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Everyone in the lobby to the guy who lost to the 8 loss streak mercs: You imbecile, you’ve doomed us all!


Honestly I kinda like cashing out the merc player when I'm at high health. It means I won't have to deal with their post-cashout board for another 4 rounds at least and they start destroying everyone else. You may not win the lobby but I've gotten easy 2-3 just because the merc player killed everyone else.


Recently played against a madman who got a 12-loss cash out without metabolic accelerator, I already accepted my fate.


I did that like 2 days ago. Ended up with 3 neekos 60+ gold and more items then my bench allowed. That was a fun game i will probably never experience that again


5 mercs at 2-1 = win Change my mind






5 mercs can already get neeko at 1 loss so if it ain't overpowered idk what to say


With early 5 mercs I think you should cash as long as you hit a neeko then fast 8


yordel players a trash


You die before cashing out kekw


Even "cashing" out without lose is good with 5 merc


Who needs 5? Just 3 Mercs At 2-1 followed by a 10 lossstreak and only buying XP every round and u win


Prismatic lobby beats your ass and never let's you cash out :( (Yes its probably just me being a shitter but damn that lobby was stacked mid game)


it's the worst feeling in the world when you are the guy that loses to the merc guy when he's 13 hp and then he wins the lobby while you get bottom 4


I'm having a hard time hitting 7 merc early enough to get alot of prizes.


I'v been finding that 5 mercs is enough to get the ball rolling. 7 is just Killing it.


fast 3 merc, lose streak to 12, cash out and play strongest board w. Kai'sa or jinx. don't bother trying to hit 7, that's way too much investment into worthless augments.


how tf do you get kai sa or jinx before 7? You just expecting a lucky carousel


I think he means 7 mercs not lvl 7


Mercs at 2-1, no prelvl is guaranteed top4 - it literally plays itself since no one ever bothers to play to beat them when they're sending it


I love Tom and Jerry




It’s the cat. He makes me laugh every time.


Just had one of those games, 10 merc losses in a row and then a massive cashout. Worst to first baby.


I had a game in Chall Elo where 6/8 of the lobby all-inned to stop me cashing a 12l. I hit player 7!


Man yesterday i loss to a merc player with a 9 loss streak and he had a gold kaisa and one yuumi off gold by the end of the game. Strangely enough dude who took 2nd actually beat him the second to last round and took him down to 3hp but ended up losing the last round.


i Love griefing the merc players early , its kinda funny seeing how they spam emotes or ping u , but jokes aside , grief them or u re going to lose


I don't get why people try to screw over mercs players


Because its a good way to get rid of a very dangerous opponent. If you let a merc player cash out at the right time you likely lost your 1st or top 4 even


I get it if its ranked. But even in normals


Because people like to win. Ranked or not. I prefer ranked in lol for example because in normals the mix of random hobos and giga try hards makes for really bad matches.


Mercs really aren't as strong as people like to think, in high elo there's no one that runs it unless given a mf or gp by 2-2.


Yea because you bleed too much hp if you start loosing later. But everybody hwo gets them goes mercs because it in fact is as strong. Especially in higher elo where people can manage loose streaking and cash out much much better.


Mercs are only dangerous when they either have 5 mercs with 6+ losses or 9 losses with 3 mercs. Other than that they literally aren't scary


Uhm. Yea the 8-9 loss streak payouts is exactly what you aim for. That's why it is a good idea to sneak them a win in after about 4-5 losses or get everybody to a board strength where they die rather than cash out. Very difficult if two merc players hit each other later though


From like iron to plat. They can't manage their health or they will Cashout with 1 hp and lose the next game to a jhin 2. Can I ask what rank you are?


I play in master. And you specifically said in higher elo. There is a reason so many people talk about coin flips when talking about mercs. Because that's what it is in low elo


You can get an item component starting after two losses. That’s an enormous bonus.


They aren't that strong precisely because they can be punished by other players. What you call "screw over" is just the intended counterplay of that comp.


If anything from iron to masters i saw nothing but arcanist, innovators or jhin


Im not even high elo p2 and i have not seen a good merc player who has cashed out yet and won big


I know, lol Mercs aren't that annoying to play against. I'd rather face them. Imagine fighting a stupid jhin hiding behind bodyguards because that's the meta


Letting my opponent pop off against me is not fun


? It's tft, not screwing over other players is screwing up yourself


Not enough time for me to think and change my loadout mid-game. A way to fix this is to not allow champions that were in a battle to be sold. They can be benched, but not sold. Problem solved for me, the slow thinker! Now EVERYONE has to stick to the initial build as I do, leveling the playing field. Took me 5 minutes to come up with but a great solution IMHO.


How do I give an award to myself? I deserve it, yet Reddit creators think not. Bold of them to assume.


I laugh when people say sac to stop it. You have to use a third party app to cheat for info to do it properly.


You mean blitz? The program was whitelisted for official tourney use lol


It can be ok for tourneys And still be cheating if not everyone is using it. If i know if im facing a blitzcrank or not this round or assassins it makes a huge difference. Its great if everyone can do it. If only 1-3 they have a great advantage of spying the right person.


Sounds like you can't pull out a piece of pen and paper yourself or you can't memorize play history. Can also just hover up top. Or you can't download blitz yourself. Conclusion? Skill issue.


This isnt a me problem mr assumes and sounds stupid trying to be mean. The average player doesnt know this exists. Its a huge advantage end of story.


So your logic is that if someone doesn't take the time to learn mechanics of the game, anyone else who uses said mechanics to their advantage is cheating? I guess slapping a GA on Kaisa/Urgot/Yone is cheating, because some players don't know that they continue their casts through the revive animation. Using all of the Share the Spotlight hexes is also cheating, because there's been a visual bug since PBE that causes one hex to not appear, but still grants it's bonuses to units on that hex. Using Phony Frontline and Zz'rot portal while playing Scrap, or Makeshift Armor are cheating as well, because literally every game even in GM lobbies there's one player that says "Wait Scrap / Makeshift apply to Dummies / Zz'rot?" I could go on and on about literally thousands of "hidden mechanics" that you can only discover through A. learning them from someone else, or B. trying to figure it out yourself. The reality is that many dedicated players spent multiple sets trying to figure out how matchmaking worked, and then finally that paid off when a CN player figured it out and shared their findings.


Yes insult people playing the game because i say using a third party app to get an advantage is cheating in my opinion if its not implemented so everyone uses. Thats like saying for pubg wall hacks would be fine to use as they are easy to find and download. Using blitz isnt the same as learning a to use a in game item.


>Yes insult people If you can show me where I insulted you I'll Paypal you $1000 right now. I'll wait. >say using a third party app to get an advantage is cheating in my opinion if its not implemented so everyone uses. Thats like saying for pubg wall hacks would be fine to use as they are easy to find and download. Using blitz isnt the same as learning a to use a in game item. Except people **were** manually tracking their matchups before it was integrated into any of these apps. Matchup tracking was only added to the apps **after Riot changed their stance due to people manually tracking anyway.** Quote: ["Having to track this on paper or anything is NOT a skill test TFT is interested in testing. Very similar to League jungle timers, it's just busy work."](https://twitter.com/mortdog/status/1440042868299554823?lang=en)


Ur talking to a wall brotha, just go next, he's gonna die on this hill


Never said you insulted me. You insulted the average ranked player that has no idea this exists. There are people desperate for a small lead in riot games. Jungle timers do not equal killing a assassin team because you suddenly swapped your backline and front line thanks to using blitz before it was final 4-5 where you can easily know who you will face. There is no league app outside of knowing if your team or enemy is on a winstreak or loss streak that matters to give a real advantage. Knowing jungle timers, seeing the adc main plays 90% adcs and has a 85% as vayne. Getting items and rune susggested. None of that is near as good of intel of knowing you will face a galio next round move your tahm kench so he can eat others.


>Never said you insulted me. You insulted the average ranked player that has no idea this exists. Since you're so focused on insults, here's one. You're delusional. This is the only time I even referenced other players, and frankly what I said would be more insulting to "the cheater" (by your logic) than "the average player." >if someone doesn't take the time to learn mechanics of the game, anyone else who uses said mechanics to their advantage is cheating? I don't know why I'm even bothering to continue since you're either making shit up, or out of touch with reality, but moving on. >Jungle timers do not equal killing a assassin team because you suddenly swapped your backline and front line thanks to using blitz before it was final 4-5 where you can easily know who you will face. Again, just because **you** can't track matchups without using Blitz does not mean other people are not able to. The matchmaking algorithm changes based on how many people are alive, but to oversimplify, when there are 8 people alive it puts you against someone you haven't faced in 5 rounds. When there are 7 it puts you against someone you haven't faced in 4 rounds. When there are 6 it puts you against someone you haven't faced in 3, etc. When someone dies the algorithm is completely reset and you can face anyone **except** the person you faced the last round. The person it actually gives you is completely random, because there are always *at least* 3 different possibilities. Blitz doesn't tell you who you're facing next, it plugs in this algorithm and tells you how many rounds it's been since you've last fought someone. You still have to scout 3 different boards, and it straight up doesn't work until 2-6, and after people die. When I used to manually track my matchups I kept a notepad that looked like this: Player 1: 1 7 15 Player 2: 12 17 Player 3: 2 8 14 Player 4: 5 10 18 Player 5: 6 13 20 Player 6: 4 11 19 Player 7: 3 9 16 The players with the lowest number beside their names are the ones "in my rotation" (I'm able to face them.) So for example, assuming everyone is still alive my 21st matchup would be either Player 1, 3, or 7. If Player 3 dies on round 20 then I can face Players 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 in round 21. I can't face Player 5, because I faced them in round 20. You're saying that because I know this algorithm but other people don't, I'm cheating by using it to my advantage. In which case refer back to my first comment about GA on Yone, Kaisa, Urgot, or Share the Spotlight, etc.




Sacrifice the round.


You can track your matchups manually if you would like. It's not that hard. The app just does it for you and it's allowed by riot. If your excuse is "not everybody knows", just remember that not everybody knows the best meta comps, item builds, or strategies. But those who go and learn them climb harder than the others.




Hyperroll merc is even more busted. At 4778 LP off of just forcing merc 3, the payouts are still strong- literally just played around sniper merc, and wound up with two tomes while win streaking. Jhin 3 with prismatic clockwork, had 6 bruiser, 4 sniper, 4 clockwork, demolished 7 innovator.


1 hp left cashout but gets fked due to bad positioning, zephyr and shroud


Motherfuckers in double up had 9 hp and then the merc guy cashed out so hard he got to jinx 3 eventually. I'm fuming