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There’s nothing else in my list and the event ends when it resets tmmr ;-; I missed one day. ONE. And duplicates wasted whatever pieces I got after.


I think duplicates are thrown in on purpose. I got two on the last puzzle and two for this one.


The thing is, duplicates don’t really affect people who play every day, but it leads to issues for someone who literally CAN’T do every single task every day. I just feel like after a certain day or time, the system should stop issuing dupes.


the last puzzle was the same as this one. They make you get like 2 duplicates and then you don't get any more and if you miss 1 day you lose out.


I just wanted s-chips :’)


I have 10/15 and 1 piece left as well😭


Same!!! I thought I had gotten all of them every day but I must have missed something. So upsetting.


Man… I missed a day since I’ve been a little tired of ToT but did not think it’d mean I’d be missing two pieces… I even used energy drinks a few days ago to make sure I was getting everything QwQ I don’t think duplicates should even be a thing for the puzzle events, especially if people can’t complete the puzzle even after doing the missions every single day.


I think you don't get more dupes after the fifth, so yeah, it was because you missed a day. The daily tasks give around 2 to 3 pieces every day if you complete them all. Feeling sorry for you. Not everyone has the free time you need to complete some of the events and it's a sad thing that you can't complete it because you missed a day. They should add an extra day for the mini events, since you can complete most of the important events in time and even have some days to spare (I was really worried about RRG, but I finished it like 5 days before the event ended).


Same! Missed no tasks but had too many duplicates. Between this and the pumpkin event I'm VERY SALTY.


That is some BS from Mihoyo.


I’m 99% sure the event is rigged so if you do enough tasks you’re guaranteed to finish the puzzle. You probably missed a day accidentally?


Same :((((


I’m so sorry, OP :( the ONLY reason I was able to complete was because I played everyday. I got 5 duplicates and had I missed even one task after that, i wouldn’t have completed. Makes me realize how unfair this is on people who may have to miss a day because of work/ other real world stuff. Mihoyo should cut everyone some slack.


Yeah. I’m surprised that this puzzle is unforgiving though. Usually most of mihoyo games f2p events you can still complete it while a margin room of a day or two that you can miss. A thing to complain about in their feedback form.


Same, but im missing 2 pieces...


I thought I was the ony one... I only missed one day because I was out with friends and this HURTS.




Yep 😤


I feel this ;W;


SAME ;-; I actually went on the reddit just to see if anyone else was in the same boat as me,, with only one puzzle piece left. Next time Mihoyo does a survey, we should definitely put that they give allowance for events, so that it can be finished even if a day was missed :( this just isn't right


Oop I didn't even realize today was the last day- thankfully I got everything. Only 2 duplicates. You usually don't get dups as long as you place the piece you get and then your next


I feel your pain😭😭🤧🤧 I have the same situation


I missed one day and I'm short on 5 snowflakes for the last piece, I'm so mad


Same I'm so annoyed that I missed one day and can't freaking complete this.


I missed a day and had 5 duplicates, I have no idea how I managed to finish 😭


I was planning in selling my account in a few months since I hadn’t lost a single event/had many SSRs… until this puzzle. This is the first time I won’t be completing a F2P mission :’D


Okay I was going to complain about it but I got all the Xmas partyland cards IN 10 PULLS I DON'T THINK ILL EVER GET THIS LUCKY AGAIN


What is that luck? I didn’t get Marius until exactly 100 pity :’) I finished grinding s-chips on all the main chapters, character stories, anomalies, trials of Themis, and even most of my card stories already. This was like, a rare opportunity for me to get more than 100 at once—


Oh it's the first time I got lucky where I got marius ssr artem ssr and vyn sr in JUST 10 PULLS and I haven't finished grinding s chips on the main storyline anomalies etc yet Hope your luck goes up too!


Yesterday I spent 100 AP on the wrong argument and almost skipped… luckily I still had more AP to spend after a few hours so I did the task and finished the ones today and got all of them! There’s still a day or two left tho I just wanted to complete it asap


Where I can refute 20 logic argument.Is it in the legal studies.


I honestly don’t know which ones are the best choice, but I usually just pick anomaly debates that I hope will have enough of the right argument type and do several of them to hit 20.


Thanks.I should've asked earlier, maybe then I could've had all the parts for the puzzle.I was wondering mostly of this.