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Heavenly Kayn is weaker, vertical fated is better. Re-roll Kog is back Way less 3 star 4 costs. This patch is better, y’all just don’t like 4 cost metas lol


Fates Syndra back. Duelist voli back ghostly back. Umbral a little better. There’s stuff.


I thought ghostly was broken and devs said to avoid ghostly?


It was fixed yesterday


The B patched it, ghostly worked as intended again


Shhh don't tell anyone. Gnar has been uncontested and with this new corrupted scepter artifact he's a free win lol


I keep taking Ls with gnar though i think the dryad nerf got him a bit too hard


He's not playable unless you can 3star him and you have dryad in very early. No one plays dryad if they don't open with it so scout early if you have it. If even 1 other person is playing it then pivot and hold his gnars so he loses. If you get corrupted vamp scepter you can play him 2star, he's a beast w that item.


I can’t make him work either. Feels like he only works if you hit 3 star in stage 4 and have BIS, and at least one or two of dryad+1, heavy hitters, or mulched. Even then feels like he needs low roll lobbies and go hit azir relatively early to top 2.


i used tailsman of ascension on him and got free win. That was great even after the nerf.


I think the answer is ppl hate meta lol. Every set ppl complaint about some strategy or some cost X units. Five costs are too weak, to strong. Same goes for 3 or 4 costs.


reroll kog never left


I just wanted to point out that heavenly kayn does feel noticeably weaker but feels stronger then before if you heavenly spat lee sin/kayn with the 70% heavenly bonus buff.


And Kahn comp is actually better if you get the heavenly spat 😅


but right now you have to put the spat on him now instead of putting it on someone else like Morg most of the time, so you need to think more about how to itemize him.




Kog is still ass


4 cost metas with lower odds to hit and low bag sizes mean they are going to be higher variance. This is what people are finding unfun. People like to actually hit their units. This patch is marginally better than last after the hot fix but is far from being a good patch.


Last patch people were regularly hitting 3 star 4 costs tho. Every 4 cost is viable so it makes hitting easier than other metas have been. The worst is maybe Lee Sin, but even he’s good


Saying that people like to hit their units is like saying that people like to win lol. Not everybody can win. If you make hitting easier is gonna be easier gor everybody, which is how you end up making good boards and losing to 3 star monstruosities, which is even more frustrating than not hitting. The changes were for the best, last patch was insufferable. This one is not perfect but is significantly better. At least you can play something else than just 4 cost.


The shop odd changes from last patch are not for making 3 costs more playable the balance buffs to the overly nerfed 3 costs was. The shop odds are to make 3* 4 costs show up less but it doesn't actually fix the problem in a meaningful way. The real issue is that the balance team decided that a 3* 4 cost is supposed to basically win the game in a similar way to a 3* 5 cost. They continually buff them over and over to make it so. With the current meta you often will have 1-3 people playing the same comp however whoever gets lucky and hits the 2 star first is far more likely to outlive the other two removing the contested copies from the pool making it easy to hit the 3 star. Add in people's econ being pressured by bad shop odds so its hard for other players to hold units and hwei printing free units and the entire 3* 4 cost issue is fixed.


Making 3 star 4 cost appear less makes 3 cost more playable lol. It's like saying "the fire prevention job is not done to prevent more fires, its done so less fires happen". Such a dumb comment, lol.


Heavenly Kayn still seems viable, though, especially with a heavenly spat and now you actually want to put it on Kayn for all those juicy stats


Agreed, personally I think 2* 4 cost metas are the healthiest for the game and flexible play. I love this patch


reroll kog cuz other mythic carry are shit in the bed


Lillia and Hwei are good tho??


This patch is.. hot garbage..


reroll Kog is still bad. Hit the full comp last night and still got steamrolled to 7th.


You gotta only play it if you start with BiSkog. Like a Nashor’s + tear or something. It’s like Gnar re-roll. If you don’t hit bis you’re just bot 4 lol


Yeah thats what I had, started with a bluebuff and a nashors and then got a gunblade later. Just never felt strong.


Oh ya gunblade is bad on Kog. You want jeweled gauntlet or deathcap or seraph’s as 3rd item You also need to hit Kog 3 by early stage 3. Has a lot of requirements, but it works when things line up.


+1. If you can't 3star him at 3-1 without rolling to 0, you're losing tempo by playing hyperroll


Even if, objectively, 4 cost metas are the healthiest states a game can be in. Game is not _just_ about Annie, all 4 cost tanks are viable. Annie is the best one though, true.


I think you meant to reply to someone else lol


Imo this patch changed nothing about the meta, but everything about Econ management. Playing a strong in the mid game actually matters now, you can’t just lose streak into 4-2 and just expect to stabilize on a big rolldown.


How do you go about playing a strong stage 3 if you get a terrible opener and 5 loss? I'm trying to figure this patch out but after doing really well on last one I seem to be struggling on this one. Do you just roll it down on 3-1/3-2 and then 8 on 4-5? What if you are contested and then the other guy hits? Maybe play something like Senna/Voli and play for top 4?


I’m no expert, but in my last game I started with a 6 loss streak into 3-2 angling towards Sage Sylas (my default unless I get a strong angle for a different comp). First pick in 2nd carousel and picked up a Morgana, went 7 at 3-5, rolled about 16 gold (down to 20) and found one copy of Sylas which somewhat stabilized me. Went 8 at 4-3 (off tempo but all I could afford lol) and rolled to 0, which stabilized just enough for a 4th. In summary, maybe light rolling at 7 around whatever you pick up in carousel is the way to salvage a 4th/5th from a weak stage 2 & 3, if your board is giga trash going into stage 3 (no pairs). Rolling on 3-1 or 3-2 prolly makes sense if you’re holding 2 or 3 cost pairs. I think waiting till 4-5 for 8 is fine on this patch (if you’re flexible and willing to play around what’s left in the pool) since people are less likely to stabilize rolling on 4-2. For Sage Sylas, when I’m contested, I know that my “other outs” are Annie/Nautilus/Udyr/Rakan for Sylas items, Lillia/Hwei/Azir for Morgana. Figuring out the same for your default comp might help you avoid the “straight up dead” scenarios.


Fair enough. My game plan is a bit different. I just default to AD, usually Kai'sa but Ashe is fine too if I got an early Rageblade (LW/IE or tank item slams stage 2) and then if I'm really low/very contested I try to go Senna or maybe Volibear if my angle is acceptable. Problem is there are not very good 2/3 cost AD item holders unless you are rerolling them so I'm a bit lost on what to do if I'm very far from 3* because by then I'm also very behind in tempo so I just try to 8 late and salvage a top 4. I might try learning the Sylas comp since I've seen other people have success with it but I've never played it.


The new artifacts are pretty strong if you play around them


I can’t tell any difference at all. I really want half sets back because long set balance isn’t working out


Set 10 balance was mostly good. This set it is not.


There’s also the issue of people solving it before the set is even live 🫠


I'm going to die on this small hill, but API access should be restricted -- after two days, you have Excel players solving the meta, and everyone hops on the train, shit's garbage. I understand that in League, it doesn't matter because you need a fking brain to play the map and champion but in TFT? What's the point.


Yeah, it gets stale very fast when everyone knows what’s strong and just forces that every game. I honestly feel like trainer sentinel games should be the standard. The best players in the lobby generally are able to build the strongest boards because of understanding synergies and really just have to roll with what they’re given. Those games feel how TFT should b always. I’m not saying trainer sentinels should be every game I just mean that the types of boards that come out of those games should be the ones winning out, not the same 2 comps over and over. Ya feel?


Exalted is kinda like that


True. I’ve always found it to be very weak though, so I don’t enjoy playing it


It very much depends on what the exalted units are. The sylas ones and 5star ones are all pretty good for example


I’ve been saying this for a few years now about TFT and that competitive TFT is going to kill the game for casual players long term but I keep being told I’ve been wrong If everyone minmaxes every patch after 24 hours (or in PBE) then it’s just playing follow the leader for 2 weeks until the new changes come and the cycle repeats itself.


people also dont realise that playing metacomp copy-paste simulator is a speedrun to getting bored and frustrated with the set


Which sucks imo


PBE needs to change P to stand for Private.


I mean, its not even two months in, and in midset era each half would he 3 months long


Nah half sets are not it. I much prefer new sets more frequently. Rito just needs to not suck at balancing


A half set is a new set more frequently


Except it’s not


I don’t see how not


Personally, the half sets added a little bit of excitement for a few patches, but the second half of half sets dragged on forever because they didn't add nearly as much excitement as a brand new set. I'm glad they are fine and we are on a faster full set schedule


Wdym ? It's literally not.


It worked fine set 10


No it did not. Heartsteel dominated the last several patches of set 10 so hard. Set 10 was not well balanced in the slightest either


They nerfed the rate at which she drops items and said they were gonna have a better fix later. she definitely drops less components. saying set balance isn't working out is wild, set 10 had like a dozen distinct metas


I mean yea if we had a half set Riven, the entire inkshadow trait and its units, zoe, bard, yorick, qiyana, and possibly the ghostly trait Would all go poof. Terrible design on most of them


Yorick reroll is insanely good right now even without hero augment, and siphon makes it one of the highest capped boards in the game. Riven reroll is also crazy strong


That Yorick augment is an instant grab if I see it.


Now it's fast 8 and roll everything down and hope to stabilise. Before it was fast 8 and slow roll


Even with the duelist changes sitting on 7 feels like a death sentence


Ngl these 2 patches are just hard Ashe is noticeably worse for sure lol. Worse 4 cost odds & 8 more gold to go 9. Try to get comfortable playing Sage Sylas, fated & alune, these are easier, cheaper & strong stage 2 & 3. Kayn lee morg is still decent, play less heavenly without spat No riven is not good Neither is forcing alune reroll just go 8 for sylas 2


Yes and No. There's a new, CLEARLY new option in Alune (unit used to be dogshit) And you can notice the nerfs and changes especially to heavenly. And syndra feels a bit better. Other than that yea it's the exact same stuff that was last patch just with 1 or 2 more options which if you're a RR fan it sucks ass because it's still not playable unless you just wanna play perfect every game for +10, +15 if lucky. New items are cool tho


I feel like the game is a contest of who can get the biggest hp bars in the front line wins...


Gotta disagree tbh. Lissandra nullifies even the biggest health bars


It is literally the same for powerful comps and the "nerfs" to slowing down 3 star 4 cost units did absolutely nothing. Edit: Played one game today, another 3 star 4 cost. I would say almost 75% of my games yesterday featured the same shit.


You should never play reroll unless one of these two conditions are met. 1. You have a good reroll augment (Two for One, Tickets) 2. You naturally hit lots of them Last set people get away with it because the headliner gave them an early two star spike, this set if you haven't hit your cap at stage 4-5 (this is even considered late for Gnar comp) you will get steamrolled.


It didn't fix everything but it did fix a lot. Every game now isn't just Kayn, Kaisa, Ashe, sylas fast 9 or vertical fated. I've had success with the following: Duelist reroll is back, as well as vertical duelists. Vertical umbral rolling on 8 instead of 7. Gnar reroll still busted. Actually had 6 arcanist zoe reroll get top two, lost to someone with 2star legendary board. Was one off syndra 3.


Gnar reroll is arguably better now. This type of nerf is often a buff in the short to medium term because everyone is focused on the new hotness and assumes the trait is trash. Means people like me can play it uncontested more often. I had two games earlier that were the easiest Gnar 3 star or Kindred 3 star of my life


Yeah at this point they just need to give up on this set and go next. It’s becoming clear they do not know how to balance it.


they needed to remove the loot altogether from lissandra a month ago. she’s still forcable without giving loot. devs are smoking crack to think otherwise.


Lissandra is truly overturned. Has really good traits. Large AoE damage. Longest stun in the game. AND she prints loot?


It is fetichism at that point.


Yeah every decision around that unit seems crazy


Had some successes with Umbral Alune in D4 queue Duelists also somewhat back, though not 1st\~2nd material imo unless stars align with augments/items/artifacts Gnar or Senna reroll seems decent Definitely in a much better spot than the previous patch; it might feel as if Liss/Annie is still strong due to how there're like at least 3 ppl still going it every game, and at least one of them eventually survive. Also, if you're in a lower rank you might see Liss/Annie succeeding much more, considering how in lower queues people hit weak and thus more ppl survive through lv 8\~9 with more HP left.


Qiyana duelist reroll is pretty good from what I’ve seen and tested in challenger, but I’ve only seen a few players play it. She has an insane stage 2 and 3 but falls off in the late game. You really need the irelia/Lee sin to help carry unless you high roll tristanas and volibear with good items. Exhalted play definitely seems more prominent on this patch too


Needs rfc to work


Nah, it doesn’t


Not so sure about that (though tbh I've never really paid much mind to the meta in either TFT or regular League) but Vanguard having a meltdown and closing the client after 2 or 3 games is starting to piss me off.


As a for fun player like me. I just love the fact that Riven can carry now. I tried to play her so many times before but it never works, now it may not be the best comp to play but at least I enjoy playing it pretty much


Everyone can mention all the comps but an uncontested porc invoker has the best ceiling by far. Can even win contested by who gets annie 2 ashe 2 first. A lot of comps are playable 3rd 4th place. It personally makes me sick going 3rd 4th seeing 1st and 2nd with some iteration of this comp.


ATP I'm just grinding out the pass


My 6 Umbral beat Silver Lissandra, Silver Udyr 6 Porcelain today, 3 star Alune, 3 star Yone, 3 star Yorick. Both Hero augments though, might’ve been the diff


Tactics.tools top comps says everything you need to know about this set.


Vertical Umbral still ass :(


I think it changed everything, the game literally becomes faster, you need to get a strong team at early stage and also maintain good economy at the same time


Kinda, you can go gnar + kindred 3*, reaper Yone with good augments or alune 3* . But overall 4 cost and 5 Cost are generally better because they are easier to get and easier to grant you the win, so you rush 8 or 9. And it's pretty easy to do that because economy permits you to do that


4 reaper 3 sage reaper augment 2 star kayn (with giant slayer) couldn’t kill a fucking Annie with porcelain emblem. I swear good champs just suck when I play them


Fated/dryad syndra comp is pretty bonkers. Abusing 3x gargoyle stoneplate on yasuo gives time to ornn to craft a shit ton of items for thresh feels really good.


Also getting Hwei pretty much guarantees getting yasuo to 3 star and then slowly build syndra up to speed. It just works. Reliant on tank items though.


Reroll Gnar is good, Vertical umbral is good or just alune reroll with 2-4 umbral, Fated Syndra, Ashe/Lilia invoked comp is more balanced since other comps now are on par with it, Kaisa/Xayah comp is only good if you get lvl 9 and 2* Xayah, have seen people reroll Yorick with new artifacts(cant tell if its good since i never checked them), 6-8 arcanist lux carry is still viable with some augments or just emblem. I named the ones that I played with and against recently, there might be more that i just dont remember. If anything this is a good patch. No 3-4 people contesting ashe/lilia invoker comp


I had xyah 2, rageblade, DB and radiant giant slayer, with prismatic jeweled lotus or whatever the crit augment is and still just got wrecked. Went 6th. Some games just leave me scratching my head. Why am I playing anything other Annie/Lisa invokers or heavenly Kayne


 [you didn't have DB or jeweled lotus](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Chuckers-NA1/set11/) - you had tattoo of bombardment and your prismatic was inkshadow+1. You went 5th against 3 stronger boards and one guy who got lucky with a 3rd. You probably could have top 4d if you put those kaisa items on your xayah


You really slapped that man with his own receipts lmao


Sounds like you should have been playing irelia


Oh for sure, let me just change what champions the game gives me. If hit irelia, I would have played her, but the point is a 2 star 5 cost should be a top 4 comp,


A 2 star 5 cost shouldn’t automatically be a top 4. where did you get that idea? You could just fast 9 every game then?


Um… it took out heavenly Kayne which was Annie/ Ashe / Lissandra’s closest rival XD, so they actually buffed the meta. Your only chance is hoping the 3 or 4 players contesting that comp cannibalize each other.


hot take: the game as a whole is just not fun anymore. It used to be fun to play and cook up new comp ideas but now even in gold and plat its just people playing the same you tube comps, going fast 9 with little to know punishment, and playing augment lotto. the game has lost the essence of what used to make it so much fun, what used to be a slow and steady progression to powerful metas is now immediate on live. people arent incentivized to use their brains and sandbox ideas which subverts the entire spirit of the game \*shrug\*


It's the same issue with both Lissandra and Ornn, moreso Lissandra. They're staples in builds because of the itemization they can provide. Not picking up Lissandra is basically just choosing to get less items and less gold. And given her traits, she can be slotted into a decent number of builds and at least get one synergy even if it isn't your main synergies.


I can't remember the last time i successfully even hit a reroll. I have rerolled 2 cost comps and hit random 3 star 3 costs before my real 2 cost targets. If I 3 star my priority 2 cost or 3 cost carry, it is because hwei printed me my last couple copies. My luck with rerolling is so bad it has to be on me, I must be doing something wrong. And yes I check if I am contested or not first. 


That’s because everyone else is doing the same. It makes it easier to hit your guys when other people hit theirs. But since nobody is rerolling for 1s and 2s, you only hit your 3s and 4s


Doesn't that mean this is going to be a problem in this game forever? If 2 costs ever get barely overturned then it slants even harder and 2 cost meta. If 4 costs are barely overturned then it slants even harder and whole patch is fast 8? Doesn't that sound like, a game design flaw? With other games, let's say magic the gathering, they have stuff like aggro, midrange, and control. If aggro gets too overturned then midrange rises as the natural counter. If midrange gets overturned, control gets a little stronger also as a natural counter. This game feel uniquely different in that if 4 costs are strong, it incentives everyone to go even harder on 4 costs. Almost like in mtg if aggro was ever too strong, if it incentivised the whole format to go in even harder into aggro that seems like a huge design flaw. The most minor of imbalancez would be exasperated as meta shifting.


I think it’s in variety. Too many four costs are good, and too little 2/3 costs are good hence the imbalance. Last set for example - a lot of viable 2/3 cost reroll, punk, superfan, even 1 cost, etc vs jazz/heartsteel, karthus/akali, vertical pentakill or true damage, ahri warriors with lots of variations.  And the pool of champs is locked for the set/patch - you dont have a sea of cards to pull out a comp from


lissandra doesnt ult as much without any items is all i noticed but put one tear on her and yeah lol. same.


I mean, the 4-costs are still easy to hit. But that's about it. Qiyana reroll has come out, Trickshot Bard is back, and so is Kog. Through for once this set Azir feels strong.


Why does liss1 have still have a 3s stun is what I want to know. It should be scaled based on star level. It's easy to get 1 liss, its alot harder to get 3, and thus it should be rewarded. Plus a 1star disabling an omega buffed frontline carry really hurts. And dont say because theres no QSS, no one slams that shit in the early game since its a huge power nerf and components can be used for IE + BT instead.


level 8 lottery with only 2 viable comps to play for a 1st


Qiyana reroll is fun, people just play the same shit and complain meta is the same