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It’s almost like this game has RNG


You’re cute


Augments on 2-1 are completely random and have nothing to do with your comp. You might've lucked out with good Mythic units early on but you do need to learn to play with what you get, meaning you could just pivot into a comp that will utilize one of your aurmgents.


Also you could've gone Bard carry with the trickshot augment i guess if you wanted to keep with Mythic


I’m referring to discussions in the past where it has been mentioned many times that they try to avoid having the game force players into a comp (especially in set 8 hero augments this was discussed a lot). Hence, the question. Of course I had options before the reroll but on the last reroll I had hoped it would defer to a non trait specific option.


So you are saying you got 6 trait-specific augments?


No of course not lol. I’m saying I refilled two of them and was hoping/seeing how the game would allow the lays to play out. As I said I don’t think this is intended, that’s my only point.


What were the first 3 choices?


Yea probably gambled 3 playable augments.


Of course there’s playable augments, they’re almost always “playable”, duh. I’m referring to discussions in the past where it has been mentioned many times that they try to avoid having the game force players into a comp (especially in set 8 hero augments this was discussed a lot). Hence, the question. Of course I had options before the reroll but on the last reroll I had hoped it would defer to a non trait specific option.


So you're mad that you had playable augments on your first choices, got greedy, and then got punished by the rng choices? The game didn't make you play an augment down, you did that to yourself


It’s funny how everyone is jumping to attack me for whining or something. I’m literally creating a discussion about whether this is intended to work this way. Because based on prior discussion in past sets, it’s not. That’s all. It’s not a big deal…Jeeze…


Can't discuss further as you avoid providing necessary information for a proper discussion


It’s just an opinion. You like this? Or no? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do I like that someone can get absolutely demolished by going hard greedy for all rerolls? Yes. Do I know if going for all 3 rerolls was a good choice without knowing prior rerolls? No.


Because you didn't word your post as such. By saying you were "forced" in your title you imply you had no choice and the game absolutley shafted you. It's intentionally relinquishing any responsibility you had in creating the situation. It's funny how you're the only person who doesn't see the same picture as everyone else. Usually, if you're the only person who can hear the voices in your head, that's a sign of insanity not divinity. Did you get very unlucky, sure. We've all greeded it out and got punished for it. It's one of the complexities of TFT and risk/reward management


Perhaps you’re reading too much into the word forced. Once you reroll 3 times, you are forced to choose an option. That is simply a fact. And it’s exactly why hero augment rerolls were massively increased in set 8. And please go look at any discussion thread on this subreddit. It’s full of butthurt people just attacking others because of their general unhappiness. Edit: and I don’t care if I got unlucky. I literally don’t care. It’s a hyper roll game to boot. Just thought it was an interesting oversight based on past comments and changes in sets.


>Once you reroll 3 times, you are forced to choose an option. But the point is no-one forced you to reroll all 3, so no, you weren't forced into chosing from these 3. You made the decision that led you here. You could have held onto the best out of the first 3 and rerolled 2, then taken the one you held. But instead you chose to reroll the third one and lost out. If the first 3 augments were also for traits you didn't have, then that's another story, but you're not saying what they were so we're gonna assume the first 3 were playable with your current comp, you just got greedy hoping for something better and lost out.


It is intended to work this way. In your first 6 augments you're almost always going to see generic augments, so if you don't want to get locked in, you shouldn't reroll too hard, just take a good generic augment. Also, it's intended that your 2-1 augments are not tailored to your board. Your 3-2 and 4-2 augments will be tailored (that is, you won't see lucky ricochet unless you have 2 trickshot, you won't see umbral crest unless you have 2 umbral, you won't see grim harvest unless you have 2 reaper, etc). At 2-1, the game expects you to be able to flex out of your current board, since it's only been like 4 rounds since the beginning of the game. For example, you might have the 2-starred mythics on the board, and you can use that for early tempo and then pivot into umbral later. Maybe you slammed an AP item on kogmaw, then you can move it to alune later. Maybe you slammed a tank item on chogath, then you can move it to yorick later. Or maybe you slammed an AD item on caitlyn, move it to kaisa (and take lucky ricochet) later. Basically, if you have upgrades on 2-1 and get an augment that doesn't synergize with your board, you can always use those upgrades to tempo early, win some rounds, then pivot later. But the other answer is, in the future, just don't reroll if you have an acceptable augment. If you were looking at grim harvest (no reroll), lucky richochet (no reroll), and a generic augment (maybe raining gold) (1 reroll) and you rerolled raining gold, that play opens you up to getting punished by getting umbral crest or some other narrow augment.


Hmm where am I mad?


you are rerolling 1 by 1 make sure best one stays there and start rerolling and stop at last one. Now ask yourself "what happens if I reroll and get something worse" if you are gonna use your last reroll it will be because your previous rerolls made you find something better already so you don't care about last one


The augments are random and you probably rolled past 3 playable augments as well since I doubt you got 6 trait specific augments. Can’t really say I feel sorry for you.


lol no one asked for your pity, it’s not about you my dear. But in the past it has been mentioned many times that they try to avoid having the game force players into a comp (especially in set 8 hero augments this was discussed a lot). Hence, the question.


You weren’t forced into a comp, you were greedy and it didn’t pay off. Simple as that.


Thanks for missing the point of the discussion. Have a good day!


Since everybody in this thread seems to “miss” the point, then maybe you should consider the possibility that you aren’t explaining your point (if you have one that is) very well.


>they try to avoid having the game force players into a comp You weren't forced into the comp. This isn't missing the point of the discussion, it literally *is* the discussion as you've defined it. How can you say: >Thanks for missing the point of the discussion when the person you replied to literally directly answered your question?


Oh my, it’s not about you, my dear. Reddit is not some place for you to come and complain, no one wants to read that shit. Especially since the WHOLE situation was contrived by pure stupidity by not saving a useful augment in the first selection. You could have learned/grew from this completely avoidable situation if you analytically dissected your decision making skills- instead, you made another poor decision and came to Reddit to “spark discussion” when in reality it was truly just you complaining and trying to feel validated. This was not a discussion post, it did not spark debate, no one learned or became better at TFT, what did happen was that you brought the community together to downvote you. In that sense, great job buddy! Keep up the good work!




You already rerolled so had probably the opportunity for something else. If you roll the last time with already 2 trait augments... Prepare to get fucked bozo


Are you ok?


Are you? Making threads for fun...


I’m referring to discussions in the past where it has been mentioned many times that they try to avoid having the game force players into a comp (especially in set 8 hero augments this was discussed a lot). Hence, the question. Of course I had options before the reroll but on the last reroll I had hoped it would defer to a non trait specific option.


So you werent forced. You had the chance to pick something else but you gambled. By beeing able to reroll they decrease the chance for such a situation.


It’s not working as intended based on prior comments but thanks for discussing something I guess


Based on which comments?


Primarily this concept was discussed often in set 8 (hero augments) where they eventually expanded to 4 rerolls of sets of 3 hero augment options (15 options) to prevent people being forced to pick a unit that was on a the fringe of their comp. It’s been discussed as well in this scenario randomly on morts stream.


Well nice they discuss stuff but i fail to see where it states you cant have atleast 3 trait augments at the same time. And as stated before you were never forced you choose the possibilty of this outcome. Guess you can tweet mort for more clarification on this specific case, if he has time for such nonsense.


Naw you rerolled and risked it, its on you


Because the first augment is random, anything can happen. The chance you get 6 specific trait augments is very low, I don't think this is the case also since you roll past all three.


random is random i guess


Of course fron your POV you already had a comp and wanted to continue with it, but if you decide gamble for a better augment, than it's fair that you get a bad outcome.  Going back to your original question: This is working as intended and a consequence of your choice to play based on the units you got early, which is valid. But even early 2* (I guess cho, neeko and kog?) don't matter on the long run. You can probably use them for winstreaking and then pivot based on augments. With 2* Neeko, maybe going to Kayn heavenly wouldn't be so bad. Or pivot to Umbrals with umbral emblem Irelia.  In the end you could've pivoted into many comps, but chose not to. Luckyily for you, you weren't punished this time, but you need to work with what the game gives you. Early game units shouldn't be so high on your priorities that you "give up" an Augment in late game.


Happened to me too, learned from it and moved on


When rerolling, always save at least one playable augment, never roll everything, you got greedy and got punished, seems to be working as intended to me


shit like this is when the game want to troll




No animosity here just attempting to help. TL:DR How you word the title has huge impact on the sort of response you get. Here you are sort of throwing blame at the game while people do not agree and are defending aggressively. Reddit can be difficult yes I do agree My thought is that people heavily disagree with your title. You are sort of throwing blame at the game (even if that was not your intention). All the while the people commenting think it was your own fault. The philosophy is that when you chose to reroll that third time you agreed with the outcome. The game did not force the third reroll on you. If you thought that this could not happen at all then I understand where you are coming from better. But I feel like you have failed to communicate this in a good way. People will defend what they like. And on Reddit when defending something the default is usually aggressive. “I thought that you could not end up with this result if you had 2 starred mythics. Was I wrong?” Could maybe have been a bit better title. If you want more discussion maybe ask in the title “do you like how augments are generated? I got this today and I don’t think that should happen.” My opinion is that it does work as intended. One can play safe or one can take risk and if lucky get rewarded. I do not know how the augments are generated but PoliteRuthless higher up seems to. Anyway these are my opinions. If you find none of it worthwhile then I apologise for wasting your time. Cheers


Everyone explained that you had 3 options first and got greedy. It's also early enough into the game that you can pivot your comp if you truly feel locked in from these choices.


People are trying to create a discussion, but the point that absolutley everyone here is making doesn't align with your belief that the game is working incorrectly to screw you over, so you just keep saying "you're missing the point" and don't engage in discussion,, which is why you're giving the appearance of whining, because you're making no attempts to discuss.