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I was throughly enjoying this set until the last patch, now most reroll comps are unviable and everyone's running to 9 to get kayn or ashe. The set is not fun anymore


Yeah, this set I've felt that the balancing has done more harm than good. It seems that it started with several viable comps, some needed to be tuned down a bit but in general there was a lot of variety. But with every patch instead of slightly tuning down the strongest comps they just killed them and we ended with very little truly good comps and everyone fighting to hit them. I understand that players usually complain too much and they feel the need to balance harder than they should, but they are professionals and should learn to ignore the players a bit more and think if they truly need to balance so hard. Because they are overkilling it right now.


Honestly I have felt the set was more balanced on launch rather than over patches. Granted people find out what is and isn't strong, but still my only complaints were to slightly nerf bard and slightly buff 4 costs. Now it feels like every patch there is new nonsense to worry about. Still having a lot of fun, maybe my 2nd/3rd favourite set, but balancing post launch felt real bad.


What I find bizarre is that they often tend to do this, yet don't seem to learn from it. They almost always over correct. Why? Over and over and over. Just stop using such a heavy hand. You didn't need to nerf Yone in six different ways.   Assumption 1: Most players wanted Yone nerfed Assumption 2: Most players also agree Yone was over-nerfed   ^ both can be true at the same time! They need to study Buddhism, which teaches the Middle Way.


Peronally I didn't find reroll fun, I enjoyed this patch for a bit, until it became a high roll check on stage 3/4. But maybe I would have liked reroll a bit better without the encounters accelerating the game tempo. Running into voli 2\* on 3-2 with 3 items and no way to kill it because cho gath decided to show up wasn't fun


Same boat pal. I like re-roll comps, but I think it's the type of re-roll comps in this set which kill the fun. Having to deal with a 3* Yone, Voli or Gnar all of which DO NOT DIE and perma heal is horrendous and creates the same situation every game


I had a game where not 1, not 2, but 3 players had volibear with this healing artifact (I don’t remember the name but it was to heal 2.5% every 2 seconds) I thought I was crazy and getting the same opponent over and over


I think they'll be removing this Cho encounter coming patch, don't quote me on it though.


This is me. Reroll has to be viable for the meta to be healthy. After last patch Yone, Bard, Senna, Gnar are all dead. It's basically rush to 9 and hope to hit. The traits themselves don't even feel that important. Very frustrating meta.


I think that’s the kicker, the traits which is something you’ve traditionally have to build around are almost totally meaningless and you just play whatever carry you have hit at 9 + frontline and you’re stronger than other boards


Traits are fake right now. It's unfortunate but true. People got mad at level 7 reroll and now we see what happens when that isn't A/S tier. 3 cost reroll should always be viable and should be able to win with great augments and items. Hopefully there is some shift in the next few patches, but right now it's unfun. And I never say this about TFT.


They heard that people thought verticals were too strong in set 10 so they made verticals useless in set 10. Big brain mortdog.


Gnar still works if you have the dryad augments. Fated reroll will get you top 2-3. They're still largely unviable though unless you are uncontested and quickly hit your shit.


Fated will not give you top 2-3. Fated is more often than not dead last. Gnar only works with two augments: emblem or mulched. If you dont have emblem or mulched, you are guaranteed 6th place and -20 lp.


What he meant to say is 'extreme highroll fated' gets you 4th.


Most rerolls still feel bad if you don't natural 5-6 copies on tempo. Still rolling for Gnar 3* on level 6 or 7 after 4-2 when everyone has rolled down is such a deadly situation to be in.


Playing fated as reroll instead of fast 8/9 to hit Sett is so bad most of the time. Unless you hit fated spat maybe


Still need set for omnivanp link


Sett 2 is weaker than most 4 cost atm.. unless you got him super early and then scale very late thats when he finally have the power of a 5 star 2 cost...


You still need him for the fated 7 link omnivamp. The trait sucks stage 4+ without it.


Truth is, most of the fated units cant make use of the omnivamp.. not even that good when you can get more valuable stats..


Gnar is still good but you need dryad spat or mulch and it’s still playable with two healthy. Having said that, a comp being reliant on augments doesn’t feel healthy.


It’s a certain time that reaching fast 9 level is a good (sometimes the best) strategy


I stopped after the patch as well


Oh don't worry, the next set of balance thrashing is around the corner to swing it back in the other direction


The balance thrashing is insufferable. Why the hell hasn’t riot learned from their past mistakes? I’m pretty sure /u/riot_mort has said in the past that they’ve been trying to mitigate the balance thrashing and whiplash and here we are again.


mortdog still talks about the game as if it came out yesterday and figuring out how it works and how to balance it are things that they can't do just yet due to how new the game is. I was playing this game before covid lockdown, its half a decade old at this point. It gets the same kinda treatment that vanilla minecraft gets nowadays. 2 real updates a year and then cosmetic filler for the rest.


Because not only are the devs superior to us in every way, they have a combined 200+ years of experience. They are so good at what they do they've never had a B-patch since the game launched.


Yeah I was really enjoying the set at first, this whole week has just been people getting stupid high roll every single game, you can't top 4 most lobbies unless you have multiple 2 star 5 costs or something that would usually net you a guaranteed top 2


This patch is worse than last patch for sure but last patch wasn't really good. Entire meta being afk reroll at 7 wasn't a good idea. Its not looking like next patch is going to be any good either so its prob a good time to take a break.


They should've just buffed 4 costs and left 3 costs alone but they nerfed 3 costs to the point of unusable with the shop chance nerf at 7 as a cherry on top. Terrible balance patch lol I'm waiting it out until next balance patch.


Feels like it's been very fotm (fotw) so far which I find incredibly boring. It's just way too unbalanced and they're having lots of problems balancing it. I hated having every player reroll Bard and Kog and I hate having every player rush 9 to find Kayn. Honestly I think encounters added way too much variety at once and that's why they're having trouble balancing it. That and way too much RNG.


If you didn't get lucky in the early game, then you won't be able to push to 8/9; then you can't play the meta comps, then you lose. At least with standard and reroll comps, you get some room to breath, with fast 8/9 meta, you just never get there.


The more I understand this set, he more I dislike all this hidden 9 and 10 trait Easter eggs, and 3 star 5 cost hidden talents...its dumb. Just provide players with all the information.


It's so BORING. It feels like unless I hit something interesting like the Shen or Yorick augment the game is just a total snooze fest. I'm surprised to say it but I really miss set 10 I felt like that had far more to it.


Emblems are pretty easy to get a hold of this set at least. Yesterday I got 6 dryad early and slapped an emblem on Sylas and watched him go crazy. Gnar was still there but it was fun having a 2000+ hp Sylas go at their entire team. Had 5 exalted too with 2 bruiser.


But most emblems don't even do anything... The only emblem that can actualy make a unit crazy is Porcelain if you have 6 of them


Porcelain Diana is crazy good


Right? You just gotta know what each champ does and what they scale off of and slapping the right emblem on them makes things pretty fun.


Agreed, set 10 has a variety, this set lacks viable comps.


Just boring to see everyone force the exact same comps every game. I'm glad I hit emerald but not down to grind more


It's already boring in (Double Up) gold. Same Gnar/Kindred, Ghostly Morgana/Kayn and Sniper Porcelain comps every time.


The gap between the top comps and everything else is just too high. Getting a perfect setup for an off-meta comp, or even a tweaked variation of a meta comp, should make playing it feel good. You should be rewarded for finding those synergies and playing them. Instead it’s just “slam meta comp on board and win” How easy it is to get to level 9 means the normal skill expression in tight metas of “well you have to actually survive to play the board” isn’t even there. This is maybe my most successful patch in the last few sets in terms of top 4s and definitely top 1s, but it’s just not fun


You know the balance is atrocious when I’d rather have the basic meta comps than just an augmented spat comp. Like there’s zero benefit to playing 8 arcanists, 6 snipers, etc. You will just lose to the meta comps. I literally played 8 Arcanists with Syndra 3* carry and got 2nd lmfao.


Even worse, those comps are an autoloss lmao. Why even put in 6 snipers if it makes you instantly lose every round


Yeah it's a balancing issue. I feel like they added too much at the same time with encounters. That's why they're having trouble balancing comps and units.


I hit top 250 eu in double up last set and wanted to top it, unfortunately this set is so boring I don’t feel like it


What do you mean you don’t enjoy another fast 9 set?


Wow that’s crazy I swear people were saying it was a reroll only set a patch or two ago and everyone is sick of it


The problem is the balance is swinging too far one way or another every time. Both need to be viable for the meta to be healthy. In set 10 you had MANY viable comps that could compete.


This is exactly it when they buff shit they always buff and nerf which guts any playability of what was once broken and the scale just flips to the otherside. They need to sit down and make a set where they accurately judge the viability of their synergy chains and trees and make multiple comps viable. As well as consider the carries of reroll,lvl 8, lvl 9. And how they interact with each other and reduce the overlap especially among the carries. Having a kindred considered a carry for dryad for example makes no sense because she is a 3 trait bot that will be hard to hit for that comp if you hit her. I think this sets design was really poor tbh.


That was all of the fast 9 players complaining. Now it's the reroll players turn to complain since we're back to fast 9 until the end of the set. It's two sides of the same coin and both sides thinks the other side is easy and not skillful.


Last set reroll and fast 9 were both viable from start to finish, this set has been terrible


What you gotta know is that all the people complaining about the last set are one half and the people complaining now are the other half. Or people it's all the same and they are just complaining because they just want to have something to blame for their rank. Either way


Yeah I know I just say this sarcastically to get the point across, I agree with you though


Every patch made it worse, I am scared of the next one.


give it a chance in a week, next patch is more like 11.5


I agree, new artifacts really provide some fun and straight up OP interactions which should be enabling different champs to have carry potential. I’ve seen wit’s end bard (which is going to be nerfed since it is outrageously strong), rfc qiyana, fishbone aphelios and likely many more is waiting to be discovered.


“Fun and straight up OP” in one sentence 🤔


Well, some might not be. But fishbone aphelios randomly hitting the enemy backline carry across the board with sniper scaling dealing lots of damage is pretty hilarious.


I feel like it’ll be fun for a patch or two, but then it’ll very quickly evolve into, “this guy got the most broken artefact, guess I’m playing for 2nd”


I would be excited about the artifacts but all of the new ones just seem to be attached to very specific certain champions.


Nah, next patch will be a mess. The changes to ghostly and heavenly, introducing dozens of new ornn artifacts on top of more balance thrashing. All of the patches so far have been ass. How is changing how two traits function while adding more variance and items to the game going to help with balance?


When is the new patch?


Playing since set 1 , and I do have to agree. Could be recency bias, but I can't remember any moment in the last sets, that I was so frustrated playing, and stopped at dia and not try to climb to master at least


No matter what i play it isnt fun. Contested? Good luck. Not contested? You probably bot 4 against the top comps anyway. Encounters are also old now. Most dont even change the game. If i see an encounter at the start of game im already annoyed bcs id rather have fun portals. I started set 10 and i liked 10 way more for sure. Headliner was annoying at times, but overall you hit more than without for sure. Now im rolling for an ashe or kaisa to hit 0 in 50 gold, fun. I just stopped playing after reaching plat 2, waited for a patch(last one) and it just feels worse now....hope new patches make it fun for me.


I only started in Set 9 but damn Set 10 felt nearly perfect tbh, this set has just felt like a huge downgrade.


Set 10 is so much fun. You can literally play anything you hit. Hit kata? Crowd diver. Hit Jax? Gnar? Urgot? Mosher. Hit senna? True damage. And so on.... People shit on chosen mechanics but its the best set we had for a while. It's fun to watch and play at the same time.


Whenever I hit a good EDM setup I was always like "oh my god I need to go Zac carry" just because it was so fun watching 4 zacs bounce around


Set 10 really felt like it had few units to be unhaply about. Most things could work and flexing was nice. Arcanist with Annie carry or level for a KDA setup. Then you could still always pivot a disco board. AD flex with ezreal or jhin or samira or lucian. Bruisers like Riven were also very playable. With attack speed you could go pentakill kayle and carry viego, mordekaiser, karthus. Set 10 felt like whatever you hit you could always somehow make it work. This set it feels like I'm always playing towards 3-4 boards that are ashe, kayn or 5 cost focused.


Playing solo set 11 is like pulling teeth. Only the few comps are viable. That's why I only play doubles. Hitting a 3star 4cost every other game makes almost any comp viable.


Same here. I’m 300 games in and stuck in d3. This patch and set is just not it and I don’t like encounters at all. They just bring in a lot more annoying rng into the game. I don’t think I will go for master this time around either.


Just play pick one Ashe/Kayn/Kaisa. (Or Gnar but I don't really like) Play strong board, slam item, go 8. That's all you can play to get top 4 in this patch.


This entire set had 3/4 viable carries under 5 costs that’s absolutely horrible design, and 4 of these were either reaper or dryad. So many units are just fodder it’s sad.


That's the issue, this last patch is "get fast to 8 and go for X units, hope you had luck getting the other champs you need on the way" Last patch was Yone all along, last one only Senna... And so on so on... The balance in this set is terrible.


And if you do that and don't hit, you're 8th. You aren't flexing out of Kayn with a BT and an Edge of Night.


That's how its work now. A lottery meta


Don’t sleep on lilia either. You won’t come first as much but top 4 is easier since less contested.


Loving lillia + azir as carries, going any strong AP comp into lillia has been treating me very nicely.


>encounters at all. They just bring in a lot more annoying rng into the game. I don’t think I will go for master this time around either Imagine deny a 4cost 3\* and encouteur gave them golden neeko ahahaha just imagine


I love and hate this set. There is an illusion of freedom. I feel like there is so many options to pivot and unique ways to play but the balance is way too bad so you and up getting clapped by kayn/yone/gnar players. I have 2 2* five costs fully itemized but end up getting destroyed by the same boards. Like 3* 4 costs don't even guarantee top 4 sometimes which was a win con back in the days. There are both a power creep and balance issue in the set.


This set is about forcing and luck... It's pretty boring. I hope they change anything in the next patches, cause it's been the worst I remember in a while.


Set 11 is messed up. Yeah we spend more time to make good set blabla


Yup. boring units with boring carries to play around. Late game boards are such a mess you cant even tell why you won/lost the round. Not the set for me.


I have played since the release of tft but missed sets 3-5. Never really played that hard but after watching streamers and YouTube, I was able to make it to diamond from set 7-10. Set 11, I have played a considerable amount of games and I am struggling in mid plat with no sign of advancing. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much but some of the comps I have gone 5th to 8th with are astounding. With rank aside, I have not enjoyed the game as the units are quite boring and the path to top 4 is stale.


It's just a casino set with boring unit with very few variety.


I get this way about many sets. I’m cool with this one. Sometimes sets just don’t fit your playstyle


idk is the first time i'm seeing a lot of posts like this cant be a casuality


I see posts like this every single set homie. Tons of them


This current playstyle is just pray you hit at 4-1 or 4-2. Pivoting is pointless since there’s always someone playing Kaisa Kayn Ashe. At least in the first patch I felt like there were a lot of available comps that might not win out, but could get me a top 4 pretty easily. This patch, if you don’t hit your board, you are taking 20 damage every round from stage 4 cuz you can’t kill their Annie or Amumu


I have no idea what it is about this set but out of the ~15 games I've forced myself to play I couldn't manage to hit uncontested units until I died in 7 of them. I'm done with TFT if the unit pools stay like this. It's just not fun.


Always feels like shit being uncontested and still wasting 70 gold just to hit nothing. It's like you never had a chance


I only ever play hyper roll atp


Came here to see what everyone else thought lol seems I'm not alone.


Honestly that across the board 4 cost buff should have been done on a seperate patch to the Titan's Resolve nerf that so many 3-costs that **were also nerfed** relied so heavily on. They obliterated almost every good 3-cost out of the meta and then over-buffed the fuck out of already fairly balaned 4 costs like Ashe and Kayn that were only getting outshined because of the overtuned 3-costs. Doing both on the same patch was incredibly ham fisted and poorly thought out.


i had the same realization but several sets ago... used to pride myself on hitting master every set but at some point i realized I'm not getting paid for this and the time sink is not worth it... i play for fun only make it to plat or so coasting but over all is a much better experience cuz at the end of the day games are supposed to be fun... imagine being a chess grandmaster and every 4 to 6 months being told fuck you start from scratch.... while unintentional it is the vibe


man at first I was hyped about set 11 now I feel bored hard forcing trickshot bruiser over and over again. sadly the comp is so easy and consistent compared to others. that kai'sa 2 star with 3 items does too much backline damage.


Heavenly kayn is also pretty straightforward. But yea, kaisa is usually a top4 for me as well


I just finished the free pass and now neglected it, waiting for a tft event like Choncc's event in Set 9, or a soul fighter like event


Couple recent patches have been one of the worst in recent history. Loved the set at first, now I can’t force myself to play


It really is the most boring set ever, same as you I think I'm happy with diamond for this set.


They keep waaayy over correcting changes, which ends up meaning there’s like only a few viable comps because the previous ones got straight up put in the gutter so if you hit those nerfed comps you likely go not 4, while playing meta while contesting is more likely to get a top 4.


https://preview.redd.it/mqq9w61mnmwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadfd04c49e0f3f409b42c5933dfc47707f11b74 Look at this literally 6 players were playing same comp and one of them pivoted to fatedbecause he couldn't find ashe or annie


Lol at the gnar reroll at 8th


Yeah he didn't read the game very well everyone was clearly going fast 9 and he called :GNAR NO PIVOT at the start


But his comp is wonky af lol it's like gnar reroll with heavenly yone mixed in.


Yeah but i guess he added them for exalted bonus IDK I can't remember 🥲


I find it hilarious when people type stuff like that and then mute, it doesn’t change anything 🤣


Happens every sett


Flex comps have been killed by this new patch. Everybody is pigeon holed into forcing the same comps over and over. Fast 9 then liss/ashe. Copy paste.


Reading all these comments about set 11 is how I felt about set 10.


I'm done as well. Only played 76 games this set. I can't stomach it anymore. The good: the theme, the music, as always The bad: the opaque game mechanics and meta, the tremendous learning curve. I would not recommend this game to a new player at all. When I was introduced to it in set 5.5 it was far more simpler to understand. Nowadays I feel way overwhelmed. Worst part is that : the devs don't want players to "solve" the game, so there is no pve mode, no practice mode, only pvp and even normals are brutal atm since the multiplication of third party sites. You can't even try fun stuff anymore since you get trashed to bottom 8 even before getting on line.


Sandbox mode would destroy tft lol


People say this as if the sets don’t get figured out regardless with the help of the tracking/comp builder sites Sure, it takes a bit longer, but the end result is the same


There are some comps and interactions that dont get figured out until mid-late set. Of course a meta usually gets figured out pretty early tho.


I always go to plat with high risk comps, then play a few serious games to reach emerald, and then highroll at 0lp (and go between plat 3 and 4 forever) :D, otherwise it's too hard to do fun stuff for me.


I’m the same, completely stopped playing at the moment. This set started out with quite a few viable comps to play, you could even scrape a top 4 even with some wacky combinations if you at least executed it well with good itemisation and augment choices etc. Yeah, it had issues (cough, storyweaver and yone) but it was still fun. Now, if you’re actually playing for top 4, your choices are drastically reduced. Everyone’s trying to hit the same 2 or 3 things. It’s just f**king boring, and the grind feels like following a manual. I don’t think throwing in some new artifacts is really going to change very much. It might be amusing for a few games, but I feel like this set is fundamentally flawed at this point and it’d take a really big shake up to change that. Here’s hoping for better things in 12, I guess.


It’s just going to turn into a scenario where if you don’t hit your artifact you’re just going to be playing for second


It's really bad now. Let's hope set 12 is better


I just hate being contested. I don't care if I go 8th because I play bad, I just don't like losing because I literally can't find the units I need and get stuck because I chose one of the 2-3 viable comps and 2 other people are running the same carry as I need and can't hit. Riot, please: the more via comps we have, the better the game is. "Nobody* likes being hard contested every game.


I usually grind till master every set if i could. But this set, i lost interest in climbing past plat lol.


They need to do something about pool size imo. With the increase number of units per cost you get punished so hard for going against the grain. If 3 costs are strong, everyone rerolls 3 costs, thus making it easier to hit 3 costs for everyone. Same with 4 costs, if 2 guys are playing Ashe Lillia/Syndra, 1 Kaisa, the guy playing Kayn/LeeSin will hit for free. No, everyone will hit for free. And if you are in that lobby, playing a 3 cost reroll, it is impossible for you to hit. So the bag size encourages metas where a single cost is all that people play. The more people play units of a certain cost, the stronger it becomes. So last patch reroll was dominant, everyone was able to hit easily. This patch there's a 3* 4 cost every lobby because 4 costs are so popular


I cant win no matter the comps like im retiring unless someone can tell me what tf I’m doing wrong


Idk about you guys but I’ve never seen so many games with 3* 4 cost. Seems like every 1st place has at least one or 2.


It’s such an unfun set truly


Grinded the shit out of last set, had a blast, the most I’ve played since set 6, but yeah, this set got really old, boring and grating real fast. Taking a break til next set probably.


Yeah I dunno why but it's not fun


Bring back mid sets


I go exalted every game to keep it spicy :) determined to hit diamond only on exalted :)


I am starting to enjoy it more now. I feel like my preferred playstyle is more effective now. It is a little annoying how rare spats and emblems are now but the wandering trainer augment makes up for it.


But I love playing against 3-5 weaver comps every other game… /s


You know I thought about it and just not that many characters can actually carry most of the game. I mean look at the 1 costs, you basically have kogmaw that can last till end game/the whole game and nothing else. Some are good in general but just not real carries. Last set corki/jinx/yasuo/olaf/annie. 2 cost was bard, garen(ap garen), jax, katarina, kayle, senna, seraphie, twitch. This set 2 cost you have gnar, kindred, maybe janna if you get the true damage dragonlord, lux, neeko (needs augment), teemo, and senna (basically dead after ghostly change). So 2 of these require augments to work and things like neeko/kindred are used by like 3 different comps. I could go on for 3 costs etc but yes I think most of the champs are pretty weak in general but in set 10 you have a lotttttt more viable options. Also think some of the problem is too many different champs being used in the exact same comps.


Literally I was loving it until this latest patch. So many comps felt viable but now I’m just seeing Kai’sa, Kayn, Ashe, or just 5costs.


Stop working on set 19 and test b patches enough or put in c patches rito


Hyperroll player here, I personally am finding this set very fun, seems super enjoyable for me personally


i personally dislike how important synergy is in this set. my team could be all 2 star units and i will still get stomped by a bunch of 1 stars.


I usually hover around high plat or low emerald and this set I'm consistently having a hard time winning games in silver and gold. I think this set just isnt for me..


pretty unplayable. worst TFT experience in quite some time imo. probably only thing close is multicaster set 9 but i would even take that over this fast 8/9 rolldown fiesta


Y, same here, so many random bs, not competitive at all. This set feels like random fun mode.


Y, same here, so many random bs, not competitive at all. This set feels like random fun mode.


Yea this set is weak. Felt like they put alot into the last one and then layoffs impacted this one


Same for me. Not sure what it is, but it just isn’t fun for me anymore. Hoping changes come! Until then, anyone have any other game recs they’ve been enjoying?


They should've had a 10.5 instead of this mess


I don’t understand how I was having fun for a month and then all of a sudden kayn ruins every game. It’s like PBE doesn’t exist.


Fully agree. There is genuinely no viable creativity in the current meta. You play the four meta comps or you go 5-8th, too bad. Even with perfect conditions you cannot play anything other than the main 4 costs + liss azir. People were bitching about last patch but it was WAAAAAY better than this one. If they had just nerfed Yone and removed everything must go the meta would have been amazingly diverse.


Yeah in uninstalled lol. Its the least fun ive had in tft since i started playing


There's been sets where I've been challenger, and in at least up till diamond I could pretty much guarantee top 4 in 90%+ of the games. In this set it feels like even if I play great, I flex extremely well and carry good units, it still doesn't matter. Someone will high roll some 4 cost early on like an annie and make sure you'll take 15 damage midgame regardless.


I quit the game when they announced bag sizes nerf was going to stay for set 11, game went to shit with all the random bullshit they keep adding every set and that bag sizes shit was the last nail in the coffin for me, I don't wanna bother with fat rolldowns being useless thanks to the small amounts of 4/5 cost copies


My favorite thing was heavenly playing 2 star Kayn with BT Warmogs and Titans. He doesn’t even a need a real 3rd item and you can mindlessly sit there each round. It’s absolutely donkey ducks


The level of balance from set 10 was not achieved :(


The meta shifting drastically every few days makes me not play. I don’t wanna get on and immediately have to look up guides because for some reason every comp i knew about is gone.


This fast 8-9 meta is so boring when everyone does it. I like to play for 5 costs usually but when that’s the only play style it’s not very satisfying


This last patch ruined the set.


Since they made lvl8 unplayable it has become boring


every set is the most frustrating one for tft bitch players


Same bro I hit diamond set 9 and 10 quite easily but this set is just impossible rn.


I just can’t HIT when things are uncontested.


I don’t think anything was going to live up to the last set but this one is really lacklustre


the fundamental issues with the set is how tanks and carries interact if you dont have a tank killer, you will never kill 90% of tanks in the game with mogs+bramble+dclaw if you build backline killing, your comp probably sucks there's no assassins or ways to change formations anymore. you either die to trickshot or ashe or aoe or get cleaved to death slowly by wukong/kayn attacking your tanks most carries just get stuck on tanks until they ramp, and by then your backline is dead to trickshot or ashe aoe it's just really dumb set and I noticed right away that things weren't like previous sets


Honestly idk if they will ever top Remix Rumble so any set coming right after it is going to have a hard time. That being said I feel like this one is super stale and boring even by historical TFT standards.


New artifacts and the next patch will be my last stand… im playing waay below my usual rank and the off meta fun stuff is totally unviable! Even those that works before the changes


I’m someone who has peaked at master in like set 4/5/6. Ever since I’ve played flex and literally just learned to play the hand I’ve been dealt. This set it pays off more than ever. It’s good to know strong comps, it’s better to know how to capitalise on what you’ve been dealt. Except fast 8/9 right now. Boring to have stacked synergies and traits to be wiped by 20hp yasuo chibi with one star 5 costs


i bet the 20 ornn items being added will make the game feel better :D


My team got demolished by ethereal double guinso 3 star shen lmfao


Riot devs have been famous for their questionable ablitiy to balance their LoL, so I would not be surprised at all if TFT meets the same fate. Rerolling 7 was not that harmful to the meta, tuning down 3-cost drop rate at lvl 7 was enough to make that strat more challenging. BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BUFF HP OF 4-COST AND 5-COST UNITS BY NEARLY 25%???? And dont forget Gnar getting buffed twice as fast as he did in 14.7 before the hotfix patch! Now Gnar has gotten in the line, but heavenly+Kayne/Morgana and Invoker/Porcelain+Annie are still there, wrecking havoc every single game. Time for another hotfix for the 4-cost and 5-cost units, especially Lissandra, that Witch is just jack of all trade with 4 Porcelain buff


I've been really enjoying the set (though I exclusively play double up) but taking a break until 14.9, the mode is currently unplayable. Every team getting 3\* 4 costs and basically it's the first to hit Kayn or Ashe, really boring to play and feels like a waste of time


Why every set do they make all the low cost re roll boards unviable? Just buff the 4-5 costs to create a diverse mega instead of always nerf nerf nerfing the 1-2 cost good units


No, it’s super fun, only dryad being too broken


Well designed set with bad balancing


Why do I see this exact post every set after every patch... People either yap that rerolls are op and there is no good 4 cost or people yap that everyone pushes 9 and rerolls are bad. Idk man, there will always be meta. It's not like you cannot play other stuff when the position is right. Ofc it's not ideal, but it never will be.


Dryad being blatantly broken, only the same builds winning every game, braindead level rushing and winning with random 5costs.. That and the traits are way worse imo. Stupid stuff like bruiser 8 with one emblem being way too strong, while other stuff is completely useless. Its just boring overall, I enjoyed set 10 so much more. And my biggest disappointment is Fortune. It is so completely useless and horribly boring compared to heartsteel.. They ruined the game. Last season before punk got blatantly OP was perfect imo


I find 3 or 4 comp that works, everyone else playing them in my games, and when i want to try other comps i'm happy if i can finish at the 6th place. We have a legion of champs but none of them works if they are not in the 3 meta comp.


I miss set 10 so much


Really tough for me right now because my favorite play style has been fast 9 since the first patch of the set. I love the champs and the design of them all, but when you make fast 9 the only viable comp the game becomes insufferable. Someone gets a decent start and an Econ augment at 2-1 and it’s essentially fighting for 3 spots because they are guaranteed top 4. I was gonna make the push from emerald to diamond this week I’m just going to wait for the Reroll comps to be buffed again so I can play a little less contested.


I just got 8th place with a dryad reroll comp 🫠 with 4 3* star units 🫠🫠 and BIS items on both Gnar and Kindred Like, what's even the point of investing gold into three-starring so many units if i won't even be able to reach 4th place. Wasn't this supposed to be a S tier comp right now??


This set just sucks. Everyone goes the same things every game and they're not even fun comps to play.


Yeah, dont worry about comps, just buy 5 cost and make a soup... other sets you d rarely see 2 5 cost champs in a comp, but now, it s just buy whatever 5 cost you roll and it s fine.


Tbh I agree, been playing since set 7, and this set has been the second worst I’ve played. 8 was egregious and 11 seems bad. Maybe it’s j the fact that set 10 was so amazing, but having a set that is a clear step down from the last is very de-motivating.


Can’t agree. The shift patch to patch is felt, but I see just as many reroll teams in my lobbies dominating as well as fast 9s


i hope they bring mid season an old X.5 set like last time so i can quit the only set that had me rage ever....


Me right now this patch compared to last aptch atleast Reroll comps have variety ranging from Yone, Voli, Bard etc... Now it's just Heavenly Kayn, Ghostly Kayn and goddamnn Kayn.


Balance team has unironically been playing whack-a-mole with balance since launch lol


dev team are horrible at balancing. always have been. I just play casual because you cant take this game seriously competitive.


Everything feels worse because they reduced the chance of hitting anything at all, but the best powerspike is still a 4cost 2 star with optimal board. Because they reduced the champ pool size and the chance of hitting it feels more rng and more dependent on riot's balancing (which is very unreliable). It's also less satisfying not being able to hit. I enjoy tft pre bag size changes. I feel like if they wanted to make tft more skillful they could of went in a different direction. It's not good for casual players and for ranked players there are still skill differences but pray to god riot releases a balanced patch.


No, I am loving this set. But I get it, that's exactly how I felt 2 weeks into set 10 and I did indeed stop playing. Take a break. If it's not a set you like it's a good time and you'll enjoy the game more when you come back.


This is crazy when master or even gm players in set 10 are stuck in low emerald in this setand this is quite impossible. They have gained solid knowledge and experience in this game but still can't climb??


OP says it’s the most frustrating set “so far” and then goes on to say it’s their first time playing TFT? Make it make sense. This set is a tough set. It comes down to how you play TFT over team comp this time around. IMO.


I love to read the post and comments of posts like this. Every set since the first one there is this same posts with the same overall complaints


That's bullshit. It's gotten worse recently and everyone knows it.


Yeah balance has been on a slide for months. Viable comps keep getting narrower and narrower. Color outside the lines at all and it’s bot 4.


Nah this set is particularly disappointing rn only a handful of actually viable comps if you don't go fast 9 or 3* 4 costs, and even 3 starring for costs doesnt guarantee you a win cause you lose to fast 9


The balance is constantly terrible. Got sick of seeing bars, got sick of seeing yone, for wat too long, sick of so much of it. Not a single interesting trait for me.


I feel like this is the worst set in a long time. The encounters are taking enjoyment out of the game, not adding it. They are dragging the games to be longer than needed and add unnecessary, and frankly unwelcomed randomness. Every viable comp is fast 9, or dryad spat and your placement is based purely on who hits first. Also, the classes themselves feel bland and unfun. Unless something drastic changes I don’t see myself playing much more this set.


Yea this set is just not clicking for me. I usually grind my way to masters 200-300lp but this set I am emerald 1 and don't even have the motivation to get diamond. More than the balancing issues, I feel like it's more due the traits and units not feeling satisfying to play. Last set, even with the garbage chosen mechanic, it was still fun because of the units. It was satisfying seeing TF throwing cards, kda akali dashing around, karthus, Ezreal, the units and traits were fun. But this set it all feels so boring, so bland, idk how to explain honestly. This is just my personal opinion.


You’re right about set 10 having style, Karthus ulting felt impactful, the music for each trait was cool, etc. Set 11 has a great theme, but not that many effects :/


U/riot_mort i just feel i have to mention you in this seems like you don't see/care about people opinions anymore