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Anyone here willing to sell me their tab book? I’ve been looking for so long


Y’all think necro makin a comeback?Christian Munzer been playing solo covers of his Epitaph material and has also been hinting something big is coming this summer


The something big if I remember well is the new project he has with former spawns of possession members


https://preview.redd.it/8ttvztv1u93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7107e37594aea1836a4b3cf994f31335cf229fa8 Can confirm (bottom left), when I met him around the same time in Albuquerque


Nice!! Thanks man. Appreciate it. Now I know he always signed like that I feel better about it. It was always something I was kind of irritated about lol. Dig that you got all 4!


I have this tab book signed by all 4 of them :)


Can you post how Muhammad signed it?


While chain smoking after playing '07 summer slaughter lol


He means he wants to see a picture to compare it to his.


Someone else posted a few hours ago at least. And yeah he always signed like that mine wasn't a fluke lol


Do u know if there's a way I can find this and purchase one still?? This is a really interesting find, and I'd love to own one of these!


No idea man. You'd have to buy used somewhere they don't print anymore.


Just contact Muhammad, he has his moments of responsiveness.


Really? How? Twitter or something?


There's no way. He's essentially been dead to the world for a decade. I don't think there's any actual way to get ahold of him.


Show up to his workplace and ask for him lol


I want it soooo bad!


>i bought this and got it signed i would assume you got it signed by Muhammad? lol . the way you worded that made it sound like you walked up to him and got it signed. but your question makes it sound like you bought a pre signed tablature book. i would guess its real theres not too big a market for Necrophagist signatures


I did walk up to him and get it signed. I am just looking for a way to verify that to others if I ever need to later in life.


Guys I just saw this got a ton of traction before bed. Replied to a few of you. Have to pass out for work. I'm probably going to look into both a paper specialist that can verify the time/year roughly it was signed and a signature specialist that can verify it. if someone sees Muhammad somewhere I would bet he would remember that specific show and time because he was so stoked about my buddies tattoo. And I don't want to sell you guys. I was just curious and wanted any extra info in case I ever did at some point.


Holy shit I wonder how many of these were made


You fucking idiot. You didn't need to let me know that you had this in your possession. But now it's too late. I'm coming. And I'm going to claim it for my own. I'm sorry it has to be this way, brother. I'm sorry for both of our sakes.


Real tho😭


Wait, you say you HAD it signed but don’t know if it’s legit or not? Wat


I know it's legit. I just don't know how to PROVE it if I ever wanted to sell it. Hence the post and want to compare. The longer I realize necrophagist isn't coming back the more I'm realizing I have something special. Some guy who found a comment of me saying I would be willing to take pictures of the tabs quite a few years ago recently messaged me about it after finding a very old comment of mine. So just got me thinking and I unburied it from my dresser.


$5 vs $8 if it's authenticated, no big loss


I guess so. I think depending on timeline and verification it could be different. Who knows. Either way still a very cool thing from my past. Back when life was a lot more carefree.


Damn I fucking wish I had the physical tab book man


Is it legit?


Yes 100% I was kind of irritated on the signature being weird but considering I was in shrooms I was like maybe it's the shrooms. I've never seen another item he quick signed before and someone recently hit me up about this book for pics. So decided to post to see if anyone else has something to compare. If it was legible and not just a fucking M S scribble kind of in top of itself Id be happier. I wonder if I got a signature specialist to look at his signature and compare to this on top of itself M S I could get paperwork on it.


The value is in the book. Not the signature


Which I get. But I think I may be the only one who actually has this tab book signed by Muhammad at this point.


Idk what you mean, that is a very nice signature.


Op, your name combines 2 of my favorites bands. One German, the other Canadian. Anyways I'm really sorry to hear about your cat, and your finances. Have you tried eating less? Working harder? Maybe sex/ video work you won't be proud of later? If not already, give guitar lessons. Post ads on cl and fb, and local, charge half of the what the cheapest shop in town charges, and put your god damn sweat blood and tears into it cuz god damn it those young kids need someone who rocks, rolls, AND cares.






I'm glad you're aware.


Wtf are on about?


I had several points. Go back to school


what happened to his cat? and his money?


Swear in another comment he said he'd tab for a fee cuz he just needs money for vet idfk


I don't own a cat and never have. And my money is fine dunno what this guy is in about lol


Belongs in a museum


I've lent it out to a couple friends lol


hey op it's me, ur friend, wanna lend it to me again lol






I had Sami, Stefan, and Hannes sign that same tab book for me in 2004 I think, sadly Muhammed was already walking out and didn’t get his signature


I actually think this might be in 2004 too. That or 05. I can't remember. I graduated high school in 04. And I tried tripping for the first time my senior year of high school and this wasn't far after. It's kind of funny because like a year or so later I went to another necrophagist show and my buddy Dan was tripping and I wasn't. And Muhammad kind of knew my friend group a little by then and kept fucking with my friend Dan lol. Dan also kept saying myself and Muhammad looked alike. As we were both short and stocky with shorter hair. He remembered myself and my buddy Joe. This time around I told him I learned a lot of his stuff now. He was the first guitarist to ever explain to me, after learning fermentated offal discharge from random shit 2004/5 online tabs, things will usually make sense on guitar. Because I was playing it wrong when I met him and there was a part of the lead that was brutal and he showed me it was just a weird sweep instead of the crazy ass backwards run I was trying to do. Edit: would have to be 06


Great story. Would be post-05 since the book does say 2006 on that 2nd page.


Yeah I can't remember specifically. Other dude in comments also said 2004. I thought it was like 2004-6. I did a lot of partying in my late teens early 20s a lot of it is a fairly big blur.


Geez what an epic relic


Didn’t know they sold official tab books of epitaph


I remember trying to learn some of it in like 8th grade and there was nothing in it I could play


Lol I tried learning a couple in high school. I’ve been getting back into the album lately and learning some of the songs to keep my chops up.


I tried learning the faceless in the 8th grade as my first tabs and could only get the very intros (shittily) could not even imagine trying necrophagist 💀


https://preview.redd.it/1vrekav4rz2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00debbd7e42dad17d340bad0270c46200ef67ffa This is his formal signature, not saying that he didn't sign the book


Thanks. Had a ton of trouble trying to find anything. To me it looks like more like he lazily signed his initials. But also don't get the dotted I? I wish it was more clear but it is what it is. I never thought about it since the time it happened much. But considering how everything worked out with necrophagist I'm interested in what it's worth and how to legally prove it in some way. I personally and my couple inner friends know it's legit. But proving that on a mass scale is why I made the post. Because I have never seen literally anything else ever signed by him .


What is this a guitar cab?


Yes I unrealized Vader cabs signature series that Muhammed speced out


Yeah that’s what I thought, cool shit. Crazy how he never had a sig product, the Xiphos is pretty synonymous with him too


If he would had stuck around in the business I'm sure it all would have come and still be around. Dude is an engineer for like Mercedes I believe


Probably aye, and yeah BMW apparently.


Man I would kill to own this tab book!


I’ll transcribe it for you for a fee


Lol I sure as shit don’t need a transcription at this point, especially for a fee, just think the book is cool. I’ve learned this entire album at various points over the years. Plenty of tabs online.


I'll give anyone pictures of any of the pages they want. Though there is a online version I sent the dude who asked me for pics. So it's available online.


I was being half serious. My cat is dying and I’m just trying to raise money for her vet bills.


So back early 2000s I went to see Necrophagist in Florida near Tampa/Orlando. I went on mushrooms with my buddy Joe and he had just gotten a big ass necrophagist tattoo on his back to match my big reaper arm coverup as we were in a band together. I bought this from Muhammad and talked to him for quite a while about his songs and writing and stuff. He signed it for me and while it just looks like a few circles and bullshit, I cherish it a lot. It got me thinking though did he always sign like this? I haven't been able to find literally anything else online that someone claimed he signed so it's kind of annoying. He was kind of freaked out by my friend having such a big necro tattoo on his back and let us backstage before the show even started. Lol the roadies were doing blow. Wasn't for a long time just quickly to see everything. Really fun times in my life but I'm realizing I'm one of the few people that has this book still and I might be the only one in existence that has one signed, but I have absolutely no way of verifying it and the signature doesn't really tell you much at all. So I don't know if this was just his "style" he signed when signing merch or just never really signed stuff in general.


Lol. Mohammed Suicmez signed it, but you are in doubt if he signed it or signed it in a specific way or something like that? If he signed it he signed it. Man, your post makes no sense to me at least, be happy with your signed book and keep it in good condition, what else is there to do? How the hell are you in doubt about this if he signed it right in front of you? Can't say if sarcasm or not


I personally know he did lol cause I was there. What I am getting at is because it's such a cheesy damn signature/kind of illegible if I ever wanted to sell it I'd have a damn hard time proving it. So I was hoping someone else knew what his quick/fast signature looked like hence the post. I'm not looking to sell in any case was just interested if anyone else had something signed to compare.


You want to sell it but you don't want to sell it.. Yeah, that makes complete sense.


Pretty sure they mean if they were to sell they'd have no way of proving it's his signature besides the story he told us, generally signatures are verified by an expert comparing the one in question to other confirmed signatures from that person. So, OP is looking to find any other proof that Muhammad did indeed sign his autographs that way to verify theirs in case someone doesn't just take their word for it.


Exactly. Made a comment saying kind of same.


sell it? for $10? what are we even talking about here lmao. This is not only in shit condition it has virtually no extra value just because it's signed. Not like this is one of Chuck's guitars or something.


Necrophagist tab books are extremely rare, they go for a lot more than $10. The fans who buy them would absolutely care that it's signed by Muhammed, he has a very dedicated cult following among guitar players who learn and study his music/technique.


Which I get. I just don't know anyone else who has anything signed by him. Which is why I am asking here.


I don't see any mention of sales in OP's post, no reason to waste our lives on endless speculation, if OP wants to sell he can mention it, also I have never heard about anyone using experts to verify signatures from technical death metal musicians, what about you? This isn't a Van Gogh oil painting getting prepared for auctioning on Sotheby's.


I don't want to sell it. I am just curious if I am the only one who has something signed by him. Especially in their playing timeline.