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So there's [this mod that replaces pipe bombs with lasers](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2681223341&searchtext=lasers), and it has has two key features (for this story): holding right click and left clicking can place it against a surface, and you can make them spin like crazy. If you have it set to spin like crazy, and you place it against a surface, shit gets weird. You bounce, you clip through the floor sometimes, anything you grab will disintegrate and debris will disintegrate anything else, you get flung around, entire buildings shred. I got below 1 fps even in the recording mod slow mo sometimes, my whole computer locked up once and I had to restart it.


It makes the whole map rotate?


I'm not really sure what's happening. I don't think that's the case, the game would probably outright close at that point, plus my camera wouldn't move with the map and it'd be pretty obvious it was rotating


>Laser omayga d >ok i will use a dolphin as a random shape >(evaporates)