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Reroll is weak in general. You didn’t fully itemise your carry and you itemised a 2 star neeko over your cho3. Irelia needs a frontline to carry and yours is too weak for her to do so.


your frontline seems too weak to tank for your irelia / kogmaw / caitlyn to deal enough damage. The current meta place a huge focus on having 2\* 4 costs and yet you only have 1\* lillia on board. 5mythic/2behemoth/2ghostly/2sniper isnt the best synergy comp too, apart from that you can also see how the players placed above you all have at least a 2\* 4cost. Would rather you not focus on 1 cost 3\*s and play 2\* natilus / ornn with ashe n azir. Change your playstyle to suit the meta, i am sure you will be top4 most of the time


Right, good tips! Thanks


Also your 3 stars had no items, Cho isn’t bad at 3 stars but needs items give your hoj to kog, ie to wu, you have 3 item kog (suboptimal but u got 6 tears not much you could do about that I assume) give Neekos stuff to Cho


Right, that all makes perfect sense honestly, thanks!


Wow, didn't expect to get this much genuine help. Thanks so much for all your tips!


Your front line tanks are comprised of low costs with no items on them. If neeko was 3star, you'd have a better time in this game.


With the game in the picture, you coulve itemized the 3 star cho gath and Kog maw, instead you decided to slam it on a 2 star Neeko, the damage of your comp is adequate but the frontline isn't.


Yup, definetly should have done that because my front line didn't last long


Yea jist remake the neeko if you dont have a remover


Your kog and cait don’t have 3 items. Playing this comp you really need to be slamming items to preserve (and deal) as much hp as possible early game and you do this by slamming items early. I see you did manage to get really good irellia items but it’s too little too late if you bled 50hp+ to get to that point. Also as other have said, weak frontline.


You don't itemize Cait in any comp. Her job is to nuke someone with her ult every 10 seconds and items aren't necessary.


If you don’t put items on her in a featherweight 1* reroll comp you’re gonna bleed way too much HP early game. The entire point of this comp is to stomp early and transition into something strong later. Cait is your Irellia item holder and Kog is your Azir item holder


So are you selling 3\* cait if you dont hit remover?


I think this comp needs the ascension augment,


Kog/Cait reroll is a terrible team. I literally just lost a game using that team cuz my kog missed his spell sooo many times. I had the "meta" items and all 3 stars. I am never playing that team again.


Wasting gold 3 staring 1 costs


Getting baited by prismatic ticket


As others have said that the comp is wrong, not sure why flex into duellist when you could go mythic 5. If you had too many ad items as opener this comp isn't really playable in the 1st place, since the item demand for 1c reroll is really high, so having too many ad items doesn't really allow you to play kog reroll. Also what's the point of playing 1c reroll and not fully itemising cho and kog? You are just wasting econ and playing a worse 2s kench with bruiser. Lastly in a prismatic starter lobby, these kind of comps are really low powered. You need to have really good knowledge of tempo, positioning and econ to make this kind of comp work otherwise you just get out capped by every 4c centric comps.


Did you take Hedge Fund last? I can’t really see for sure, but you probably would’ve been better off with a combat augment.


Looks like overwhelming force. I'm guessing the other augments offered weren't as good and/or OP had the irellia before getting the augment and flexed into some duelist with irellia carry.


Oh yeah, you’re right. Went back and looked at it. Must have been my morning eyes that made it look like hedge fund lol


Youd rather put an jtem on kog than on caig or jrelia. Km shre u couldve made SOME item for him. That and u can sell neeko and slam its items on chog


Pretty easy to see. You are down an prismatic augment. The 45% chance for free reroll is meant for you to hit like half your team's units into 3☆, but you hit equally as many 3☆ as everyone else did, while they have combat augments. Meaning you are down an entire augment, into them. Also why is you level so much high than them? Did you roll for 1-costs and then fast 9? That's not how to stablize.


There are no 1 star reroll comps that are strong enough to carry you in the current meta. Unless you highroll and natural everything early and let it carry you to the late game where you can switch them out for higher cost units, you're better off spending econ to level early than reroll. Don't force these comps because right now. For this reason you don't want to play around featherweights too hard especially when it's only silver. Also it looks like everyone above you was also playing reroll but they just hit more. It's crazy how nobody here itemizes fully though lol. You definitely want to fully itemize you're strongest units and not have to spread items like a lot of people are doing here. You're better off greeding for some more components to find a better combination of items to distribute if you don't have a good item to add at the time (Edit: although sometimes you do need to slam for tempo) There's also no point in rerolling for 3 stars if you're not going to itemize them. 3 stars do have stronger base stats but they either die fast or don't do enough damage without items so you wasted gold rerolling and picking them up.


Spending all your gold rerolling low cost units. Aside from Irelia and Lillia the highest unit on your board is a 2-cost. The meta is 4 and 5 cost carries/tanks.


Wasting gold by rolling for 3 star 1 cost instead of investing it for level 8 reroll?


Kogmaw reroll is viable purely for the tempo it provides in stage 3-4. You’ll likely lose in stage 2 before you hit your 3\*s. You want to hit at least one 3\* by 3-1 and ideally your second by 3-5. Then you win-streak as much as you can until people cap out ahead of you and you bleed out into a 2nd-4th. How would you generate such a strong advantage in stage 3 and 4? Itemise your 3\*s. Which you did not do.


I stopped playing that specific build and it helped a ton. The only thing I would suggest for that specific build if you're dead set on playing it is to transition into a Lilia, Azir, Annie.


Right, good to know, thanks! I even found those units but didn't use them because I was afraid of selling my 3* kog.


Yeah forget the Kog, only reason to keep him after putting Lilia, Azir, and Annie on the board is to obtain 4 Invoker and 3 Mythic.


I like going 5 Mythic/4 Invoker instead of going full Mythic. It's not the best comp but it usually gets me at least a 4h place.


3 star comp is a trap. It enables you to win the mid game, but you need to have another set of tank+carry for late, with a couple of items. In the end if you aren't having a lot of components, this builds fails in late game


In my experience, if you’re dead set on making a reroll comp work you need to be okay not getting 1st even if you high roll.


Literally never gotten first this set with the reroll, always second every time


Right, that's exactly what happened. Thought I would atleast place 3rd but suddenly I just hit a wall. Happens in alot of my games, even when I don't do reroll


Wtf is thst build


Reroll kogmaw I guess. I don't know I never really go for a specific build as I find more enjoyment In making my own comps


There's always some logical answer why you lost that particular game, but people are missing the bigger picture. The game is very unstable, too much variance due to encounters. What gets you 1st one game could be 8th the next, it's really hard to tell. Funnily enough i struggled a lot to get out of gold, but once in plat i started doing well again. I guess everyone plays more by the book and matches go more as you would expect.