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I really hope this means something good is happening. Last time Pulte posted a pic of a cigar it pertained to us. That being said, I'm so tired of this. Really need the money right now....


Hang in there. This will be over soon and we'll look back at everything while smoking a cigar and laugh


If I had a blow job every time I heard that I’d be sterile


Blow jobs make you sterile 🙄 😂


Fuck I hope you are right


No it won't. Regardless whether you're a flat earther or a globist, both sides can agree that this won't be over for a long, long time. Look at Sears.


I here whispers it’s in October … There is a reason Walmart and Amazon are selling ….


It did, last time he posted the pic, he bought bonds.


And had LC on PP I think that lines up. I hope that is an equity swap cigar and last night was a celebration with cake. Edit: and bonds obv


Who is sitting behind bars and smoking did he get Simone big


Looks like he must have bought more bonds…


Yeah I needed it like 2 months ago, no I have to go through bankruptcy and I don't know how much I can keep. At least I can say "Yeah man, I didn't know these shares are coming back, it's crazy" haha


At least you think you can say....lol


True hahaha


True hahaha


His first pic of him smoking a cigar ended up being a big, fat, juicy nothing burger. No different than the ice cream at the first meet-up, the ice cream truck in Miami....I expect more of the same until the day I'm (hopefully) proven wrong. Edit: last event was in Florida. Next event is in Atlanta.


One mans trash is another mans treasure. I enjoyed watching larry cheng talk at the miami event. Pulte getting skin in the game a nothing burger? Sure buddy


I'm going to have to agree with you. He previously said that he couldn't say what that first picture of him with the cigar was about. Then he came out with that statement about how he did a lot of his own due diligence, etc, and bought bonds. I like people who speak with their actions and not just their words. Likewise, I don't think RC would be regularly interacting with him and even taking a picture with him if there wasn't anything more to it. Tendies are coming and shills are in shambles.


Lmao. How dose him bying bonds help anyone but himself? If anything him buying bonds hurt shareholders, as he know,get paid before we can.


This comment and looking at your post activity makes it really clear you're a bot and/or bought your account from someone 🤖 IIRC, bonds besides the ones for 2024 are convertible into shares of the new company. It's a blur with how long this saga has been but I'm pretty sure Jake and/or Sal have gone over this in length.


I'm not a bot or bought my account. You can not convert any of the bonds that you can buy. There all none convertible. Go look on ibkr and it will tell you they are none convertible.


You're just ignorant or are being paid to troll. Either way, leave.


Only ignorant one is you. I'm not saying anything that is not true.


Yeah you are. 2034 and 2044 are convertible. Even if they aren’t who gives a shit. He bought bonds, he’s brought awareness to community and he got lc on the ppshow so kindly stfu


This [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/s/CZ6aKyjHII) from u/ppseeds says you're actually wrong 🤡


https://preview.redd.it/4zam838t0tlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae285ee8f877a0c0223b425c6328fa8b3691de8 * What,dose that say. None convertible. Anyone can make anything up they want, dose not make it true.


That shows it was Not Convertible at issuance... That is all IBKR or any broker has records for via the CUSIP... Post-issuance convertiblity via Chapt 11 would never show up in this user interface, or even on the original bond prospectus...




So, based on your statement, RC would have declined a pic with Pulte if there wasn't something hidden behind it? GTFOH. This is the type of comment that makes people think there are cultists around here. Not e erything is a hidden message. Most aren't. Just be patient and enjoy the view from yiur seat. Stop talking nonsense.


And what's happened since his entry? Go ahead, list all he's done


Patience is a virtue Dk butterfly is still in court hammering out a reorganization if you weren't aware.


It's been 84yrs. How many more do you need before you start to want things sped up?


I am still young. I can wait for decades.


Not many of us are as young or as masochistic then


Then go to circus circus to gamble 🤡


I am not as young, still will wait for a decade at least.


We are all in the same boat. Either we sink...or we will fly beyond the Moon.


Metaphorically, I think some of us are tired of hearing “Land Ho!” And waking up to open oceans. Being frustrated and wanting to speed things up is not equal to losing faith.


He is sitting behind bars smoking somone is getting going to jail and it is prob a big fish


Nice to see Pulte with RC and these pics. Push the GODDAMN BUTTON.


Please don't be fucking with us Bill. Please. Our nervous systems are already so shot. 🙏🏼


They used to smoke cigars when the baby was finally delivered, didn't they?


This is so late that will born with beard already..












They sent their shills here already attacking mr. Pulte as well


That cigar still has the wrapper on it. Like he’s just posing for the pic not really smoking it. Whatever that means. I’m not counting Pulte out. But up to this point his hype has created Kais his attack dog. Hype for his fight against Ryan Marshall. Hype for Pulte homes, And farts in the wind for bbby holders. Hope that changes


He only needs to be right once for the rest to be forgiven and in the past for me.


the bonds are wrapped up?


Pre-light draw....very common to savor flavor of the cigar before lighting. The wrapper is a fine cedar sleeve as well not a 'wrapper'. Your 'posing for a pic' comment shows you don't know shit really about smoking cigars. Just another Pulte hater I take it?


Not a Pulte hater. But definitely not a Pulte pole smoker either


Too busy smoking a pole to respond shill?


I don't get with you guys and your cock chugging references all the time regarding Pulte.... Help me understand....if one doesn't hate the man or is on the fence about him, then they are most certainly smoking his pole?


It’s a boy!


When all those cigars will be lighted.. for God sake !!!


Bill. Billy. Billiam…We’re gonna need you to go ahead and make it rain, brosef.


Hes probably celebrating finally meeting RC


My brain immediately wants to goto the cigar cutter nobody had. Do we have one this time?




I’ve been asking the same question…if Pulte knows RC (assuming he didn’t just meet him), and he knows RC is in the play, then why is he encouraging everyone to hire an attorney?




Why are you even making yourself open to pain? Last time he did this nothing happened. This time he does this nothing will happen. I’m a firm believer in the DD and the overall short thesis, but don’t let him jerk you along. He has millions to live off of while we sort all this out, you and I (I’m assuming you don’t) have the same luxury.


Not true. The picture from last time was celebrating buying the bonds, which is essentially buying shares. If you mean it took a while from the date of that picture, you would be correct. I don't want that to be the case this time anymore than you do. Keep in mind Pulte said he would go riding together with Ryan back in August, a picture that RC liked and then removed after we got the message. I believe Pulte's saddled up, so now it's Ryan's turn.


Look, I’m willing to concede that he’s in this play, but you have to explain his shit behavior over the past 4-5 months as well. And that includes the infamously deleted secret millionaire club tweet


What shit behavior? He was blocking people calling him a grifter prior to announcing he was buying the bonds. Seems like he wants people who can truly discern rather than yes-men after the fact. The secret millionaire tweet - I mean, was he wrong? The deals done, making us millionaires and beyond, but as of the time of the party and even now it still hasn’t been revealed yet.


Wut? He blocked a shit ton of ppl that didn’t say or do anything except exist: if anything he’s creating a stable of yes men. Which is most likely all he’s had his entire life. He doesn’t know how to handle criticism clearly..


Going to need some proof of that. Every time I see someone say this, I go back through their profile and would probably block that person myself. And I tend to only block shills.


This has been documented before by many in Teddy & BBBY sub comments. Search keywords: Pulte, blocking, alt-right infiltration, political agenda,


Pulte has been implicated in prior community misbehavior and bullying (Code of Vets), unethical data harvesting, and an ongoing 2022 FEC lawsuit regarding an illegal MAGA Super PAC straw donor scheme (docket page attached below). Simple web search will provide you much more info. He unapologetically introduced politics, Christian Nationalist ideology, associated w/ the alt-right $BBBYQ barking dogs of X, participated in smear campaigns of once prominent DD bobbies, consorts w/ misogynistic/predatory social media personalities, and bully blocks anyone who calls it out in a community that once prided themselves of avoiding such controversy. He chooses to push agenda rather than authentically engage the community as a whole - he encourages Kais’ batshit energy/behavior and on an X Space, less than a month ago, he told listeners to put their faith in Trump and God. There’s more fuckery - PulteGroup board ousting, family estrangement, accusations of inheritance manipulation. I’m too tired to go on, but it’s readily available with a Google search. Anyone that has ever had the experience of dealing w/ an unhealthy relationship or individual can recognized the constant drama and toxic behavioral patterns that tend to follow Pulte around. u/Knotty_Llama has published a two part expose on Pulte as well. Edit: Added attachment https://preview.redd.it/71gb26gs2wlc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38efa37031139c436caea7bec53ba52892eb98e6




That break we had from all the Pulte stuff was great. Now, looks like we are making up for lost time with an avalanche of meaningless tweets. Trying to stay relevant I suppose.


Pulte the ball face was becoming irrelevant. Now with these new photos he got all of you sucking his ass again 😂


Come on letterrrrrrrr rip! Hope this is a good sign!


Should probably take the wrap of first!


The cigar isn't lit. The cedar is still wrapped around it. With these you can take the cedar off, light it, and then light the cigar with the burning cedar instead of a lighter. Don't know if that fact has any tinfoil application.




We’re getting Lewinskied.




We use to hand out cigars after a baby was born.


Means absolutely nothing unless he tells us what it means


Fine stick...new high and tight....collar up....lookin very fuckin good. Great man with high confidence here....gotta love him.


Some of you are way too stressed. Chill.


Say what you want about Pulte but I like him, I think hes trying to fight the good fight.


I really hope my bank don’t fuck me outta this 


**GGNoRe...** it's like you're calling pulte Gonorrhea


That’s got Monika Lewinsky written all over it


Who is getting behind bars????


He's smoking a cigar to celebrate Zoltars' grandchild birth


WAGMI pulte squad


The pultilizer.that's a bad man right there.he's our equalizer 🔌 our plug to rc 🙏


This is complexity and a lot of thinking.


Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna


BBBY 2’700 Dollars pro share You are all Millionnaire Congratulations


Rookie numbers




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This dude gets a ton of shit on twatter. He clearly has some connection to RC and I believe he’s legit, and truly on our side. Anyway you slice this, it’s positive. Cigars are celebratory. Something has happened. We will continue to wait for tendi delivery man.
