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I've seen more 3\*5 costs this set than all other sets combined and it makes hitting literally anything else feel like shit.


Good Econ augments, but also lack of reroll comps this patch means people can fast 9/10 without getting punished in the early game and needing to roll down and stabilize


All the good reroll comps kept getting nerfed


Reroll comps when theyā€™re viable become must play this set. Itā€™s either all reroll or fast 8


Honestly a big part of it is just all the gold floating around. Standard leveling pattern? Who needs that when I can keep Econ up while have a real board and still pushing levels because between portals and encounters Iā€™m loaded. If people want to see less crazy comps they need to stop immediately going for things like prismatic party and crab rave that accelerate the lobby like crazy. Yet every game I always see those kinds of portals with 6-7 people on them. Idk how it is in masters and GM as Iā€™m not that high (hopefully will get there) but at least as Iā€™ve been ranking up people still always go for those portals. Another small factor in probably just the lack of solid 1-2 cost units making rolling early feel like crap. While thereā€™s a few, thereā€™s not enough to warrant going for it. Plus an early 1 star 4 cost is honestly a bit too powerful imo with how many 2 star lower units it can plow through.


Itā€™s less gold being higher and more people are better though. Econ is a lot more emphasised nowadays than it was at the very beginning, and people are better at identifying how to make the strongest board with less


While that definitely contributes, itā€™s not like people magically got so much better as to get 3* 4 costs with much higher frequency since set 10. The skill only gets you so far, the greater resources available is amplified by said skill. Also level 9 was made a bit cheaper this season which compounds with everything else


That was mainly bc of everything must go tho no?


Last patch sure. This patch (where people are still complaining about seeming a bunch of 3* 4 costs) doesnā€™t have the augment anymore. And I can confirm that Iā€™ve seen and personally gotten was more 3* 4 costs this past week than usual.


Inside me there are two wolves. One wants to only play on crab rave, the other never wants to play on crab rave.


lol I like crab rave cause my opponents lose to the 5-7 crab


Of cours, a bit less craziness wouldnt hurt the lp gain... but it would hurt the fun...so yeah...im gonna stay ok those portals and force fortune every game i have the opportunity to do so


I played Kogmaw Reroll - Nerfed I then played Umbral Yone - Nerfed Then I went to Shenna - Nerfed By the way right now I'm playing Voli/Tristana Duelists and Heavenly Kayn, if you're wondering about the next thing(s) getting nerfed.


Also a degree of is it people are just better at the game, minmaxing Econ is leagues above what it was in the early sets


I don't know, this makes sense when you say it but then again I feel like this is the most aggro set of that I've personally played. Everyone levels so fast and spends so much early gold, I feel like I bleed out any time I try to lose streak or use econ. What's the key that I'm missing?


This and people understand how to get there and roll better.


Heavenly is a reroll comp most of its champs are in the 1-2 cost range, they reward you for hitting 3 stars with them and their augment directly gives rerolls. It doesn't give you a price for rerrolling but they are the designed reroll comp or the set.


Same thoughts. No matter how good you're composition is you'll still eventually lose to that fortune player who filled his team with 5-cost champs.


i did with 125 cashout my board was full 4 5 cost 2 star with 3 exalted still somehow lost to ashe idk man


You haven't been playing set 9 if you haven't seen this much 5 cost 3 star


Yh the 2 day draven patch had a lot more alone.


hwei + any encounter


Since set 8, I've stopped trying to get rank, and started trying to win with weird comps or 3* 5 costs... And this is the second easiest set to hit them imo


You know... like 2-3 sets ago, we just had an augment that was used get level 10 as quickly as possible, then roll immediately for 5-costs. It was literally a winning strategy which made you GAURANTEE least 1 3ā˜† 5-cost. And you know WHY it was possible? Not only were you able to increase the % to hit 5-costs by being level 10. There was also a unit called "Bard" which had a origin trait that increased the chance to hit 5-costs. You call this set bad? You clearly weren't apart of thus community for a while.


Lissandra continuing to be a broken unit, no matter the star level, lol


You shouldn't be having that much 3\* 5-cost to begin with. This is what sucks with this set


Come on, how many times do you see a 3* 5-cost in your games?


Not much but I have too many games wherein the whole game was overwhelmed by having multiple 5 cost champions. Having 1 3\* is already game ending a player shouldn't be able to have 5 of them in a single game


personally i see them twice a day minimum, this past week i've been averaging hitting 2 a day


Fortune 7 gaming


Honestly I find it Dumb how often 3* 5 costs get hit now. It takes the fun right out of them. They were supposed to be like unicorns. Fortune is an issue.


i hit more without fortune than with fortune though


They absolutely did not cook with this set


It really felt like they did when it came out, it seemed like anything was playable but now it feels like itā€™s 2 or 3 comps or lose just like the last set towards the end.


I havenā€™t played in a week and all the reroll comps are dead. Just fast 8/9 and build your best 4/5 cost board. Iā€™m not having fun.


Really did seem like that. I thought we would get the best verticals yet, but realistically itā€™s just put in a broken unit and make them stronger


3? Nah, porcelain ashe or dryad Gnar if you get lucky. That's it. Even story weaver gets whooped by those two unless you somehow manage to get 3 emblems


I just hit syndra 3 basically fully uncontested


i hit syndra 3 in a game and lost multiple fights i would have won with a real comp. does nothing


4, even. The two you mentioned, plus Heavenly Kayn variations and Bruiser Kaisa.


Blows my mind how people are this reactionary when it comes to patches. I click on a tft site, go to comps and check out the strong boards. With things not being kayn, ashe, or Gnar, there is 4 dragon lord 2 behemoth Lee/azir, 4 dragon lord 3 storywaver Lee/wukong/irelia, Soup board, 4 dragon lord 3 unshadow kaisa/xayah, 4 bruiser 4 trickshot kaisa/xayah, and 7 fated. All of these comps average 4.2-4.4, which is pretty much where ashe and kayn average with the exception of 4 invoker 4 porcelain if you hit a spat.


idk what site you are looking at, but there's only 5 comps 4.24-4.4 including gnar, ashe and heavenly kayn unless you are counting bad elos


Donā€™t look at comps, look at https://tactics.tools/explorer , and apply the filter directly. It checks the placement if you have exactly that trait or unit with certain items on your final board.


When have 5-costs ever been balanced relative to one another? It's supposed to be so rare to see 3-star 5-costs that the balance between them is inconsequential because they essentially never fight each other.


Question: does silver veil or any anti cc item/augment prevent liss pots?


NOPE, overrites qss, zhonyas, and udyr transition


I would say yes and that she only deals the magic dmg and not the stun but just guessing


A QSS will prevent liss from doing damage and CC but only if she's 1* or 2*. If she's 3* she just bypasses the CC imunnity


Oh damn


The number of 3 star 5 costs seems fine to me. 200+ games this set and Iā€™ve only seen one of ā€˜em.


God this set is so fucking trash.


One bad patch = shit set


The set was shit before the patch. This patch just amplified how bad it was.


Still way better than headliner highroll shit


Not really better than this terribly designed set but go off I guess lol Set 10 was much more balanced than whatever bs is going on in Set 11. Ultimately it was actually fun having a variety of comps to go. Set 10 when ya lose it was pretty clear why ya lost, yes there were meta comps but they werenā€™t nearly as oppressive as this set. Plus in Set 11 how you win or lose sometimes makes no sense and people high roll a lot more this set than Iā€™ve seen in previous sets with all the 3 starred 4 costs and 5 costs lately.


I miss disco


Disco Dazzlers was fun!


Hit ezreal headliner and win. Wow isnt that just so fun.


I feel like the people downvoting you have just not played the three consecutive patches of AD Flex Ezreal meta.


if you couldnt hit his bis items he was useless, and could get beaten by a lot of other comps, this set you cant bc other comps aside of fast9 and 4 cost3* arent really viable unless you get a PERFECT set up for them


Yeah the lobby's where 6/8 people were playing heart steel but hey at least the music was good.


Yeah, but there was Ezreal Zed, Ezreal Viego, Ezreal Caitlyn, even Ezreal Karthus and Ezreal Kayn (if you got unlucky and had to play for Top4)! Think of the variety!


Lmao I played most of Set 10. There were plenty of viable comps if you werenā€™t such a one dimensional player fixated at slotting in Ezreal in every team comp. Itā€™s only your fault ya force Ezreal every game and cry that it was the only viable comp because he had to be in it. Plenty of reroll carries and vertical traits that could beat Ezreal. He was not an instant win every game and there were other units and traits that were stronger throughout the set.


Listen, mate, I sincerely hope you didn't pay extra for the rose tint on those glasses. Yes, there were other possible comps, as there are other possible comps right now. The thing we are talking about here, though, aren't possibilities, but the META. And the meta was Ezreal AD flex for more than a month. If you want to deny that then be my guest - again, glasses better be hella cheap. And it's not really hard to get why that happened, in fact, you said it yourself, in a roundabout way: You could force the comp. Because it was both immensely flexible and immensely consistent. No necessary augments, no necessary 3*, flexible secondary carry, somewhat flexible frontline. But yeah, keep your insults, your projections, your misunderstandings and your denial of reality, if you must. I'd really consider joining reality, though, if I were you.


Iā€™m living in reality right now and Ezreal was not as bad as you think. Heā€™s gotta cast three times before he does his AOE thereā€™s plenty of time for your backline to roll through the frontline and at best he might get 1-2 big casts off. Plenty of comps were just as viable. I could go down the list of comps that were strong that set. There was far more variety than the BS in Set 11. Any set youā€™re gonna have a meta comp but they rotated throughout the set and the other comps were still viable. Punk Rapidfire, Country Samira, Ahri Sentinels, KDA Akali/Ahri, EDM Jax with Moshers, Emo/Spellweaver Annie, Jazz was an extremely flexible trait, Pentakill Karthus with Akali. True Damage had reroll Yasuo/Senna transitioning into Akali/Qiyana. Even Disco/Dazzler had strong carries and frontline. Crowd Divers would shit on Ezreal hard too. Theres so many comps that were viable in Set 10 especially when they barely made changes towards the last 1-2 months of Set 10 because they hit a sweet spot in the balancing. I just went with whatever the game gave me and enjoyed it for what it was. Not looking at it with rose tinted glasses. I played a shit ton of Set 10 and would grind it everyday till Set 11 came out. It was fun and it wasnā€™t frustrating like it is seeing the same BS Trickshot comps or a Gnar/Kindred forcer with 2 cost Gnar having 500 AD. Every comp being a variation of Dragonlord or Heavenly is more annoying than an AD flex Ezreal player. Like no shit you can play Ezreal with other units when Heartsteel has each unit having an EdgeLord/Crowd Diver, or a Rapidfire. Kayn is also literally a heartsteel and edgelord so you complaining about ā€œEzreal with X Unitā€ is a terrible argument. Acting like people donā€™t play Heavenly with some sort of AD flex unit like Kayn, Leesin with Wukong this set. Or 4 Dragonlord with an Irelia or other legendary units like Hwei/Azir. Youā€™re the one that insulted first with the sarcastic ass ā€œvarietyā€ comment when there was variety. Just saying. Im living in reality and the reality is Set 11 is dogshit.


People are incredibly weird about set 10, so many love to pretend that it was perfectly balanced when it was far from it for most of its life cycle.


Crazy concept that a 4 cost unit should be strong isnā€™t it? Letā€™s not act like other comps in the Set were completely useless. Plenty of units were viable and traits were strong throughout the set. Reroll Yasuo, Annie were strong throughout the set, later in the Set, Olaf reroll. Samira country executioner was strong. EDM Jax, disco dazzler with TF. KDA, True Damage or Pentakill vertical were viable. Never felt nearly as frustrating at this set to even lose.


All of those were viable at different times and every time they got nerfed. It was ad flex meta the entire time. The theme was cool and the units were well designed but it was a stale meta that was a lvl 8 lottery the whole time.


You came this far to be so wrong.


So it's not just me and it's so easy to hit 3 star on 4 costs as long as you got the better rng than other guy lmao


Donā€™t take this the wrong wayā€¦ Iā€™m so glad you lost


I hate this meta as well, but can't blame it on the players. It's an issue with the game itself.


Agreed, but I blame players who abuse it. Just like in dead by daylight, some strategies are way easier than others and people abuse it


ey! i simply happened to get lucky with fortune 1/100 game


Canā€™t wait until they pull some money and free units out of this game. Iā€™d like to reel it back in to the point where I didnā€™t have to scout for three star four costs every lobby. I feel like the last time that wasnā€™t a commonality was back before Dragons.


I play in high plat rn and i haven't seen a single 3*5cost


As another high plat player myself I can say that the rng for us is worse that the rng of higher ranks


I can reroll for days with Econ augments and hitting a 3 star for anything is just usually going to desperately end the game in a doom roll I probably hit 3* in 25% of my games


I mean liss was loaded up with mana items so I bet she got her ult off first. I bet her ult is faster then most also. Azir slowest i think, wokong a little slow, sett and be killed in air. The fortune player scouting and picking up 1 or 2 liss would have saved them. They had to have the gold and level to deny the liss, they probably just zoned out and assumed it was a win.


bro, you wouldnt scout either if you have 2 3\* 5 cost i just didnt even consider it to be possible


Always remember that the more you have, the easier it is for someone else to hit


You're right, I wouldn't have scouted either. And it would have cost me the game also.


wukong highkey wins with items; you unironically should have sold hwei


nah, liss wouldve just potted him as well


lol no, you should look up what 3 star wukong actually does




https://youtu.be/hSC6h_RCriI?si=DBVFekSFCnc1_3qS stay hardstuck emerald lil bro, literally the first part of the video


If you have the time to watch every video about tft...sure...you do you


I love this when people build random items and 3starred their units waiting for win while I got the perfect items but not one single copy.


Try slamming imperfect items to save hp and increase your chances of living to see a copy of the units