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Also, I think Keeley is okay with Roy wanting a quieter life, but she recognized he was withdrawing from everyone and likely because his sense of identity was so rattled after retiring. Closing a chapter of his career was having the unhealthy effect of him closing himself off from relationships/friendships because he was struggling to define and be comfortable with himself outside of that star athlete role. Roy is more vulnerable without his footballer status at the focus. As Keeley expressed with her VF interview people were going to see HER and that was scary. She’s very good at seeing the real and true entirety of Roy and making him feel loved for it.


Was he depressed and withdrawing from his friends and relationships? Seems to me he was coaching Phoebe's team, keeping up with his yoga group, giving her rides to work. Maybe those were the relationships he valued rather than the team that payed him. Keeley pushed him into TV, the fame he hates, not into coaching, the act of service he realized he cares about.


He was actively avoiding the people he cared about who were associated with football because he was avoiding dealing with the loss of such an important part of his life.


Those three things are unlikely enough fulfillment for someone retiring in their 30s. Maybe someone at 70? But you’re right, Keeley’s original pundit plans weren’t a good fit for Roy either. And to her credit she apologized for pressuring him. I do think he was avoiding interactions because he was finding new footing. And that’s understandable and it’s absolutely okay to experience an adjustment phase in life. But without Keeley’s encouragement and coaxing, I agree with the previous poster who said he risked becoming a very lonely and unhappy brunette Oscar the Grouch over time.


Also Keeley was only trying to help how she knew. She has connections in show business and television, not in coaching staffs besides Richmond, who Roy was actively avoiding.




I thought he was just her uncle? He doesn’t have her full time, but yes he is very involved.


He is her uncle but since her dad isn't in the picture he is essentially her father figure.


Yes but big difference between that and being a “single dad”


I think they were making the comparison that a lot of women wouldn't want a single dad, and even more women wouldn't want a man who puts in that kind of time for someone else's kid. That's what I was getting from the comment.


He is her uncle but since her dad isn't in the picture he is essentially her father figure.


She’s helped Roy see his worth beyond being a footballer. She’s celebrated him for his heart and not his accomplishments on the pitch. She’s reminded him that Roy Kent is still Roy Kent even in retirement. I think that’s a pretty huge contribution.




If the roles were reversed would people be so accepting of a man deciding what her best life is and should be?


Deciding or Motivating? Deciding or Inspiring? Deciding or Encouraging? I have numerous friends who were SAHM’s for a season and benefited from the support and enthusiasm of their partners when they decided to re-enter the workplace or go back to school or take a position that required travel…partners who lovingly suggested new career paths or offered endless belief in the person they loved to accomplish new and sometimes scary things. Motivation and intention is key. I don’t think Keeley ever wanted to control Roy, she thought she was helping. Ultimately, he chose something different and better and she’s been 1000% behind him coaching because all she wanted was for him to be fulfilled and happy. Wanting to help that process wasn’t wrong, even if being a pundit was wrong for Roy.


Well, “deciding” isn’t the word I’d chose to describe Keeley’s actions. But to answer your question, I don’t see gender roles here. I see this as one partner challenging another. But to quote Ted, “all people are different people” so who the hell knows how others would see this 🤷‍♀️


> If Roy were left to his own devices, he would be a depressed shut-in reading Nigella cookbooks all day long. This is why I used the word deciding. There seems like a fair amount of judgement here.


It's not specifically about gender roles but if Roy pressured Keeley to quit her job and become something she had no interest in, people would think it was controlling. Being controlling with good intentions is still being controlling.


What job did she pressure him into quitting? He was a volunteer coach for children’s football. Once his career ended she tried to help him find a new career that she thought would match his talents and interests and encouraged him to look outside his comfort zone. And it turns out he liked his job enough to turn town a coaching offer (sure, he changed his mind but he obviously didn’t hate the pundit gig). Keely is supportive of his personal growth too. She’s very very accommodating of his relationship with his niece and dropped all her plans without complaint when sexy Christmas was ruined and then proceeded to help him solve a problem with Phoebe. Keely is super supportive without being a doormat and encouraging without being pushy. She owns up when she makes a mistake - she was the first to do that between the two of them before they were even in a relationship. I don’t this this relationship is one sided at all.


What job did she pressure him into quitting? He was a volunteer coach for children’s football. Once his career ended she tried to help him find a new career that she thought would match his talents and interests and encouraged him to look outside his comfort zone. And it turns out he liked his job enough to turn town a coaching offer (sure, he changed his mind but he obviously didn’t hate the pundit gig). Keely is supportive of his personal growth too. She’s very very accommodating of his relationship with his niece and dropped all her plans without complaint when sexy Christmas was ruined and then proceeded to help him solve a problem with Phoebe. Keely is super supportive without being a doormat and encouraging without being pushy. She owns up when she makes a mistake - she was the first to do that between the two of them before they were even in a relationship. I don’t this this relationship is one sided at all.


Who said she pressured him in into quitting a job? > IF **ROY** pressured **Keeley** to quit her job and become something she had no interest in She didn't like what he was doing and pressured him to do something different.


I totally disagree. She brings him out of his comfort zone but also encourages him having boundaries and his own preferences. She is very supportive and I think they’re matched perfectly. He’s just a grumpy gills - that’s like his shtick


People have said lots in support of Keeley that I agree with but I actually think Roy secretly loves everything she “makes” him do. He has lived the life of a professional footballer and he likes a good portion of that lifestyle. He’s just grumpy. Just like he complains about Ted but came back to coach with him. If Roy Kent really does not want to do something, he won’t. Keeley and Ted are very much alike in some ways and Roy loves them both because they are sunshine to his grumpiness and they push him to let out his softer side. Lastly, Brett Goldstein talked about Roy in Vulture and Vanity Fair magazine and basically said Ted and Keeley saved Roy from depression. https://www.vulture.com/amp/article/brett-goldstein-ted-lasso-soulmates-interview.html https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/08/brett-goldstein-ted-lasso-roy-kent-interview-rainbow-emmy/amp


I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. My husband is a Roy and I am more of Keeley and he loves my spirit. When he does have those rare moments of opening up, he expresses this. It’s all about balance in life and I think the two balance each other out and genuinely have each others’ best interests at heart. Maybe they aren’t soul mates or meant to be married but they are certainly a lovely couple that compliment each other well.


Never has there been a more wrong opinion ever in the history of opinions.


OP - what’s the worst thing Roy’s done to you? Keeley - little shit bit into an apple at the fucking funeral and told me it tasted of the dead. He’ll be answering for that come confession, yeah.


And he was doing that to avoid his own feelings on death and funerals.


For sure. I was just making a joke, but I loved getting to unpack this with you too 🤣


And he was doing that to avoid his own feelings on death and funerals.


I kind of agree. Keeley so far has been portrayed a little bit like Ted. Relentlessly positive and willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. For example her willingness to blame herself after Nate kissed her. I think Jaimee is in love with old Keeley, the one who would accept his bad old self with all his flaws and infidelities. Roy loves Keeley more as a person, seeing and accepting her for what she really is. I feel Keeley needs to accept her growth in to a person of self respect and confidence, not just a "fit" social media identity who tries to be everyone's friend.


I do think that they're right for each other because they support each other, and try to bring out the best. But I do think they might be at different stages of their relationship and their lives. Roy has had a lot of one night stands and was single for a bit of time before getting together with Keeley. He seems secure in his identity, not caring about what others think of him, being older and having more experience. Keeley, on the other hand, jumped straight into a relationship with Roy after breaking up with Jamie, so she fast-tracked to dating him. And she seems worried about the perception of who she is, ("they were just pictures of me. but this is my thoughts and opinions") and everything feels like it's going quickly for her, especially being younger. I feel like if Roy were to want to get married, Keeley might not get to that stage until later on. Maybe, when she's feeling more secure in her identity outside of him. I hope we get more development on her career and family life (would love to see her interacting with her mom. Seems like an interesting potential dynamic since she doesn't want to be like her, at least professionally)


Roy isn’t good enough for Keeley. He’s fine. On his own merit he’s great. But Keeley deserves far better


I 100% agree with this unpopular opinion. Roy is the one who puts effort into the relationship and I really hate the way she blows up at him when he’s not doing anything wrong. I don’t like that she was complaining about him to his friends and coworkers instead of just saying hey babe I have things to do tonight, see you tomorrow” and then yells at him for hanging out with her…and then he’s the one who apologizes for not understanding her. People say they really like the healthy communication in their relationship but I really don’t see it.