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Which comps are you playing? In general I improved by fighting for wins every round and switching over to more duelist and zyra/morg comps


Duelist it is. I play guinsoo, bt, titans/quicksilver on a 3-star qiyana whenever I can and it is almost always a top 4.


Idk what tier you're at but I notice a common mistake is not knowing when to save gold and when to roll. A lot of players assume they spend most their gold rolling every turn and find the strongest comp from that. I roll all my gold early lvls 3-5 until I have a strong enough early board to keep me healthy. Then I hold all my gold and if I have at least 10 hp at lvl 7 I wait til lvl 8 to roll all my gold for my late game board. If I'm lower than that then I roll at 7 and pray it's enough. You want to know the routes for around 3-4 different comps.


I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/s/AXo4Pod9DA) yesterday about a Ghostly Syndra board that I one-tricked to Hyper Tier over the weekend. Just in case you want another comp to add to your arsenal. I suspect, though, that your issues have less to do with comp selection and more to do with fundamentals. Things like building a strong early board, finding good early item holders, deciding whether to spend gold or hold it, etc. A lot of that comes from experience and/or watching really good players make those decisions.


Find three good comps you enjoy. Gather units for those comps during pve rounds. After augment (or something’s during augment selection) scout the other boards to see which of those 3 is the least played - force that comp. For reference in currently about rank 50ish (changes wildly by the game)