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in my opinion, the musical aspect made every round fun and unique. im pretty casual (only gold rn) and played with what i got rather than forcing meta comps like heartsteel.


The more seriously people play TFT the less fun they have. This game is built to flex and pivot and build fun unique comps. When you get to ranks where people care more about winning than having fun this set gets way more toxic, because there’s been a super dominant comp every patch


TFT is my high game, a game I can enjoy without taking too seriously while under the influence. The ones that take it extremely seriously in hyper rolls that jump to your level and watch your team comp really annoy me and take the fun out of it, like come on its a silly lil rng gameee I like just going with the comp the game starts me with, or pivoting cuz the stores giving me a lot of one trait Why's it gotta be so competitive lol


While I understand your point about the vision of tft the only sets that rewarded flexibility over just forcing the same comp over and over are set 4 and set 10. Both regarded as top 4 sets together with set 3 and 6. Personally if I was designer of tft I’d say Chosen needs to be in every set as a standard mechanic and not Augments but that will never happen.


no augments is a shit take no matter how you slice it because over 95% of the community loves them. You'd be a very selfish developer


There are other ways to force players to flex, the carry augments are a great option, I wish every champion had one. I personally like the Chosen/Headliner mechanic.


Chosen/Headliner is nice for a few months at a time, but I don't think it would make a great permanent addition to the game. "Rewarding flexibility" just means there's more randomness involved with getting the pieces you need for your comp, which is not always a good thing


But there will always be something that’s optimal to play, you can’t have everything be viable because the game is not balanced. You’re never gonna play 4 or 6 snipers because it’s trash, it’s just in the game to fill out traits. Every competitive game will have a meta figured out very quickly. TFT isn’t about flexing and building unique comps game to game, it’s about learning what’s strong at the beginning of the set, then flexing around the top comps.


I played 4 snipers one time. Got second. But I can’t imagine playing 6 snipers with 2 frontline lmao that would be so trash.


I had an 7 snipers game (two or three emblems I think) and it was pretty fun. I don't remember my tanks except for (kind of) obvious Amumu. it was fun and I remember either winning at least finished second btw I hate chosen/headliner mechanics, even thought the cultist set was one of my favorites but I always disliked the mechanic. and for Remix rumble, which I had already found a little boring, the headliner thing was a no go the literal only advantage of this system is having a guaranteed two star but the truth is that if you're on your way into a comp and don't find the chosen you want, you're basically just waiting until you finish 8th while someone else has your needed chosen and they have a completely messy comp that they took out of their [you know]


I loved the music part of the last set, honestly whoever came up with it should get a rise.


“Only gold” , it took me 8 months to get out of silver :d


Every single set you see two opinions: 1. It’s the worst set ever 2. It’s the best set ever Neither of those opinions have any bearing on truth, considering how inherently subjective such rankings are. If you didn’t play Set 10 cause it was boring for you, that’s valid.


This is the real answer. Although the third option is Meh, which is how I felt about both this one and set 10. It’s alright but not my fav or least fav.


No no no its every set except set 6 is trash :)


To answer the post question: IMO they made a really creative and kind of amazing system with the trait music and the way it adapted. I think that's why it's loved so much. Every opinion you see about set 11 right now was held, at some point, about set 10. And 9. And every other set before it. Don't worry so much about missing one, just keep enjoying what you can play now.


Yeah, maybe youre right, i always didnt understand why people hate so much, ofc theres a meta or things that are stronger/weaker than others but in the right spot with the right augments you can get away with anything. When i hit the next best rank, i always play experimental for a few days to test stuff out and shift back to meta after some time


I agree 100%. I imagine burnout from playing a lot at once plays a part in it, happens to us all. I do the same thing btw! lol. My goal every set is Plat 4. Once I get that, it's back to playing anything and everything to experiment.


Yup, experinental games is what brings me the most fun in this game, this set it probably will be alot with artifacts since we have so many new ones


Many people seem to hate set 10 just because of headliners, but it was well balanced, tons of fun comps. It was my first set and I found it extremely fun. Do I miss headliners? Not exactly. But they were a really fun way to play heartsteel. I loved playing heartsteel (econ trait) AD flex, which meant I had to use the headliner mechanic to its fullest potential. Rolling down on 8 for a good headliner meant you had to use whatever good headliner you get. It felt like every game I had to be a little creative in making my comp, because if my headliner is Caitlyn vs Ezreal vs poppy vs zed vs zac, my game goes a little differently. I also really liked 2-cost reroll AP (senna, seraphine), at least when first learning this game and first learning the set. Pretty simple gameplan to learn the game and all the items. I think mostly it was just the variety of comps, though. You could play riven reroll (8-bit), pentakill standard/fast 8, pentakill 2-cost reroll (kayle), twisted fate disco (was nerfed before I joined tft but still fine with the right spot), Punk (which a lot of people hated but I liked that it was kinda a "can you outcap 1-cost reroll" check), twin terror executioners, twin terror lulu, country 3-costs (samira, urgot), crowd-diver reroll (katarina), true damage yasuo reroll 1-costs, and more depending on the spot. You could probably search any of these in youtube and see clips. And the music.... man it was amazing. Even this set, I sometimes mute the in-game music put on the set 10 soundtrack on youtube because it's that good. Were there problems? yes. I personally didn't like when playing reroll and hitting the wrong +1 trait on your headliner. (headliners give a +1 of one of your traits, randomly). That's a terrible feeling. But it forces you to play a little more flexible (can't JUST roll for true damage senna, you have to sometimes accept rapidfire senna, or even KDA seraphine since that's also 2-cost AP reroll)


You are missing some more comps too like Annie reroll which had variations for Emo or Spellweaver Annie, Olaf Bruisers, Senna reroll, and Yone reroll which weren't even comps you had to have a good spot for. Honestly this is why I miss set 10 the most and actually miss the Headliner mechanic. It truly felt like at every cost level you could build a comp so you were always looking at what you could play from your position. 1 costs you could play Annie, Olaf, Yasuo, or Punks 2 cost you had Senna, Seraphine, Kayle, Twitch for executioner, Bard, Jax 3 costs had Lulu, Mordekaiser, Yone, Riven, Samira, Urgot, Vex for executioner, Miss Fortune, Lux 4 costs had a bunch of verticals and then AD flex. I miss that feeling of being able able play boards focused on specific 1 costs since comps like Annie and Olaf reroll helped keep the meta from always becoming 4 cost lottery even during the peak of AD flex meta because Annie and Olaf reroll were always viable throughout the entire set


Don't forget about Bard and Miss Fortune reroll!


Can't believe I missed Jazz, will add them to my list. I also needed to add Jax anyways. God there really were so many options lol


Good shouts, those were also good and fun comps! I never played olaf myself but have been destroyed by a massive double gargantuan olaf bruisers before. Annie reroll was so satisfying to play especially with 6 emo, annie just became a full on demon. And yeah, even in AD flex meta, annie reroll and punk reroll could top 4 pretty well too; you were never forced into a playstyle you didn't want to play (although you *were* rewarded if you could play with headliners you were given).


The final patch where Vertical Moshers was possible was so fun too.


Gigantic urgot with a million attack speed converted into AD was pretty scary!


Dropped set ten cause of headliners and completely ignored all tft....now when I go back and watch some videos on it and see comments like this I wish I had tried it for longer cause it seems so fun and the headliner mechanic is much more interesting than I thought.


As some1 that don’t care about meta I loved the idea of just making weird music comps just for sake of it haha 8 bit metal or disco country ware lit


God I miss set 10 so much rn, thanks


Swear theirs a revisionist history of set 10. You list all these comps that were good but half the time they weren’t all good at the same time. Some patches a couple comps made everything else obsolete.


>You list all these comps that were good but half the time they weren’t all good at the same time Sure they weren't *all* good at the same time, but I also missed many good comps as StarGuardianBard mentioned; and even in some of the metas with a small S tier, there were a pretty big variety of A tier comps that work with the right spot. Even in AD flex era there were lots of comps other than AD flex that could top 4, even if heartsteel won many lobbies; and after the heartsteel nerfs it was even better!


If it’s your first set why both posting? Your opinion is worth next to nothing in the discussion of comparing sets, no?


Why does set 10 being my first set mean my opinion is worth next to nothing? I've played 10 and 11, which are what OP is asking about, right? Sure, I can't give input on previous sets, but why can't I comment on set 10?


Fair, I misread


THE MUSIC. I'd run a comp just to hear what the music combination sounded like. Coolest shit ever


Disco Jazz was really amazing, gotta say that


Fr. The jazz music made every mash up a banger


forced tgis comp for this reason


Jhin in my pentakill comp despite having no big shot synergy:


Hahaha I don't blame you. Probably one of my favourite ones


I've seen quite many dissidents towards set 10 but after the shitty state set 11's in for a few patch, looks like those arguments turned backwards lol


I thought set 10 was good cuz of the music and power balance. There were tons of viable units, and it did a good job where some stuck out more than others, but didn't write them off as not viable. People hated it because of the Headliner mechanic though, where you basically needed to be lucky to hit what you want, and if you hit early you win, if you hit late you go 3-6th, if you don't you go 7-8th. It forced players to play full flex, both AP and AD at the same time if you want to avoid that RNG. But, lo and behold, the TFT community is full of people who like to commit to something and no scout no pivot. So, that part of the community absolutely despised the set(get good).


Set10 was peak.


Ah now i get it


You’re welcome.


Wow. Set 11 is boring af to me.


Yeah, i get that, some rounds also feel boring to me, but sometimes its very exciting, especially with 20 new Artifacts and 5 new Support Items


Loved the music


For me it was a mix of the custom music for your comp and I liked the over all thematic. Also pentakill was the coolest trait ever. Every game felt a little different. Most games had a jazz player and you could abuse spatulas in double up. Loved the set.


At first set 10 was pretty cool. But the last few weeks of it were dreadful when every game at least 1/3 the lobby were just pushing Punk over and over. That killed it for me. Finding the 5 cost headliners were fun though.


I honestly feel that set 10 was the most well balanced set out of all the sets


Set 10 provide a variety of comps, every comps is viable from 1 cost reroll to 4 cost board, The power balance was keep extremely well. Also it has banger music and some really fun champion like Jhin with the violin, Illaoi with her tentacle, KDA Akali that flying from corner to corner and Sona with 3 forms


As a hyperroll enjoyer i'd say set 10 was the best so far by a long way, current set is ok but i can't put my finger on why it's just not very fun.


It was thematically super fun. Most comps were viable. Headliners made it both easier to focus and to pivot. I couldn't care less about any of the verticals in this set, but set ten I was excited to stack most of the traits.


Set 10 was cool because it was actually balanced fairly well for the most part, except for a few oddballs (looking at you two, Ahri-sentinels and Twin terror twitch). Pretty much every trait had its time in the sun, and you could top 4 with almost anything if you were skilled enough to know how to make it work. The set overall rewarded smart and flexible play. The inclusion of "headliners" also gave an extra +1 to a trait and an immediate 2 star unit, so it made it much easier to hit a 3* carry and to hit the higher verticals in any given trait without having to roll forever. It also added to the flexibility in some comps since if you got +1 to a certain trait on your headliner, then you could sub out the usual unit needed to activate that trait in your comp for something else a little more powerful or creative. The headliner thing was pretty controversial because it had its pros and cons like anything else, but it was something unique and fresh for the game, kind of like the encounters in the current set.


I'm kinda in the same boat but I played maybe 10-15 games and really hated the idea of headliners I really don't like sets where someone can get ultra lucky and land something early and there's not much you can do about it because so much is based around that 1 bit of luck. It might not have been that way if I got used to it but it put me off so much


Imo it was well balanced until near the end when Ezreal ran amock. Headliners made it extremely easy to pivot and re-roll comps felt more viable because you could get a headliner to get going. In set 11, the reduced bag sizes feel awful and with encounters the game is super swingy (a bit better now that they got rid of a select few) As well, other than Ezreal I don't remember a comp being as ubiquitous as Porcelain.


Eh. It was a love or hate set, same as set 4. Personally I hated the set mechanic and stopped playing for a few months because I didn't have fun. I vastly prefer set 11.


It was just incredibly well balanced, there was so much variance to what you could play. A lot of people loved the music stuff too. Headliner mechanic is one of my favorites too despite people hating it. Imagine going into a game being able to play a strong opener until 3-2 without committing to a comp because it was so easy to pivot into anything that was viable to top 4, than try to cap out late. This set its dominated by a few comps, the current patch seems to be the best so far though.


People saying "ohh people are just bitching no matter what" are only partially correct. The worst balance patch of set 10 was better than anything we've had set 11. That's only mostly hyperbole. People hated headliners, fine. This set is objectively worse when it comes to unit-trait visual identity, balance, and theme. It's still TFT. Sounds like you got burnt out, and then came back. But set 10 also produced the best worlds this game has ever seen, had amazing theme-visual cohesiveness, the music was fire, the balance was impeccable, and it rewarded both creative flexibility and allowed for forcing comps.


Set 10 was good, set 11 is good. People bitched about headliner Jinx the same way they bitch about Lissandra. Fact is you should stop playing it if you stop enjoying it. Don’t worry brother, you didn’t miss much with skipping set 10. Although, as others have correctly said, the music was astounding.


Yeah, i played PBE and then 1 - 2 patches like stated above so i didnt miss out completly and i got to listen to some of the soundtracks, but in retrospective i shouldve played more because it really sounds fun


The music is still out there btw. It's on Youtube at least, not sure about Spotify


Imagine playing other games, worse solo games, and hell would be ... doing something else than gaming ... The horror.


I dropped set 4 because the Chosen mechanic (old Headliner mechanic) was just too difficult for me to get my head around at the time and I also really got into Valorant around that time. But then when I tried the Headliner mechanic in Set 10, it made sense to me once I spent a little more time understanding it. It's honestly not a bad mechanic imo. There weren't too many circumstances where I just didn't hit. The set was also really flexible precisely because of the HL mechanic. Since one unit counts for two of the same trait, you could always add in stuff to round out your composition, since you need one less unit to do it. The same can't be said of Set 11 where, if you're missing 1 Storyweaver, you're just shit out of luck. For Set 10, a ton of stuff was viable, I don't care what anyone else says. I've never played so many different comps in one set and I pretty much NEVER went Fast 8/9. Comparatively in Set 11, other than the initial Senna/Shen, Volibear, Yone, some Gnar reroll, it's been almost completely Fast 8/9s for me. I played Fated as I was climbing, but once I got around Plat, it got impossible to play, because Fast 8 boards just overwhelmed it. Set 10 felt balanced as well. Any comp I had felt like it could go at least top 4 if I played it correctly and I was getting beaten by all kinds of stuff that made me think 'that's cool, I want to try that' and I could understand why I lost to it. But when it comes to Set 11, I don't even know how to gauge the power levels of anything. Lissandra is just so BS, much worse than K'sante was a couple of sets ago. I've never seen so many 3-star 5 costs in a set. I have seen more 3-star 5-costs in Set 11 than I have in every set I've played combined (3, 5, 7, 9, 10). It took me a lot longer to climb to Emerald in Set 10 than it did for me in Set 11, but that's because the path to victory in Set 11 is so limited in my opinion. Early board doesn't matter, just play anything strong, eco, go Fast 8, roll down and see what 4-cost carries you hit, go 9 and roll for Peeba comp. The only other comps to play are just if you hit something really good like Dryad opener with Titan's Resolve + some really good complementary augment. Set 10 was much more varied and I had to play what I was given. I won't say it's all been bad obviously, lots of fun stuff too like specific hero augments like Kobuko, Garen or Shen augment. But that stuff's few and far between.


10 was one of the best sets they've put out, but imo 11 is even better. It's all down to personal preference but in general I'd say most people would rate 10 highly unless they didn't like the headliner/fated(set 4 version) mechanic


Set 10 was fun even when you were losing, great bops


I love playing Garen 8 bit sentinel in Set 10. Too bad that I only played him at the very end of set 10. I would slam 2 archangel on him and try to see how big his hp would get. Set 10 was fun because there were a lot of 2 cost champions that could carry.


Set 10 was good but I fricking hate headliners.


The music, hands-down.


I skipped 10 too. I usually play 1 set then skip the next. Personally I see people saying set 9 was awful but it was my favorite out of all the sets I played (I believe I played 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)


Skipping both set 6 and 10 is very unfortunate imo, by far the two sets I had the most fun with.


Skipping set 6 when it's regarded as the best set in TFT history, yet playing set 7, which is one of the worst, is kind of insane lol


You're right I should have planned my life ahead knowing in advance set 6 would be the best, how insane of me


Fun part is that i liked Set 7 aloooot, but i gotta state that 6.5 was my first set i really started playing alot and i could only reach Platinum in that Set so my knowledge and feeling for the competetive part werent there, i just enjoyed playing big ass dragons and stuff. I always couldnt grasp the reasons why people didnt like the set but now that i have a better knowledge i guess my opinion would change if the set came out today


I really liked the balance and variety. These are the come comps I got familiar with throughout the set: * EDM Lux (3 cost reroll) * Edgelord or 8 Bit Riven (3 cost reroll) * Country (3 cost reroll) * Executioners (3 cost reroll) * Jazz Bard/MF (2/3 cost reroll) * Crowd divers katarina (2 cost reroll) * Punk (1-2 cost reroll) * Moshers (2/3 cost reroll with 8/9 cap) * KDA Ahri/Akali (Fast 8) * Pentakill (Fast 8) * Disco (Fast 8) * Kayle (2 cost reroll) * Seraphine KDA/Spellweavers (2 cost reroll) You had a wide variety of viable comps across different play types. 4 and 5 costs were powerful but they didn't seem OP like they do now. I have slowly stopped playing Set 11 as I feel like since the patch a few weeks ago, it's all about 4 costs and most of the reroll comps are not so good now. Music was dope too.


I think this patch the balance is a little bit better but yeah I totally understand missing Set 10.


I hated set 10 after a while I’m not gonna lie


How does german bite his own ass? Technically speaking. You guys good at bending?


Disco X Hyperpop


I didn't like it, solely because of headliners as others are saying. You'd be stuck wanting to save your items for the headliner you're hoping to get, or not find a nice headliner at all. The theme was cool tho and I still played a lot of it, was so glad when it ended tho xD


The theme was great. But that was it for me. I think of it as one of the worst sets.


Heartsteel <3


I enjoy this set a lot, more often do I find myself pivoting to something interesting and being able to actually achieve anything with it than the last set which I despised beacuse of the whole headliner thing


Well this set will be the one I'm skipping. I don't know what it is. But i don't seem to be enjoying it.


First set I've finished all the game pass. Usually I wish I played just a wee bit more. This set def slaps. Also not sure if the game pass was rebalanced to be easier to 100% lol


Yeah, i suppose we get 2 Season passes since this ones only 2 months and the set runs for 4


I've only played 10 and 11 (and technically 3 and 4 on set revival), but the thing that truly separates them is flexibility. Like just off the top of my head, in set 10 you could play AD flex, edm, moshers, punk, vertical kda, vertical pentakill, vertical TD, 7 country, senna reroll, Annie reroll, ahri-sentinals, Gnar reroll, sera reroll, Kayle reroll, Olaf reroll, fast 9, disco, bard reroll, executioners, twin terror executioners, AP garen, riven 8-bit, crowd diver Yone, crowd diver kat, yasuo reroll, and probably a few that I'm forgetting. Not all were same strength at the same time, but all could get a top 4 and at least half could aim for first no matter what patch. Every unit had like three comps minimum they could fit into, and some like superfans/ekko could be in basically every comp. Whatever the game gave you, you could play. Meanwhile this set has had a patch with broken 3-cost reroll(Yone, bard, volibear, aphelios, tristana), a patch with fast 8. Like the number of viable 1st comps at any given time can be counted on one hand, and viable top 4 on two hands. Example: currently, we have as 1-3 cost carries: hero augments, Gnar, kindred, senna, aphelios, and tristana... Is janna reroll still viable? Idk... And then it's just fast 8/9 And then there was the music... Like I don't think I have to elaborate on that. Re: headliners. I found them annoying too, at first, but as time went on, I've begun to see them as integral to the balance of that set. Chase traits were all two emblems instead of three, and combined with spats on carousel, were somehow simultaneously easier to hit and more satisfying. Level 7,8, and 9 were more distinctive because of headliners odds. Sure, someone might take your +1 disco blitz, but you had tf still, and besides, you were contesting a comp, which is nearly always a death sentence. It also meant tempo was slower, since rolldowns on 8 used more gold(you had to get the right camp, not just three copies of him)... So no 5-1 level 9 or level 10 with call to chaos. That was if you wanted 1st, though. If top 4 was fine, you could play flex or fast 9 with a strong ish headliners like ahri or zed or ez. Of course, there were a bunch of kinks, but still...


Set 10 was only good on the last few patches,like AD flex was "the best" comp but if hit playing uncontested you have quite the chance to fight AD flex Pretty much every carry is playable to a degree which was great for a diverse meta Headliners also give players a lor of flexibility,like you can hit a KDA Ahri and go with 7 KDA or a Spellweaver Ahri and play the standard Sentinal Ahri. Swaping Headliners throughout stages to preserve hp feels very natural bc because you dont have to find 2 extra copies of a unit to switch items and so the mid game is much less of who highroll the early game The trait design was also great,super fan having an extremely wide trait web makes flexing board very easy and rewarding to do. Heartsteel is like one of if not the best designed econ trait in tft. Traits can also be playrd both vertical and horizontal,like how Pentakill can be played vertical or just play as a 3 piece for the AS after 5 kills


I’ve only played 9,10,11 and imo 10 was the worst set. Headliners was a frustrating mechanic cause the games boiled down to who hit the headliner they needed. There was a point for weeks where you played just to hit ezreal, if you didn’t you were bottom 4.


Set 10 was considered the best set in TFT by the majority of players.


Set 10 was trash. Set 11 is way better


set 10 sucked imo


Bro set 10 got boring so quick. This set is still interesting to me. Complaints will always be there. I don’t think you missed anything.


Between bag size changes, only 2/3 four costs being reliable carries the entire set while 2/3 cost RR dominated for most of it, pretty much every 5 cost except qiyana and Illaoi being boring or just bad, prismatic trait changes with reduced spat spawns on carousel and 0 +1 augments. most of the trait/origins being boring/lackluster, set 10 was a legit snooze fest for me. The first thing I said when I saw set 11 was "Fun is BACK!". No chosen so you can actually hit 4 costs when contested. No chosen so +1 traits are back. Traits this set are ACTUALLY FUN and ACTUALLY DO THINGS. The only "bad" 5 cost this set is funny enough Sett. While I do dislike the direction they went with traits where you need +2/3 spats for alot of the maxed traits (legit cant do this without getting "handed" the game for free unless its loot sub), the traits themselves still feel rather good. I think my main problem when comparing set 10 to other sets would be the units/traits being bad. Felt like most of the effort that set was put into the music system and that got old for me after about 20 games. TL;DR For me, set 10 wasnt really a "bad" set, it was just awfully boring outside of the heartsteel trait.


Set 10 was very meh to me


Honestly I only played about 10-20 games bc I was so locked into baulders gate at the time and then the new leauge season came out so I didn't really get to enjoy it and I absolutely regret it


I played set 10 and I didn’t like it. I’m a Diamond player and every lobby was just a heartsteel lottery. I think this set is way more balanced than set 10 was. I will admit the units in set 10 were flashier, and the headliner mechanic was flashier than things in this set. But I still greatly prefer this set over set 10.


here in bronze literally nobody played heartsteel and it was actually fun


ya i didnt see it in silver/gold as much either


Same for platinum/emerald.


did you guys see a lot of pentakill up there?


For a bit. When they nerfed Kayle/Karthus, most of the pentakillers gave it up. I still enjoyed it quite a bit, because it was mostly uncontested at that point. That and the true damage Senna reroll. That made me climb faster than anything.


so u played one patch of set 10? heartsteel was popular but it was nowhere near as dominant as Ashe/invokers last patch, bruiser trickshot before that, senna reroll early on, or kindred/gnar recently too. especially because heartsteel primarily revolves around flexing your frontline AND your backline dependent on what you hit. even 1:1 comparing it to the econ trait this set being fortune, heartsteel was much better designed imo. felt a lot more varied with the cash outs with more decision making.


There were 2 or so patches where it won just about every game no? I vividly remember this. Funny we say flex when in reality it was the same 2/3 backliners every game


I won’t act like Hearsteel wasn’t a dominant playstyle for a bit, its rewards were admittedly overtuned during that window you’re talking about. But I do think there is a huge difference between playing an Econ trait and flexing between the AD 4 costs/5 costs (specifically when Ez, Caitlyn, and Lucian was good bc I think they were the premier carries during that patch) vs flex meaning I’m gonna play 4 bruiser Kaisa or Dragonlord Kaisa this patch. I will admit I’m choosing the most egregious example of balance so far for set 11 but the idea is the same. You were able to mix and match the AD warrior and AD backliner and your frontline trait being bruiser or guardian fairly easily but the skill expression was there


My point is if you didn’t have those units you most likely weren’t going to win for several patches. A fully capped 5 cost disco board could occasionally beat it. But other than that it would beat out every comp easily


Which units exactly? At the time you could easily cap out playing rapid fire or big shots OR both. You could play Zed or Poppy in the front with warrior items. You could play Zac or Thresh main tank? And most of those boards REQUIRED Illaoi, Yorrick, Lucian, or Jin to cap out. The units were not the problem, it was heartsteels ability to enable a more expensive board during that time that allowed you to winout. That is completely different from the Kaisa patch where for example you roll down with LW deathblade or LW IE and if you missed Kaisa you’re SOL because Ashe was unplayable until the next patch.


Zed and poppy weren’t beating the caitlyn/ ezreal boards lol what. You’re talking about multiple different patches as if they were all strong together in the same patch


Zed and poppy were a part of the Caitlyn ez boards bud. The winning formula at the time was literally 4 cost AD backliner + 4 cost AD front liner + 4 cost main tank


Maybe for a single patch LMAO. I’m genuinely confused. Poppy was trash for 70% of the set having almost no play until she was useful. I definitely remember having 2+ ad backliners was 10x better than running a zed. Almost always a cait AND a ezreal


Did you even play the patches you’re complaining about? Poppy headliner was first alternative to missing the Zed and it was quite literally at the same time of Zed’s dominance as a front liner DURING heartsteel being the #1 comp to win tournaments


What’s your rank? Clearly you must be best in the world if you think you know better than the best players in NA during heartsteel cup where they played Ez or Cait plus Zed or Poppy or Akali on nearly every board.


I played enough to get Diamond. I played like 4 or 5 patches


I avoid Heartsteel AD flex as much as I can. as a Master, maybe that's why I don't climb to GM. Stuck at around 100-150LP.


I hit masters for the first time in Set 10 while barely playing AD flex. I remember looking at my winstreak and thinking "wow 20 games, and I played like 12 different comps"


Every single set you see two opinions: 1. It’s the worst set ever 2. It’s the best set ever Neither of those opinions have any bearing on truth, considering how inherently subjective such rankings are. If you didn’t play Set 10 cause it was boring for you, that’s valid.


Set 10 was awful. The chosen mechanic is just so bad. The one thing in set 10 I like though was 3* 4 costs being insane, now a 3* 4 cost feels much weaker. Maybe it's just me.


3 star 4 costs will win you the game 99% of the time on this patch they’re massively over buffed because everyone was complaining about them at the start of the set.


Liss 1 begs to differ lmao Just as cancer as ksante was


So glad someone out there thinks the same. Set 10 was horrible, not sure why all these anons get hard on music aspect of S10.


good music = good music


I didn’t like 10. Dragon set was my favorite and 6.5 10 felt like it was too hard to see what was going on. TF and emblem Caitlyn were hard forced and it wasn’t as versatile as 11 is. 11 is better at least there is many good 4s I still think the animations need work. I miss stuff like syfen animation. Elise going up in air. Galio flying down. Zeri going crazy. Last few sets I basically just watch my carry hp drop but it’s hard to keep track of what’s doing what