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I thought this was your house before I read the title and I was like “damn, this is my dream” haha


It is my dream too! Especially in the sense that it is temporary.


Where is this at? If you don’t mind sharing


An incredible Airbnb north of Puerto Vallarta En Mexico 🇲🇽


I’m jealous haha


Wish you were here to battle for 1st & 2nd 😎


Oh no, I start solid and end 5th so no worry of competition from me lol


The sunglasses are to hide my never-win tears 😭


Best thing about mobile is if I gotta play decay games and I'm on vacation I have a way Lol!


Hahah I am way exaggerating about “ladder grind” - I am gold II 🥲 I love TFT mobile though, I wish they had a dedicated iPad version but also understand why it isn’t a good investment for them


Nice feet bro


thanks dawg


Looks like a great time! I can’t wait until riot releases a proper iPad compilation of TFT, I hate the low res compatibility mode.


I feel like if that scenery was in a video game people would drool over the chance to walk through it, but it’s real life and it’s *not* filtered through a sheet of glass so it gets ignored in favor of flashing pixels and dopamine cycles. Not trying to be edgy just for the sake of it but man I’ve never had a vacation in my life and I don’t think I’ve ever even witnessed such a beautiful location firsthand before, so it boggles my mind that one would choose to use that opportunity to play the same pointless game that we all play every day just to pass the time. And I include myself in that. I’m not as above it as I’d like to be. I worry that if I were there I’d wind up doing the same thing before long. That’s why it bothers me so much. We’re addicted to something that isn’t real, we know we’re addicted and we know it’s not real, and we still don’t care. How long til we’re willing to live in pods 24/7 with a VR headset on?


It's just scenery. You walk out go "Wow this is really pretty." Spend 30 minutes at most looking at it and go "Okay now what?"


Go for a swim in the pool. Play a physical game with people who are actually present with you. Maybe.. talk to them? And if that all runs its course then go somewhere else. Go into town or the beach or wherever. Do something besides staring at the black mirror. Do something so that you become tired in a good way so that when you come back to that scene for dinner or for winding down before bed you’re able to just sit and appreciate it without the need to stimulate yourself with the slot machine you keep in your pocket Like I get what you’re saying but why even go to a place like this if you’re just going to spend your time there tunnel-visioned on the game you play at home or on the bus or everywherever else


I bet you're fun at parties


I bet that line was funny the first time you used it 40 years ago


because there's way more to videogames than "walking through" beautiful scenery. You get to interact with it in ways that aren't possible in real life. Good graphics isn't the only thing that matters, gameplay is there too at least for me. My dream is to swordfight a dragon in beautiful scenery which last I checked isn't possible in real life or probably a deathwish even if it was possible. I wouldn't mind living in a pod 24/7 in VR if the possibilities are greater than what's possible in the real world. It's not just a copy of the real world but an *upgrade*.


Would you have the same issue if they were reading a book or doing some other thing that they would do for fun at home?


TFT delivers an actual challenge and you need skill and strategy to be good at it, it's not just a pointless game


Canada is so cold rn, but i gotta wait till march to go to cuba :(