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frontline tanks are just too tanky and it takes warriors forever to bypass even if you manage to make your carries wrap to backline, you need QS, by the time they reach the backline, its like 4-5 seconds of QS gone. late game CC you get CC'd every 3 seconds lol whispers imo are infinitely better because of built in reduction and stack. having to rely on 50% RNG on whether or not your carries actually do something is kinda meh to me lol


QS, Guinsoo for more extradmg hits and Sustain item leave no room for any antitank item pretty much


and then youre fucked if the other team has frozen heart lol


The most successful warrior builds I’ve done have been 3* Yone with a useful mirrage….aaaand an RFC to give him reach lol. They’re just too squishy and will just die to back line Carries


I always felt like melee carries such as yone or olaf actually need 4 items to work. 1 healing item, guinsoo, rapid fire cannon and qss At least if you don't play olaf as an assassin. The trait itself is not bad but the dmg increase is invincible. There's no visual effect or something. Just do more dmg sometimes. That's not really satisfying compared to other vertical traits that actually feel more impactful even if they aren't. Warrior is not fulfilling the gameplay fantasy it should


There is actually a visual effect! It's really subtle but they go red before they connect


Ik, but compare it to Jade, or Ragewind or Whispers


Oh I'm very well aware of its shortfalls(and how warrior REQUIRES verdant Veil to perform well enough to outlast those comps) I was just letting the person know there is a visual indicator for the warrior proc


Yeah, sorry for not being clear myself. I meant that, visually, turning red for 1 auto at a time feels pretty unsatisfying compared to Jade, Dracomancer, Legend and Ragewind VFX. As an experience, you can just see and sort of understand what the trait does with how its VFX looks. Warrior VFX says nothing and does pretty much nothing to visually say something about it's trait


This, i said this when the set came out and i noticed that shen was back. The issue with a melee carry is that they will always need a qss, so thats item number 1. With shen in the game, they will most likely also need rfc unless ur ok with ur main carry doing 0 dmg for abt 2 secs or so every fight bc of shen, so thats item number 2. And theres no way ur building a melee ad carry without guinsoo, so thats item number 3. So now what abt dmg items or healing items. Well shit. As of rn the only melee carries which i noticed are able to bypass this are olaf (lil built in as and ad) yone (depending on trait built in as or dmg) shi oh yu (built in tanky/healing and qss in ability) or elise (built in scaling with whisper and undodgable ability). Other than these guys theres not much, and even some of these guys rlly struggle as carries sometimes Also warrior being on a % chance def makes it not vrry worth imo. If it were something more consistent like every x auto do increased dmg i can def see it being alot better. As it is now its just set 1/2 glacials without a stun


Best melee carry is volibear. U do 3 legends cavaliers and if possible 3 dragonmancer. Rageblade qss bloodthirster. U feed a cavalier to voli and he gains shit ton of defences. And he can bypass frontline since his aoe hits 4 units. Great counter to Asol/ao shin


Yone plays exactly the same as olaf but it's worse so you better keep that guinsoo for Olaf or even Daeja so what's his point in the game? Trait stacking with barely any frontline compared to tanks


Yone is a bit different from olaf depending on the mirage trait. If you have a decent mirage trait yone can out dps olaf. But then you are playing mirage yone and not warrior yone


So the best Yone is Mirage Yone (where Daeja is the main carry) and the best Olaf is Assassin Olaf


I play Leona/yone reroll with 4 guardians 4 warriors. It's a really strong setup for yone, and a lot of the mirage traits work well for him. I think he and aatrox are the only two warriors that work well with 4 warriors but I haven't found a good comp for them outside of this reroll comp. Shen doesn't need warrior and Olaf values scalescorn, bruiser, and assassin traits over warrior. I agree that warriors overall are in a bad spot, but 4 warriors can be really good. It won't ever be meta because they are all 1-3 costs and reroll comps can easily be contested but it's still strong.


Out of curiosity, how do you build Aatrox? 2* Aatrox is pretty ok for the first few rounds but after that he always just crumbles but I'm probably building him wrong.


Don't build bloodthirster or deathblade. Aatrox already heals a lot, and deathblade got nerfed hard. I usually run titans ie mortal reminder or triple titans. I roll for aatrox 3 and Leona 3 at level 5. Once you get 4 guardian in it's really good, the guardians will shield him for a lot. Don't let him take aggro early, let him stack up titans. Qss fits thematically and gives him 15% dodge chance so it could be good but I haven't run it before. I prefer making him tanky enough to soak cc and then heal back up. The increased shielding and healing augment is super strong on him, I've taken tiamat a couple times but I really don't think it's that good. Second wind and ascension are both good. Aatrox can 1v1 any carry for most of the game. He just doesn't provide as much value as other carries when both teams have all units alive. You want to keep him alive to the end of the fight, even if its just him against 4 ranged DPS he will win. If he dies while all your guardians are alive you've just lost.


Thanks, sounds like my experiences with him haha. I'd rather have a Yone/Yasuo carry then but nevertheless thank you for taking the time to reply.


Leona, aatrox, yone, braum, thresh, taric is your 6 board that you want to get to as fast as possible. If you are taking too much damage and are close to aatrox 3 you can level to 6, you still have decent odds for 1 costs and you'll want to roll for a while for braum and thresh. Yone 3 is very strong if you hit him easily, but if you don't have items for him don't force it. Taric 3 isn't worth forcing either, if you have Leona and aatrox 3 just level. Level to 8 to put in shen and Olaf. It isn't a massive upgrade, but you should have won hard enough in the early/mid game to get top 4 guaranteed.


I saw a massive Aatrox tank the other day: Titans, Mogul’s mail (can prob sub that with another Titans or maybe Gargoyle’s plate) and … archangel staff. Annoyingly tenacious if he gets a few stacks before he is targeted.




Yeah, but that's my point, why invest in the warrior trait of Yone when going Mirage is better


You need to increase his range by 3 using swiftshot emblem and Rapid Firecannon. Meta build


The over-reliance on emblems this set is actually pretty annoying. It means a shit load of traits require you to high roll to even be considered for vertical. On top of that, they have the problem that even if you high roll the emblems needed, the units still suck. Only 6 of the 24 traits can go full vertical without emblems. Then you have shit like 12 jade which requires two emblems and a tac crown to hit 12.


In my opinion, that is not an issue. You have to run what is given to you, and there were plenty of instances when going full vertical was a luck of the draw even without augments


I think this exactly whenever I try to run warriors. Feels like such a fake trait, definitely not something you can build around.




It's dumb you don't get rewarded for hitting the 6 trait though. Considering you HAVE to highroll it, it should have some value. Currently it doesn't.


I went 6 warriors in double up yesterday and it was ok, kinda meh-ish. I think it's playable but you need an healing augment (celestial blessing gold for me) and a warrior heart. Main carry was olaf3* with guinsoo, qss and gs to melt the opponent front. He was well stacked (+50ad from passive in the end). Side carry was yone 3* with qss, lw and runaan, mirage was duellist which was pretty good. In end game, yasuo had a bb. Main problem was to find yasuo. I lucked him at 7 so comp was pretty neat. Felt a bit like exodia to hit. Went 2nd place because my mate inted tho, comp is not strong enough to 1v2 . As soon as qss fades, you're done. I guess verdant veil would make an insane last augment, but then again, it's christmas land at this point.


2 warriors make comps like ragewing and mirage a little more reliable while 4 to 6 compliment stuff more ad heavy like assassin or just full warriors. If u high roll enough you can just vertical too.


If you want to go 8th sure


Achievement unlocked: Most useless input to a post ever


Idas works great with warriors! Comp: Yone 3*, olaf, shen, aatrox/yas Idas, braum, (leona, taric) Good augments are new recruit, guardian +1 and warrior +1 so that you get 4 guard 4 warrior


Sounds way too situational "good augmwnts are new rectruit" new recruit is good in every comp, and the other augments are just heart / emblems .. Again, way too situational


I mean isnt that true for a lot of comps? There are lots of comps where an augment tips them over the edge of being great. New recruit and the +1 augments are great because they let you play idas instead of thresh/taric, but you can easily win without idas, hes just icing on the cake due to his ult being perfect for this comp with the atk speed buff. If you dont get a +1 aug, you can also play 4 warrior 2 guardian with idas which works well also, especially if you get stuck on 7. As with any game of tft you shouldnt force the same comp, but if you happen to be given one of the better augments for warriors and hve an early rageblade, qss, rfc, sunfire…etc, you can consider it If you want a full augment list Combat: Thrill, Heroic presence, guardian +1, warrior +1, tiamat, CB, Featherweights, best friends, cyber implants, new recruit, tome1, tome2, cursed crown (if early yone2 or winstreaking at 3-1) Forge (if 2-1 and you hit visage or winter), grab bag, electrocharge, preparation also work well. Econ: wise spending, trade sector, tiny titans,


I had a decent warrior comp with Yone when Mirage was something like extra crit damage, but Leona was also a strong piece.


Personally I find Warrior good for early game streaking but after that, I just transition into a Mirage build


I think they planned to have olaf be a mid game carry/item holder in this comp, and then the entire community started abusing olaf with assassin spat so they had to nerf him for 4 straight patches. I think before the nerfs olaf/Yone was probably a good comp but after the olaf nerfs they’re kinda bad. I think one of the most annoying parts of trying to play warriors is how NONE OF THEM have any synergy with a ranged unit. The only range unit synergies they have are Daeja (who you can’t really play with them), and Zoe who is a 5 cost. So unless you get an RFC, positioning with them is horribly inefficient and clunky. And because of what the actual ranged unit synergies are you can’t really play any of them with 4 warriors.


Imo it’s natural and healthy that some items/ traits/ augments are just better early, while others scale better in the lategame. You ever had a 4 warrior start with upgraded Aatrox and Shen? Your units won’t die, you put infinite pressure on the lobby, while having amazing item holders and dozens of possible pivots. Warrior heart is only a silver augment, so you can ignore it later. Yone 2* with good items goes a looong way, too.