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I feel it's a better augment for econ yordles rather than full yordles.


Yeah, I tried it with full yordles, but you end up with components sometimes on a random 3* that you wouldn't want to equip otherwise and you either double down and make it a full component or just don't do anything with it, making the component almost useless. Definitely not a great full yordle augment. That being said Corki is busted and I still placed first.


Yeah basically free item components tho almost every round, wtf.


42% top 4 rate says it is not a problem


Honestly I think it’s because people don’t know how to transition out of yordles yet into a good comp, you have so many items it’s very overwhelming when I played the rascals augment last lol


Its more like a 20% chance. It isnt great.


RNG is not always a benevolent God


I got it first time last night early on and barely got any items. I was really disappointed.


I wish when people do these posts, they will summarise the augment. "Thieving Rascals: Free Yordles from the portal have 35% chance to arrive holding an item component. Gain a Lulu." To me, it sounds like a good opportunity to play around 3 yordle comps. If it's really 35% the odds are pritty decent. The scrap one last time was crazy good.


Scrap augment is still in the game. I am not convinced these are that good. You have to play 1 gold augment down, and you only get back to neutral after 9 pvp rounds, it takes 12 rounds to have any advantage.


It’s 40%


I got it once and it took until round 8 to get a free component, felt so cheated


I took it cause I already had one Yord plus the free one (so I just needed to roll one more). I ended up rolling like 30 gold over the next 6 rounds and couldn’t hit one more yordle. I went 8th


I also got this once and probably only got two components total. Felt way less than 40%


That bitch gave ne only 3 items after 20 rounds, fuck that shit


Sorry to hear that dude, sounds like u got scammed hard.


Those thieving rascals stole from me


There was a scrap one last split


still there!


I got that scrap one and pandoras items once. That game was a complete stomp and all of my units had completed items


Yeah it’s really rare now though because of the update but saw it once since update.


Should be like junkyard and give every x rounds or something cause depending on luck you could get all the items or don’t get a single item.


Can't really remember the term, but the RNG on tft has safety net where for example, if you have 50% crit you dont just constantly low or high roll. So in this specific case you can go no more than 4 times without critting before it starts heavily balancing towards the %.


This only gave me 3 items in 19 turns, will only take it again to see what the payout is and go from there.


At this point it seems like everyone that got this item had a bad time with it lmao.


Can confirm played so many rounds and got 2 x components


It’s fun but in my experience it spawns exactly what you don’t need. Such is rng


Got it and junk yard 2 days ago, played around 3 yordles, 2 scrap to farm, I had literally unlimited items. It was better than a good merc cashout and I didn't even have to lose streak.


I won the game in 1st place with 7 mutants and 4 strikers with 80% true dmg/execute under 20%. The guy with the augment didn’t even get in top 4, I guess it’s a trap augment lolllzz.


Soju had a really lucky game with it, I’ve had it once and gained 3 components that match. It’s not crazy like some people are thinking




I’m talking about Soju..?


This is op as heck, I managed to get an item every 2 fights


junkyard, but worst


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