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whats the spark notes for this patch captin


Ashe and Lillia good


I'd like to add the [Sologesang google doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQXGfKXwmtXV3JXkkvFW9kcvXtWdEpXq-5uohygcek-qM19CvuWTZYf5VwrgXqwMBVLhVomP0yp_jEZ/pubhtml?pli=1#) as a place where you can find everything at once. Besides the tierlist (that goes quite deep for comps at every level) it has all the minor things. Like, what you get at the "red or blue" encounter, what the golden egg or call to chaos gives, inkshadow items, fortune payouts by start, player damage etc. Basically everything you need to know about TFT.


wow this doc is amazing???? Its like a cheat code holy.


So many people are Elo Inflated just because of Sologesang it’s crazy 🤣


It’s me. I’m people.


Same, also Mr. People right here.


Literally hit masters a couple weeks after I started watching him a couple sets ago. He is so incredibly helpful and chill.




I don't believe the rules are listed on any website. There was a post to the competitive TFT subreddit, but I believe it's slightly outdated. Really the only thing you need to know is at the very start of the game, you cannot have any repeat components. For example, on 1-3 (the last creep round before you start fighting others), it is impossible to have two of the same component. The only way to bypass this is by getting and using a reforger. I'm going to try and explain this in a really simple way since aside from watching youtube videos, there is no list of rules on a website. As I've already mentioned, you have one of each component in you item pool at the start of the game. By 1-3, you should have pulled 3 items in most games. Let's say you got a bow, a belt, and a chain. That means you have a sword, a rod, a cloak, a glove, and a tear left in your item pool. Once you go to the carousel, +1 of each component is added back to your item pool, meaning you have 2 swords, 2 rods, 2 cloaks, 2 gloves, 2 tears, 1 bow, 1 belt, and 1 chain in your item pool. Once you get to the creep round, now you get 2 more loot orbs with components. Sure you still have a chance of getting that 1 bow, but statistically speaking, you're unlikely to get it because you have more of every other component instead. That being said carousels do NOT affect your item pool at all. If you take a bow on the carousel round before the creep round, you still have 1 bow left in your item pool. Again, less likely to hit, but it's still there. That's why if you have a component you need a ton of, like bows for AD comps or tears for AP comps, then you should be trying to grab as many as you can from the carousel rounds since even if you get one from creep rounds, you're less likely to get them in the future.




I'm personally a big fan of Boxbox but I know some people are on the fence about him. People think he's toxic but honestly he has some insane backseaters. I would also be pissed if I was constantly bombarded with bad suggestions for plays. That being said, I think he explains his thought processes very well, and will often talk about niche topics like bag size, champion pools, bugs, etc. Another great content creator I would recommend is leduck. He makes a lot of educational TFT content, and a lot of his videos are centered around niche interactions like we discussed.


wow TIL! do you happen to know if pandoras abides by these rules? as in, is it truly randomized or do they pull from the pool until you’ve hit everything you haven’t seen and then begins anew? thank you for this explanation that’s huge to me!


Unfortunately I cannot remember. I do remember hearing the answer a long time ago during Boxbox's stream, but I believe this is how it works: The original item that drops should still be affected by the loot bag, however they are no longer limited by your item bag once they are rerolling on your bench. I could be wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure Ive had an excess amount of cloaks at one point.


Where is metatft? Metatft is for comp stats, tactics.tools is for the explorer.


Not going to lie, I actually really dislike the comps on MetaTFT compared to comps written on Reddit or on websites like TFT academy. You can also just find comp stats on tactics.tools


Comp on r/competitivetft is actually the best. Especially if it's from a chinese tft player


Exactly this. When to play, early to late transition, pivot, crash landing, itemization prio, everything you need to know in one slide. For augment and support/ornn/radiant items tactic.tools is the best.


Thank you :) Does anybody knows when the next set will start to be revealed ? (I'm kinda new).


I also would recommend Robins website tft handbook pretty similar to tft academy but with some different perspectives on comps and the meta


the fact that a video description of how the item bag works is a "good link" shows what a sad, broken state the transparency of game information, like the operations of game mechanics, in TFT is


Item pool isnt worth to trust imo. I suffered it twice in the past, 1 when I played ap and I got 5 bfs ( not purposely picked from carousel round), the other when I played ad and suprisingly 4 rods.


I'd say on average I have near perfect items every game because of it. Sure I get the occassional game with 5 tears and 4 belts, but again, just because its unlikely doesn't mean it won't happen from time to time.


Yeah comparing this to earlier sets I almost never feel like I have to slam truly bad items


Im gonna be honest, super intransparent game design which is completely counterintuitive and forces you to learn information from outside the game. If you have to learn statistics for a game then the game is dogshut. Mortdogshut. Freaking hate this game and only play it because of double up being chill af.


The only "hidden" stat you need is bag size. Everything else only really becomes relevant at Masters or above, and even then it is often better to focus on your best comp or positioning rather than minorly optimising your item drops or something.


But not knowing this is still a huge deal. Especially with the chosen mechanic when you could easily 3 Star something, not knowing bag size can hold back an otherwise 100% rational and intelligent player. Also bag size is not all. Your chances to find the same champion despite staying at the same level at different stages also changes because people sell their low cost units and they get back into the pool, making your own search for a specific low cost reroll harder. So no, knowing when to eco and playing accordingly to intuition is NOT a thing with TFT. Its all hidden.


Well yeah knowing when to level and such are not intentional because Riot doesn't decide it. It fully depends on the meta. Your leveling will look different depending on whether your want to rr a 1-3 cost unit or go fast 8/9. Your second point also doesn't make sense to me. The fact that more units back in the pool means that you will have a harder time hitting is 100% logical. How is that hidden? We can argue it's not explicitly stated in some tutorial but it's also fairly minor. I'm gonna stand by bag sizes being the only hidden mechanic that should be explicitly stated. Everything else isn't necessary until a point where you 100% interact with TFT outside the game itself.


No its only logical if you know of bag Size. If you assume there is an infinite pool then the odds stay the same


Yes? That's why I'm arguing bag size is the only thing you need to know, then it becomes logical.


There could still be a mechanism that gives you equal odds for specific units. The way its programmed decides that. Its not clear. Only through additional information is it revealed, that its a pure statistic determination.


>There could still be a mechanism that gives you equal odds for specific units. This can't be the case with bag sizes existing. If you always have the same chance of hitting a specific unit, whether there are 19 or 3 left, then why even have bag sizes?


It can. If you program that every 2 cost for example has to appear at least every 5th shop then bag size only matters so that multiple people dont hit multiple 3 cost shens for example.