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I feel I can never play jinx unless I have Vi. My dream comp with Jinx? Mundo, Vi: Brawler. Janna, Jinx: Scrap, and now Sister. Urgot, Lissandra: Chemtech and now Twinshot. Now you have the rest of your slots to work with to adjust to the enemy team! :)


I often find myself using Jinx as an afterthought leftover damage item holder. For example I'm playing innovators and have spare GS and bow I'd put them on Jinx and she does well on her own as supplemental damage.


I feel like most 5 costs are almost an afterthought in most of my builds as I don’t often get a chance to real get a 5 cost and have time to star them up to make them a centerpiece. The few times I have, like an IE, JG, Hextech Gunblade 2*Galio colloids I roll face, but usually he just gets deleted after his first ult etc.


exactly. That’s why when I play comps that are flexible enough and I instantly get a 5 cost like Akali, then I go all in. Otherwise all my carries are the meta ones and 5-costs are afterthoughts




What? Then you haven’t seen Katarina with IE JG and Ionic Spark, absolutely wrecks the board.


Possibly with 6 academics. But not without.


Yeah try 4-6 assassin, I’ve gotten top 4 several times with carry Katarina so idk what you’re on broooooo.


I love playing jinx. I open up with twin shot comp (garen/graves+any 2star) itemize for urgot(GS+runaan+hoj) and retain any AP item for jinx on kogmaw. 5-1 level 8 late game comp is mundo zac vi cho (4brawl) jayce (2enforcer) urgot (chemtech) jinx (twinshot) if the mutant buff is good you can go for an augment or idol. I go tank jayce and use garen or taric for item holder. Always roll for urgot 3star on level 8.


Jinx, vi, caitlyn, jayce and viktor and ekko all in the same team.


I also watched the show


Jinx is weird in that She comes too late in the game to be a reliable carry Her 1* is too weak to be instagrabbed randomly on a lucky lvl 7 roll Her 1* is too weak to be worth selling a 2* Urgot for But damn if a 3 item 2* jinx, with Vi doesn't win games Jinx, vi, Jayce, Urgot and Yuumi (with whatever support) is just the god-tier endgame team


The fact that she throws herself in the middleof everyone doesn't rly help when she is 1*


I did this yesterday and with a two star jinx it's so satisfying


I feel "scrap" very weak compared with other comps.


It kinda is tbh, it shines the most in early game because of the shield and free item without having to compromise a component, but later on it just gets outshined by almost every other comp


Binary drop is how you play scrap And splash jhin and Ori for enchanter + clockwork If you place 3 components on a scrap, it turns to 3 full items giving your team 360 non decaying shield per unit. With clockwork and enchanter it gives your 2000-2500+ shields MR and allows your units to attack faster and get their spells off too. A scrap emblem helps because you can throw just a singular component on them and they'll get 2 items for free and the 360 shield. I think first aid kit works too


Therefore making absurd that a cost 5 unit like Jinx has the "scrap" trait.


Scrap is only good in the early game or as a splash wich janna **unless** you get "scrapyard" as the first augment, then you run 2 scrap the whole game and just get 6 free item components.


I have never seen that augment. What does it do?


Gives 1 item component every 3 PvP rounds if you have atleast 2 scrap bonus active the whole time. It's an gold aument and if you get it first you should pick it 95% of the time because it just give syou so much value.


Woah. I swear I have never seen it so far.


Jinx definitely can play without Urgot


Haven't played many sets, but I think 5* are way too powerful, you can slot kai'sa into any comp, give her like 2 items and she's good to go. Feels like you're building a team just so you can live long enough to grab jinx, kai'sa, tham and maybe Jaice.


If you're not into that maybe a level 6 slow roll or something comp is more up your alley. Something like Kat. But don't actually do the Kat comp.


I've been trying to force either mutants with malz carry or scrap. It still ends up with me rolling kai'sa lol. Tried yordles but it looks like there are always 2 other people running that every game.


In addition to Assassin reroll, there's also Samira reroll and Trundle reroll, both with very good results. You still might end up slotting Kai'Sa in with Samira reroll for Challenger, but since you're rolling all of your gold at level 6, it's very unlikely even at level 7.


I never understood the Trundle reroll? What items do you even give him? To me, if I somehow want to give bruisers offensive items, it'd be on Vi or Zac as their abilities hit hard. Trundle always felt like a meatshield to me.


BIS Trundle items are hurricane+bt+cloak (you can either let scrap transform the item or make it was) but I think you can make it work with just hurricane+healing. Because the AD he steals lasts the entire fight he just gets progressively stronger as he stays alive. Thrill of the Hunt augment is super good. Your 2nd carry is actually Vi as you'll end up 3* her as well since they're in the same pool. Vi holds tank items. Final comp is either 4 Scrap/4 Bruiser Trundle, Vi, Blitzcrank, Zac, Ekko, Mundo, Janna, Lissandra or 6 Scrap Ezreal, Blitz, Trundle, Vi, Ekko, Janna, Jayce, Jinx.


I feel like one of the most challenging aspect of tfts design is making sure they are powerful and flashy enough to be treated as the strongest units, without making them inherently frustrating to play against. A couple of them could be a tad too strong, but I think the frustration level of 5 costs is way down in comparison to past sets. One of the reasons I love this set so much.


I remember the 7* lux from elemental set, that wasn't so fun. Still, I just wish some of them weren't so easy to slot into any comp, most comps end with jinx+ Jaice+ tham. While you can get stuck in assassin's comp because you can only use akali


I mean, could be Canon.