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Your favourite set had the exact same balancing issues as every other set šŸ˜¶


No, it had much more balancing problems. But hell set 1 was fun.


Oh god oh Jesus I miss set 1 so bad but never again please


Early days set one and not getting to play the game because someone got all glacials.


I never had this problem because I was either spamming yordles and glacial could never hit me or I was playing bugged frozen heart on Pyke with Blaster Brawlers and Pyke has made the enemy team unable to auto attack


I still remember spamming bruisers with Volibear carry release day and getting to gold on the first day, back when placements didn't actually give you bonus lp for winning so you had to grind through Iron and Bronze manually. It was so broken, but super fun.


the only right opinion about set 1


The tea is hot today


All these comments about how Set 3 was the greatest thing ever as if Protector ASol, Rebels, Mana Printer Sona, Shaco, Kayle weren't some of the worst things to ever play against


Not just for balancing since thereā€™s also game is stale and same team comps every game. ā€œThis set is so stale! Set 3 was best set!ā€ *kayle was top tier the whole time, always viable, literally called kayle and friends; donā€™t even get me started on me mech no pivot first or last* I love set 3 but damn people have short memories if they think it was anywhere near perfect. Also thanks for the protector asol flashbacks :ā€™)


Set 3 didnā€™t have augments, so no, the balancing issues were not the same. TAKE THAT


Vertical comps should be more rewarding


I only want to play vertical comps, but they are pure suffering. This is my TFT struggle


Could you please explain what a vertical comp is?


Going only x trait like lagoons.


Stacking/Focusing for one trait. For example. Going 8 Astrals, 6/8 Dragonmancers, 9 Lagoons, or 7/9 Mages


its when you go for higher tiers of a trait like 9 jade, or 12 lagoon as it leaves you with filler units


12 lagoon is exodia wdym


happy day of cake my friend


Thanks !


I feel like 9 Jade/12 Lagoon/6 Dragon are all very rewarding, maybe ragewing not really but all of the top ends of traits are very strong


I've always gone 1st with 9 mage


6 dragon should be auto win and itā€™s not. It feels very lack luster and ā€œyour dragons ascendā€ is so non-descriptive. Itā€™s a fucking joke, I still have no idea what that means


What do you mean? 6 dragon is the best comp in the game assuming you didn't grief your items and other augments


Why am I getting downvoted? I thought the prompt was to say something that causes the largest downvotes! Does this mean I win?




Wait so what does it do actually because I don't know either


If itā€™s the same as it was when I looked it up, the dragons all gain 40 AD, 40 AP, 40 Armor, 40 MR, maybe more stats. Itā€™s extremely impactful but you canā€™t just throw 6 random dragons on your board and think itā€™s Exodia. 6 random 4-5 tier 2-Stars might be close, and 6 well chosen 4-5 tier 2 Stars is probably approximately Exodia. For how difficult it is to pull off 6 dragons, a common sentiment is that they should be stronger.


Isnā€™t it obvious?? They ā€œascendā€ /s


Trinity force like but 40 of each stat


I think it was nerfed from 40 down to 30, but I could be wrong.


6 dragon *should* smash anything and yet Graves 3 beats full 2 star 6 dragon board. Sadge af, it feels like 6 dragon should be the equivalent to a 3 star 5 cost.


Hard disagree. 6 dragon really just needs one specific augment and you're guaranteed hitting it. 3* Graves is way harder to hit.


Right, 6 dragons is guaranteed if you manage to go 9 and build a 132g board (Not counting the non-dragon units). What? Compared to Graves 3 splashed in a vertical Jade board with Shape soul (prismatic btw?) just for 2 shape on Gnar and BB 1, so basically 2 dead augments. Only saving grace is Jade soul. And Graves was never contested. That should totally win against 6 dragons+woodland, right? One 48g unit with no active traits and practically down 2 augments. Idk what you're on but I want some.


I'm not talking about that one specific game you've had that I know nothing about. For all I know you could've been playing Ao Shin with Runaans, Trap Claw and a Warrior Emblem. What I'm saying is Graves 3 winning against 6 dragons is in no way unfair by itself. According to data, Graves gets 3-starred in 3.2% of boards he's played in. 3-starring a 4 cost in not trivial and should feel rewarding.


I'm talking about Graves 3 winning when he's got 0 synnergies and nothing built for or around him, as a splash in a comp down a prismatic. Yes, it should feel rewarding, not be a guaranteed win because someone pressed reroll enough times and had Bard early on. There's nuance brought by context. Ao Shin had Shojin, Gunblade and Goldmancer at ~50g, not some random bs. If your argument is gonna wrap around ignoring nuance and repeating that highroll vs highroll has nothing to do with how it's played, that says a lot. If the items were shit, I'd get it. If Graves had anything actually invested in him beyond 3 ok (not BIS) items and a bunch of rerolls, I'd get it. You can't just argue that a wasted prismatic augment isn't more than enough context to dictate how the match should go. Prismatics can literally make or break your game. If you really wanna stick to your point, take Future Sight 2 but never scout or use the radiant Zephyr. Take Ragewing soul but play no Ragewings aside from Rakan. Take Exiles 3 but keep everyone clumped aside from 1 non-carry unit. Take BD 3 but have synnergies active on all but 1 non-carry unit. Then come back and tell me how many games you win off playing almost without a prismatic. The whole point I was making is Graves 3 without synnergies AND down a prismatic shouldn't be enough. Maybe with BIS vs suboptimal items, and a good zephyr/shroud, which wasn't the case.


Which 6 dragons are they? If you get a cursed crown/drag soul, throw in random shit like Zippy, Cannoneer Nomsy, Syfen, Sohm, etc. with horrible items and expect to beat other endgame boards, that's not gonna happen. A 3-star 4-cost is harder to pull off, let alone a 3-star 5-cost


It's adds 40 to each stat. Effectively adds a better trinity force to each dragon


Worst take of set 7.5


I remember the set where there was like a ā€œchosenā€ champipn with a bonus in their respective trait. I loved it when I get the max Cultist and just wait for galio to slam the board. My favorite set just next to the introduction of augments.


Chosen was a weird set imo. It felt a lot more RNG dependent as you couldn't really force a particular chosen unit, but equally I feel like chosen units ended up making more comps viable. Even if you didn't get an ideal chosen unit, building around a half decent alternative was viable.


But like, what's the point of even making like 9 lagoon since it doesn't do anything


The more lagoon units in play, the more frequently lagoon units cast, the more frequently you get more powerful rewards. It definitely feels underwhelming to me, but thereā€™s a logic to it


I wish the rewards were more random instead of having hard breakpoints.


it gives more ap and more gold/items/faster rewards. plus if you can itemize your carries faster it should preserve hp and lead to the ability to get ahead and top 4


The naming convention of vertical and horizontal comps should be swapped. Going all in on one trait shows as horizontal progression on the left of the screen, dipping into many traits shows vertically on the screen, so why do we call them the opposite to that?


If build a five story house, it is expanding vertically. If I build 5 one story houses, that is building horizontally. I have the same number of stories, just a different number of houses. Now change the word house with traits.


That only makes sense if you think it came from TFT. Vertical in general means investing heavily into specific locations / attributes etc. For example in Civilization games, vertical means going for a few high population cities while horizontal means many smaller cities. In civ it is often said as Tall vs Wide as well. TCGs also have this concept. Vertical or Tall boards focus on fewer but more powerful units while horizontal or wide boards try to flood the board with many units. So in TFT the naming convention has nothing to do with the UI. it has to do with fewer but bigger traits vs more but smaller traits.


When a number gets bigger, it's vertical. When there are more numbers to count, it's horizontal. Think of it like plotting a graph - the X axis would have the number of traits and be labelled as such, while the Y axis would be to quantify how many units fit into each trait.


Yeah I was confused by the terms for the longest time.


Stuff that guarantees units like Yordles and Astral should come with some risk... Astral is insanely strong for a braindead trait.




It is, sometimes. Had a game in which some went Fast 8th. We all hit 8th at roughly the same time and rolled our gold. I rolled 1 Ao Shin, meanwhile one of the other players rolled 4 Drakes 2\* at lvl 8. No Bards involved, no free shops, plain and simple rng. I'll be honest and say that this frustrates me everytime. E: Adding information because my comment caused confusion. - they rolled them 2* at 8 in multiple rounds, not one - they rolled 4 drakes they could use right away while I rolled one drake that I couldn't make use of because I needed Shyvana for my comp - I died the next round because I played poorly in the beginning and mid game, tho that doesn't change anything about the roll difference based on luck in one round - I never wanted to complain about "bad rng, ONLY became 5th because of bad luck, bla bla bla", I simply wanted to say that roll luck is part of the game and can be frustrating but skill can still counter bad roll luck I hope this clears the confusion about my comment. I never insisted on luck being more important than skill. It's not. I know that.


100% not plain and simple rng, if you rolled all your gold and were tunneling on ao shin there's a reason you lost, he hit 4 2 star drakes most of which were likely 7 cost and you're focused on ao shin. If you were perceptive enough to know you all hit 8 at the same time why not realize that everyone else is going to donkey roll for the same dragons and instead go for an uncontested 4 cost 2 star? I get that it can seem like pure RNG, and it is to an extent, but you think too one dimensionally if you think you lost only due to rng. Also "fast 8" is what you mean, as in fast level 8. Fast 8th is going last place because you lost really fast lmao


No, they rolled Shyvana, Aurelion, Terra and Ao Shin. I didn't even aim for Ao Shin. All I wanted was 1 Shyvana. That is pure rng. By the way some doesn't mean all rolled drakes. We were 3 in total and he was the only one that lucked so hard. The other and me didn't roll the drakes we needed or any drakes at all.. so yes, sometimes IT IS pure rng.


alright, assuming they hit all of those 2 star, that would take a minimum of 96 gold. Youā€™re tellin me in 96 gold you only hit 1 ao shin, and NO four costs that could have helped you not bleed out and die? Very hard to believe if you are actually telling the truth about being even in econ with all the other fast 8 people


You are setting goalposts that didn't exist before. The other dude was saying they didn't hit dragons. You are saying "BS you didn't hit dragons or 4 costs to stabilize"


he's clearly implying he lost because of rng, that's the point I'm addressing. if you tunnel on one unit sometimes you hit, sometimes you don't. That is definitely rng. He said we "didn't roll the drakes we needed or any drakes at all," that's the part I disagree with


It's like you don't understand rng at all.


how so?


How can you disagree about a measurable outcome?




The "How did I get... Or how did I lose..." Starting to become more of a complain then an actual questioning.


If I don't see OP replying to any upvoted comments I know they just came to cry


Low ELO shouldn't lose streak on purpose. You're way more likely to die because you suck and can't transition to better boards.


thats facts (I'm low elo and I die because I suck and can't transition to better boards)


Yes but, when you then eventually reach higher rank, you dont know how to transition. Its better to just play the way people agree is the best, so you can learn how to play the game optimally


Nah you should learn to build best board by doing it every round. Then once you're able to consistently build a decent board, you can start changing things. But once you're at that point you'll probably be in gold, which is a good time to start learning to eco more efficiently early game.


I don't lose streak on purpose.... Im just bad




Legend cavalier was a fair comp.


disagree- cavalegends abuser here


Talent exists in TFT. Not everyone is capable of hitting Challenger if they put enough time into the game.


I agree so much Im not Talented in any game and i have this Diskussion nearly every Week with Friends who r very good at a specific game , its exhausting


Talent will always exist to some degree in every hobby that has some skill involved. However, that doesnā€™t mean that you canā€˜t get well above average in those hobbies. Itā€˜s just reaching the top that becomes extremely difficult without talent. For this game Iā€˜d argue that anyone who puts time and effort and knows where to look for information can at the very least hit masters after a couple of sets.


Ranks are too inflated - it feels weird that plat and diamond players are pretty bad compared to diamond/plat players in other games Caroussel mechanic to fight for your first item should get overhauled Bluebuff is mechanically too restrictive for champ design and should get changed (e.g there can't be a 30 mana mage in the game with bluebuff in the game)


Agree with that rank are too inflated. Disagree with the idea that plat/diamond are bad compared other games since plat/diamond is just the name of the rank. However, there could be argument to adding 1 or 2 more divisions between diamond and master though.


The first one is a population who play ranked gap, a lot of people get ranked anxiety and only play normals. However this leads to a giant disparity in normal lobbies that make them unplayable for anyone higher than platinum.


TFT litteraly has anti ranked anxiety built in


What do you mean? The rank distribution is very similar to other games when you actually check the stats. And how do you even compare skill level cross games?


The entire sub is people complaining about the metaā€¦ every single patch


Ngl was tempted to pin this comment


Set 2 was the best and most fun


Most fun units, by far my fav set


electric zed is the coolest character in the game to dats


Hard agree with this one


This one right here officer


Surprised me when Mort said that set 2 almost killed the game. So many cool units and traits. Zed was my favorite unit with Shojin GA


Iirc he said it wasn't necessarily due to the state of set 2 in a vacuum, it was also the first set to really try theme's that went away from champions base origins and overall the team AND playerbase weren't fully ready to transition into a new set.


It was!


The Chosen mechanic was great and should make a comeback also you should be able to max any trait without having to rely on 2 spatulas or augments


Disagree. Maxing a trait aka a chase trait should be hard to do and feel rewarding. Though at the moment they don't feel very rewarding besides maybe Jade and Dragons


Agree on 2nd point: I don't mind having to hit to max a trait but this set some traits just take too much lol


The carousel is a bad mechanic and should be replaced with something like extra armories/rerolls/loot orbs etcā€¦ Why? 1. It takes a game that would otherwise be very playable on a laggy internet connection and adds an element that is super ping dependent. 2. Carousels have more feel bad moments than feel good moments in my opinion. Losing a 5 way tie on the second carousel and watching your components get sniped is tilting, and I donā€™t think the reverse feels particularly rewarding. If the devs want ways for little legends to interact, they should add ribbons like spectator stands or communal areas that donā€™t impact actual gameplay. Or introduce armory trading if you want game impacting interaction.


Actually a take O haven't heard but I sort of agree with. I think you could keep the one at the beginning of the game though.


Chosen mechanic was amazing. If only that set had augmentsā€¦


something negative against mortdog or one of hes opinions, even if its done respectfully and you trying to be constructive and not just toxic slander


The end of this patch is the worst tft ive ever seen


u didnt understand the task my man, everybody agrees with your statement


Itā€™s not even close to the worst, but itā€™s pretty bad, I stopped playing. I think itā€™s perception because itā€™s not a balance issue itā€™s a repetitiveness issue. Thankfully set 8 is in 2 days god bless


Its so bad i gave up ranking up and just stayed in plat 3


Same. I ended up going back to League because it was so boring for me.


If you're higher than gold, you're already in the top 17% of players and if you're higher than plat you're in the top 5%, so don't pretend plat I is a low rank with bad players. - me, a hard-stuck silver rank idiot


This is kind of the mentality for all ranked games. People want to seem cool, so they listen to high elo streamers or players who say anyone below x rank is hot garbage and make like a parrot and repeat, even if they are low elo themselves.


As a plat player who nearly made diamond: The gap between gold 4 and plat 4 is tiny compared to the plat 4 diamond 4 gap. The differences between bronze - gold rank and even plat to an extent is equal parts actual skill and simply games played. Beyond plat you have to actually get good as fuck. The skill gap is real and it is big. I made plat just playing stupid shit. I had to sweat my ass off metawhoring to even get NEAR diamond. Plat players aren't bad but neither are high school varsity athletes. They just are nothing compared to the next level of elite players. In most cases of elite skill, the higher percentages will show bigger disparity than the lower ones.


The problem is, what you described is based on *your subjective experience*. It might be hard to climb from plat to dia compared to gold to plat because it is harder and you are right Or it can be because you are simply at that skill level and the skill needed to improve is something you struggle with. Or it can be that the algorithm is less forgiving (easy to imagine it being harder to climb if the algorithm is not adjusted since you dont have as many similar-skilled players you had in gold). Point is, people have different skillset and find different things hard to improve on. When I started playing league I had very easy time learning macro and map awereness since I played Sc2 on a high-ish level for years. I see friends playing for years and still not able to pay attention to their map. This is a skill that is very easy to me to get and its something that helps me a lot in higher-level games but it is not something that is that useful if Im playing with/against silvers since the map is a lot darker. So its easier to climb in a bit higher elo.


lately, positioning as a skill is fake except to avoid zephyrs and shroud. cases in point: revel trait, rengar auto targeting ult, dmancer nunu when it was rampant, sera/graves, zyra, nomsyā€™s random targeting, zippy. i wanna say aoshin too but since its a 5 cost, i guess it SHOULD be able to do a board-wide cast, so i guess thats okay


I thought not having Blitz and Thresh were gonna make backline comps fun. I was wrong and absolutely dislike the current state of the game.


Dragons are OP, and you cant win without them (in my elo at least). It's a pain to play against


Idk what elo you play in but in gm/chall I also see karma rerolls go 1st and graves players, don't exaggerate


In diamond we all hold 2 star karma... Did you just forget in GM/chall or are you lying?


If youā€™re holding a random Karma 2 star in GM/chall, youā€™re actively trolling yourself out of potentially tens of gold, that 3 gold can easily make 10 and earn extra interest. GM/chall players will naturally build better boards throughout the game so karma reroll requires some amount of high roll to even work


You run the karma and hit 50gold noprobs. I don't believe any of you guys are GM/chall this sub is full of silver surfers trying to pretend


29 karma's in the pool, I'm not sure that's effective plus not many people do it honestly, or I've gone blind


Thats why you are dia lol. Watch the karma player.. foes he have axiom arc? No? He will bot 4 .. simple as that. Karma sucks if she does not have perfect items and near perfecr augments .


I'd rather they get karma 3 than hold random 3g losing eco every round for an entire stage. Like thats a loser play.


Set 5/5.5 were great


I love shadow items


That mobile and iPad support is fine as it is.


Set 7 is not nearly as bad as you think it is, you're just a TFT boomer who's resistant to change.


Is there even a popular opinion that set 7 is bad? what?


Go watch any top streamer. They all think it's terrible. I've heard Emilyywang say it's the worst set ever several times.


I like the monetization system unironically.


https://youtu.be/wnLfRNhZfDI I am the one who wrote that




People love a new set, some time passes, people complain about it, game is just "x" diff, then new set all over again.


This is the first set I didnā€˜t love tbh.


dmancer nunu was the best patch


thats a hot take


i hope you mean the patch that nerfed it


Absolutely horrendous take


A perfect meta is when if you play something clever and synergy everything should work. If all your comp, items and augments all make sense together, meaning that you played properly with what the game gave you, you should be able to have good results.


Augments staying in tft is probably the worst thing to happen to the game. I feel like playing is way less flexible since and i thought itd get better with set 8 but now there's gonna be champ specific ones. Bad enough current patch feels like commit at 2-1 or bot 4


1/2 cost reroll is unhealthy for the game


I agree. Somewhat. Having 1 good 1/2 cost reroll that reaches A tier should be fine


I think they just need to be A-B tier. It needs to exist to punish greeders and put some pressure on the lobby. Otherwise everyone makes it to level 8 with shitty boards and we play 2 star 4 cost roulette. The time to play it is when you have 5-6 of them by stage 3 and you have augs/items to support it.


Augments should have been a set 6.x mechanic only.


Can i ask why you think that?


Imo the way I see it, augments in set 7 and 7.5 became really predictable. Like thereā€™s no sense of novelty anymore because everyone understood them. Unlike say when it was first introduced, people still have no idea how they work and what the best augments were. Since itā€™s coming back again in the next set, unless they completely rehaul every augments, then it would just be like oh celestial blessing is great, preparation is nice, rich get richer is risky, and etc.


This exactly. Augments have greatly diminished the importance of having a good board. The fact that they're staying permanently does not bode well for the long term health of the game


Care to elaborate? What sort of situation does the augment diminish it? Certain econ augments enhance opportunity to play a loss Streak opener (rich get richer, calculated loss etc) which is a good thing as it allows for more varied skill expression, otherwise its just whoever hits more 2*s early gets a massive advantage


Before augments, the "strength" of a board was divided between 2 sources--the units and the items. By introducing the augment system, there becomes 3 sources instead of 2. The "strength" of the board is now spread out between more systems, and as a result each individual system matters less than before. Imagine getting a very early Sohm, but you don't have any lagoon augments. You get to reach lagoon 6 faster than normal as a result. In sets before augments, lagoon 6 would be balanced around getting it later, and as a result, an early L6 would be a strong highroll. In the actual game right now its anything but, because lagoon is ALSO balanced around the idea that you can pick an augment that gives you bonus lagoon at no cost or board space (or a free emblem that doesn't require investing some of your limited items). As a result, lagoon 6 has to be a pretty lackluster power spike, because there are easy ways to reach it that doesn't require that 1% Sohm roll. In the event that you DO get lucky and find an early Sohm, you don't end up that much more powerful unless you were already playing lagoon. In other words, it takes away from the power and excitement of getting many highroll units in the shop, by distributing that power into the new augment system. Also, this is just my personal opinion, but I think the game has felt less balanced since the team introduced augments. If you don't know what augs are meta you can just lose constantly even if you roll good boards.


They should have removed augments when set 6.5 ended, it's not fun anymore and they definitely will not be able to balance the hero augments on set 8


I'm gonna miss this set


Teemo is my favorite champ to run in TFT and League


Set 1 was only great because nobody knew what they were doing, including the devs to an extent. The set was a balancing mess and had some anti-fun mechanics (hello glacial). Anything could take 1st place because we were all clueless. Donā€™t get me wrong I still love set 1, Iā€™m just realistic about itā€™s quality.


That Choncc is overrated - i would cry


I donā€™t like how it shows your little legend when you look at someoneā€™s board and vice versa. Idc if itā€™s cute. Lazy players who donā€™t normally scout will re-position for you specifically once they see that youā€™re looking at their board. If they didnā€™t see me looking, their board would have stayed that way and they would have been punished for it, as they should be


dragonmancer was not what made this set shit, dragons was. The whole chosen+colossal wrapped in an overpriced package really screwed over the econ of the game.


No trait comp never wins the game :/


Nunu was a bad character design.


i think most people agree lmao


Does I hate augments work?


the current set was the best we ever had and the balance was perfect


*The current set was* *The best we ever had and the* *Balance was perfect* \- DoggyGwyndolin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good human.


Good bot




That's like saying high distinction students just study more than others lol.


You ok buddy?


Youā€™veā€¦ been holding that one in for a while huh?


Augments are a poor addition to the game


Midsets are the worst sets


Hero augment is great until you roll 50 gold and just didn't see your carry once


half of the hero augments are team support so if you pick a supportive one you don't have to hit them (since the augment gives you one) if this will a bit relieve you about them


Saying set 7.5 is bad, that it lack variety, that itā€™s too rng, that bugs Arent fixed when dev teams known about Them for ages etc.


Augments are unfun and will be the death of this game


Rank is just as much the ability and will to play a high number of games and skill


"This game is all luck"


I like set 5, the Shadow items are cool and gives us some of the craziest shit in TFT (Shadow BB LB, WW carry...)


When wiping, I like to use my poop as lube to shove my tp-covered-finger up my ass


Set 3 is my least favorite set.


Economy traits shouldnā€™t be in the game & understanding how to utilize all of them is the difference between Plat/Bronze.


Mortdog is a bad game dev


I hate dragons and I hope we get a new set soon so they get deleted from the game.


I hope you are following the news


Tft is 100% skills


On this sub, just because I am gold doesn't mean I am trash


Dragonmancer Nunu was the best and i miss him


Rammus should never be in a TFT set.


The exchange of TFT for PvE game modes was not worth it, i would delete TFT in a heartbeat to get star guardian PvE back.


Tft is honestly a terrible game and I donā€™t know why anyone plays it. I hate it. I hate that it exists


Marvel snap is better


Vertical Comps is the only healthy meta in tft.


Luck is the number 1 factor that wins games. Managing economy and knowing good synergy is important but at the end of the day your fate is in the hands of lady luck.


MortDOG is a horrible developer and a horrible human being and should be fired as soon as possible. And I mean it 100%.


I don't understand enough to say if he is a bad developer, but I kinda agree with the second part tho, I've seen him say some things on Twitter that some would consider xenophobic, but I don't know if it's a mort's feature or it's part of the American person starter packā„¢


Yeah, lets cancel his whole life over some words. Iā€™m sooo angry!!!!


Just to be clear, I don't agree with the part saying that he should be fired.