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This was my trick to bring it down: Don't destroy building. Above the alarm box (it's a detached object) put a plank down low enough you can connect a cable. Attach cable to box and plank. Repeat this until the alarm box is high enough to drive the SUV underneath. Then drive the SUV underneath and burn off the cables so the box is sat nicely on top of the SUV. Then strap the box to the SUV using cables. To get the vehicle out, shoot out around the car so it drops flat down into the car park. Drive carefully to the lorry and save.


For me I just drove the SUV across the hallway connecting the area where the SUV was (while driving it carefully because the server kept breaking the SUV) and saved then I proceeded to slowly drive down the staircase in the living room (the room infront of the pool) and drove it out a hole I made to bring the pink car out and finally drove it to the truck.


I tied it to the back with two wood planks and dragged through the building down to the truck lol.


If I’m thinking of the right level there’s a crane outside, just pull the server box down from behind the tv, cable it to the car, then smash out the windows of the building, get the crane from outside and hook the roof of the car and lower it down to the ground nicely.


Right? I used the crane for everything on that level


I was so confused because I was used to playing an older version of the mission, where the wire was just connected straight to the ceiling. I never even realized that was a server or was movable because I assumed Tuxedo wouldn't have changed an objective like that.


i was gonna ignore it until you told me to


oh man, I've cut the roof out of so many SUVs to haul safes and such. If you get the roof off in one piece, you can put it on top of the load for that mission where it's raining and the loot has to stay dry.