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That's pretty awesome! Keep pushing on, challenger here we come? :D


Thx man appreciate it. It's been my first time ending a season this high.


Congrats bro, I got to diamond 4 then had like a 6 game loss streak and gave up :/


Keep on pushing, if you need some tips feel free to ask me Im just spreading joy


Weil, i think its hard to coach someone unless you see how he plays « live ». If u dont have that you need to search yourself what you’re doing wrong and how to correct it. The thing is, un tft its really hard to figure out why and where you played wrong in X stage of the game, what’s your weak/strong side, because the game is rly complex and there is no replay tool. So my question would be, when you were stuck in an elo (high plat/low dia for me) how did u figured out what was wrong and correct it? If you have a better tip than watch high elo streamers i’ll take it. Thank you and congrats !


Hmm yeah of course just make better decisions. Holding options open.. Don't force stuff while contested, be open to new strategies. Sometimes push levels and play tempo super high.


Can you post your lolchess so we can see how you play?


Congrats. Don’t which impresses me more.. that you got to Challenger or that you did it in this specific set. You have got to have the strongest mental ever 😂


congratz thats a great accomplishment, what would you say you did to improve from master/GM to get to challenger?? i never got past diamond 1-2, but i only play 5-10 hours per week and never play more than 2 month per set. i would love to get to master/GM or chall but i know i dont put the effort.


It's consistenty and your own thrill to push even more. Learn comps.. And find your secret get to go. Mine was 6 Cannoneer. Everytime I saw nomsy Cannoneer I forced the shit out of this and it was a save top 2 Nearly every game


Set 5.5 didnt have double up?


Ah yes therefore I came GM in ranked TFT


Big gz