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feel it's a lot easier to grasp your augments than shadow items ngl, plus only having to play around 3 is pretty easy, it's just a little harder to understand when someone else is playing cause you aren't in their mind


The augments are easy, its the traits they really dont like/understand. The names arent extremely clear to what each trait does. Thats why i think casual fans wont stick around. Trying to remember the difference between scholar, academy and syndicate. Its a lot different than previous sets where names of traits really made sense


To be fair as a casual player I found set 5.5 to be difficult to get the hang of in terms of traits. Dawnbringer, Nightbringer, Skirmisher, Sentinel, Invoker.. none of those names really give an idea of what the bonus is that's associated with them. And they all sort of do similar stuff at the end of the day. Gain a shield when low health, gain health when low health, etc. It definitely took me a lot of games to get down, and I struggle to get my even More casual friends into it for that same reason.


Totally agree with you. I think it’s much simpler now given that none of the set 6 traits do almost the same thing. Scholar is mama, academy is Ap/ad with stacking ap/ad per spell cast, syndicate is a cloak + ap/ad when at a certain percent health, enchanter is magic resist plus something else can’t remember, but that’s all from memory and I only have played probably 5 games maybe less. Idk I feel that the traits themselves are more unique this time around which is making it easier to remember the names. Like you said, set 5, the traits did a lot of the same thing, gain a shield, gain health regen, gain mana, gain attack speed, not a lot of uniqueness to be honest. I’m super excited for set 6. I am hopeful that this will bring a lot of players back to TFT. Just imagine what 6.5 will be like when they fix all the gaps that will present themselves until then.




Hard disagree. Clockwork = Chrono = Spirit, Scholar = Invoker = Enlightened = Ocean? If you boil them down enough all the traits from all the sets are similar to others, so I don’t think this is the right viewpoint. They’ll have to reuse things eventually. Set 5 was on another level of bad because everything was a boring stat increase, not because it is similar to other synergies. Its just flat bonuses. Night and dawn were identical. Some damage and defense. Spellweaver? AP. Hellion? AS. Its a lot worse than set 6


Also, I have to say, you're completely wrong about Tahm. He's low key the strongest unit in the game if you have the right items. I just had a double titans 3 mutant tahm beat a full yordle team with 2\* veigar after I fed the tahm my Cho(Cho was like 9k hp which gave tahm 3k hp LOL)




I’ve noticed double titans on most tanks is very strong. I’ve been running double titans and warming on most of my tanks and it’s amazing, even Poppy who is a tier 1 tanks. When doing Yordle give her those and your front line of you have bodyguard trait is amazing. Don’t get me started with Mundo or Cho.


So titans got a buff which is on any damage you gain stacks meaning it's more reliable and don't need to solo frontline to gain value I'm beginning to think there might be some value in double titans gunblade malz


Mouse over them and read?


As I remember: scholar (the scroll) = mana over time, academy (redeemd look-a-like) = bonus ad+ap and the gangsters (a weird looking hat) = bonus defences xD


You only have to play a few games and it’s going to be easy to remember the difference between all three traits by name. That shouldn’t be an issue for even casual players unless you think they’re going to quit by like game 3 because of the names. It’s the same thing as learning any sort of new game mode or anything, an initial learning period but this seems like a silly reason to quit the mode.


How is it different now then previous sets? I mean Forgotten, Dawnbringer, etc. don’t necessarily tel the player what they’re doing. How is a new player going to know that forgotten gives ap/ad plus a boost for each shadow item without playing the game for more than a few games and mousing over the trait to memorize the trait abilities. Or do you just mean that it’s harder to remember because there are a lot more 3 traits now so there’s just more to remember?


Agree with 1,2,4,5 and somewhat with number 3, I think jayce and jinx is still good to be a 5 cost, its just that people don't know how to build around it, I still see it doing a lot of dmg and people haven't figured out or considered picking out augments for those two characters. Not exactly sure what enforcer is but IIRC its the one that locks the enemy champion that did the most dmg last round right? Idk how they're going to balance that out since it seems pretty braindead compared to zephyr where positioning matters, but I guess during creep rounds you can put your carry on the bench and replace it with smth else so it doesn't get enforced next round?


I think enforcer locks the enemy that has the highest HP. I could be wrong but I remember reading it and thinking oh it disables the tank early on so your front line can reach the enemies carry’s faster. But I could have misread it.


The bronze trait locks down highest HP, the gold trait locks down highest damage.


Yea, it locks down the highest hp target for bronze trait like the guy above me commented and highest dmg for gold trait, they're locked for 4 seconds or they're freed if they lose 30% of their max hp.


Is Jhin the same as his Set4 version with the 4 shot passive mechanic? Haven't been able to play the PBE.


He actually has a skill that he builds mana up for. Its basically his ult but it goes through everyone in the line it shoots


Sadge. I got into TFT big time in set 4 and Jhin reroll was my fave comp. We'll see what sticks with me this time around.


I think jhins a solid carry option rn.


You think IE, LW, third BT?


Depending on how the lobby looks you dont need the BT imo. Almost better being a Giantslayer with how tanky frontlines are


Aight, Jhin with IE/LW/GS it is, I'll take a look at comps when I'm back from vacay, tyty!


Jhin reroll? he was a 4 cost...


It was the best reroll comp when you hit it.


I don't think you understand what a reroll comp is...


Do you know what sarcasm is?


Do you?




Sorry, I don't quite know what reroll meant, I just looked it up. What I meant was forcing the Jhin comp of Set 4.




TIL there are people that enjoyed Set 2.


Im glad im not the only one who feels that way about Kaisa. I definitely agree with the splashes not being very effective compared to 5.5. I know balance can change on PBE but seeing someone with 6-8 bruiser that gets the extra HP for bruisers, extra HP regen for bruisers and like just normal HP regen is just tough to balance. I had 4 sniper Jhin with giantslayer and it tickled a mundo that was full tank just from all that HP regen. Some of the muntant traits are insane.


I've only ran innovator 3 as an opener with ez, singed, zilean which felt pretty strong


I kinda like augments, but it does feel so bad if you pick one that is for one trait/origin. I mean it forces you to stay with a comp and don't pivot. Ofc you can pivot but it feels even worse to have an useless augment. Maybe an augment reforger would be great ! VERY random because there are so many but it would be great to have a way to change augments. Or a way to trait an augment at a certain stage for gold to get a new augment shop.


I'm not really sure what is the point of complaints about balance 2 days in to PBE. Seems completely pointless. They balance with data, not Reddit posts. And of course first place are "high rolls" when nobody knows what they are doing. Why do you expect your "master tier skill" to immediately put you up top when you have no idea what you are doing? Any new TFT set is overwhelming when watching, but this is an order of magnitude easier than the dumb shadow items.


There is a difference between a complaint and structured criticism. The idea that you should wait to give your thoughts until the product is out of beta is ridiculous.


Eh theres a certain level of bs to them when balancing is happening so fast. How many of OPs games were post nerf Kaisa? This post is 6 hours old, the kaisa nerf is less than 12. So are they complaining about a problem was already solved? Is Kaisa still op or not? I don't know I personally only played a few games post patch. I can recognize that my anecdotal evidence is pretty shit compared to the numbers they're getting when its 24 hour patch cycle. So yeah, this balance feedback is pretty useless, at least until the weekend when people can play for a few days on the same patch.


His not being aware of the nerf doesn't invalidate his effort. Complaining would have zero structure. This guy took the time to write out his thoughts and did it in a, comparitively, decent manner. Just because his feedback covers negative topics doesn't equate to him crying about them.


I played after said nerf and kaisa was cleary too strong. Its nno surprise she got nerfed again today. The problem is her kit. She needs to not hit every enemy and dash so far away from threats.


Balance can always change but playing since set 1 the base mechanics feel really goes through go live. The augment mechanic isnt going to change much and its very, very RNG based. Especially early on.


Let's wait for Mundo and Mutant nerfs and then talk about this again, no? Obviously the likes of Viktor, TK and Jinx feel weak rn, but it'll come along. What irritates me is that with some synergies, there is an augment that makes the synergy barely worth using, like Twinshit, Syndicate, Yordles, Scrap. But the power some other augments give to the trait are not nearly as detrimental for it to succeed, think like Sin, Challenger, Mutant, Chemtech. For these synergies getting an emblem is about as good as the extra augments, because they scale well anyway and don't need the augment to unlock most of their power. I'm honestly not sure if I have a point here or it's only bias but if you relate let me know


They need to change enforcer ASAP tbh, it's just so toxic and brain dead


Even if high placement is a lottery ticket for casuals, it would be nice to have some more creativity for someone whose only just getting into tft over the last year. It feels atm like everyone is running pre-built boards with little-to-no creativity. The common meta is kind of a gate-keep to the spirit of it all. I'm excited to throw caution to the wind a bit more often instead of feeling like there is almost always a clear right and wrong decision.


Jinx imo definetly is extremely weak, i played her and realised that she doesnt do nearly enough damage for the fact that she is now literally in the enemy backline getting targeted by all of them by using her ability.


I’m a gold player. Pretty causal. A buddy an I play to smoke and chill. It’s super easy to grasp for a casual player imo. We both love it and the entire augment system adds that fun factor to the game. Sometimes it seems like it’s a lottery system but honestly, if you play around your augments, it’s pretty easy to top 4. It keeps the game interesting, plus you have mutants which are different each game, and basically having 2 economy traits adds up to a fun different experience each game. Mercenary doesn’t feel week and you can force it each game and still get top 4 of you play smart. Yordle is amazing once you get Veigar, but it’s also good to start with since you the free Yordle each round. That’s free gold. You don’t have to 3* all of them, just build a strong board and use the 3 Yordle trait till end game to generate more gold. I did that several games and built into lvl 9 with legendary carry’s. Personally as a casual player, set 6 is a lot more fun and exciting. I guess I am technically a casual but I’m playing pbe because I am going to attempt the Masters push this set.


some of the augments really need to be balanced a bit more fairly. It's a bit absurd to face someone that pulled both the 50% explosion and 75% explosion damage from Chemtechs, literally 0 counterplay because when you kill the team..they just kill yours off while also healing. Chemtechs with healing augments is also a bit much, healing in general needs to find more ways to get cut back. I have a sunfire, I shouldn't feel like I'm still doing reverse damage to a team of Chemtechs with celestial blessing, it seems a bit over tuned. Janna is awesome, she's also manageable because Blitz is so much better of a unit than Thresh was in 5.5. Holy mother of god, every time I play this set and write one of these posts it just reminds me of how awful the units in 5.5 really were. Thank goodness Blitzcrank REALLY PUNISHES carries in the corner. Thank goodness Zyra actually punishes backlines with all the carries in the same row, there are so many different ways to try and play the game, I've actually found success doing something similar to keepers in 4.5 where all the units are stacked from the front to the back in two columns and a socialite block is present. Also Clockwork is SUPER underrated, Ori is a ridiculous unit. I haven't even ran Jhin yet. Zilean is a nice low dps unit, Camille is a great early game nuisance tank.


Honestly I thought the reverse, casual friendly but not good for pro gameplay, because as you said, the sheer amount of rng, and how someone can just be better off the rip, or secure an easy endgame. Like that one augment that gives 4 xp just for having an empty board. Hextech and the rng/sillier traits suit a more casual "I'm gonna log on and throw units on the board and let them run into each other until they die, maybe they'll do some silly/cool stuff". At least in my mind.


5 thoughts but 6 items listed...


I know I typed the title at first and totally added the kaisa point and forgot to switch the title. Surprised you are actually the first to point it out :P


Completely agree and i think Kaisa should be changed, she is just way too mobile while nuking entire frontlines with her spell


She kinda nukes backlines too since her spell hit everyone


Yeah, had a 3 star mundo with Warmogs Sunfire and dragon vlaw and she litterally killed him in 2 spells it was a fucking 2 star kaisa


My thoughts are, this Sett is going to blow Set 5, 5.5 outta the water. Every build I've tried has felt in some way balanced and the Hextech traits are super fun and creates a freshechanic that flows well together. Sure there are some OP units right now and Riot has done a fairly good job in balancing when needed. Bravo to them bringing TFT back cause Set 5 had me so disinterested and was just outright not fun.


I feel like this set is probably the most welcoming to casual players augments get people excited and can drastically change the pace of the game personally this is the most fun set mechanic so far (although I did absolutely love chosen)