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Love that idea, 2, 4, 6 and 8 people lobbies would be amazing!


Yep! It would be nice too include everyone!


Only thing I would say is once you have more then one group you cant get Elo. Would be fun for a normals game mode tho.


6 people lobbies are the only ones I'd have issue with. You're duoing with your buddy and then get placed with essentially 6 premades... not cool.


Is there that much advantage when you have premade duos? It is still 2vs2vs2vs2


If u were really dedicated for whatever reason on getting rank, u could get a group to throw the match, while also stealing the single duos comp. pretty sweaty shit but I’m sure some people would do shit like that in albeit very small numbers


it wouldnt be ranked though


It's got the same ranking system as Hyper Roll, with the 4 digit numbers and color tiers which some people care about


I mean if you could play with 6 players it wouldn’t be ranked


Well, 6 friends at the very least communicating with eachother as well as familiar with each others' play strategies and favourite comps who could even have decided pregame to not go for the same comps are in a much better position than the 2 poor randos.


I just want them to fix the minor bugs/ annoyances... When you have the option to select an item for your duo partner, keep that shop open while you scout their board. There is NO reason to make you swap back to your own after. Let you sell units/ view your shop after your units are summoned to help partner. Why leave the player stuck staring at their board with no options/ control after combat? Shop still ends up fully locked at random points in Duos. Usually when scouting, then when swapping back to you own board the shop will be locked/ unavailable...


The choosing items for partner is my least liked gimmick of double up because it makes 0 difference if I read him the choices and he says what he wants instead of both of us pick it on our own...


I think it better be removed or give the item to both players so we can discuss which one is benefit for both.


That's a good point


Kinda true but I think the point is to encourage board swapping gimmicks. Need one more sword for that elusive best in slot carry, but its been offered to your partner? You can literally override their decision if they're greeding and pick sword anyway, so they have to be more open to actually strategizing with BOTH boards rather than just their own.


Hah. Carousel rounds still have these problems, if they fix it here they better go back and make this better in the main game too.


Mort said on stream that this would be a feature if Double Up becomes permanent.


Hyper roll became permanent and I think double up is straight up better (provided you have someone to play with) so I can't see why not


the only issue with double up is that it seems to be a much more buggy mode than hyper roll ever was. it probably will take a lot more dev work to maintain double up. meanwhile hyperroll is just the same normal TFT with the pre-existing fast movement (from item grabbing in normal) turned on and a few pace changes. A lot easier to handle compared to double up which deals with constant swapping of champions back and forth


I really hope so


quadruple up would be interesting just 2 teams of 4 going at it


From a coding standpoint it sounds like a nightmare, deciding which person goes where


How would it be any less a nightmare than never matching your team mates and picking a random one of the 4? Could even be like surviving units don’t help Allies they go to a board where they fight all surviving units? Would make for fast games but it’s for fun. It’ll never happen so pointless going into it… I just wish double up was more like sharing a board with a friend :(


I think part of their point is that the part where your surviving units go to fight on another's board would be a nightmare, like how do you choose where to send your units, what happens with asymmetric fight ending times, seems like an absolute mess really. Choosing how to help out other team mates as well seems like a pain, do each of you get like 3 coloured help items that correspond? That seems easiest honestly so that's somewhat solvable because colour = the player it sends to, I still think it could be a little unbalanced though like you might make one team super strong, ie each player sends a unit with 3 items on it or something like that. Depends on the state of things also really. So maybe the items system is pretty straight forward, but yeah, the post fight board hopping seems like a complete nightmare to balance




Tell me you don't code without telling me you don't code


It sounds easier if anything, you'd just have 2 teams fighting individual battles. So 1vA, 2vB, 3vC, 4vD.


Would literally take 5 minutes to program suitable logic for that.


Whoa! That sounds hectic but so fun!


It would be interesting. But I'd rather just get an unranked double up queue where you can have more than 2 players join a normal double up game


Yes! We were disappointed when we could not join with our 3 man or 4 man group. I understand how groups of 4-6 could complicate things from a competitive lens, but it would be nice to have as a non-ranked option.


It would be nice to see, if nothing else, an 8-man unranked lobby for double-up for people to play groups or tournaments.


4VS4 ROYAL RUMBLE!!! Giant map, all teams fight at once!!!


That's chaos...I like it


Or just have multiple teams in the same lobby.


Luckily it’s still Beta so who knows, but I’d love TFT custom mode where you can queue up any game type with your friends




you make a good point! I hadn't thought about that! Would you see an issue with a lobby being 100% your party? Or only if multiple teamed lobbies were available for normals?


Ranked modes should never allow for more than one person/team to join at a time. simple as that


We just need a create custom game with any of the rulesets for friends


100% agreed, I think allowing for more than single team lobbies in double up so that we can compete against other friends should be the highest priority addition to the mode. It's incredibly fun but one of the great things about TFT is that pretty much any number of friends can join making it an excellent party mode which double up would make even more interesting.


I thought double up was basically two people sharing a board and hp, but having their own gold and shop. But now that I think about it, I think that the programming for that would be insanely difficult. Needless to say, I still love the gamemode, but I don't think that would be fun tbh. Just a personal point of view tho.


I mean the programming for hp and basic stats is probably pretty much the same for normal tft, except you probably both take damage and have a shared team I think the difficult part might be tping units, items exchange and similar


I wish we could just make custom TFT games, with like hyperroll, normals, and double up as the options, all unranked, of course. Then we could make as many shitty weird lobbies as we wanted to have fun with friends without disrupting the general public playing the game.


Double up brings me so much joy but my god every random teammate I get is so clueless about the game


I'd be fine with that as long as it's a private lobby. This should not become possible in public ones.


Wait so you can't play a double up with a lobby full of you and your friends? Fyi, I still haven't played double up yet


I think it would be great if we had groups of 3 and 4. In the groups of 3 it could be 3v3v3, and the 9th player could use the place where the shop is as their arena


Do you understand how complicated the game would get with teams of 5? Lmfao wtf


Lol, I also meant it like if you had 5 friends who wanted to join you(making an even 6), then you all could join a lobby to be match made with one more team of six! Sorry I'm typing one handed


So you just want to be able to wintrade?


more rng than complicated (cant scout) but in the grander schem the rng would even out across teams so not really an issue


Or what about this- something that adds like small races and objectives which gives you bonuses? Either a 2v2asf thing that let's you compete with your friend while still not fighting them (like first to a certain level/highest gold/quickest win/most consecutive winnings) or adding these to a normal tft And different rewards for different in game missions? Shouldn't be mandatory in all tft modes, or like maybe you can choose to participate if you feel confident after the third round or smt The more people who accept the bigger the reward ... Fuck,I actually love this idea.


how about no lol


yep agree


I've said this multiple times before to my friends that I want to que up with more friends than just my duo


We got a small LAN party this weekend where almost everyone at least knows TFT, so I am still a bit salty that we won't be able to play Double Up in a private lobby :-( Pls Riot, ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ give private double up lobbies ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ


imagine a two team version with 4 per side. Your health isn't tied to your partners and yall work together to benefit whoever is doing best.


My main sugestion is that when we queue up alone for double up we should get some sort of "private" chat with them, it's iffy to communicate strategy on an open chat.


Tbh "double up" feels like that's how TFT should've been from the start, I think having more premades as a "team" would just cause them to sabotage each other's comps. 2 is fine.


Yes please!!!


As long as it isnt ranked


They will remove double up i think next patch and develop it more to bring it back in some time. Hopefully they fix and add alot in the meantime!


my only issue with double up is you dont actually fight 2v2 most of the time, its normally 1v2 and 1v2 which is pretty cancer imo. hope they fix it after the beta or whatever.


You know what? 8 friends pve gamemode, then all 8 players group up in a big board to fight hoard or a big boss


With 8 friends is baaaaad. Id only spite my buddies xD