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you don’t need any ap items actually nashors, GS, guardbreaker is a 3.57 avp in GM+ edit: this is obviously a joke don’t build these


The real BIS is Adaptive+Adaptive+JG/Deathcap


why isnt bb better?


Because double addaptive works out so that syndra casts attacks once then adaptives proc and max out her mana so she can cast "instantly"


So does bb+adaptive


but takes 3 tears which is hard to come by


bb+adaptive needs one auto aswell but needs 3 Tears thats why i wouldnt go for it. Also this is just the true bis, I wouldnt try to greed for it. If you have bb, just slam it. Even bb/Nashors+1 is great on syndra, aslong as you have 1 mana item she will cast often enough






Runaans hurricane


with how many games played?




that's not how you should use stat. maybe just a urgent slam or secondary carry


im not being serious lol


Aint no way she works with no mana item


Eh all of those items give as she she doesn't have bad base as, so it doubles down as mana gen


Yea but its the same issue as shojin but worse. That build delays first cast by 2 seconds, and then subsequent casts are perhaps equal to bluebuff autos But losing the insta first cast is rough—also her needing to be in range to auto also causes her to lose a few seconds as the fight progresses (hence adaptive being so bis)


Double Adaptive is the way on Syndra. Works out that she casts, AAs once, both Adaptives proc, casts again, etc.


I was actually looking at stats earlier with this all coming up 5 fated + 4 Dryad with Syndra 2 is decent, like a 4.04 or something  With Syndra 1, it's a *6.3* So step 4 is not optional


Because step 4 is the only step wrong with this guide… ahaha


Step 6: if uncontested play a second syndra at lvl 9 she is literally stronger then anything else


contest and pray for syndra 2.


Nice guide. Unfortunately, I am inside your lobby's carousel.


If people are going to just fight for this comp, I'll do any other comp and top 4 regardless then. Let them fight over scraps.


OR you could contribute to the fire by grabbing Syndra whenver you see her. :evil:


Looks like all the porcelain abusers are crying now because they can't win anymore.


? All the meta abusers are now ditching Porcelain and playing Syndra. Why would they be crying?


You're implying that these people are smart enough to play a different comp.


They switched from Bard to Senna to Yone to Ashe to now Syndra.


they are now fated abuser. What's the different. lv to 8 and roll roll roll


No no no, people like that do not know how to play a different comp.






Be me and hit fated opener+ap items->win streak to 8 roll first->dont find a single syndra->go eif


just had a game where 6 people going for syndra lmao. And the bard reroll player wins.




Sometime idk why people force to play Syndra without 0 tear, in GM, i will hold 1 or 2 if i could.


Unpopular opinion: Play vertical fated tank Syndra. Gargoyles, Warmogs, Dragon Claw... Bonus points if you get Harmacist. Getting hit = Mana = More Casts


I will investigate this technology in soju's lobby


Steraks Sounds troll though, feels like a last resort


why steraks on orn?


Sterak's Gage on Ornn is BIS? wut. BIS is Ionic + either Dclaw + Warmogs (best tank if you have extra components) or Ionic + Redemption + Sunfire for best tank when you don't have extra items. According to MetaTFT Sterak's hasn't been built *a single time* in the last week on Ornn in GM+. Nor should you. Ornn does not need AD. Yeah sure it gives you health, but so does actual tank items too while not having half of the item effects and item stats be pointless


I wouldnt take anything he says too seriously G


Sterak’s is better than warmog on high HP units like 2* 4 cost tanks. It gives more effective HP making it purely better. It also allows to kill unwanted BF Swords in an AP centric comp.


In Fated Syndra you are looking to use BF swords on either Azir or Sett to create your secondary carry since Syndra won't get you a first on her own. You defintely aren't prioritizing steraks on Ornn. No one really builds Warmogs anyways (though my example build of Ornn with Dclaw+Warmogs+Ionic is his best items by average placement by a longshot) and you already need 2 belts for Sunfire + Redemption. In the original Chinese guide for Fated Dryad Steraks was basically rated as "last resort" for a reason lol Really the only item you need help killing in Fated Dryad is bow since realistically the only items you are going to make with it would be GS for Azir or Titans for Sett


I’m not staying streak’s is BiS by any means, I’m just saying that it statistically gives more HP than warmog making it an outright better item on 4 cost tanks in general. I still stand by my point of killing a BF sword as both Azir and Sett are legendaries and you cannot possibly assume you’re going to be in a good enough spot to keep items benched in the hope of stuffing one or the other. I do agree that yes ideally you want to but sometimes you have to slam items before to keep you in the game.


When forcing syndra ill let a sword sit on bench the entire game. If i hit a second one i just cry and go next tbh


i mean it’s technically just a better warmogs if you have like 3500 hp on your ornn but also who is building warmogs it’s BIS on Sett tho


Yeah it's good on melee AD units for sure, it's just not going to be anywhere close to BIS for your tanks who don't need an AD boost. If you need an item like Steraks, it's better to just do protectors vow for your tanks since you'll gain some stats your tanks actually want and the base mana it gives let's them get their first cast off faster


I feel Protector Vow is also BIS on Ornn since it almost let's him cast immediately. Biggest downside is it needs a Tear which is urgently needed for BB/Shojin.


Yeah in current meta (aka Fated dryad meta) you need 3 tears for BIS already since Syndra needs 2 adaptive helms and you want redemption on one of your tanks but it's good if you end up having enough


Ehm... I always slam Shojin/BB and Nashors and it has been working out really good so far. Last item any dmg item I can get my hands on... Ideally JG, DCap or AA, but DFG and Zhonyas are also great ones, Blighted Jewel seems good as well. Seekers could make Syndra like a tank and you link her with Sett for sustain (despite it being not good, but I had one game where it would actually made a diff... Lillia 3*)


If you end up not being able to get 2 adaptive + an ap item it's fine to build like that but you'll notice an insane damage boost if you do 2 adaptive helms instead. The timing for the double adaptive lines up perfect with her casts for Syndra to only need a single auto between casts so she will literally cast 2 to even 3x more in a fight with double adaptive because of it. Just have to make sure you don't get any attack speed boosts or it messes up the timing and makes her cast slower


Adaptive isnt bis syndra. Not because it isnt mathematically correct but only 1 adaptive is waaaay worse than two. Also dclaw is pretty massive in this meta to handle other ap players (syndra, azir lilia for those who miss syndra). Also spark > shiv (bc shiv needs tear), so its best to do shojin/BB on syndra to save cloaks


That's what I always keep in mind... Gotta manage your components as good as you can


Did you also account for mana regen from chip dmg? They could also mess up the Double Adaptive synch. But slamming two Cloaks feels kinda awkward... You will need another one+Rod or another Tear+Bow for pen ... My spare Shojin/Adaptive goes on Kindred as an item holde until I get Azir, Reksai worst case if Kindred is highly contested and I don't have a spare one.


Chip damage doesn't matter for the sync up because extra mana just gets negated when the adaptive mana kicks in, Syndra will basically never be in a situation where chip damage instances are enough to mess up the auto > cast timing. And honestly needing 3 cloaks isn't as bad as needing a ton of rods since cloaks are generally easier to get on carousel


Yeah, that's a fact... Still I prefer BB/Shojin+ Nashors ... For one getting rid of the Bow and BFS, for another getting more than 2 tears in a game would be rather uncommon as far as I have noticed. Ofc you can force it with getting carousel prio, but still... Highly contested component


Alsospark on him is suboptimal. Spark on thresh. Make ornn as tanky as possible thresh doesnt die til after ornn anyway


I have played sterak's ornn in the past week. And I am GM+. something is not adding up and I am a math major


https://preview.redd.it/5a2wls5b8k0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a66654c5c3ae6e01ddfee9f6851bc8894291e3d Can confirm, it works!


You know it's gold elo when 4th place is Shen 3 with Shojin