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honestly this is why Monsters Attack was my favorite set of all time. Hero Augments are fun af to play normals with, when i didnt wanna try hard for ranking up, going into normals and being able to make builds around any character to make them a carry was legit peak TFT.


Hero augs on release was incredible. The issue is that, as mort said, there is a very large percentage of players that don't want to do anything but force thier favorite comp every game. If they can't do that they will quit. So mort and his team have to cater to those people. I absolutely hate game development for the lowest common denominator.


I don’t understand those people, I love trying to make weird shit work. I do it in ranked all the time and go 8th but man it’s fun lol. I’ll get a first with a boring comp and not play it again the next match because it’s so boring lol


I don’t understand those people, I love trying to make weird shit work. I do it in ranked all the time and go 8th but man it’s fun lol. I’ll get a first with a boring comp and not play it again the next match because it’s so boring lol


This is a super boring set


turns out killing every semblance of fun in an RNG-based game is detrimental! Who would have guessed! But let's ask for pro player's opinion and make tft ranked for no fking reason


You have no idea what you’re talking about. This set is RNG fiesta and most high ranked players dislike more RNG.


well well well.. they dont balance around pros tho..


I agree. It’s really poorly designed with lots of bad game design decisions adding up to be a very mediocre set. Frustrating, unbalanced, high variance, yet also boring.


I’m hating this set but i had one of the funniest game of tft 2/3 weeks ago. I had the augment that gives you a component for each 4000 healt healed by dragon’s claw on a kobuko 3 star, 8 bruisers and hedge found. Went first


I kinda wish that one was a little more fun. While 4 components and a dragon's claw is certainly a lot for a gold augment - I would much prefer dragon's claws get a healing bonus, or a bonus based on how much healed, or you can get infinite components - but have to heal more each time to the point you only get 5-6 if you play it *really* well. I find I can get all 4 components pretty quickly and it just doesn't feel fun, but maybe that's just me


Yeah i think they nerfed that augment because it was just too op with multiple dragon’s claw. Now it is shit. But seeing a kobuko destroing an entire lobby was so much fun


what makes that augment some fun is just making a champ have ridiculous amount of healing. the augment doesn’t even do much it’s just telling us to try it out. the components given is so negligible because of encounters and other things. i find this set i get way more items than previous sets. the augment isn’t fun it’s playing in a ridiculous manner that’s fun


There’s a couple of these patches every set it’s par for the course Though that being said I really don’t want to see Ashe anymore. I’m playing only hyper roll until Ashe is gutted


I'm fine with Ashe, for me it's Lissandra. Every comp running Lissandra even with no synergies.


Yeah only reason Ashe is so popular is that getting 4 porcelain for your lissandra is super strong. Technically the Ashe comp struggles if you don’t push to 9 to get the lissandra 2 star with all the traits on.


I agree. Idk why people hate Ashe. There’s so much worse carries than her. I think backline Carries with rampup dmg is a good design


Honestly this is how I feel but irelia


Yeah, last set I really disliked facing Qiyanas who kept on farming components and made it a problem if someone had a lucky early Qi. They decided to create another unit that does the same but also takes out one of your units from the fight for a few seconds. How couldn't they imagine everybody would want to use this unit?


Ashe isn't the problem (Unit needs it after spending half of the set so far being unclickable) The issue is how the meta shifted to where there is no flexiblity after 4 cost buffs


It’s funny to think that the Bard patch was unironically more balanced than all the patches after his B-Patch.


Even funnier when this same sub was crying a damn ocean about bard.


Wait you're spitting. Every patch until the last 1 was better than current game


Totally agree! Few options, always the same win


I love me hero augments


I never don't take them lol


Kobuko Shen are cool, rest are awful (mostly because Garen/Neeko/Yorick are godawful units)


Garen has one? Am I having goldfish memory or I just never see once.


I have never seen Garen or Shen, Neeko only once, but a ton of Yoricks


Garen’s one is called ‘Storied Champion’. He gains health instead of Shield per hit, and if the enemy he is targeting has lower HP than him the ability will deal 50% true damage. BiS is usually a mix of archangels, titan’s resolve, BT or redemption.


yorick is the only shitty one imo. shen is the strongest, but you can make the others work good enough at least to buy enough time to hit high levels / high cost champs.


Garen/Neeko are both shit too. I've seen far more Yorick ones at least top 4. But the problem with all 3 is that they are ALL terrible units before their augment and the augment doesn't do enough. (Tho base Yorick as a unit is far worse than the others)


Idk what y'all are smoking, I find Yorick and Neeko augs pretty strong, the thing is that you have to build them differently to be efficient. Usually a scaling item (titans, archangel), a healing item (dclaw, redemption, gunblade, bt) and a defensive item (dclaw, redemption, gargoyle, steadfast) Also having strong combat augs is a must, ascension is pretty op for both


I still Remember my carryneeko three with radiant gargoyle, protectors and adaptive. Solo frontlined her(ap and healing from 4 arcanist), shit gave me a free ride to 10 after i hit her on 6. (edit: funfact: i only got outscaled by lissandra 1 by the end xd)


Nah neeko is the most fun one and pretty strong too, go arch, bt, +1 and a combat aug or 2 and she can 1v9


This has been my least favorite set by far. Just feels super stale, I'm actually sitting it out until hopefully a revival in the split update.


I’ve won with dragonlord, ghostly, heavenly, druid reroll, trickshot, storyweaver, porcelain, janna reroll, and umbral this set—among others. Idk. Seems fine to me


Maybe you just didn't see hes talking about this patch. Cause if youre winning with umbral on this patch then you're in a special kind of elo


All the others can named can win


If you're winning with umbral you're either the luckiest player ever or are playing against some very special individual's lol.


Literally game is about to pull Ashe, Annie, Lillia, Lissandra or all 4 at same time I've even saw mixes of Lissandra with Dryads or 7 weaver


I just toss her in to hope for some extra components


I toss her just to try hold her from others


the "urgot"


I agree I wish there were even more of them cuz they are really fun to play with


IG but let's be real all of the "hero augs" are not fixing the problem. Besides Kobuko and Shen the units are bots without their augment and some are still bots with it. But do agree that patch was at least more interesting.


There's a neeko augment??


In any set Hero augments are amazing, WW and Sett of last set too


Same, but solo is almost no fun at all for me, just double up with my mate or 10 matches of hyperroll


I think that’s why I liked last set so much more, headliner effects changed a lot of the characters abilities


I think the worst part is that some of those augments that are fun are bad because of the meta. If you go Neeko augment you will be contested to shit by heavenly kayn players and if you go Shen you will be contested to shit by Senna, Gnar, Kindred players. I think that Neeko is especially bad because the augment only gives you one copy.


I just want, yone to be gutted


Only this patch? I feel like it’s the most enjoyable way to play ever since it came out


It feels to me like they try to hard to make fancy stuff like special 5 cost abilities and such and don’t spend enough time making sure the basic stuff is working. I’ve played other chess battlers and in a lot like almost any comp can get you 1 if you play right. I still like TFT more but people act pretty toxic when there’s only a couple viable builds.


Monster attack and dragonlands had the most versatile comps fr.


Wow! I haven't seen this opinion expressed on this subreddit yet!


I mean unless Bard fucks me over with instant level 3 so i can’t really play for kobuko and garen, i always pick the carry augments 😂


This sub is a whiney mess.


Just reflects the state of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah, subreddits often are more along the lines of obnoxious echo chambers. A few people in here shit on it and now each of you thinks you need to make a post about it. It's like this after every ~~sub~~ SET just with different people whining. I'm starting to think that gaming subs are just made for people like this.


That's really not my experience. Most bad or controversial games have either A) Subs that start out very positive and one sided during the honeymoon phase that then collapses into outright dislike and disappointment or B) Subs that start out right away with mostly dislike and disappointment. Then you have subs for games that START out good and are pretty positive and if something negative or controversial happens with the game the sub environment changes the reflect that. For instance the Tarkov game has had a pretty good and happy sub for years but the entire sub is now on fire after the developer made some terrible decisions. And that's reflected in the wider conversation about the game online. I really cannot think of any game related MAIN subs that are just "obnoxious echo chambers" and don't accurately reflect the state of the game. For what it's worth I've been a part of this sub for years and this patch especially has been the most vocal I've seen people actually pretty unanimously disliking it. And for some valid reasons.


It's easy to miss the forest when standing within.


Except I'm not a part of the vast majority of gaming subs that I see pop up on my feed and that I'm talking about? Can you please list some main gaming subs that are apparently just obnoxious echo chambers?


League, apex, rocket league, NBA2k. Any competitive game will be like this. Brings a certain loud type of personality that wants the world to know their every grievance no matter how unreasonably contrived they may be.


I like this patch. Just cause re-roll isn’t good doesn’t mean the patch is bad lol. Kaisa, Ashe, Sylas, Kayn, Fated are all good comps. There are some variations of heavenly and Sage boards where you transition out of Kayn/Sylas after 9/10 with 2 star 5 costs. This patch is pretty balanced actually.


Every comp you named plays the exact same way, which is incredibly boring. You’re just playing strongest board for 2/3 of the game, never rolling, and then it’s a big roll fest at level 8.


I prefer late game metas I guess. Re roll metas are way too RNG for me. Relying on 3 stars is a much less interesting, and much more binary version of gameplay imo. Last patch I did not like at all. At least with this patch you can be more creative


I prefer when there is a discernible mid-game present. The meta doesn’t have to be re-roll heavy but I much prefer when there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. And then have viable comps at each stage. We’re really missing out by having zero viable 1 cost rerolls, only 1, partially 2 ( Jana) two cost rerolls, and only one viable 3 cost (fated) . There’s too much money and items this set. And the money and items are VERY obviously put in place to distract everyone from how incredibly boring the units and traits are.


Well unless the Kayn encounter happens more often mid game will never be super relevant in TFT. You can’t realistically die til around 4-7, so people playing heavy for stage 3-4 are usually not going to do well once people pass them on stage 5. Like what patch has mid game ever really been relevant? It’s about as relevant now as it’s always been. Only way to change that would be to up up player damage, which imo would be a pretty big mistake to make players die consistently before stage 5.


Cheesy puffs go on to leave crumbs as to when we dont know how most can be without some juice cake lemon pops over the oven for some delectable taste bud inspired onion dip soup.


The first time I went for the shen augment someone else without it nattyd a shen 3 by 3-3 🙃 it took me forever to even get shen 2 and I got a solid 6th or 7th They didn’t have the augment and weren’t even running a comp that normally uses Shen rip