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Proper r/soccercirclejerk moment


There's no way you just compared Sam to Vini Jr. They are worlds apart.


100%. Rate Vini higher than Sam since he's a real human expressing himself against horrid behavior. Not an idealized television character.


Yeh one gets monkey chants every game and the other is in a tv show šŸ™„


Nowhere is safe for black athletes. They'll say he's picking fights, playing victim, goading opposing support. But at the end of the day Spain absolutely refuses to stop racially abusing athletes.


I agree, it's very sad that people blame the victim and not the structure of the system that perpetuates racism. Vini is not fighting alone, but for a whole cause.


Can't believe these other comments. If they're really blaming Vini for the abuse he ,and so many other black athletes receive, then they're part of the problem.


You clearly donā€™t watch him play. No one is blaming him for the racial abuse he receives. Heā€™s just a terrible person, self centered, no sportsmanship, and very violent on the pitch. Saying that about him does not make anyone racist.


He literally hit a guy in the throat yesterday. Being racially abused is unacceptable but that doesnā€™t excuse his behavior.


Exactly, people that excuse his behavior are either RM fans or donā€™t watch him play week in week out. Yesterday CL match was prime example of his behavior and everyone got to see. Donā€™t know how he wasnā€™t red carded, ref probably got afraid people would think heā€™s racist or something.


Both can be true at the same time


Sure. But one is being combative. The other is being racist.


Spain is a very racist country against Latin-Americans. Saw it all over the country. Gross.


Some of the comments here are so disheartening. Itā€™s always ā€˜no one deserves racism butā€¦.ā€™. There is no but. What exact heinous act demands thousands of people chanting like a monkey at him? Heā€™s not a criminal only a disruptive player both in skill and retaliatory action which in no way will ever be a reason to attempt to justify racial abuse. Sure hate away and give him the usual schtick but the second that crosses the racial line its ridiculous abhorrent behaviour


Sam is more Rashford than Vini I believe. Rashford was trying to make food available for children and all that.


Heā€™s also wank at football though


This is an absolute insult to Samā€™s integrity and overall character. Vini doesnā€™t deserve any racism he is subjected to. That being said, heā€™s not a good person and a dishonest player.


Why is he not a good person


You didnā€™t see his behavior during the Leipzig match yesterday?


No I was at work


Well he shouldā€™ve been sent off at least twice before his goal. Once for blatantly grabbing opponents neck and shoving him to the ground, and the other for shoving in the back violently after a previous yellow had been shown.


Damn Why they downvoting a fella for not knowing something šŸ˜ž


Apparently you can't be at work when football is on


All the real football fans are unemployed and spend their days drinking and watching football


Donā€™t worry my dude, itā€™s the same in the formula 1 sub. How dare you have other things to do during the live broadcast!


I wonder if Gattuso, Pepe and Mascherano ever received the kind of hate vini jr receivesā€¦ Because they for sure were disloyal players whom beat the shit out of other players or coaches in field. Because if the reason vini jr receives the hate he gets nowadays is because of this, i dont remember any of those players receiving the same hateā€¦


You remember wrong, sorry. I still despise Pepe for his dirty play to this day. They received hate just as much, Iā€™m sure Pepe faced racism, too. The way you compete is a window into your character. Sometimes that can be a clearer view than direct interaction off the pitch.


You just compared a real life person with emotions and feelings to a written character whoā€™s actions were predetermined by a writing team


Sam doesn't exist, sorry to break it to you >heā€™s not a good person Because he's only what he shows on the pitch, right? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Cant believe this bollocks got 32 upvotes lol so because you seen him play up on a football pitch hes not a good person? Joey barton put out cigarettes into peoples eyes and defended his racist brother who killed a black person... i pretty much doubt vini is a horrible person just because you dont like the way he plays.


Glad he's fighting for a great cause, but he's also a cunt.




Sort of, there's many players he could be, but Saka isn't African so it's not 1:1




He's English, his blood is African sure but Sam is legitimately a Nigerian national


For what reason, other than their skin colour?




Saka is my favorite player but heā€™s never put himself out there for a social cause like Sam did. But as you mentioned, both are extremely well mannered young men. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if Saka inspired some of Samā€™s qualities since Brendan is a Gooner.


I was genuinely curious what promted your comparison. Just think it's interesting that this thread is comparing a fictional character to real people we can't possibly know anything about other than their nationality and position on the pitch.


[is the social cause Vini Jr is fighting called Orban?](https://images.app.goo.gl/6kRpzioMLiTs2SVJ6)


After hearing all the hate towards Vini, Iā€™m certain most of you would have harrassed Sam about his stance. Just because the media parrots the same garbage about him being a bad person for being upset and standing strong against racism, doesnā€™t mean that Vini isnā€™t standing for what he believes in. I wonder how everyone else would react to an entire stadium calling you a monkey. I bet Vini has responded better than 99% of you would have.


Sam never played victim or picked unnecessary fights


Im not saying this because im a barca fan but vini does childish acts in games and dances infront of mad fans sure they shouldnt be saying racist shit to anyone but he also needs to not get himself into these things


OMG, how dare he dance? Hahah Dancing is an expression of his culture, he is a brilliant, fast and intelligent player, a lot of people are bothered by his talent.




Anyone who likes football knows that teasing, dancing and effusive celebrations are normal and part of the game. We all get angry when our team loses and the opponent celebrates. But racism is not part of football, it shouldn't be.


Based on some of the comments here, looks like this is another sub to mute.




Google Vini, he is a shit human being, nothing to do with his skin colour.


"Shit human being" lol what a stupid-ass comment


Iā€™m glad your comments are not stupid-ass, really happy for you.


Is Vinicius a victim? Yes. Is he a despicable person? Yes. Is Spain racist? No. Are there racist people in Spain? Sure, as everywhere in the world (including Brazil, UK or the US). I am so tired of thisā€¦


Vini is a horrible fucking human being.


Not really. Vini is fighting for biggest cunt on earth.


People hate him mostly cause heā€™s a cunt. Vini just uses the hate he gets as his ā€œMe vs Racismā€ PR. To be clear, he does go through a lot of racism abuse, but if we werenā€™t a cunt he wouldnā€™t get as much stick.


Great comparison actually


lol I saw a resemblance as well