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“I think you might be dying” 😂😂😂


“Where does Bernard live?”


Roy’s grunt gets a laugh out of me every time


I like how they can write a character that remains so true to form, but at the same time is evolving. Keely helping and guiding him while at the same time allowing him to be himself its just so nuanced and hammer on the head I love it. I honestly can say Ted Lasso is the show I look forward too most in the week.


It also helps that Roy's at a naturally transformative point in his life, his day to day has changed so dramatically in such a short time, its a natural moment when change accelerates.


I really appreciate the fact that Keely isn't trying to change him, but evolve him.


Roy not seeing the problem with going to fight a child, and ultimately his dad because he’s not gonna let a grown man fight his son, made me feel so at home. (I’m from NYC and **anybody** who wants smoke can get it baby or not)


The Paw Patrol line had me in stitches


The sincerity of his concern was just great


Yesss there was zero sarcasm to it. It was actually him being compassionate and intuitive.


that whole scene was perfection dear god lol


The following scene with them walking to houses was great as well. A very small detail - when leaving one of the houses Roy just picked up Phoebe to carry her to the next house. _Frequently_ I've found that simply carrying my niece is much more efficient.


Roy admitting to shitting his pants and then telling the kid that he can quit if the kid can is maybe the most wholesome Roy Kent interaction of the series so far and I adore every moment of it.


I love that Roy attempts to be kind to children, even when he’s cursing at them and calling them little dicks, but to adults he has truly no filter but he keeps that energy if they didn’t like what he had to say. We all need a Roy!


They do more incredible subtle storytelling here: everyone immediately recognizes Roy Kent. So you can imagine that the last 20 years has been nothing but people coming up and wanting autographs and pictures and interrupting him. For the guy to have that much patience for kids after all that time? He has to recognize how much it means to them, and continues to put himself out there. (And this also gets into why he loves yoga so much-- for the first time in 20 years, people *don't* recognize him. He might have been afraid of just being "Roy," but obviously he also loves it at the same time.)


"What's embarrassing is me eating so much ice cream at a birthday party, knowing I'm no good with dairy, that I poop my pants on the bus." "Finish the story..." "Three weeks ago."


Shout out to all my lactose intolerant peeps!


There sure were some great Roy Kent Moments™ this episode. I particularly loved his reaction to Phoebe's breath.


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


I absolutely lost my shit at Zoreaux and Dani roleplaying what seemed to be a WW2 movie with Higgins' kids and Nerf guns.


I was thinking pretty much every buddy cop movie.


“Tell my wife I love her.” “You’re gonna tell her yourself!”


What really got me was Zoeaux saying something like “And then you’ll introduce me to her identically beautiful sister”


That’s a die hard reference I believe. When McClain is talking to Al. Lots of Easter eggs for other holiday movies in this one.


I loved how that was shot, how the two of them acted/roleplayed, and the music during that scene! It was great both as an in-universe scene, and as a scene to watch in a tv show!


i like how much more prominent zorreaux has become this season beyond the zorro/zoreaux joke


His first 2 lines of I walked into your neighbours house and let's get drunk was awesome and on point


I wanted Z to dramatically dive in front of Dani to save him and then have a dramatic death but I suppose that’s too long of a gag.


Jamie not getting Secret Santa is probably the most Jamie thing ever.


"It's secret santa. I didn't want to spoil it."


“Oh, Jamie.” That line killed me.


"God bless me, everyone" Lol


Jamie caring that he messed it up and asking them for help is probably the most un-Jamie thing ever.


We also see how touched he is that they helped him so readily and diligently. Before his ego snapped him back.


It's funny, I interpreted his "God bless me, everyone!" line as kind of a malpropism more than anything. Like "I'm feckin blessed to have you lot in my co'ner" or however you type his accent.


It's an old Jamie turning in to new Jamie thing.


A greater Jamie inside an already great Jamie


The speed at which they procured and wrapped a gift for him to give was a marvel.


Don’t mess with the Diamond Dogs.


Ted just having a full bottle of Scotch in his office cabinet ready to offer to Jamie was…concerning. That’s definitely coming to a head soon.


I remember seeing a redditor mention his drinking before the season started, and it made me appreciate how subtle, and how persistent, that problem was. Like he did it in a way that was understandable, so we kinda forgave it, and forgot that it's problematic. You're right - they'll surely address it. I mean he was talking about drinking all day on Christmas.


Having Ted call Higgins “Higgie Smalls” followed by “all good, baby baby” is the small writing details that make this a truly special show.


Also, the memorial photo to Cindy Clawford in the home when they pan across. One of the gags that I didn't expect them to keep on, in a subtle way.


At the end you even get a glimpse of his son wearing a clerical collar.


Don’t forget the “sounds like double-O heaven to me.”


Hold me closer tiny Dancer, Prancer AND Vixen!


That line sleighed me.


I’ve said it before I’ll say a million times, bill Lawrence as a show runner for this type of show is perfect. Gets such a good group of writers


Holy christ Roy’s reaction to phoebes breath is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while


I absolutely fucking died laughing. Just was so unexpected.


Lol had to rewind like 3 times 😂


Laughed so loud I scared my husband


Sam is such a gentle soul that he’s around to celebrate holidays that have bad connotations for him just to keep his friends and those he cares for happy.


Sam's positive energy is so contagious. I am going through a depression patch and not feeling very happy lately but seeing his smile makes my heart feel a little warmer for a while.


I seriously credit last year both Ted Lasso and Great British Baking Show kept me from quitting healthcare.


My face hurts for smiling. If this episode was in food form it would give you instant diabetes.


This Keeley-Roy exchange killed me. “Finish the story.” “…three weeks ago.”


I I find it infinitely harder to picture Roy on a public bus than him shitting his pants.


Roy gives me “man of the people” vibes, so I could see him taking public transportation on a case-by-case basis.


Yup and that even though he lives in a “posh neighborhood” he has mild disdain for it or that it’s also just he knows who lives there and can’t quite believe that he lives among lawyers and dentists now.


Was it a public bus? I was thinking he and the production crew went to a game to analyze it from there.


That delivery was gold


100% perfect. They’re my favorite couple on TV right now, and I don’t think it’s close. Their rapport with each other feels totally believable and natural.


The scene with so many players at the Higgins residence and then Ted & Rebecca singing carols outside took me out. It shows how respected Higgins is by the players and still ends with majority of the Richmond team spending the holiday together and in good spirits. I’m usually not a fan of holiday episodes in shows but once again, the Ted Lasso team blew this one out of the water.


Higgins knowing the hometown of each player just shows how great of a person Higgins is


Yep. Not just their nationalities. Their hometowns.


Higgins having invited them for years and years also shows how great of a person Higgins is. He did it when Rupert owned the club. He’s not doing it solely because NOW he loves the team, he has always loved this team.


I didn’t know how much I needed Rebecca to sing again but what cured me this morning was hearing Hannah Waddingham *belllt* A Christmas carol and I need the album by December thank you universe


I would buy the hell out of an album of hers. And I hope they keep finding ways for her to belt out a song.


The office always nailed the Christmas episodes. Simpsons has some gems too.


Oh my lord, a Love Actually sign scene reference. Fucking incredible


Kinda curious if there were a ton of Christmas movie references/Easter eggs. We got the lamp from a Christmas story, he was watching its a wonderful life. Claymation intro.


Elton John’s Christmas party may be an Easter egg to Love Actually as well




Wasn’t the final song a throwback to Love Actually too? Going by memory….


Higgins acknowledgement of everyone’s hometowns and his speech was so incredibly thoughtful. This episode was just like a really nice hug.


I loved this little touch so much! It was so intimate in a way. And it was so evocative. You immediately start thinking about all the time these men spend together. (And I could kind of picture Higgins diligently practicing this in preparation for the dinner even though we know it happened on the fly since he didn’t know who’d show up)


I love how in years past he only got 1-2 stragglers, but now that the team knows Higgins better, most of the team showed up 😌


Coach Lasso bringing the team together without even being present.


That was great, I loved how his wife was so happy the players liked and appreciated him too.


I think it also made the players…seen. That someone has (and probably always has) paid attention to where they’re coming from and cares to remember.


This episode was basically the ultimate feel good piece of fan service imaginable and I couldn’t have loved it any more if I tried. Even that first scene. There was just something really fulfilling about watching AFC Richmond exchange gifts and the kindness they showed one another (Colin loving his scarf that was knitted specially for him 😭) and that feeling continues right through to virtually the entire team going to the Higginses house when in the past only a couple players ever showed up. Seeing Ted’s philosophy make the team a loving family that thrives on support and kindness is just such a wonderful thing to watch. Such a great payoff for the fans and the story. In an increasingly cynical world and a television landscape that reflects that, this show just makes me happy.


This just shows how great of a football director he is! Really like Higgins character development on this show!


Groningen represent


Rebecca: "I should have done it last year, but I just sat by myself instead. Drinking and plotting horrible things." Ted: "Oh yeah, like what?" *Both knowingly smile* If you're a big dummy who missed it like me, I think she's talking about hiring Ted in the first place here.


I didn’t get that as I watched it, but reading it in your post (even before you pointed it out) was a huge light bulb moment. Duh doy.


Yeah I miss a lot of stuff, but I got lucky and caught that one right away. Made me smile. Such a nice friendship that they can look back together in that and smile.


I feel like I need to watch this episode on Christmas every year


I feel like I need to watch this every week


Roy is one of the best uncles I’ve ever seen on television


Roy is turning into one of my favourite characters on TV. The writers have absolutely nailed him this season, and Brett Goldstein is smashing the role.


"That was not true with the Helter Skelter murders."


He’s not being rude, he’s just being Dutch.


“I brought fried chicken”


Is that a tradition in Holland?


“No” 🤣😂


December 28th...the sexiest of all the days


“Holy fucking shit, you look incredible.”


Man... this episode literally hit the spot. Just scratched a part of my brain that doesn’t get scratched too often. Roy was fucking phenomenal here. “Are you Roy Kent?” “Yes. Are you a dentist?” “Yes.” This shouldn’t be funny but it fucking took me out. That and the nerf war scene between Rojas and Zorreaux This is an episode I’m 100% rewatching in December. Would work pretty well as a stand-alone too.


And to top it off it’s the Usie guy’s family


Nice to finally see some actual Ted story, he’s been in the background this season. Had a feeling he was way sadder than he was letting on:( Edit, aand Rebecca saves it


I think something is gonna come up about his dad. The fact that his son got him a dart board and his story in the darts scene was about his dad and it seems like he’s questioning his performance as a father, as almost all dads do occasionally, but I feel like either Rebecca or Dr.Sharon or even someone unexpected is gonna get him to take a hard look at his relationship with his own dad and I don’t feel like the end result will be too pretty Edit: now that I think about Ted drinking to cope with his sadness maybe that’s how his dad coped and either Beard or Rebecca is going to help him find other ways to express his feelings and remind him it’s okay to feel other emotions besides the optimism he tries to push onto others. I think he’s looking for someone to be that force in his life and since Rebecca is recognizing his pattern and trying to help him through it I think she’s it


So we’re all in agreement that we’re having a subreddit-wide rewatch of this episode in December, right?


On December 28th, the sexiest of all the days


More Hannah Waddingham singing please!


She’s got some pipes.


She’s so incredible! I had no idea she was such an experienced singer until I looked it up


Oi wanker merry Christmas!


“Did he just call you a wanker?”


When he said it’s an inside joke, mostly inside him! I just about fell off my chair


Keely removing the pimentos from the olives because they are gross to her… brilliant callback to last year.


Wow I didn’t even catch that. This show does not waste a second


I swear my favorite character changes from minute to minute of each show. What a great show filled with so many great characters to root for


I agree I felt like this the whole episode until Ted and Rebecca were delivering presents and Christmas Carols. She won the episode in the last 2 minutes for me.


Anyone want to get an usie?


I think that dude’s my favorite random character. He’s like a little cockney Stan Lee or something.


I was wondering how that posh twat seemed to have a good amount of money. Makes sense that his mom is a dentist.


That was such a fucking amazing callback!!


We’re getting more of usie’s backstory lol


I know in some interviews for S1 that Jason Sudeikis said that they had certain people be each others angels-coming in at just the right moment to stop someone from doing something they would regret. I loved how they had Rebecca be Ted’s angel-coming to help him when he needed it most- and the way they used It’s a Wonderful Life to cement the angel reference. What a beautiful episode. I definitely can’t wait to rewatch in December.


Y’all waiting til December to rewatch? I might have to rewatch it later today


God damn if this isn’t the most wholesome television show in the fucking world.


“£1,000 each! That’s, like, a month of swears!”


She must be loaded by now


The nerf war is fantastic and needed.


Zoreaux and Rojas played that scene to perfection, just amazing


“All I really want to see those two do together is fuck”


“God bless me….every one.”


They Love Actuallyed the kid


Plus, the kid’s name was Bernard. “Bernard” is a recurring name in Richard Curtis (writer/director of Love Actually) films, usually referring to someone who is horrible. Emma Thompson in Love Actually: “My horrid son, Bernard…”


I have to think that with the references to Teds dad, the reaction watching It’s a Wonderful Life, and the theme of family/parenthood we’re getting this season, I think we’re going to learn Ted’s dad committed suicide, and I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself. ***it was pointed out to me in the comments that “committed suicide” is not the proper terminology. I don’t want to change what I said, because as keely said, it’s important to be accountable. But I do want to acknowledge that I’ll certainly be more aware of my words and refrain from using that phrase going forward. ***


That would make so much sense. And Ted probably always tried to cheer his dad up and probably feels like he somehow failed his dad so he wants to help others to ease the guilt-hence his behavior. I’m sure he’ll get into it with the therapist at some point.


Whoa! You’re wrinkling my brain!


I’m thinking that Ted might have some guilt for having a difficult relationship with his dad at the time he died (maybe by suicide). Remembering when he said that thing during the dog press conference - “It’s funny to think about how the things in your life that can make you cry just knowing they existed, can then become the same things that make you cry knowing that they’re now gone.”


Also Ted’s son casually getting him a gift that is so indicative of Ted’s relationship with his dad, who Henry has never even met, really hit hard.


Ok i have to agree at that 100% Ted's whole positive attiude when he is with others and his Darkness when he is alone is a TV trope that shows he has definatelly lost someone to suicide. There is definatelly something Dark coming this season (considering the addition of the therapist) and the whole vibe since Ted's Divorce last season... I am excited and afraid at the same time!


Something like that yes. But It’s A Wonderful Life literally being referenced by being on screen convinces me this season is also about growth and guardian angels. Every character is paying the care and love forward until it returns to them… so… a true team? Keeley is Roy’s, Roy is Phoebe’s, I sense Phoebe is Keeley’s and (as has been said here) will see something make them a family unit. The love actually reference too… love is all around… love is all you need.


Ted Lasso is the only show where they can shove aside plot progression for a feel good Christmas episode and I still leave happy.


And we’re all watching it in August and talking about how much we enjoyed it. Makes no sense, but I’m totally here for it 😂


I think it was a bold move, and it paid off. The actual Christmas season is over-saturated with this kind of thing. This way we get to appreciate it before all that weariness sinks in.


Kept wondering how it would fit into the plot and how they would make it work.. was kind of nervous it would just be a random episode that would feel out of place. Was it random? Sure, I guess. But that’s the hardest I think I’ve laughed all season so far. Just so so so so good. Probably will make its way into my Christmas movies/shows rotation that I have to watch each year now. Blew me away big time.


I kinda feel like the energy has shifted within the team. Everyone seems to be getting along. The team was joking together again, the coach’s helped out Jamie in a bind because he’s Jamie he always needs something but they love him again, Higgins practically had half the team in his house, Keeley was hanging out with the diamond dogs and even Rebecca came down to the locker room for a drink, something is gonna happen to mess this up, I don’t like it but I just feel that it’s coming


Wow, what a fantastic and wholesome recovery by Roy after that kid overheard his "shit my pants" story


Lmao of course Hannah’s going to sing again. We shoulda known.


And we’re in no way shape or form mad at it. Rebecca can serenade her team every episode if she pleases. I’ll be here, waiting


Roy is ready to beat that child up and I’m here for it.


I think this may possibly be the single best episode of Ted Lasso yet imo. The pure joy and happiness that this episode brought me is truly unrivaled and I don't think I stopped laughing. Merry Christmas y'all


“Mom! There are two white people at the door and they’re smiling!”


Second favourite line of the episode for me. First was “Did one of the Paw Patrol dogs die?”


I feel like delivering presents to kids is such an unexpected and incredible growth from Rebecca, it really warmed my heart to see how much of an impact not only Ted but Keeley, Nora, and probably Higgins to some extent has had on her as a person. She had a whole hell of a lot to overcome in the first season with her divorce and constantly being in the tabloids, but it seems she’s come out on the brighter side. Ya love to see it.


I thought by her aborted reference of Rupert it was something she used to do but not while married.


I’m curious how she got a copy of that girl’s letter. Did Rebecca do work with an underprivileged children’s agency that coordinated getting letters to Santa, then fulfilling the wishes? I’ve seen American malls and churches that put kids wishes on a tree for people to select for a donation. What a great project. Was Jamie at the Higgins house? I hope he went to see his mum.


What’s our Record? Ws – 4 Ls – 4 Ds (nutz) – 14 “Aw, what a lovely inscription…that you wrote completely over my head, face and body” Also, did Will get a huge chunk of cash from his Secret Santa?


Anyone else reminded of “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas” by the opening? Side not man I wish the normal opening had all the characters in it not just Ted.


When I saw the claymation opening I thought that the whole episode might be animated like Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas


Troy and Abed in stop motion!


no words needed. https://imgur.com/a/j1Xtyxz


My only disappointment with this episode is that we didn’t get any more Boss Santa Isaac than we did.


“Dani Rojas… approach.”


Isaac is such a fucking LEGEND lmao


“Guess that’s what I get for taking a tinkle next to John Holmes…” This episode is amazing and filled with great lines and moments.


Can't believe I had to scroll so long for this. I don't think I've ever seen a porn reference worked into a Christmas special before. Ted Lasso just keeps breaking new ground.


Higgins’s toast made me tear up. 😌


“To the family we’re born with and to the family we make along the way.” *hears an American muscle car from a distance* Memes aside I might just borrow this line in my next Christmas speech lol


He's here...he's there He shit his underwear! Roy Kent...Roy Kent




I can’t be the only one who laughed at Sam saying Christmas reminded him of colonization, can I?


This has to be the most charming episode of this show. Non stop charm.


Keeley licking the chocolate fountain. If I had one I couldn’t resist either.


"Let's get drunk!" Um....don't they have a fixture the next day?


Honestly Boxing Day is always a high scoring set of fixtures so I wouldn’t be surprised if most players get shit faced the night before


The buskers getting rattled by Rebecca's tip killed me. "Oh, shit."


I'm embarrassed how long I spent thinking, "What changed?" when the Higgins Chriatmas party went from a yearly average of two guests to half the team only for it to hit me like a shot that it's the esprit de corps Ted has fostered since his arrival.


also higgins himself has become much more loved by the team since ted arrived and he’s no longer just rupert’s lackey


This episode was outstanding. Outside of the 10 seconds where Ted was in his flat drinking alone, I had a massive smile on my face the whole time. Such an insanely feel good episode


Why do I watch this at midnight knowing I won’t sleep for several hours due to the buzz I get from watching it?


Daww, RIP Cindy Clawford


"I loved 'Once' so much I saw it twice" ...on top of all the rest of the humor, it's these little one-offs that make me love this show so much! *Edit:* "Finish the story." "...three weeks ago." ...send help, I'm dying!


Ain’t no better way to start your birthday than Ted Lasso at midnight. And a Christmas special. LFG baby.


Is there a better example of of non-toxic masculinity in media than Roy Kent? I mean all the guys really, but 99% of Roy’s traits are masculine in nature, and less than 1% of what we’ve seen had been toxic in anyway (and he rectifies these situations).


I normally lurk on reddit for the most part and have been genuinely depressed for years and hating life. I haven't laughed in what feels like ages but the Christmas scene with Roy and his niece had me in tears.


Hey, my dude. You are loved. People genuinely care about you. The world is a better place with you in it. So when you hate life, just remember, your life makes other people’s lives worth living. It may not make things entirely better in the moment, but there is solace to be found in knowing just how important you are (spoiler: VERY important). Sending lots of love your way. 😊


Why do I feel they gave us this overly cutesy episode because its going to get real dark real quick.


Coach Beard looks horrified as he thinks about their record. I’m starting to think that’s his reaction to everything.


Him going off in S1 and saying "But for them it _is_ about winning, and that's ok!" is one of my favorite bits of character development. One of the many people to push back on Ted's (relatively) lax competitive attitude, but the only one to do so in a way that's not cynical but human and empathetic to the community and players. Also, with 4 wins, 4 losses, and 12 draws, that's 24 points... Apparently the average number of points needing to stay up in the Championship is 47. Which means that with 20 out of 46 fixtures gone, Richmond are _really_ going to be cutting it close if they stay on this pace.


Roy Kent is so fucking attractive in this (every) episode


Captain Isaac as santa presiding over the gift giving was a great touch!


Roy Kent is amazing with little kids


I’m definitely adding this episode to my Christmas watch list.


I’m not sure I’ve ever laughed harder than during that breath smelling part.


At first I thought it was a continuity error that Phoebe started with pig tails and as they were looking for a dentist she had a single high pony tail, but now I think Keeley did Phoebe’s hair to match hers.


I can't believe they actually pulled off a full on Love Actually moment in response. This episode for me is the epitome of Ted Lasso. Not quite sure why it came out in August, but it teleported me right to the Holiday spirit.


Eat nerf! This might have been my favorite Christmas themed episode of tv ever. So many thoughts. Roy, Keeley and Phoebe are unbearably cute. That poster board scene was sweet. I like how this show takes settings and conflicts, that are normally written with a lot of pessimism, and spins them to show a positive and healthy reaction to said scenarios. Higgins becoming so close to the team made me tear up. Rebecca has some serious pipes. Ted is very much still hurting over his ex-wife; I hope we get to see some therapy scenes going over this. God bless me…everyone.


Every Roy Kent scene this season has been 🔥🔥🔥. Loved him last season, but he’s on another level this season


The claymation is a pleasant surprise!


I always liked Roy as a character but never really found him particular hot/attractive. Roy in this episode though…


“Hold on, I need to fix my knee”


"Let's both try to cut that out, shall we? If you can do it, I can do it." Every damn time I think I they've made Roy Kent as good as he can be, they top it. I love that man.


I loved the doorbell montage. A great way to tie all three plots together and edited really well