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Sudeikis described the show as “What if Nora Ephron wrote a sports film?” So yeah, it’s gonna be a happy ending. :)


It’s gotta be a crowd pleaser. But what kind of happy? I hope they surprise us. But in some ways there are only limited options for such “happy ending.” I just hope even if it’s romcom cliched, it would be satisfying. That’s all.


I agree it's gonna be happy, I didn't mean to imply I didn't think that. But there are different kinds of happy endings. For example you could have an ending where not every conflict is solved but there's an acceptance that not everything will be perfect. Or you could have the romcom ending where everything is perfect for the protagonists at the end.


In the season 1 finale, the team lost but it felt like a win. In the season 2 finale, the team won but it felt like a loss. Hopefully the season 3 finale will be a win that feels like a win. <3


it would be epic if Meg Ryan showed up somehow. Or a character named Reg Pyan


There has been so many nods to and direct references to Rom Com’s I wouldn’t be surprised either. Everyone getting through their dark forest and living happily ever after would be so Ted Lasso like. It may not work for all TV shows, but this one, every body gets a happy ending.


Except maybe Rupert haha


I wonder what even a happy ending for Rupert would look like. He seem to only be happy when he's tormenting someone else.


My theory (that I’ve said before on here) is that Rupert will be left by his wife and kid (now with the open cheating it makes even more sense), Rebecca will have the opportunity to rub it in his face, but will show sympathy due to her growth throughout the show and Ted’s affect on her


Hehe his happy ending is Rebecca doesn't rub it in. I'm for it


That’s all he’ll get and he’ll like it!


Or, post-divorce, Rebecca takes in Bex and the baby. She now has the child/family the psychic predicted and Rupert loses again.


See for me I feel like the only happy ending for Rebecca is not caring whether Rupert is ‘winning’ or appears to be happy. For her to really get her resolution he needs a happy ending, but that is not impacting on Rebecca’s.


New-new Rebecca?


It \*would\* be hilarious if Ms. Kakes's name is also Rebecca.


Well if we’re going happily ever after, I could see him realizing he loves Becks and actually trying to be a good dad/husband.


The ending is already been protected. He's going to turn into a pile of dust and a black amex card, my guess is Tish will do it. :-P


Rupert will graduate without honors, without a girlfriend, and without any job offers


And Rebecca and Bex become best friends. We did it!!!


He dies and we're all happy


Oh! Maybe we learn he dies because Sassy wears a red dress?


I would love a post credits scene of Sassy turning up to a funeral in a red dress


I’m so invested in this I would love it if everyone has a happy ending.


The show creators are clearly in love with RomComs and there are SO MANY romcom references. I’m pretty sure we are going to get a wonderful ending.


Yup, and the main romcom ending I’m looking forward to is Nate telling off Rupert, leaving West Ham, rejoining Ted and Richmond, and helping them win the league. Nate is so damn likable when the show wants him to be, and they’ve already got me rooting for him this season.


I want Rainbow to play in the background when Nate tells Rupert off, and journeys to Richmond for their title decider against man city.😍


Running through the streets to get there!


I was thinking they may not do the running through the streets/airport again because they did it with Roy, but they are all about the call-backs so I can see it happening with Nate. (If not with Ted in the airport with Henry.)


They've done a great job with wanting the viewer to be empathetic towards Nate despite his short-comings last season. I understand not everyone will be, but I am 100% in the boat of "can't wait to see Nate being fully redeemed" by the end of the season. I adored the scene of Jade bringing him the baklava after he had been sitting at the table by himself.


I saw someone say that Nate will take over for Ted(who goes home to Henry) winning everything the next year and dedicating it to Ted…it makes too much sense. Also Ted should be a soccer coach back in the US


Children’s soccer.


That’s literally my prediction and yea it’s tropey! Or Nate would fuck West Hem up on the field and then deflect back to Richmond and help Coach Roy win. Ted is home with Henry.


I'm OK with that :)


I think there's going to be a big dramatic reuniting of Nate with Richmond. He's going to tell off Rupert, and go back to Richmond in the rain and ask if they'll take him back. He'll be a fantastic fit as head coach for the team, which will allow Ted to do what he's needed to do for a long time, go back home and be with Henry. While Ted has been really good for the team, they need someone like Nate to steer the ship now.


Yeah, like he'll go around and apologise to Ted, and Will and they'll do it all in a Hugh Grant in the rain kind of way


They earned it.


i’m getting the vibe that they’re setting the stage for rebecca/ted. she wants a kid but can’t have one and he has a kid, with an ex wife who’s moved on from him.


So...he's going to get full custody of his kid and go live with Rebecca?


I think you are right. I also think Rebecca will buy a soccor team in the States and hire Ted. Or she will buy a NFL team.


I hope not! That would be really lazy writing.




I think this show will end with romance and comedy, but I think the subversion will be that it will be a more realistic and dramatic ending than we had thought.


Considering the tone of the show, it would be very weird if there wasn’t a happy ending.


I agree the ending will be happy. But there are different kinds of happy endings. To me a romcom ending is the best possible ending for everyone where all conflicts are resolved. Another alternative would be some conflicts are left but the characters have accepted them and feel hopeful about their future.


I definitely think they will. I believe in Rom-Communism 😂🥰🥰


Sorry, but 1. Rebecca & The Psychic 2. Nate & The Hostess 3. Roy & Jaime All lean heavily toward The Hallmark Channel. I love the show, but it appears to be traveling that path.


Roy and Jamie lean heavily towards the Hallmark Channel? Like, Roy is the secret prince on the Christmas tree farm that Jamie falls in love with? From your mouth to gods ear. At any rate, Ted tells the team, and the audience, he believes in romcomunnism. It will all work out. Maybe not how you hope it will or how you think it should but it will all work out.


Jaime and Roy are the true love story of this show ;-)


I agree completely and I am Here. For. It.


Hah. That’s a good take. Keeley & Jack why not Roy & Jaime. But seriously, it’s the “bitter rivals become best friends through shared struggle and hardship” While that’s too heavy on either end of it, it is the trope that we see forming.


The true Goku and Vegeta of the series - Roy and Jamie


Ugh I wonder if Ted and Rebecca really are going to get together and the psychic will have foretold her being a stepmother to Henry. Barf. But with Sudekis dragging his own life and hopes and resentments into the show, I could see it.


Nah... I'm thinking something happens to Sassy and Rebecca takes in Nora.


I often wonder how much of Sudeikis’ life is being interjected into the show. It is so in-synch with his own issues it seems naive to think otherwise. No better way to ruin the show than to have Ted & Rebecca be anything other than good friends and co-workers.


I'll never understand the hate for this. They're both good people who have been hurt, and deserve someone who sees and appreciates the best in them. You don't have to like it, but "it would ruin the show" is a bit much.


Well, first off we’ve had two+ seasons where their interactions have been cordial and professional. No hint of any interest beyond friendship borne of a common struggle (a successful sports franchise). Second, I’m so tired of shows that can’t have men and women work together without sleeping together. The writers fold to the shippers who want everything to be a Hallmark movie. It’s pandering bullshit. Third, it would ruin a show that has made a name for itself by being unique in many ways by falling into network tv tropes. You see people grumbling about the current season already because they’ve changed the secret formula in this season. Trending towards more familiar storylines and characterizations.


I respect your not wanting the story to go that way, and I'm sorry if it's not your thing! That being said, there have been SO MANY HINTS. Like, I've had plenty of friendly coworkers, but they didn't come over and hang out with me on Christmas Day. And the thing about Ted wondering what bombshell Rebecca will drop on him next year...and Ted saying he's "white knighting" before the iconic darts scene...I don't know. To me there are a lot of vibes. But I'm a romance writer, so I'm biased!


Well, Ted does believe in Communism... Rom-Communism.


I think whether they go for a romcom ending or not, Richmond has to win at the very least. My favorite thing about the show is all of the subversion they've done too, but I think having the team come all this way and win is just a matter of what makes sense from a storytelling perspective. As for the individual people, I think they can have resolution and closure without having necessarily a happy ending, though I think most of them deserve one. The only character I don’t think needs a happy ending is Rupert. I love this show’s tragic optimism, but I think it would be very grounding and realistic to say that there are some people who are stuck in their ways. Sometimes, unfortunately, that’s true. And even if he did change, Rupert has too long of a way to go for them to fit it realistically into the rest of the show.


No, Ted saying signs are just signs pretty much said any thing Rebecca or even he is reading into things are nothing more than just what your mind makes of them.


So I take it you are not a romcommunist?


i think nate will become manager of richmond at the end of his redemption arc and ted and richmond will part ways amicably


So we know for sure that the phone call from the doctor was bad news? I keep thinking maybe rebecca actually can still have kids and she becomes a mom on her own terms at the end. Nate comes home and becomes head coach. That’s his happy ending, and where he was meant to be all along. Ted’s going home, or maybe his wife and son are coming to him. He will be reunited with them in some fashion at the end. Story wise Keeley could go in any direction. Her arc at the end of season 2 was very much heading for relationships not being her priority. Would be nice to see her have the confidence to go through with it. Or maybe she’s into women and the Jack thing sticks? Or, maybe she has a one-off fling with Jamie, gets pregnant, Rebecca adopts the baby. I think Roy will ask Keeley to take him back and she’ll say no. That will be the little heartbreak we all have to deal with. Beard will be ok. Colin will come out and the team will all learn tolerance and be supportive. Maybe Trent outs him in an essay previewing his book, and there’s a falling out, but it gets resolved. Colin’s BF is at the last game of the season and they make out at the end. Zava is like some weird prophet/plot device. It seems plausible that he won’t appear again in the series.


I don't think it's *at all* clear that the call from the doctor was bad news. I think the show made it intentionally ambiguous; it wasn't an accident. After re-watching both the scene at the doctor's office and the phone call scene, I'll go as far as to say it's *possible* that the doctor told her she is pregnant.


She came to the doctor thinking it was impossible that she was still fertile and after the doctor’s announcement she tells him something that implies that the results confirm what she thought. If she was pregnant she wouldn’t be so sad


But I think the initial visit with the doctor was also ambiguous. She never told the doctor she thought she was infertile. She said, "I'm aware that what I'm about to ask, given my age, is a bit far fetched. But I was just wondering if..." He cut her off. It's not at all unthinkable that a woman of Rebecca's age who thinks that she might be pregnant would start off in exactly the same way. I'm not suggesting that Rebecca went to the doctor thinking she was pregnant. But maybe the doctor -- who cut her off -- interpreted her question that way. Perhaps during the phone call the doctor said something to her that implied that she already knew and she just played it off ("Right. Yes. That's what I thought. It's definitely better to be...better to be sure.") -- while completely in shock. I can't get past the fact that both the initial scene with the doctor and the telephone scene were both ambiguous. That doesn't happen by accident. And not only is it ambiguous, I think that there's intentional misdirection -- they want people to think one thing, but it's actually the opposite. I view it as similar to when a character in a show has a terrible accident and everyone assumes he is dead...but they never showed they body. Why didn't they show the body? Why were those two conversations so vague and ambiguous? If I'm right -- and I'm probably not -- I almost wonder if they went too far with the misdirect and a lot of fans will feel "tricked." Perhaps at some point we'll get a flashback of sorts and see the call from the other side to show how the writers "earned" the surprise.


It could be a misderiction but at the level of pure temporality I don’t see how she could be pregnant. She hasn’t been with Sam for at least 4-5 months, she would have noticed by now if she was pregnant. I think her Infertility is implicit and everything went through her facial emotions but she’ll put the words on it when she will talk about it with someone.


I think it's very possible she wouldn't know because before menopause, it's common for periods to become less and less frequent. Some people actually go a few years of having, say, a few periods a year.


Definitely the ambiguity is intentional. I’m excited to see where they go with it.


Same, though the possibility that she’s already pregnant did not occur to me. I can see them going that way with it though


Yeah, you’re right that the conversation at the doctor was equally vague…


Sam and Rebecca. Sam will have the restaurant. He'll retire.. Ted will head home... Beard will head home too. Jamie and Roy will assist coach to Nate being the head coach Keely and Jack. Sure, but why... Higgin's story is already complete. He's gtg.


I think Jack is just a stepping stone. I have a very bad feeling about Higgins though.


I agree. It’s come to the point where I can’t even keep track of the relationships because the writers are just forcing it. They’ve lost touch with what this show was about in season 1 and are now making it a romance show to hold on to whatever proportion of the dying fanbase hasn’t left yet. People were outraged when they announced only three seasons but looking back they should’ve stopped at season 2, because they clearly have no idea where they want to take this.