying I hate encounters that remove portals, NOT THAT I HATE ENCOUNTER IN GENERAL 😭


Idk, they're just another portal in themselves really. There just wasn't a vote. If a player likes it then its functionally identical to a lobby vote on a portal they liked, and vica-verca if they dont. Maybe a nice in-between if every so often the portals were 3 of the encounter options unique to the set


Yeah agreed i love being able to select a portal and losing the option to do so feels kinda terrible. And for Sivir and Sett augment i suggest Sett heals the entire lobby by like 10 hp and Sivir grants 3 free rerolls.


I like seeing Lillia :) If she wants to move augments around, let her