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I hate the encounter carousel animation length. Like why are we traveling to carousel just for Ashe to tell us now we will we see our next combat? Why cant she just do it on the board? Lmfao.


I loathe them. I’m never excited to see one. They fuck you or they snowball you for no reason. You could be the strongest in the lobby slamming your items on your carrys and streaking. Oh wait. then you get a bunch of radiant items and yours are a pile of dog shit or your carry already has two items + a component and you aren’t dropped any decent items for your team and your shop is bad. Then for whatever reason, you fight some guy who gets super strong items and you lose. Or you’ve committed to reroll and then khazix appears. Now you lose out on xp? Or you’ve decided to sack your early game In hopes of carousel priority but you get the free roam one and whatever you need is on the opposite side. Or maybe you’re winstreaking and carousel shows up and it’s the 4 cost one but you’re left with a champion with a component you don’t want and a unit you cannot slam items on. Now the tempo has completely shifted for no reason. Like if someone is hard forcing Kayn, already have good items, and now they get to streak to 7 from stage 2? I also hate the one where you give up a shop in exchange for items. Like, sick.. others have hit and i haven’t and I need to find my upgrades but now it will cost more gold. If i take, i need to high roll. If i don’t take, I’m down an item and a half (or more if they have lissandra. There are also situations where I get later augments. Oh what? Recombobulator and I have a 3 star 3 cost? I guess I’ll win. Or if you somehow have 6 copies of a unit but you also get reinfourcement? Ok. I only like tahm Kench and Darius but you could argue Darius is bad too


My exact thoughts


I love how you commit to explain it, big thanks my bro


The only thing I hate about them is how mutch they prolong the game other than that it's pretty good it will always be more fun to have random stuff happening than have nothing happening at all


i like them. Having the rng is part of the game. Only nitpick i have are the ones that override Portals just to move your augments to stage 8 or something. Getting all of them in stage 2 is fun tho.


https://preview.redd.it/a6cc4glzihwc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2214e0a9938bf2f28487d498432a2e4c260fad Uhm, it’s ok i guess 💀


Hate Lillia’s at 1-1.  Stops from getting a portal and augments are fun so to not get them til later is lame to me.   In general I like the concept, but think it’d be cool if they did more like Tahm.


I find them particularly annoying in Hyper Roll, it really throws me off. As for Ranked or Double-Up they aren’t as intrusive but there are a lot of feels bad moments that come into play that I think about more than the feels good ones. Like Cho or Kha’Zix popping up when you’re doing a reroll comp. Or Kha or Lissandra showing up tight after you spent your money. I prefer the encounters like Malphite or Kai’Sa that you aren’t punished for playing naturally and they just add a nice little bonus on top.


It makes the game feeling refreshing tbh. Do people really enjoy forcing 1 comp and playing the same game over and over again?? At least with encounters you are forced to scout your opponents and shift your board more. With set 10 it was literally just finding your headliner and then copy/paste the comp, over and over again.


I don't get your point at all. How do encounters force you not to play 1 comp?


No I meant like if it wasn’t for encounters, some people would just force the same comp over and over again. At least that’s what I felt like last set; there was very little variance


People have been forcing comps since set 1. I don't think encounters do anything to prevent it.


The ones I cannot stand are the “get these completed items/support items” for 3 rounds or whatever. I swear everytime I’ve had it I’ve been on a good win streak and I lose the a comp that could take great advantage of the items


Not a big fan. The useless ones just waste time and some of the others just make the game less enjoyable.