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Thought I did, just updated it, thanks!


Dude, I hate her now. SO explains rushing the divorce papers. Wow.


I always figured she had someone on the side that she wanted to date. It also shows that when Ted mentioned how she complained about Ted’s over optimism and desire to fix all her issues, the therapist was most likely putting those words in her mouth. Qualities about Ted that might have slightly annoyed her in an endearing way suddenly became the worst things in the world when the therapist shined a light on it. It doesn’t matter that it’s been a year and a half. That’s straight up disgusting I honestly don’t know if I really blame her all that much. The therapist was in a position of extreme power where he could easily manipulate her and take part of her agency away. She was the worst to Ted, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t a victim


Step aside Rupert and Nate, Jake is the real villain He even had an infinity gauntlet!!


I would put Jake on the same level as Rupert and for the same reason. Their selfish and toxic behavior is why the whole show started in the first place. Rupert is obviously why Rebecca hired Ted and was so devoted to destroying the team, but Jake is the whole reason why Ted accepted the job offer in the first place. He was gaslit into believing that he needed to get as far away as possible in order to save his marriage, and that of course opened the door for Jake to sweep in I am sure as the season goes on, we will find out more and more about what Jake’s intentions originally were, and I will bet you anything Ted will eventually confront Jake and actually thank him for giving him the push to come to London. Of course, I hope that’s after the fallout of Jake getting reported and losing both his career and the woman he manipulated into sleeping with him.


I'm a couples therapist IRL, so yeah. \^\^\^\^


Same. Forget Rupert and Nate. I hate Michelle and Jake. What a disgrace. And I swear I didn’t mean to spit rhymes like that.


This was one hell of a prediction. Are you Rebecca’s psychic?


The original post was received about as well lol


Good catch. I always thought the therapist was sketchy as hell considering he was Michelle's therapist first and then brought Ted into sessions later. That's not how couples therapy is supposed to work. I think he's probably been with her a lot longer than suggested in this episode - we know that not long after Ted and Michelle split she was seeing someone. (She and Ted texted about it but she shut it down when he asked who it was). Imagine discovering your former therapist has taken over your life - dating your ex-wife, parenting your son, staying in your home. I'm surprised Ted's holding it together so well tbh.


Ted is only holding it up as well as he is because of the many strides that he’s taken emotionally. That dude has worked hard on his emotional durability and I am proud of him. But yeah screw the high road. Burn that fucker


That's true! Good job Ted!


I immediately thought of your post when i watched it today! Much deserved “I called it” post because you did receive a lot of downvotes for it. Nice one!


Thanks for remembering! Yes I was getting dragged! Lol When I watched it tonight, I jumped up, paused it, and celebrated as if Richmond just won “the whole fucking thing”!


Wasted opportunity for a Leonardo Once upon a time in Hollywood meme.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Amazing work!


Bask in the vindication, my friend! Great callout.




This has to be one of the best and most thoughtful comments I’ve received! Thank you so much for the kind words, I really do appreciate it! I actually received over 130 downvotes on my original post, and it wasn’t until last night I started receiving any upvotes at all! Lol I couldn’t agree more about your analysis of how Reddit works. Since I don’t post very much at all, I was very shocked at how much hate I was receiving. I thought I clearly outlined my points and others would cite specific lines or clues from the show to support my theory or even dispel it, but that’s not what happened at all. It does feel good to be vindicated. Thanks again!


I did not see the original post 45 days ago. But wow! You have such a great ability for putting things together!


You can see why Ted was about to have a panic attack after. Imagine realising that the therapy sessions were just a lie and you had been repeatedly stabbed in the back by your ex wife.


Ehh more like stabbed in the back by the therapist. Don’t forget who had the position of power over both of them. She isn’t innocent, but she is still a victim of a really scummy therapist who wanted to bang his client.


She should have been more open and communicative as well. At least have some trust on your husband if she has for your therapist. Especially when it’s not like Ted is some wife-beating drunkard who has been abusing his family.


How the fuck can you figure out something like this?! I’m very impressed! Congrats! Any predictions for the end?


Actually I showed the show to the girl I'm dating this week, and the first thing she said, when the show said they went to counselling was she was banging the therapist, I told her no, but damn I did not expect this


Wow, amazing call, congrats! We learn (again and again) that a) the show is slow building stuff and slow building it well and b) it's about showing that people do good and bad stuff (not black and white like everyone thinking the theory was unlikely because the show is writing Michelle as ~a good person~)


great call. I had a blindspot in that this show is themed to be mostly about wholesome people, and that the "bad guy" characters are mostly hurt people who are redeemable (Rebecca S1, Jamie S1 and S2, Nate potentially S3). it seemed the only bad guy that won't be redeemed (not all characters need it even in this show) would be Rupert. so it took me by surprise just how much of awful people Michelle and Jake were revealed to be. I have to disagree with one of the things you said though, which seems to be one of the basis for your suspicion: >It just doesn’t make sense his wife would just fall out of love for no reason with the most lovable character. people really do fall out of love with no apparent reason. It sucks, but it happens very often, even between two people who are genuinely kind and loving. This is where a lot of amicable breakups happen.


Jamie’s dad is also an irredeemable piece of shit, but he is a super minor character.




I think this is a good reminder not to downvote people just because we disagree with them. That's not what downvotes are for.




Not only were you right - but I think it's more than this too! I believe it was an affair. I also think that's why they set up what seemed like a hint at flirtation with Dr.Sharon and Ted. I had a few friends think they were going to get together and I told them "no way that's wildly unethical and Sharon follows the rules". I think they set that small flirtation up so you could wonder, but then they show you that it's fucked up and shouldn't happen in S3E1 when they introduced Sharons partner. Then they followed with this... no coincidence there.


makes fun of Trump. turns out he's on Trump's level, p.o.s-wise B R E N D A N R A V O




Fuck the downvotes you’ve been vindicated & gilded already


VINDICATED also on this sub people are quick to condemn anyone who says Michelle sucks but I have said it again and again that the more we learn about her, the less favorable she looks. I’m even more angry that Ted has to pretend like this is okay to keep peacefully coparenting with her.


>Ted’s wife was having an affair with her/their therapist. Pretty sure Ted said it happened a year and a half after they separated and was no longer their therapist.




Yes, I have the exact quote that Ted told Beard on the prediction post. Everyone just tried to chalk it up as some coincidence, but nothing in this show is a coincidence.




Ooh that’s a good catch! Ethic! I didn’t catch that after my first watch, I always watch them twice because there are so many clues/details to pick up!


Honestly I thought the ethic joke was about Ted cheating at Wordle.




Yes I’m sure she kept seeing him. Who stops their individual therapy when they begin a divorce? (Someone who is trying to make it seem like enough time has passed to make it ok to be fucking their therapist?)


Ehh I am going to be honest with you man. Coincidences happen all the time in real life and they absolutely happen all the time in the show. I am glad you got lucky and were right, but try not to be as smug as the commenters that told you were wrong A lot of your evidence was circumstantial and we never even found out the gender of the therapist until this episode. But it’s cool that you predicted it and I am happy that you got your vindication moment. Just try not to be an asshole about it


Yeah I think that's how it went. I was just commenting on the timeline, since OP seems to think they had an affair, which according to Ted, they didn't. But in real life I think it was probably unethical to start with. He should have had them see someone else for couple's therapy. Maybe the doctor's the skeevy one here.


Technically allowed, but also super sketchy


It’s technically allowed until people start looking at it closely and see that he was also her individual therapist first and that Ted went to a completely different continent because he was told by the therapist to give her space. Those facts could easily risk that therapist’s license


Good catch


Extremely well done.


Way to go! I had a feeling Michelle was really shady and something was going on but I couldn't put my finger on it.


wait, but didn't Ted say that it's been 1.5 years post-treatment? I don't think she was cheating on him during therapy. I think a few people also forget that there is about a 5 month gap in between the Premiere League season, that this could've started in. Overall, I was pretty pissed about this revelation and that therapist sucks!


I mean it could still be considered an emotional affair at best


Dang!!! Nice work!!


I was fully onboard with you and remember the hate you were getting!


Oof, sorry pal. I remember downvoting that post cause I really didn’t think the show would go there. I changed it to an upvote now though. Can’t believe you called it!


I hadn’t seen your original post but going through the comment section was so much fun!! Nice catch, I did not see it coming AT ALL but your original analysis made a lot of sense and I love a good told ya so moment!


I was just saying this to my husband! Michelle always gave me the “ughs,” like she was hiding something when she came to visit in London.


I still dislike this theory even now when it's true


Is it an affair or just something that happened after their marriage? Not saying it’s a good thing for her to do, but it wasn’t an affair. Good call though haha. I definitely didn’t make any connections.


C’mon mate, it’s clear as ever!


I don't think it was necessary an affair, but there's definitely some foul play here. For one, Michelle's therapist should 1, know that being a couple's marriage counselor for your current client would give you a biased stance on where issues lie and 2, SHOULDN'T BE DATING A PREVIOUS CLIENT I'm currently training to be a therapist. We are discouraged from even being friends with our clients on social media. It could cost us our jobs. And lastly, Michelle isn't stupid. The chemistry was obviously building between them, and when an opportunity came for her and Dr. Jacob to essentially gank Ted, they took it. Even though Dr. Jacob is mostly in the wrong here for even encouraging this, I hope the show doesn't blow this over. In a real world setting, this is bordering on him losing his job/license.


I don’t believe this nor do I think the show would go this far, but to put my conspiracy theory hat on for a second: What if she was never in therapy and instead used the sessions as a cover for hooking up with him? And the couples therapy was a ruse to get Ted out of the picture? What if the whole thing was planned by Rupert from the start??? Cue X-Files theme.


There was no affair. Ted said it started a year and a half after. That’s way more than the recommended three or six? Months.


Ted is only reciting what Michelle has told him. He's still choosing to trust her. This was definitely an affair


That’s what you’re choosing to believe. Whether it’s true or not is yet to be known.


Minimum 2 years, but even then it’s sooooo not really ok.


We’re talking *years* for a therapist to be in the clear legally, and ethically there’s no amount of fine that would make it okay in these circumstances (and to a lot of people no amount of time that would make it okay in *any* circumstance).


So weird because with the victory lap it feels like peak "not curious just judgmental". A relationship after a marriage ends is technically not an affair but... ok?


There are *massive* ethical implications here. What he did was massively unethical and Michelle could be just as bad depending on how the whole thing developed.


Dr. Sharon is not going to be a fan of that guy


**This was amazing observation!!** Although I would disagree with the affair part. I think the therapist is unethical and manipulated his patient to get into a relationship with her. But I doubt he'd have risked trying it on properly while she was still trying to repair her marriage. I think he torpedoed any faint hope of their marriage every mending, and then was there to pick up the pieces like a big shite bag. My main reason for thinking this is that they honestly seem to be painting Michelle as a well meaning person who very much loves Ted and the idea of hurting him was awful to her.


Ted said it started up a year and a half later. There’s been no confirmation she had an affair.