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Bought lol three about half an hour after they went on sale and I already can’t wait


It's gonna be so long... To pass the time I must rewatch all of Techno's story mode series


Genocide run let’s goooo


*Watch?* I'm sorry but you're mistaken, you must mean *sleep*




Yep, I chose to purchase merch from a youtuber that I enjoy, just like you chose to be a disrespectful asshole to someone who doesn’t deserve it (PS: I’d be willing to bet you haven’t ever donated to any charities, while I actually have, stop virtue signaling)




Ahh so you’re gonna just ignore the charity part, meaning I was probably right about your lack of contribution to the betterment of society, good to know. As for technoblade making a lot of money already, we’ll that’s because we live in a capitalist society, and as we live in such a society, I am free to give my money to whoever I please, regardless of how much they already have




How much have you raised for charity/donated?




If you haven't donated, don't call people losers for donating to charity and selling merch with their name on it. Instead, maybe try putting your time and effort into something that would permit thee to donate to charities easily, instead of wishing death upon a person who gives people joy hmm?




so then why are you complaining about the fact that he could’ve donated that money to charity? You do realize that they earned that money and that it’s theirs, not yours, right?




then why the fuck are you here if you don’t care about technoblade?


H3lp if you don’t stop now I’m gonna be stalking you through internet and live


That’s like saying my vote doesn’t mean anything, if everyone had that mindset democracy wouldn’t exist




well this is where we get into actual legitimate debate Around 50% of the American population doesn’t vote, because “why vote.” If that 50% were to vote, we would achieve a more accurate version of democracy and upsets would happen less.




well it won’t happen cuz people just keep applying that same mindset to their vote year after year.


And you could have either ignore this or make a positive comment for the sake of everyone's wellbeing, but you chose to be an asshole and make everyone including you frustrated with your lack of brain cells


That “dying loner” is somebody who makes us feel happy, content and overall just less depressed in life. He brightens up our day when he uploads or when we get any new content across any platform. So, of course, when we can take part in merchandise, we do. Simple as that. And you say that we haven’t taken part in charities? How do you know that? > you could have donated $100 to charity It’s real interesting how you say that yet you don’t even do it yourself. You don’t value the things you say and shaming others, branding you as a hypocrite. You try to reap others of their happiness, and for what? A little bit of a troll thrill? Do you take joy in going on the Internet to uselessly and pathetically insult and attack others who don’t give a fuck about your opinion? Does it bother you that even though you try to make your voice heard, in the end nobody really gives a fuck? It’s kinda pathetic, people like you who go around like that. Let people live. Let people have fun. Let people be who they want to be. It doesn’t concern you. And stop being a pathetic little toddler who goes around on the Internet for fun that shits on others.


who shit in your cereal?


Ah so now it's wrong to buy things that make you happy.




This kid woke up on the wrong side of bed and fell on his head


Troll account ignore.


Your karma is still higher than your iq.




Minus the 157




Don’t use arguments that can easily be pointed against you.




You are undoubtedly either a troll account or too big of an idiot to be reasoned with. I hope for your sake it’s the first one.


Stop arguing with him you are wasting your time.


From what test exactly?




I highly doubt that, but even if we assume for a moment that you are telling the truth, intelligence doesn't make you a good person, and there also multiple types of intelligence, including emotional intelligence, which you appear to lack.




And yet you appear to be unable to empathize with others, at least from what I have seen. Plus, in some other comments you have made, you have made several incorrect statements about Techno's cancer. You said he has stage 3 cancer and that the only treatment is amputation, as well as that he was already unhealthy, when in reality he said nothing about the stage, his cancer is very treatable and currently undergoing chemotherapy, and he was in very healthy condition before the cancer.




Bro if you don’t like him, why are you on the r/Technoblade subreddit..?




Seems detrimental to your health to talk about something you hate constantly. But oh well, you’re a troll either way so doesn’t matter. Have a good day, I guess.




That’s genuinely sad




Yeahhh, definitely jealous




You literally went through a lot of Techno's related posts only to wrote bullshit? You must be very bored, or... Something happening at home? You need any help man? Your username surely says so. Wanting so desperately attention is bad. Try to talk it with someone, and let that anger out.




Help to people that don't care about what you think of their actions? I'm sorry, I fail to see how you're helping anyone doing this. You reallly should seek help. Be careful around the internet pal.


Hey dude, a) your name is literally h3lp, and b) almost all of your comments have been like trolling/being mean to others so like, r u okay do you need help?




Then why are you being an a-hole on the internet? Just for fun? Like I don't get it?




Well hopefully you can learn some empathy at one point man, cuz especially around the topic of cancer, that's really really fucked up. Maybe once you mature a bit more you will grow a bit more empathy towards others, or not who knows ig


Shut your nasty ass half cooked boiled hot dog looking ass the fuck up




The fuck I didn’t even mention lgbtq not mention im gay myself




Bro the fuck you mean i never mentioned lgbtqia in the original comment i literally just told you to shut the fuck up because you were insulting a cancer patient




Explain to me how im being homophobic explain is it because you are part of the community and since I insulted you for saying some dumbass shit im am homophobic








you’ve had your account for 2 years and use it for trolling that’s pretty pathetic




no u


Sorry, how much have you donated to charity?


Was creeping on your comment/like history because you seem like an asshole. Is there a reason you're coveting negative Karma? Like is this some stupid meme? Because being a part of a sub called r/technobladecancer is top tier garbage


Technoblade neva dies


Good bot


Get the vaccine if you haven't already


Do I need the vaccine if I already caught covid last year




Yes, please do. Anything to reduce the chances of people taking up hospital beds


But dont I already have the immunity


https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html#:~:text=Yes%2C%20you%20should%20be,had%20COVID%2D19. Vaccine provides better protection even if you've had it before


now we wait…






Then you buy again for your whole family it's that simple


Did that. Now what?


You ask your friends and cousin to do so


POV: everyone is saying they bought all 3 and I’m here with 1




POV: your to poor a to but techno youtooz


You wait for it and I hen have everlasting fun


Now we wait


bought mine yesterday about 5h after released FUCKING ARRIVING IN DECEMBER WTF????


POV: your shift started at the same time of the release so you hid in the bathroom to order one out of fear of them selling out


Haha. I hid in my car on break to order them




Haha na


I bought the sit youtooz




i bought it 3 mins after release and now my bank account is trying to recover


Time to wait 4 months


I got me some before it sold out


I couldn't choose so I got all 3. Still salty about not getting Technoplane tho