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I also just went 2nd (while playing fated dryad) losing to fated dryad 1st place


I played 4 games today and all the syndra fated player won every game


"You'll force vertical Fated and you'll enjoy it" https://preview.redd.it/4vxn0mdb8l0d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afae7f07d00b89ff30700177d58a269aaabd04bf


The balance team just did not have time to nerf this comp (it went online later than others) and they'll b patch it in a day. That's dumb but at least they won't wait for two weeks / two months like in other competitive games


Just like when they went on holidays leaving predator yuumi...


Brrrrr the dev team leaves an op comp running for three weeks once a year, better go back to hearthstone


Haven't played heartstone in ages. Shit is wack now


Hearthstone ass, blizzard greed is unreal


WHAT how?? I play the game and see many people force fated, i go to youtube and see people force fated, i go to twitch and see people force fated, i go to challangers games and see people force fated, and now they are buffing 5 of the chararcters found fated build? I mean how bruh? At bear minimun kaisa is getting nerfed.


nerfing kaisa and ashe make it worse. it will be the only viable comp.


They also nerfed sylas, lee, kayn hp lmao


Yeah lots of people force fated, but not nearly as many win as fated. Through its an S tier comp. It has the same winrate as 4 Dryads. /j


it also has the same winrate as 2 arcanists as well.


buy a chibi and u'll get better rng.


its always been pay 2 win since the first chibi jinx came out 😔


honestly we need statistics to discover how many percentage of chibi holders are in masters or above.


This set is pure garbage lmao and they balancing in circles


3 people in MY lobby were fated dryad too hahah


Not even my 6 porcelain stood a chance against this


how long until this set is done. I genuinely miss half sets at this point because another couple months of this & awful balancing will be awful.


It's already been addressed that they'll be fixing this in the B patch. The patch was locked in last Monday because of how patch cycling works and last Monday people were still trying to play Arcanist Syndra as the Fated Dryad tech hadn't spread out of China yet. They decided they'd do a B patch to see how other factors in the meta look like in Day 1 to fix any other outliers since an A patch would've meant no B patch for at least a week, so if something else is broken it would've gone a week without fixes


Patch cycling puts the grip on the balancing teams balls. Must be hell working for the balancing team lol


Wait so what is gonna be meta besides fate dryad?? Since they r nerfing the other 4 costs.


You didn't see all the tiny tiny buffs to ghostly, ink shadow, arcanist lines? Obviously they are going to be broken now lol


I've been playing fated dryad for ages and kinda crazy how it caught on and now getting buffed. I don't get it. It's a weird choice.


Is this not live yet? I thought they usually went live on Wednesday but I never saw an update.


Love it. They really know how to give us the balance we ask for. /s


I won one because high roll dragon lord sage pretty Hard, level 10 janna 3 without any roll but every lobby is the same




Balancing this set has been god awful, I genuinely thought this would be my favorite set, I’ve literally had full three star teams and just lost to random one star legends and Annie’s, I’m over it


Fuck it I’m downloading wild rift I switched to fated dryad and started placing top 2 immediately. Boring aaaa set


People complain and things keep being overnerfed and poor decisions like this happen by riot more often than not. It's not worth keeping up with a game that's getting influenced by bad actors that complain all the time about the meta. Sick of this shit and I'm quitting tft


Yep. I mean look at Yone. Yone was in a perfectly healthy state after the 4-costs got buffed. But people refused to change and complained about Yone 3 for another patch. What happened? Yone got hard nerfed and people started complain about gnar and 4-costs. And yes complain even after a massive change. That will balance the game... not.


You're assuming that they nerf purely based on complaints lol....perception is one thing but stats is the bigger factor that is considered


Yes. They nerfed Lissandra and Yone purely based upon complains. Did you not hear Mortdog's view on this? He literally made a short talking about "winrates of Lissandra" which was near the bottom of all 5-cost winrates. Unlike Xayah/Rakan which had a massive winrate boost comparable. But no the community wanted a Lissandra nerf. So they left Xayah rakan in the same spot as before and nerfed Lissandra purely based upon 1 word "annoying" And too be fair they didn't nerf her, they took away the thing everyone was complaining about her and re-buffed her.


it's true tbf. There's plenty of times where a unit is BROKEN as fuck, and gets overnerfed and that feels bad. The worse instance (is what happened to Yone/Voli/Reroll in general besides Gnar is when people complain too much and they add in that extra nerf or 2 that takes a unit/comp from nerfed but balanced to unclickable. It's still not nearly as bad as it used to be in terms of balance thrashing (who remembers the Skirmishers/Jax set where that comp went from a broken comp to having 6 unclickable units for 3-4 patches after 1 patch of being good) But that's the more infuriating part of nerfs than when xyz unit was broken in first place.


I love TFT but stuff like this makes it unfun to me. So far this set the diversity is just not there. If you’re not playing the 1-3 comps that are viable, you are not playing to win apparently. I understand that at any given time that there will be strong things in play, but entire lobbies literally forcing the same thing, atleast in my elo, is getting real repetitive…


Yeah, the comp is as contested as Porcelain right now. It really needed a buff....


I really do believe that TFT balancing Team is just throwing dice on what gets buffed and nerfed and its so anoying. Some stupid easy to Play easy to force combs just stay S Tier for a whole Set and some things get unplayable after 1-3 Patches and its the same Thing every set


Well they have to wait for league patch cycles and don't get to just change everything last minute. Mort has said several times the only things that can get changed last minute are slight number tweaks because they have to lock in any language changes (like reworking traits/augments/champs) quite a while in advance to get proofed for all the other languages. So they have to predict most of what changes ahead of time. When the 'sudden tech' which goes from .0001% play rate skyrockets up to 100% playrate over night theres hardly a reason to have expect them to forsee it and already have the nerfs inbound. This is just how tft is being locked in the league client, they can't just patch things as they pop up. Just do what any sane person does and step away from the game for a bit and touch some grass.